From the desk of Dick Morris Dear Reader: Let me tell you about the devastating ad we’re running right now to defeat THREE Pelosi Democrats from Arizona. It’s called “Stop the Arizona Three!” You can be proud of this ad because donations from friends like you made this ad possible. The ad is simple. It exposes the three Democratic politicians for voters to see. It says that Ann Kirkpatrick, Harry Mitchell, and Gabrielle Giffords: - Voted for Obama’s massive healthcare takeover
- Voted for a $500 billion Medicare cut
- Voted for $1 trillion in wasted stimulus funds
- Supported Nancy Pelosi
The ad ends with an appeal to “stop Obama’s tax hikes, his amnesty for illegals, and his job-killing policies.” And it closes with these words: “Vote for the candidates who share your values.” The beauty of this ad is that we hit three birds with just one stone! For the cost of one ad, we can defeat three Pelosi Democrats! And, thanks to your donations, we’re also running similar ads against Pelosi Democrats in Florida, West Virginia, Minnesota, Tennessee, Wisconsin and elsewhere. The ads all follow the same successful formula. If you have not seen our powerful ads Just Go Here Now. Why are our ads so devastating? We don’t make personal attacks like the Democrats. We don’t twist the facts. Because our ads tell the unvarnished truth, pure and simple. Unlike the dirty, lying ads the Democrats are running, our ads take the high road. You see, you don’t have to hit below the belt to win an election. You don’t have to make personal attacks. We just tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. You don’t even need hundreds of millions. I have discovered in my long career in politics that one truthful ad is equal to ten lying ones. This is why the Democrats just got almost $100 million from the public employee unions. They need this amount of money to twist and distort the truth. They can’t win this election on the actual facts! Unlike Democrat Jerry Brown’s gubernatorial campaign in California, we don’t call our opponents “whores.” Nor do we mock our opponents’ religious beliefs, as Democrat Alan Grayson of Florida is doing. As you may have heard, Grayson calls his conservative Christian opponent, Dan Webster, “Taliban Dan,” equating simple Christianity with radical Islam! Unlike the Democrat attack ads, our ads are strictly truthful. We simply state how our opponents voted, and let the voters decide what to do with that key information. Here’s what’s unique about Super PAC for America. We’re not wasting money to beat the 50 Democrats in Congress who’ll go down in defeat with or without our help. Rather, we’re focusing on the NEXT tier of 50 vulnerable Democrats in Congress who need to be unseated. You see, it’s not enough to defeat 50 Democrats in the House, even though that would give the Republicans a majority. That’s because a few liberal Republicans vote with the Democrats. Our goal is to defeat 100 Democrats so that we have a solid majority to repeal Obamacare and to stop Obama’s agenda. I really believe that we can do this if we are fully funded but I need YOUR help. To donate Go Here Now After you’ve seen the ads on our website, could you please consider sending a donation or another donation to buy more air time for these ads? Donate here now Sincerely, Dick Morris P.S.: The nonpartisan Cook Political Report revealed some explosive news yesterday. It said Democrats are at risk of losing 60 House seats. And, the report added, the tally could go higher! Just weeks ago, Cook was not even sure the GOP would win the House. I was scoffed at when I said 100 Democrats could be defeated. Every day, that is becoming a REAL possibility. Your donations are making a HUGE DIFFERENCE. Please continue to support us Go Here Now. |