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[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-03-14
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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* The Full Story Behind the Canonical vs. GNOME Drama
* Open Source Licensing and the App Store Model
* Flickr Censors Egypt Police Photos
* Dutch Court Lifts PlayStation 3 Seizure Order
* Why We Should Buy Music In FLAC
* Man Arrested For Linking To Online Videos
* Japan Battles Partial Nuclear Meltdown
* IPad 2 Teardown Shows Tablet's Guts
* Court Rules It's Ok To Tag Pics On Facebook Without Permission
* Old Man Murray Wikipedia Controversy Continues
* First Brit Prosecuted Over Twitter Libel
* A Game Played In the URL Bar
* Tech Expertise Not Important In Google Managers
* Researchers Find Possible Atlantis Location
* Facebook Photo of Stolen Ring Puts Couple In Jail
* Electricity Rationing Starting Monday In Tokyo
| The Full Story Behind the Canonical vs. GNOME Drama
| from the paul-harvey-good-day dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday March 12, @19:31 (GNOME)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/12/2329233/The-Full-Story-Behind-the-Canonical-vs-GNOME-Drama?from=newsletter
[0]supersloshy writes this followup to our [1]Thursday discussion of
friction between Canonical and GNOME: "I've seen a lot of GNOME bashing
for various reasons here on Slashdot as well as several other websites.
The problem with all of this is that you never hear GNOME's side of the
situation, making a lot of disrespectful comments about GNOME (or the
others involved) rather baseless and illogical. Dave Neary [2]has an
extremely thorough blog post which details problems on all sides that
make the issue much more complicated than 'GNOME is being idiotic by not
accepting our technology.' The points covered in the blog post include,
among others, how Freedesktop.org is broken as a standards body, that
Mark Shuttleworth doesn't understand how GNOME works, that GNOME is not
easy to understand, and that open discussions from the very beginning are
important for specification development and adoption. Another blog post
by 'Sankar' also [3]covers similar points while defending GNOME."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://sloshy.dyndns.org/
1. http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/03/10/1644208/Has-GNOME-Rejected-Canonical-Help-Shuttleworth-Responds
2. http://blogs.gnome.org/bolsh/2011/03/11/lessons-learned/
3. http://psankar.blogspot.com/2011/03/gnome-vs-canonical-freedesktoporg.html
| Open Source Licensing and the App Store Model
| from the free-as-in-mumblemumble dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday March 12, @20:42 (Cellphones)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/12/2348236/Open-Source-Licensing-and-the-App-Store-Model?from=newsletter
[0]snydeq writes "Savio Rodrigues sheds light on the [1]limitations open
source software faces in app stores, a problem that will only increase as
the app store model proliferates. 'In effect, in the context of a GPLv2
license, an Apple App Store item that abides by Apple's terms of service
is deemed to be restricting usage and imposing further limitation on
usage rights than were envisioned by the original licensor of the open
source code,' Rodrigues writes. 'Far from being an abstract example, this
situation is precisely why the popular VLC media player was removed from
the App Store.' Microsoft, for its part, [2]disallows the use of GPLv2
altogether. 'With the vast amount of GPLv2 code available for use, the
incompatibility between the App Store's (and Windows Marketplace's) terms
of service on one hand and GPLv2 on the other is a problem in need of a
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.infoworld.com/
1. http://www.infoworld.com/d/open-source-software/open-source-and-app-stores-where-they-mix-where-they-dont-143
2. http://jan.wildeboer.net/2011/02/microsoft-absolutely-no-free-software-for-windows-phone-and-xbox-apps/
| Flickr Censors Egypt Police Photos
| from the state-of-de-nile dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday March 12, @23:32 (Censorship)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/0055209/Flickr-Censors-Egypt-Police-Photos?from=newsletter
An anonymous reader writes "Yesterday Flickr [0]removed a photoset of
Egyptian Secret Police photos which had been posted to an Egyptian
journalist's Flickrstream. The photos were obtained when the journalist
acquired them from what he called 'one of Mubarak's largest torture
facilities.' Flickr cited the fact that the photos 'were not the user's
own work' as justification for the censorship, even though Flickr
staffers themselves [1]frequently upload work that is not 'their own' to
their personal photostreams."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://techcrunch.com/2011/03/11/flickr/
1. http://thomashawk.com/2011/03/flickr-cites-community-guidelines-for-censorship-of-egyptian-bloggers-photos.html
| Dutch Court Lifts PlayStation 3 Seizure Order
| from the on-the-defensive-for-once dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday March 13, @02:29 (Patents)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/0133254/Dutch-Court-Lifts-PlayStation-3-Seizure-Order?from=newsletter
An anonymous reader writes "The recent European [0]import ban against the
PlayStation 3 has been lifted. Reportedly, LG had already succeeded in
[1]seizing about 300,000 PlayStations, but a court in the Dutch city of
The Hague overturned the prejudgment seizure order and told LG to return
all PS3s to Sony. Sony uses the Netherlands as its main entry point for
all European PlayStation sales, and can now return to normal. While the
temporary ban has been lifted, LG can still assert its Blu-ray patents
against Sony in a regular proceeding, which will go to trial on November
18. LG asks for patent royalties of $2.50 per Blu-ray device and believes
Sony already owes it $150-180 million."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://games.slashdot.org/story/11/02/28/2358233/Sony-PlayStation-3-Imports-Temporarily-Banned-In-Europe
1. http://fosspatents.blogspot.com/2011/03/lg-achieved-seizure-of-300000.html
| Why We Should Buy Music In FLAC
| from the audio-files-for-audiophiles dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday March 13, @04:52 (Music)
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/0343218/Why-We-Should-Buy-Music-In-FLAC?from=newsletter
[0]soodoo writes "We have plenty of HDD space and broadband internet.
[1]Why don't we demand full CD quality audio in an accessible format from
online music stores? The advantage of lossless compression is not only
the small audio quality improvement, but better future-proofing and
converting capabilities. FLAC is a good, free and open format, well
suited for this job."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:justlikethen@gmail.com
1. http://musicmadebetter.blogspot.com/2011/02/why-you-should-buy-and-sell-music-in.html
| Man Arrested For Linking To Online Videos
| from the if-they-were-rickrolls-i-can-understand dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday March 13, @07:15 (Government)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/0332204/Man-Arrested-For-Linking-To-Online-Videos?from=newsletter
[0]SonicSpike writes "In a case against a New York website owner, the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is claiming that [1]merely linking
to copyrighted material is a crime. DHS, along with Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE), seized Brian McCarthy's domain,
channelsurfing.net, in late January. The site has now been replaced with
a government warning: 'This domain has been seized by ICE ��� Homeland
Security Investigations, Special Agent in Charge, New York Office.' The
advocacy group Demand Progress has claimed that McCarthy never reproduced
copyrighted material, and that his website simply linked to other sites.
A criminal complaint obtained by the group seems to acknowledge that
agents knew that McCarthy was running a 'linking website.' While the
criminal complaint alleges that McCarthy did engage in the 'reproduction
and distribution' of copyrighted material, it is never clear that he
actually reproduced any of the specified broadcasts." McCarthy was
[2]arrested last week. Relatedly, TorrentFreak has posted a list of
reasons [3]why these domain name seizures are unconstitutional.
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:sonicspike@gmail.com
1. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/03/10/new-york-man-faces-five-years-in-jail-for-linking-to-online-videos/
2. http://www.examiner.com/independent-in-phoenix/suppression-of-site-links-protects-copyrights-threatens-free-speech
3. http://torrentfreak.com/5-reasons-why-the-us-domain-seizures-are-unconstitutional-110312/
| Japan Battles Partial Nuclear Meltdown
| from the cue-godzilla dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @09:01 (Japan)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/126249/Japan-Battles-Partial-Nuclear-Meltdown?from=newsletter
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Japanese nuclear experts are [1]working to
contain a partial meltdown at an earthquake-stricken nuclear power plant
north of Tokyo, as fears grow that the death toll from Friday's massive
quake and tsunami could reach the tens of thousands. A partial meltdown,
experts said, would likely mean that some portion of the reactors'
uranium fuel rods had cracked or warped from overheating, releasing
radioactive particles into the reactors' containment vessels. Some of
those particles would have escaped into the air outside when engineers
vented steam from the vessels to relieve pressure building up inside.
Adding to problems at the site, hydrogen was building up inside the
Number Three reactor's outer building, threatening an explosion like the
one that blew apart the Number One reactor building's roof and outer
walls on Saturday. However, it remains unclear how far radiation has
spread from the facility. Some local residents and health workers were
diagnosed with radiation poisoning in precautionary tests, but they show
no outward symptoms of distress. 'Even if you have a radiation release,
although that's not a good thing, it's not automatically a harmful thing.
It depends on what the level turns out to be,' says Steve Kerekes, a
spokesman for the Nuclear Energy Institute, a US industry group, adding
that a person exposed to the highest radiation levels measured at the
Fukushima site would absorb in two to three hours the same amount of
radiation that he would normally absorb in 12 months ��� a significant but
not necessarily injurious amount, especially if exposure time was short."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hughpickens.com/
1. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/asia-pacific/partial-meltdown-likely-underway-at-reactor-japanese-official/article1939779/
| IPad 2 Teardown Shows Tablet's Guts
| from the taking-a-look-under-the-hood dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @09:55 (Apple)
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/147240/IPad-2-Teardown-Shows-Tablets-Guts?from=newsletter
alphadogg writes "Apple's iPad 2 tablet, which became available Friday,
boasts a big battery, tiny speakers, an ample 512MB of RAM and a glass
front that's tricky for tinkerers to take off. That's the upshot from
[0]an initial teardown of the new Apple tablet by iFixit, which
specializes in Apple product repair. IFixit warns that those who dare to
peer into the insides of the iPad 2 on their own risk cracking the glass
front panel, which is thinner than that from the original iPad (0.62 mm
vs. 0.85 mm) and glued on rather than attached via tabs. A heat gun was
needed by iFixit to disassemble the device."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/031211-ipad2-teardown-apple-ifixit.html
| Court Rules It's Ok To Tag Pics On Facebook Without Permission
| from the random-acts-of-tagging dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @11:31 (Facebook)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/1515234/Court-Rules-Its-Ok-To-Tag-Pics-On-Facebook-Without-Permission?from=newsletter
[0]neoflexycurrent writes "A federal court has ruled that [1]photos of a
woman on Facebook showing her drinking were properly used as evidence in
a child custody case. She had argued she was identified without
permission. But the court rejected that argument. In reaching that
decision, the court made the interesting observation that: '[t]here is
nothing within the law that requires [one's] permission when someone
takes a picture and posts it on a Facebook page. There is nothing that
requires [one's] permission when she [is] "tagged" or identified as a
person in those pictures.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://perl.org/
1. http://blog.internetcases.com/2011/03/12/facebook-privacy-photo-tagging-attorney-chicago-lawyer-social-media/
| Old Man Murray Wikipedia Controversy Continues
| from the start-to-crate dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @12:03 (Wikipedia)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/1550234/Old-Man-Murray-Wikipedia-Controversy-Continues?from=newsletter
An anonymous reader writes "As discussed previously on slashdot, [0]the
Old Man Murray article was deleted from Wikipedia. After much
controversy, [1]the article has been restored. However, the debate to
delete the article continues, with both deletionists and Old Man Murray
fans swarming to the article."
Discuss this story at:
0. https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/03/03/1434216/Old-Man-Murray-Entry-Deleted-From-Wikipedia
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Man_Murray
| First Brit Prosecuted Over Twitter Libel
| from the tweet-nice dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @12:59 (Twitter)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/1713258/First-Brit-Prosecuted-Over-Twitter-Libel?from=newsletter
Tasha26 writes "A former town Mayor, Colin Elsbury, made legal history by
being [0]the first Brit to pay damages for libel on Twitter. His tweet on
polling day said 'It's not in our nature to deride our opponents however
Eddie Talbot had to be removed by the Police from a polling station'
amounted to pure election slur. The Twitter libel was settled at Cardiff
High Court with total bill hitting ��53,000 (��3,000 compensation + ��50,000
legal fees). The fine works out at more than ��2,400 per word. After
Courtney Love recent ��260k settlement in a Twibel case, this case
reaffirms that anything posted in the public domain is subject to libel
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-12704955
| A Game Played In the URL Bar
| from the wasting-time dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @14:09 (Idle)
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/1537230/A-Game-Played-In-the-URL-Bar?from=newsletter
Kilrah_il writes "Whether you think it is useful or useless, you can't
ignored the sheer cool geekiness of [0]a game played entirely in the URL
bar. From the article: '... While getting lost in a three dimensional
virtual world amongst increasingly thoughtful plot and character
development may be an adequate pastime for some, the only new title the
gaming world should be talking about is [0]URL Hunter, an experimental
keyboard-character based game played entirely in your browser's URL
Discuss this story at:
0. http://probablyinteractive.com/url-hunter
| Tech Expertise Not Important In Google Managers
| from the we-don't-need-to-talk-about-your-tps-reports dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @14:49 (Google)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/1856240/Tech-Expertise-Not-Important-In-Google-Managers?from=newsletter
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "For much of its 13-year history, Google has taken
a pretty simple approach to management: Leave people alone but if
employees become stuck, they should ask their bosses, whose deep
technical expertise propelled them into management in the first place.
Now the Economic Times reports that statisticians at Google looking for
characteristics that define good managers have gathered more than 10,000
observations about managers ��� across more than 100 variables, from
various performance reviews, feedback surveys and other reports and found
that [1]technical expertise ranks dead last among Google's eight most
important characteristics of good managers. What Google employees value
most are even-keeled bosses who made time for one-on-one meetings, who
helped people puzzle through problems by asking questions, not dictating
answers, and who took an interest in employees' lives and careers."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hughpickens.com/
1. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/jobs/googles-quest-to-build-a-better-boss/articleshow/7691244.cms
| Researchers Find Possible Atlantis Location
| from the does-aquaman-know? dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @16:46 (Earth)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/2117222/Researchers-Find-Possible-Atlantis-Location?from=newsletter
An AC writes"It seems that Plato's [0]Atlantis has a new spot candidate.
Some archaeologist used satellite imagery to identify a structure in an
once tsunami-ed Spanish plain. From the article: '"This is the power of
tsunamis," head researcher Richard Freund told Reuters. "It is just so
hard to understand that it can wipe out 60 miles inland, and that's
pretty much what we're talking about," said Freund, a University of
Hartford, Connecticut, professor who lead an international team searching
for the true site of Atlantis.'"
Discuss this story at:
| Facebook Photo of Stolen Ring Puts Couple In Jail
| from the a-picture-is-worth-1,000-days dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @17:45 (Facebook)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/1510222/Facebook-Photo-of-Stolen-Ring-Puts-Couple-In-Jail?from=newsletter
An anonymous reader writes "A Facebook [0]photo of a stolen 3 carat
diamond ring recently helped police solve a jewelry theft. After rings
and other items valued at more than $16,000 were taken from a home on
Saturday, a friend of the victim's roommate saw one of the items on the
social network. 20-year-old Crystal Yamnitzky captioned the photo with
the following message: 'Look what Robby gave me I love him so much,' in
reference to her 21-year-old boyfriend Robert Driscoll. Yamnitzky's
cousin saw the post and told some friends, who alerted police. Both
Yamnitzky and Driscoll have been charged in the case."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/facebook/facebook-photo-of-stolen-ring-puts-couple-in-jail/757
| Electricity Rationing Starting Monday In Tokyo
| from the news-keeps-getting-better dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday March 13, @18:37 (Japan)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/03/13/2215211/Electricity-Rationing-Starting-Monday-In-Tokyo?from=newsletter
siddesu writes "Japanese officials are announcing a [0]schedule for
electricity blackouts to last from tomorrow until the end of April.
Practically all suburbs of Tokyo will be affected by the blackouts. The
23 districts of central Tokyo seem to be exempt for the moment, but if
supply is not sufficient, blackouts are possible. Electricity will be
interrupted for about 3 hours a day in each area."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://e.nikkei.com/e/fr/tnks/Nni20110313D13JFF08.htm
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