Dear Newsmax Reader, "Recently, I had the opportunity to meet Pope Benedict XVI on a visit to Rome. His warmth and compassion were genuine, and brought to mind how fortunate we are in this country to have Catholic communities willing to reach out to others. You may remember in my last message when I asked..." Where would you turn if no one in your community was trained as a Catholic leader? What if you had nowhere to gather for weddings, baptisms, confirmation or funerals? What if you had no Catholic church to attend Mass? What if a priest had to travel hundreds of miles to reach you?' As I mentioned before, this may not sound like where you live, but for 11 million Catholics in our country, these are the places where they live. They are our neighbors in faith from the most remote villages in Alaska and in the deep South; Native Americans in the Southwest and in the vast regions of our Great Plains. I am writing to invite you to partner with Catholic Extension's faith building efforts here at home. You, too, can make a difference to Catholics that need help most. Since 1905 and with the continued help of people just like you, Catholic Extension has helped continue to build the faith across America. Your support allows us to continue. Here are just a few reasons why we're unique: - We support priests, women religious and lay leaders in 86 "mission dioceses" -- places that can sustain themselves only with assistance.
- We have helped build 12,000 churches and supported thousands of seminarians studying for the priesthood.
- We are solely funded by private donors and never share donor information with other organizations.
- We offer a gift matching programs, such as the current 2011 Richard Driehaus Challenge, which doubles the impact of new $1,000 gifts with a matching gift!
Please visit us today at www.catholicextension.org and begin your partnership with your tax deductable gift. In turn, we will use your resources wisely and regularly update you on the impact of your generosity. If you've already responded, thank you! If not, I invite you to learn more about us and consider making a generous gift to help Catholic communities across our great nation.  Yours in Christ,  Father Jack Wall President, Catholic Extension Catholic Extension | 150 S. Wacker Suite 2000 | Chicago, IL 60606 800-842-7804 www.catholicextension.org |