An Urgent Message for Current and Soon-to-Be Seniors How to Protect Your Income From Washington’s Assault on Social Security Dear Newsmax Reader, It can only be described as the ultimate deception. Back in 2008, President Obama campaigned on a platform of boosting the quality of life for senior citizens making $50,000 or less with a much-needed tax cut. His words back then were uplifting . . . "If you work hard and pay into the system, you've earned the right to a secure retirement" -Then-Presidential Candidate Obama Even the staunchest Conservative could get behind those words. Because they’re true. Seniors have fought wars for America. Their patriotism and sacrifices have kept us safe. They’ve built our cities and our roads. They laid a solid foundation for our nation’s future. But while candidate Obama understood this, President Obama seems to have forgotten. When it came time for the stimulus bill, his senior citizen tax cut was suspiciously absent. And it wasn’t in his first budget either. In fact, it simply disappeared off President Obama’s radar. But that was just his first salvo in this assault. Obamacare ushered in a $5 trillion assault on seniors’ Medicare benefits. And he’s still pushing to eradicate the Bush tax cuts, which would hurt many seniors who rely on their investment income to live. Fortunately, his chances of success on eliminating the Bush tax cuts are slim thanks to the November elections. But President Obama has other means of financially hurting seniors. As inflation and a weakened dollar begin to strike the country, he announced that there will not be a 2011 cost-of-living increase for Social Security. Since this annual increase was initiated, there has been only one other time that this has happened in history . . . 2010. This week the debt commission that he appointed came back with a plan to drastically weaken Social Security benefits even further. Now President Obama has changed his tune from his 2008 rhetoric. “We are going to have to take actions that are difficult and we’re going to have to tell the truth to the American people.” - President Obama It looks like the “difficult actions” will involve waging an economic assault on the average folks that he so valiantly campaigned for. And if he’s now stating it’s time to tell the truth what was he telling us before? The message is clear. You cannot count on Social Security. You cannot count on Washington, D.C., to protect your wealth. You have to take matters into your own hands. Newsmax has prepared a 100% FREE report that documents a powerful income stream that can provide you with a 12.3% cash return each year on your investment. This could allow you to outpace inflation, multiply your savings returns many times over what CDs, bonds, and money markets offer, plus provide a serious boost to your monthly income. Your personal copy of this FREE report is located here! Click here to read it now! To Your Success,
Aaron DeHoog Financial Publisher Newsmax and Moneynews |