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[GV Weekly] Armenia-Azerbaijan: Backseat musical musings and ethnic conflict

Global Voices - Weekly Highlights
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September 9-15, 2010
Armenia-Azerbaijan: Backseat musical musings... and ethnic conflict
With the broadcast media heavily controlled in both Armenia and Azerbaijan there are few avenues left for independent journalists. Bloggers in both countries, however, react to a video posted online. >>Read more
Palestine: For Gaza Students, No Graduation Without Hijab
The majority of women in Gaza wear the hijab, and those who do not frequently face heavy pressure to do so. In this post we hear from a blogger who is furious that a friend who refuses to wear a headscarf has not been allowed to graduate from university. >>Read more
India: Kashmir Is Burning...Again
Violent protests in Indian administered Kashmir started today after a report of a Qur'an desecration in Michigan, USA emerged. At least 18 protesters have been killed and scores were injured. Bloggers and Twitter users discuss whether the protests were purely because of anger over the burning of Qur'an or outbursts of their demand for freedom from India. >>Read more
South Asia: Bloggers on 'Burn a Qur'an Day'
In the past week pastor Terry Jones caused much controversy in the US and across the world with his planned burn a Koran day event to mark the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. We will look at some reactions from the South Asian bloggers. >>Read more
Taiwan Without Petrochemical Industry...
What would have happened had petrochemical industry ceased to exist in Taiwan? The Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) under Taiwan's Ministry of Economical Affairs has tried hard to convince Taiwanese citizens that if Taiwan does not build more petrochemical industrial plants, its economy will collapse and people will suffer. >>Read more
More posts on Global Voices this week...
Asia: Videos on Drug Abuse and Detention Centers
Zimbabwe: The Constitution-Making Process in Zimbabwe
Africa: HIV Positive Women Sterilized, Discriminated Against and Stigmatized
Blog Carnival: Ecuador: Internet, Society and Participation
I Paid A Bribe: An Endeavor in India
Mexico: Celebrating the Bicentennial in the Middle of Chaos
Russia: Happy Birthday @KremlinRussia! ;)
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Deborah Dilley, Digest Editor
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