| Butter up Vegans have long been the ornery saints squatting cross-legged at the intersection of the food and environmental movements. But a new book has persuaded George Monbiot, for one, that there is a way to eat meat and dairy with a clean conscience. Find out how.   Take a Michigander Michigan Republican Rick Snyder is a high-tech venture capitalist, a one-time Nature Conservancy board member, and a Smart Growth backer who talks about investing in transit and reining in sprawl. And he could well become governor of a state with huge challenges and huge opportunities to reshape its economy. For enviros searching for the elusive "green Republican," he's worth tracking. Find out more about him. Partners in slime In a report based on its own investigation, BP accepts some responsibility for the Deepwater Horizon explosion, but also points fingers at its partners. Plus, Germany's nuclear summer, and the mob moves into wind power. Read more. Greening the 'Hood Unlike in Seattle or San Francisco, which have aggressively moved to prioritize food security and encourage urban agriculture efforts, projects in Oakland have flourished through benign neglect, reports Stephanie Paige Ogburn for Feeding the City. Read more. Instead of brains, they moan for caaaash Virtually all Republican congressional candidates criticize what they call "cap-and-tax" as too expensive, but how many actually deny the reality of climate change science? A lot. PC Power Find out how your laptop can join IBM's Worldwide Community Grid, a global network of linked personal computers that's helping to develop better water filters, clean up polluted waterways, and find treatments for waterborne diseases. Read more. Belly up, America! In response to a recent editorial, The New York Times received a letter from Steve Miller, head of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a coal industry front group. It is dense with illogic and deception, says David Roberts.   | |