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Newser Daily Digest - McDonald's Owner to Workers: Vote GOP!
McDonald's Owner to Workers: Vote GOP!
(Newser) - A McDonald's in Canton, Ohio, inserted handbills in employee paychecks that helpfully recommended GOP candidates who will "help our business grow in the future"—implying lower wages and benefits if Republicans lose in upcoming elections on Tuesday. A local attorney says the document violates Ohio election law, reports... More »Site IDs Author of O'Donnell Kiss-and-Tell
(Newser) - It's tough to remain "anonymous" online these days, especially when the post is salacious. The Smoking Gun has made quick work of identifying the writer of yesterday's "I Had a One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell" essay on Gawker . TSG names 28-year-old Dustin Dominiak as the author after tracking... More »O'Donnell Camp, Coons Slam Gawker Story
(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell’s campaign has slammed Gawker for its one-night stand story , reports Politico —and so has her opponent, Chris Coons, as well as the National Organization for Women. Some reactions: It’s “just another example of the sexism and slander that female candidates are forced to... More »Most Troops OK With Gays in Uniform
(Newser) - A Pentagon report on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell shows that a majority of troops aren’t opposed to gays serving in the military, reports the Wonk Room blog at Think Progress. "The number one answer was. ‘I don’t care,'” NBC's Richard Engel, who got... More »We're in Big, Big Trouble
(Newser) - Paul Krugman doesn't use the word "Armageddon" when predicting what will happen under Republican control of Congress, but he comes pretty close. "This is going to be terrible," he writes in the New York Times . "In fact, future historians will probably look back at the 2010... More »Will Newt Be the Next Nixon?
(Newser) - A decade ago, it looked like Newt Gingrich was a political goner; now, he looks poised to run for president in 2012. The question is “whether or not it is practical, which I increasingly think it is,” he said. Gingrich is certainly playing the part of the candidate—... More »How Obama Can Win Again
(Newser) - The president is set for a bruising on Tuesday, but he can come back, writes David Brooks in the New York Times . Here’s how: first, “win back independents,” who have swung Republican lately. Second, he must “redefine himself” as “a traditionalist on social matters and... More »No-Drama Obama Is a Little Too Calm These Days
(Newser) - Plenty of pundits have drawn parallels to what happened to Bill Clinton in 1994 and what's about to happen to Barack Obama and the Democrats on Tuesday. At the National Journal , Ronald Brownstein notes one key difference: Clinton "seemed tormented" on the eve of those elections, while Obama "... More »US Intel Spending Breaks $80B
(Newser) - American intelligence spending hit $80.1 billion, or some 12% of defense spending, for the just-ended fiscal year—more than what was spent on either the Department of Homeland Security ($53 billion) or the Justice Department ($30 billion). It's triple the $26.7 billion that was budgeted in 1998, the... More »Stewart: Negative Campaigning Has Gone Too Far
(Newser) - When we go to the polls on Tuesday, we won't just be "selecting the candidate who may or may not best represent your political values." Based on the proliferation of negative campaign ads, we'll be "choosing between hard-line Marxist state tyranny and autocratic Taliban religious crazies,"... More »Oklahoma to Vote on Islamic Law Ban
(Newser) - Next Tuesday, the people of Oklahoma will have their say on a measure to ban Islamic law from being used in the state—even though it never has been, the Los Angeles Times reports. In the US as a whole, only a few cases have even alluded to Sharia law.... More »Unsubscribe or change your alert settings.
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