Insider Report from Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Christine O’Donnell Won’t Rule Out Another Run 2. Gay Voters Turning to GOP 3. White Democrats Face ‘Extinction’ in South 4. Obama Visits Mosque Where Crowds Cheered Ahmadinejad 5. Biggest Spenders Lost in Midterm Elections 6. Newsmax Still Growing on Twitter, Facebook 7. We Heard: Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter  1. Christine O’Donnell Won’t Rule Out Another Run Tea party favorite Christine O’Donnell, defeated in her run for the Senate this year, says she won’t rule out another campaign for political office. “I don’t know if I’d run again,” she told “Tonight Show” host Jay Leno on Wednesday night. “I’d like to keep that option open.” The Delaware Republican said she wants to remain in politics and “be able to advocate” for issues, including the abolition of the estate tax, set to be reinstated in 2011. She also disclosed that she has been getting job offers since her Senate bid failed. “The offers have been interesting,” she told Leno. “Everything from a book deal to a reality show.” But she said she is “not necessarily interested” in a reality show unless it is a “watchdog-type show.” During the interview, O’Donnell disclosed that she had considered appearing on the HBO show “Real Time With Bill Maher” before he released an old clip showing O’Donnell admitting she had “dabbled in witchcraft.” When Maher threatened to release more clips of her appearances on his former show, “Politically Incorrect,” she decided not to appear on his new show. “Whether it’s a comedian or a terrorist,” she said, “you should not respond to threats.” O’Donnell got 40 percent of the vote in her unsuccessful Senate race against Democrat Chris Coons. Editor's Note: 2. Gay Voters Turning to GOP Nearly one-third of gay male, lesbian, and bisexual voters cast their ballots for Republicans in House races in the midterm elections, continuing a trend that has seen gays turn increasingly toward the GOP. In the 2004 presidential election, President George W. Bush got 23 percent of the gay vote, according to exit polls cited by The Washington Post. In the 2006 midterm elections, gays comprised 3 percent of the electorate and Republicans got 24 percent of their votes. Then in the 2008 presidential election, gays gave 27 percent of their votes to Republican John McCain. In this year’s midterms, voters who identified themselves as gay men, lesbians, or bisexuals made up 3 percent of those casting votes in the House races, and 31 percent of them voted Republican. Jimmy LaSalvia, executive director of the gay conservative organization GOProud, said in a statement: “The gay left would have you believe that gay conservatives don’t exist. Now we see that almost a third of self-identified gay voters cast ballots for Republican candidates for Congress in this year’s midterm. “This should be a wake-up call for the out-of-touch so-called leadership of Gay, Inc. in Washington, D.C., which has become little more than a subsidiary of the Democrat Party. “Gay people are just like other average Americans. We see the challenges our country faces, and many of us are outraged at the failed big government approach of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.” Editor's Note: 3. White Democrats Face ‘Near Extinction’ in South This year’s midterm elections left Republicans in a stronger position in the South than at any time since Reconstruction as Democrats continue to lose ground among white voters in the region. “With Republican control of so many legislatures on the eve of redistricting, white Democrats, who once occupied every available political office in the region, are facing near extinction in some states,” The New York Times observed. Republicans now hold at least 93 of the 131 House seats from the states of the old Confederacy. And a relationship between party preference and race is becoming clear in the states of the Deep South. Of the nine Democratic members of the House that remain from the Deep South states, only one, John Barrow of Georgia, is white. Of the 28 Republican House members in the next session, only one, newly elected Tim Scott of South Carolina, is black. White conservatives were the first to flee the Democratic Party in the 1960s, dissatisfied with civil rights legislation and the social programs of President Lyndon Johnson, according to Emory University political science professor Merle Black, co-author of “The Rise of Southern Republicans.” A similar pattern is unfolding now with white Southern moderates turned off by President Obama’s policies, Black said. But those white Southern moderates are yet to fully embrace the GOP. They are less opposed to social programs than Republicans, according to the Times, “but they dislike the Obama administration so much that they are taking it out on any Democrat in sight.” Editor's Note: 4. Obama Visits Mosque Where Crowds Cheered Ahmadinejad President Barack Obama made a much-publicized visit to a mosque during his recent stay in Indonesia, but he has yet to visit a single Jewish synagogue since taking office. Obama has met with leaders of the American Jewish community and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House. But a search of the White House website and news stories by CNSNews dating back to his inauguration shows that he has not set foot in a synagogue. Yet Obama had no problem visiting the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, on Wednesday even though it was the site of virulent anti-American outcries during a visit four years ago by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. During his May 2006 trip to Jakarta, Ahmadinejad first visited the University of Indonesia and gave a speech casting doubt on the Holocaust, predicting the destruction of Israel, and declaring that liberal democracies would be replaced by Islamic law. One member of the cheering crowd told Ahmadinejad, “We will always be with you,” according to The Associated Press. He later told a group of Indonesian clerics that every young Muslim man is an “atomic bomb because they have faith.” The Iranian leader then visited the Istiqlal Mosque, the largest in the world’s most populous Muslim nation. Agence France Presse disclosed that he was “mobbed by a crowd of thousands” eager to shake his hand. The congregation chanted, “God is great!” After Ahmadinejad offered prayers, the crowd shouted, “Fight America, fight Israel!” Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of Caucus for America, told CNSNews he believes a goal of Obama is to “mainstream Islam,” and visiting a mosque is in line with that goal, while visiting a synagogue “doesn’t fit his agenda.” Editor's Note: 5. Biggest Spenders Lost in Midterm Elections Republican Senatorial candidates Sharron Angle and Linda McMahon’s campaigns were the midterm elections’ most expensive on a per-vote basis $97 spent for each vote the candidates received. Yet both lost, demonstrating that money was no guarantee in the most expensive midterm elections in U.S. history, with a total nationwide tab of close to $4 billion, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Spending totaled about $2.8 billion in the 2006 midterms. The successful campaign of Angle’s opponent in Nevada, Majority Leader Harry Reid, spent $69 for each vote he received. McMahon, former chief executive of World Wrestling Entertainment, lost to Attorney General Dick Blumenthal after spending some $47 million of her own money, The Washington Post reported. Republican Meg Whitman, former eBay chief executive, spent $140 million of her own money on her unsuccessful gubernatorial campaign in California. But she was running in the nation’s most populous state, so her per-vote spending was significantly less than that of Angle and McMahon. Rep. Scott Murphy, an upstate New York Democrat, spent $66 for each of the 99,000 votes he received, a total of about $6.5 million. But he lost by nearly 10 percentage points to Republican challenger Chris Gibson, who spent just $4 million, or $33 per vote. In fact, among the 17 congressional campaigns that cost more than $60 for each vote received, 10 were Democrats and only three of them won. “Money doesn’t guarantee victory,” pollster Mark Mellman, who worked for Reid and other Democrats, told the Post. “You can lose with it, but it’s hard to win without it.” At the other end of the spending spectrum, Minnesota Republican Chip Cravaack beat 18-term congressman Jim Oberstar after spending just $5 for each vote he received, a total of $610,000. Oberstar spent $2.3 million about $18 per vote. Editor's Note: 6. Newsmax Still Growing on Twitter, Facebook Visitors to Newsmax’s website are continuing to link to Newsmax’s corresponding Twitter and Facebook pages in increasing numbers. Newsmax’s Twitter account now has more than 2,720 followers, up from 2,200 in September and 2,000 in August. Twitter enables its users to send and read messages known as “tweets,” which are displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to subscribers known as “followers.” On Twitter, Newsmax posts links to stories on politics, health, money, and other topics, to be shared by followers and spread to other Twitter users. The Newsmax Facebook account now has more than 3,680 fans, up from 2,800 in September and 2,300 in August. Facebook is a social networking website that can be accessed by anyone over the age of 13 with a valid e-mail address. Newsmax allows its Facebook “fans” to link to stories and offers them a chance to comment. Visitors can find links to Facebook and Twitter at the bottom of Newsmax’s home page. Editor's Note: 7. We Heard . . . THAT talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh has offered Palm Beach, Fla., a 40-foot Christmas tree to adorn the town’s main shopping street, Worth Avenue. The artificial tree will cost nearly $50,000, the Palm Beach Daily News reported. Last year Limbaugh gave the town $100,000 toward new holiday decorations in Palm Beach, where Rush and his new bride Kathryn Rogers Limbaugh have a home. THAT conservative commentator Ann Coulter is calling for the repeal of the 26th Amendment lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. The Amendment was adopted in 1971 on the grounds that 18-year-olds could drink and be drafted, but “18-year-olds aren’t allowed to drink anymore. We no longer have a draft,” Coulter writes in a column for “As we have learned from Obamacare, young people are not considered adults until age 26, at which point they are finally forced to get off their parents’ healthcare plans.” Coulter asserts that young voters have “consistently embarrassed themselves” and voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama in 2008. Coulter declares: “Not old enough to buy your own health insurance, not old enough to vote.” Editor's Note: Editor's Notes:   |