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Newser Daily Digest - Michele Bachmann Outraises Mitt Romney

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Michele Bachmann Outraises Mitt Romney

Michele Bachmann Outraises Mitt Romney

(Newser) - Who's the front-runner, again? Michele Bachmann raised $2.2 million in the first quarter of 2011, easily trumping Mitt Romney's $1.9 million, reports Fox News . Bachmann pulled in $500,000 through her political action committee (MichelePAC) and $1.7 million through her congressional re-election fund. The latter money could... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 2, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Why I Dread Game Change

Why I Dread Game Change

(Newser) - Meghan McCain doesn't exactly have high hopes for the HBO adaptation of Game Change, the book about the 2008 campaign. "I expect my family and Sarah Palin to be nothing short of crucified," she writes in the Daily Beast . The book itself is unreliable and has a distinct... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 2, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Obama in Libya: Wrong Words, Right Moves

Obama in Libya: Wrong Words, Right Moves

(Newser) - There’s a big gap between what the US is doing in Libya and how the administration is describing it—and while the White House’s explanation is "maddeningly ambiguous," the actual operation is right on, writes David Brooks in the New York Times . Regime change is the... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 2, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Ohio Anti-Union Law Makes Wisconsin's Look Soft

Ohio Anti-Union Law Makes Wisconsin's Look Soft

(Newser) - There hasn’t been a lot of attention lavished on Ohio’s new anti-union law , which Governor John Kasich signed last night, and that’s a bit surprising, the New York Times observes, because it’s in many ways tougher than the much-debated similar law passed in Wisconsin. Whereas Wisconsin’... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 2, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Now on Fox News: Donald Trump

Now on Fox News: Donald Trump

(Newser) - It was only a matter of time: While other potential 2012 candidates have been suspended from their gigs at Fox News, Donald Trump has signed up for one. He’ll make a weekly appearance on a Fox & Friends segment called “Mondays With Trump,” reports Mediaite . “The... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 2, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Jan Brewer Wants to Charge Medicaid 'Fat Fee'

Jan Brewer Wants to Charge Medicaid 'Fat Fee'

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has an idea for how to raise money for the state’s Medicaid program: charge obese people and smokers. Brewer’s proposal would require smokers or obese people who don’t follow a doctor’s weight loss program to pay a $50 fee if they are... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 2, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.


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'Your Belly or Your Life' said Doc. How He Lost It - Video


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[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-04-02

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Slashdot Daily Newsletter

In this issue:
* Robots Dive Deep To Solve Airliner Crash Mystery
* Internet Explorer Antitrust Case Set To Expire
* 'Zodiac Island' Makers Say ISP Worker Wiped an Entire Season
* Convicted Terrorist Relied On Single-Letter Cipher
* SlashTweaks Let YOU Micro-Edit Slashdot
* Debian, OpenSUSE, Arch, Gentoo and Grml Merge
* Google Gmail Motion Beta
* Vatican To Digitize Prohibited Archives
* Toshiba Develops 3-D Monocle
* Facebook and Zynga Team Up To Merge Romance and Social Gaming
* Glasses Purge 3rd D From Films
* Huffington Post Fights Back Against NY Times Paywall
* MakerBot Introduces Printable Vinyl Records
* Regional Broadcast Using an Atmospheric Link Layer
* LHC, CERN Has Found the Hugs Boson
* Oracle's Ellison Accused of Running Executive Fighting Ring
* Ask Slashdot: Advice On a DIY Neutron Beam?
* Plumber Injection Attack In Bowser's Castle
* Block Adverts Outside of the Browser
* TSA Mandates GA 'Self-Pat-Down' Program
* AffirmIt!, the Supportive Testing Framework
* Four Physicists Arrested After SSC Break-In

| Robots Dive Deep To Solve Airliner Crash Mystery
| from the pre-trial-discovery-for-serious dept.
| posted by timothy on Thursday March 31, @21:11 (Robotics)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/0026202/Robots-Dive-Deep-To-Solve-Airliner-Crash-Mystery?from=newsletter

[0]coondoggie writes "A small squadron of undersea robots has begun to
conduct a [1]4-month, 3,900 square mile search of Atlantic Ocean bottom
looking for the deep-sea wreck site of and black boxes from Air France
Flight 447 which crashed off the coast of Brazil nearly two years ago.
The Air France plane was flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, when for
exact reasons that remain a mystery, it crashed into the Atlantic Ocean
on June 1, 2009, taking with it 228 souls."

Discuss this story at:

0. mailto:mcooney@nww.com
1. http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/72669

| Internet Explorer Antitrust Case Set To Expire
| from the all-seeing-and-wise-benevolent-gov't-saved-us dept.
| posted by timothy on Thursday March 31, @23:50 (Microsoft)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/0123247/Internet-Explorer-Antitrust-Case-Set-To-Expire?from=newsletter

[0]jbrodkin writes "The judgment in [1]United States vs. Microsoft is on
the verge of expiring, nearly a decade after antitrust officials ruled
Microsoft unfairly limited competition against its Internet Explorer
browser. Microsoft has two more weeks to fulfill the final requirements
in the antitrust case, which is scheduled to expire on May 12. Although
Netscape ultimately didn't benefit, the settlement seems to have done its
job. From a peak of 95% market share, by some estimates Internet Explorer
now has less than half of the browser market. Microsoft, of course, filed
its own antitrust action against Google this week, and even commented
publicly on the irony of its doing so, noting that Microsoft has 'spent
more than a decade wearing the shoe on the other foot.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.networkworld.com/
1. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/033111-microsoft-antitrust-google.html?hpg1=bn

| 'Zodiac Island' Makers Say ISP Worker Wiped an Entire Season
| from the when-backup-day-comes-too-late dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday April 01, @02:37 (Data Storage)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/0354232/Zodiac-Island-Makers-Say-ISP-Worker-Wiped-an-Entire-Season?from=newsletter

itwbennett writes "The creators of 'Zodiac Island' say they lost an
entire season of their syndicated children's television show after a
former employee at their Internet service provider [0]wiped out more than
300GB of video files. eR1 World Network, the show's creator, is suing the
ISP, CyberLynk of Franklin, Wisconsin, and its former employee, Michael
Jewson, for damages, saying CyberLynk should have done a better job of
protecting its data."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.itworld.com/security/142270/lawsuit-fired-data-center-worker-wiped-out-tv-show

| Convicted Terrorist Relied On Single-Letter Cipher
| from the was-the-letter-q? dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday April 01, @05:23 (Crime)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/0017214/Convicted-Terrorist-Relied-On-Single-Letter-Cipher?from=newsletter

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "The Register reports that the majority of the
communications between convicted terrorist Rajib Karim and Bangladeshi
Islamic activists were encrypted with a [1]system which used Excel
transposition tables which they invented themselves. It used a
single-letter substitution cipher invented by the ancient Greeks that had
been [2]used and described by Julius Caesar in 55BC. Despite urging by
the Yemen-based al Qaida leader Anwar Al Anlaki, Karim rejected the use
of a [3]sophisticated code program called 'Mujhaddin Secrets' which
implements all the AES candidate cyphers, 'because "kaffirs," or
non-believers, know about it so it must be less secure.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://hughpickens.com/slashdot/
1. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/03/22/ba_jihadist_trial_sentencing/
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher
3. http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/02/mujahideen_secr_1.html

| SlashTweaks Let YOU Micro-Edit Slashdot
| from the do-my-job-for-me dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Friday April 01, @08:04 (Slashdot.org)
| https://meta.slashdot.org/story/11/03/31/2125200/SlashTweaks-Let-YOU-Micro-Edit-Slashdot?from=newsletter

Here at Slashdot, we watched as Twitter discourse to just the perfect 140
characters, while showed us that everyone's voice mattered equally when
creating the experience. We've taken the next step with SlashTweaks.
Within each Slashdot you will be presented with several opportunities to
make micro-edits: ranging from factual errors or tonal shifts to simple
typos. Since Tweaks are just a single word, there is very little barrier
to entry... you have no excuse not to participate. Stories will
incorporate the highest rated socially and mathematically guaranteeing
the best story possible. Our highest users can start new tweaks on
individual words, while everyone else will be rating existing tweaks.
Thanks for your participation and patience while we iterate on this,
making sure that we are able to stay ahead of the edge of webbovation!

Discuss this story at:

| Debian, OpenSUSE, Arch, Gentoo and Grml Merge
| from the simplifying-and-streamlining dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @08:48 (Debian)
| https://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/1212219/Debian-OpenSUSE-Arch-Gentoo-and-Grml-Merge?from=newsletter

[0]tomhudson writes "[1]debian, [2]arch linux, [3]opensuse, [4]grml, and
[5]gentoo are merging to create a new distro: 'We are to announce the
birth of the Canterbury distribution. Canterbury is a merge of the
efforts of the community formerly known as Debian, Gentoo, Grml, openSUSE
and Arch Linux to produce a really unified effort and be able to stand up
in a combined effort against operating systems, to show off that the Free
Software community is actually able to work together for a common instead
of creating more diversity. Canterbury will be as technologically simple
as Arch, as stable as Debian, malleable as Gentoo, have a solid Live
framework as Grml, and be as open minded as openSUSE.' Arch Linux
developer Pierre Schmitz explained: 'Arch Linux has always been about
keeping its as simple as possible. Combining efforts into one single
distribution will dramatically reduce complexity for developers, users
and of course upstream . Canterbury will be the next evolutionary step of
Linux distributions.' This will without a doubt put on Ubuntu."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://barbieatxmlsucksdotcom/
1. http://www.debian.org/News/2011/20110401.en-gb.html
2. https://www.archlinux.org/news/the-canterbury-project/
3. http://news.opensuse.org/2011/04/01/the-canterbury-distribution/
4. http://grml.org/index.php
5. http://www.gentoo.org/index.xml

| Google Gmail Motion Beta
| from the i-got-a-gesture-for-you dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Friday April 01, @09:26 (Cloud)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/136214/Google-Gmail-Motion-Beta?from=newsletter

[0]PB8 noted that has been following all the kinect projects that have
been floating around the net, and decided to use detection along with a
rich visual vocabulary including common gestures and American Sign
Language to [1]accelerate your gmail time. This is going to require a bit
of a change in my email composition since normally I use those to vent

Discuss this story at:

0. http://slashdot.org/
1. http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html

| Vatican To Digitize Prohibited Archives
| from the mary-was-totally-hot dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Friday April 01, @10:09 (Books)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/1315219/Vatican-To-Digitize-Prohibited-Archives?from=newsletter

tiltowait writes "Hot on the heels of their successful [0]iPhone app and
[1]drive-through confessional, the BBC News reports that the has
announced plans to [2]digitize their pornography collection and make it
available online to subscribers. Given what the church has planned for
the project's , here's hoping they learn lessons from the the [3]New York
Times paywall loopholes. Is anyone in on the Indulgentia beta?"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://abcnews.go.com/story?id=12866499
1. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/your-sins-forgiven-on-the-run/story-fn7x8me2-1226031638372
2. http://www.tk421.net/librarylink/cache/cache.php?storyid=2999&url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-3263827
3. http://slashdot.org/story/11/03/28/214234/New-York-Times-Paywall-Goes-Live-Loopholes-Abound

| Toshiba Develops 3-D Monocle
| from the pirates-rejoice dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @10:52 (Displays)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/140213/Toshiba-Develops-3-D-Monocle?from=newsletter

For years, adoption of 3-D technology has been hampered by the cumbersome
viewing glasses needed to properly perceive the , not to mention the loss
in market share of people who have suffered the injury or loss of one of
their . Now, Toshiba has laid those concerns to rest with [0]the creation
of the world's first 3-D monocle, dubbed the "Spectacle." "Two triangular
polarizing lenses were melded in parallel and encased in black-plated
tungsten carbide for a lightweight and durable ." The elegant, minimalist
design leaves your second eye free for other .

Discuss this story at:

0. http://us.toshiba.com/spectacle

| Facebook and Zynga Team Up To Merge Romance and Social Gaming
| from the worst-of-both-worlds dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @11:36 (Social Networks)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/1516226/Facebook-and-Zynga-Team-Up-To-Merge-Romance-and-Social-Gaming?from=newsletter

TechCrunch has the scoop on a really new project from Zynga and Facebook
that aims to [0]bring together two of the most popular segments of the
social web: romance and gaming. Quoting: "Dubbed 'Relationships,'
Facebook is going to soon a section of the site dedicated to helping
users meet potential romantic . To do that, the company has been working
with Zynga over the last four months to develop games that 'synthesize
romance and foster relationships through social gaming mechanics,'
helping users flirt and get to know each other using Farmville-like games
to help break the . In the post, Facebook says that it will look at the
profiles of your previous boyfriends/girlfriends to determine the you���re
attracted to most, and that it will also use advanced photographic
analysis to figure out your preferred facial structure and body type. In
an attempt to privacy concerns before they begin, Facebook notes that all
of this is done automatically, and that at no point are allowed to view
these reports on your innermost psyche. How reassuring."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/01/facebook-to-launch-relationships-at-f8-teams-with-zynga-to-spur-romance-through-gaming/

| Glasses Purge 3rd D From Films
| from the puke-reduction-engaged dept.
| posted by CmdrTaco on Friday April 01, @12:18 (Movies)
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/1340213/Glasses-Purge-3rd-D-From-Films?from=newsletter

After watching in the theater and nearly losing my lunch, not from the
low-brow hijinx, but instead from the motion sickness, I've already put
my in for the [0]De-3D Cinema Glasses that ThinkGeek started selling
today. I'm pretty sure that 3D movies are conspiracy between the ,
Dramamine, and Film industries to drive up ticket prices and dinner, so I
hope these work half as well as advertised. And please note that
[1]ThinkGeek and Slashdot share corporate so if you got a problem with
that, complain a whole bunch in the comments while loading our banner

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/looflirpa/e8be/?pfm=AprilFools_homepage_Featured_5
1. http://thinkgeek.com/

| Huffington Post Fights Back Against NY Times Paywall
| from the defending-online-freedom dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @13:13 (The Almighty Buck)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/168234/Huffington-Post-Fights-Back-Against-NY-Times-Paywall?from=newsletter

As you may recall, we've recently the New York Times' [0]stumbling
efforts to implement a paywall on their website. Now in an effort to
combat the growing trend of hiding content behind annoying attempts at
monetization, the Huffington Post has [1]taken a strong stand against the
paywall by setting up a paywall of their own that blocks out NY Times .
"On HuffingtonPost.com you can view the first 6 letters of each word at
no charge (including slideshows of adorable kittens). After 6 letters, we
will ask you to become a digital . You may choose to subscribe to see the
rest of each word individually, or choose a package to access all words
of more than 6 letters." expect this to be a particularly devastating
response, given how much of the HuffPo's content is appropriated and
re-used by the NY Times.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/03/28/214234/New-York-Times-Paywall-Goes-Live-Loopholes-Abound
1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/a-word-about-digital-subs_b_843385.html

| MakerBot Introduces Printable Vinyl Records
| from the countdown-to-takedown dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @13:55 (Printer)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/1640257/MakerBot-Introduces-Printable-Vinyl-Records?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader points out great news for , hackers, and anybody
who's tired of having to pay for physical music media. MakerBot
Industries has now demonstrated the capability of the MakerBot to
[0]print out listen-able vinyl records of your favorite tunes. With a
attachment, it can even record new audio in real-time. "Using the
MakerBot Generation 4 Electronics microstepping capacity, the AudioNozzle
modulates the amount of plastic deposited create a high-fidelity
waveform. The results often surpass the dynamic range of -bit recordings
and can contain frequencies up to 57khz ��� even higher than the frequency
for 96khz digital recording."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://blog.makerbot.com/2011/04/01/makerbot-introduces-3d-printable-vinyl-records/

| Regional Broadcast Using an Atmospheric Link Layer
| from the fired-up-about-new-tech dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @14:36 (Networking)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/1728250/Regional-Broadcast-Using-an-Atmospheric-Link-Layer?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "RFC 6217 was published , enabling one to
[0]send messages over a wide area even to without computers or
smartphones. The technology looks promising, but is not without ;
'Additionally, solar radiation conditions affect transmission in a
predictable, cyclic manner. Depending on latitude, the may be unusable
for a lengthy period, during which alternate arrangements must be made.'
, while 'The physical layer used is made up primarily of nitrogen and
oxygen,' there are concerns that microscopic amounts of residue left over
from the transmission may include 'argon, , neon, helium, chloride
anions, sulfur dioxide, and other molecules occurring at very low
mixtures' "

Discuss this story at:

0. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6217.html

| LHC, CERN Has Found the Hugs Boson
| from the you-lose-again-fermilab dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @15:19 (Science)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/190205/LHC-CERN-Has-Found-the-Hugs-Boson?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "In a ground-breaking announcement issued
today, , the European Organization of Nuclear Research (which hosts the
enormous and Large Hadron Collider) has [0]announced the discovery of the
hugs boson, an unexpected gauge boson which was not by the Standard
Model. Unexpectedly, the discovery was made by a high-school during his
scholarship. Due to his , it is not clear whether he can be awarded the
Nobel Prize. However, his teacher has generously agreed to be awarded in
his name, in case of any ."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://user.web.cern.ch/user/news/2011/110401a.html

| Oracle's Ellison Accused of Running Executive Fighting Ring
| from the my-money's-on-ballmer-if-he-can-wield-chairs dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @16:04 (Businesses)
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/1941231/Oracles-Ellison-Accused-of-Running-Executive-Fighting-Ring?from=newsletter

Mr. Shotgun writes "SEC claim to have broken up an underground fighting
ring in which participants . To add insult to injury, the victors then
[0]brokered business deals that skirted US securities law and deprived
the losers of valuable . The mastermind behind the Silicon Valley fight
club is alleged to be eccentric billionaire and Oracle CEO ."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.infoworld.com/t/misadventures/oracles-ellison-accused-running-executive-fighting-ring-285

| Ask Slashdot: Advice On a DIY Neutron Beam?
| from the preferably-something-tsunami-proof dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @16:44 (Power)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/203257/Ask-Slashdot-Advice-On-a-DIY-Neutron-Beam?from=newsletter

Max Littlemore writes "I have been breeding at home using lots of old
smoke detectors with a view toward generating my own and getting off the
grid. The only thing stopping me is a reliable neutron beam. Given that
all the equipment I'm using is re-purposed kitchen equipment, concerns
about safety mean I'm to build a uranium reactor to supply neutrons to
the thorium one. So I'm putting the question out there: do any
Slashdotters know of a way to make a powerful neutron beam out of things
I might find around the house?" It would be helpful to include images and
diagrams of your own personal neutron beam .

Discuss this story at:

| Plumber Injection Attack In Bowser's Castle
| from the what-they-want-probably-isn't-there-anyway dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @17:27 (Security)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/2022223/Plumber-Injection-Attack-In-Bowsers-Castle?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes to make sure is aware of [0]Security Advisory
SMB-1985-0001: Plumber Injection Attack in Bowser's Castle. "[1]Ksplice,
working in conjunction with [2]Lakitu Cloud Security, has released a
high-severity advisory about a Plumber Injection attack in multiple
versions of Bowser's Castle. An Italian plumber could this bug to bypass
security measures (walk through walls) in order to rescue Peach, to
defeat Bowser, or for . This vulnerability is demonstrated by '[3]happylee-supermariobros,warped.fm2.'
Attacks using this exploit have been observed in the wild, and multiple
other exploits are publicly available. A has been made available."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://blog.ksplice.com/2011/04/smb-1985-0001-advisory/
1. http://www.ksplice.com/index.ssi.xhtml
2. http://www.mariowiki.com/Lakitu
3. http://tasvideos.org/1715M.html

| Block Adverts Outside of the Browser
| from the where-have-you-been-my-whole-life dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 01, @18:10 (News)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/2130224/Block-Adverts-Outside-of-the-Browser?from=newsletter

vm writes with word of a new project from the creators of AdBlock for
Chrome, the popular that blocks advertisements from showing up on web
pages. The new tool in development, AdBlock Freedom, [0]expands the
ad-free experience to television, , and billboards. 'Here's how it works:
when powered off, AdBlock Freedom functions as sunglasses. Slide a
discreet switch on the frame, and AdBlock Freedom begins scanning your
for objects that it recognizes as ads. Any detected ad gets a "smudge"
overlay to blend it into its surroundings.' You can [1]sign up now ."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://chromeadblock.com/freedom/
1. http://chromeadblock.com/freedom/betatest.html

| TSA Mandates GA 'Self-Pat-Down' Program
| from the if-you-could-do-that-you'd-never-leave-the-airport dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday April 01, @18:54 (Transportation)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/2236248/TSA-Mandates-GA-Self-Pat-Down-Program?from=newsletter

countertrolling writes "In a compromise measure that attempts to balance
calls for increased in [0]General Aviation operations against the
individual liberties of GA pilots, [TSA head John] announced that a new
[1]self-administered pat-down program would be mandatory in the very near
future. Acceptance has been (at best) mixed within the GA . While most
pilots knew that enhanced steps were going to be forthcoming from the
TSA, as a 'necessary counter' to security threats, most complain that the
new go too far."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_aviation
1. http://www.aero-news.net/LinkToArticle.cfm?ContentBlockID=81a0386f-2b72-4022-ae36-a8a7d15bc9d1

| AffirmIt!, the Supportive Testing Framework
| from the not-to-harsh-on-your-mellow dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday April 01, @19:11 (Ruby)
| https://slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/235208/AffirmIt-the-Supportive-Testing-Framework?from=newsletter

[0]egalluzzo writes "Announced today, the AffirmIt! unit testing
framework for Ruby the harsh, archaic notions of 'truth' and 'failure,'
[1]preferring instead to affirm your code. After all, who are to make
value judgments about code that 'works' or 'doesn't work'? DHH announced
earlier on Twitter that Rails plans to move to this new evaluation
framework in version 3.1."

Discuss this story at:

0. mailto:egalluzzo@gmail.com
1. http://www.affirmit.org/

| Four Physicists Arrested After SSC Break-In
| from the if-not-for-you-pesky-non-kids dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday April 01, @19:47 (Crime)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/04/01/2339217/Four-Physicists-Arrested-After-SSC-Break-In?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes with a not-unexpected followup to one of the
break-ins of the century, when a group of curious scientists decided to
see [0]what was left of the uncompleted giant collider project in East .
From the article: "A [1]team of four physicists was arrested this morning
at the headquarters of the American Physical Society (APS) in College
Park, MD. officers from the Department of Homeland Security entered the
building around 8:30 a.m. and detained the suspects without . The group
is charged with breaking and entering a secure government facility,
destruction of government property, stealing national secrets and parking

Discuss this story at:

0. http://science.slashdot.org/story/11/03/25/2028234/Breaking-Into-the-Super-Collider
1. http://physicsbuzz.physicscentral.com/2011/04/low-water-mark-for-physics-buzz-team.html

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[GV Daily] Macedonia, Bulgaria: Facing Hate Speech

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Thursday and Friday, March 31 and April 1, 2011
Macedonia, Bulgaria: Facing Hate Speech
 Two NGOs, from Macedonia and from Bulgaria, have published an analysis of the Macedonian-Bulgarian hate speech in the traditional and new media.  read>>  
Japan: The Tsunami, God and Man
 A few days after the disaster that killed more than ten thousand people, Italian vice-president of the National Research Council (CNR) Roberto De Mattei and Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara left the Italian and the Japanese blogosphere astounded when they declared that the catastrophe occurred as a manifestation of God's will. Both in Japan and in Italy bloggers reacted and demanded their resignation.  read>>  
Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah: Opening doors to African women's bedrooms
 For the past two years, Nana Darkoa's blog Adventures from the bedrooms of African women has provided a forum for frank and intimate discussions of sex and sexuality amongst African women and men.  read>>  
China: The Interrogation (A Tale of AI and Revolution)
 Stainless Steel Mouse, aka Liu Di, has seen many of her peers arrested or disappeared over the past several weeks. Looking at the unusual way in which China's failed Jasmine Revolution began, she has imagined a scenario which mixes fact with fiction.  read>>  
Russia: New Government Iniative Questions the Nature of Online Monitoring
 Russian authorities said they were interested in developing a new system for monitoring of online content. The document of the tender for the new system not only provides specifics about what the Russian government wants to monitor, but also exposes its attitude towards information technologies.  read>>  
Venezuela: H1N1 Cases on the Rise
 The H1N1 virus has hit Venezuela. While writing this post, on March 28, the number of people infected with the virus is 415. Using Twitter, Venezuelans are sharing their frustration at the increasing number of cases as they tweet the latest official information and encourage each other to take precautions.  read>>  
More posts on Global Voices today...
Brazil: On Opening the Archives of the Dictatorship
Colombia: Indigenous Communities Protect their Food Security
Taiwan: Nuclear Waste on Orchid Island
Russia: Voting For The BOBs Blog Award Has Started
Kenyan Bloggers Form an Association; BAKE
Uzbekistan: Next on the list of revolutions?
Argentina: Reactions and Analysis of Blockade of Newspapers Clarin and La Nacion
Mexico: Reactions to 'Resignation' of US Ambassador Carlos Pascual
Cote d'Ivoire: Abidjan in the Waning Hours of Gbagbo's Regime
Attahiru Jega: Nigeria's Electoral Captain or Captor?

Thank you very much for reading Global Voices!


Deborah Dilley, Digest Editor
Global Voices Online
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