Fed’s Easy Money Days Have Pushed Us to the Brink of an Economic Catastrophe! Fox News’ Dick Morris Reveals the Best Way to Stay Safe and Prosper in These Troubling Times Dear Newsmax Reader,
 Printing money has become synonymous with American economic policy these days. And for good reason. After all, the Fed has printed trillions of dollars out of thin air since the end of 2008. But has it been put to good use? Absolutely not! It never reached the folks and small businesses on Main Street. In fact, $1 trillion is sitting in the Fed’s vaults still gathering dust in a “slush fund” of sorts. Another $1.9 trillion is stuck on the books of President Obama’s big business friends on Wall Street.
Nothing ever reached you. And it never will. Recklessly turning on the printing presses has put us on a path to inflation and a dying dollar. And “politics as usual” has kept this dangerous spending from ever benefiting you.
Now the Federal Reserve is experiencing internal fighting within its ranks. Kansas City Federal Reserve President Thomas Hoenig was quoted as saying, "I worry that by pumping in significant amounts of dollars we then build the inflationary pressures for the future." All of this speaks to a much greater and more threatening problem . . . The United States economy is barely carrying a pulse. We have not recovered and unfortunately the two largest economic bubbles are on the verge of bursting. And when they do, the 2008 recession may shadow in comparison to the damage that is caused by the coming catastrophe. YOU NEED THE TRUTH. And that’s why I want to send you a telling book by the only economists who accurately foretold of the previous, four-bubble financial meltdown. The book is called Aftershock. To date I’ve given out over 125,000 copies of it for FREE to fortunate Newsmax readers (a $28 value). And I’d like to send you one at no charge as well. Click here to secure a copy. Fox News analyst and top political adviser Dick Morris has pronounced that Aftershock is a “MUST READ.” And that’s because this book does not try to sugarcoat our economic crisis. Aftershock describes a scenario where unemployment could hit 50%. The stock market could experience a depression-like crash. And the real estate market could plunge even deeper into an abyss. But while its predictions may be dark, Aftershock offers powerful solutions for protecting and growing your investments, real estate strategies for your home, employment tips for your job, and an all-around blueprint for surviving the years ahead. No matter how bad it gets. This book is a detailed and crucial financial survival guide. And that’s why I want to send you a copy 100% for FREE (a $28 gift). Click here to read more about Aftershock and this amazing offer! To Your Success,  Aaron DeHoog Financial Publisher Newsmax and Moneynews So What Do Aftershock Readers Have to Say? Here are excerpts of a few e-mails I've received from folks who've been fortunate to claim their copy of this important book . . . The authors of Aftershock pull no punches, (if you want cheerleading and false hope, turn on the TV). If you want a logical, down-to-earth, no-holds-barred, real look at what's going on, this book is the one . . . I thank everyone who made this book available to me. I'm really glad I took action. Tony It arrived! . . . what a work of grace these authors have penned . . . Thanks for running with the vision given your Christopher Ruddy; for making Aftershock available to us; for instilling a desire in each of us for something we did not yet know existed. God bless Susan I would like to make gifts of this book, ASAP, to some important friends. Ron B. Just finished the book Aftershock. What an insight. Thanks a million. I feel blessed to have read the book. Janis Your book is outstanding. It galvanizes experiences I am watching every day and creates a framework of understanding. K.C. You can join your fellow Americans who are taking the steps to protect themselves in the years ahead with your FREE copy of Aftershock. Click here to claim it! Aftershock Has Gotten Rave Reviews For Its Tough Message For the Future! "But as bitter as it is, 'Aftershock's' message that America has yet to pay its bills deserves an audience. After all, the authors were right once before." Michael Casey, MarketBeat, (a Wall Street Journal blog) " . . . surrounded as we are by growing talk of recovery and news about 'green shoots,' it's still refreshing to consider the different perspective that Wiedemer, Wiedemer, and Spitzer offer here." Robert J. Hughes, Smart Money "Their scenario is dark, and their strategies bold and unconventional. But after being on target the last time they went against the grain, the Wiedemers merit being heard out." The Associated Press "This is a page turner, but it will be slow reading from the standpoint of having to constantly stop and make notes in the margin or pause to see how a particular point directly affects the reader's own situation. Reading this book will make you aware of economics like you've never previously been aware." James Holland, Basil & Spice For your homework this week, read "Aftershock," by David Wiedemer, Robert A. Wiedemer, and Cindy Spitzer, especially the section on "Say Goodbye to the Age of Excess." Chuck Norris, legendary actor and conservative columnist Click Here to Secure Your FREE Copy of Aftershock (a $28 value)! |