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Newser Daily Digest - Bush: I'm Done With Politics

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Bush: I'm Done With Politics

Bush: I'm Done With Politics

(Newser) - You won't see George W. Bush hitting the campaign trail in 2012; he's sworn off politics for good, he tells C-SPAN in an interview airing tomorrow night. “I don’t want to go out and campaign for candidates, I don’t want to be used as a perpetual... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

What to Watch for in Egypt Coverage

What to Watch for in Egypt Coverage

(Newser) - The next few days will no doubt be filled with much pontificating on what President Obama should be doing in Egypt, and political scientist Jonathan Bernstein has some advice for those watching and listening: Do something, anything! "Media-watchers should remember that there's usually a media bias here in favor... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

What Hillary Wants More Than the Presidency

What Hillary Wants More Than the Presidency

(Newser) - No pressure, Chelsea, but Hillary Clinton wants to be a grandma more than she ever wanted to be leader of the free world. Or so says Bill Clinton in a lighter moment of an interview at Davos, reports Reuters. When asked what he'd like to achieve in the next 10... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.


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China Nabs U.S. Foreign Aid; Kucinich Ambushed by Olive Pit

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Insider Report from Newsmax.com

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Rupert Murdoch: Olbermann Is ‘Crazy’
2. MSNBC Ratings Soar After Olbermann’s Exit
3. Sargent Shriver Steadfast Against Abortion
4. U.S. Giving Foreign Aid to — China!
5. Fox News Wins State of the Union
6. Laura Ingraham Airs in Eight of Top 10 Markets
7. We Heard: House Freshmen, Herbert Zweibon, Dennis Kucinich

Go Here Now

1. Rupert Murdoch: Olbermann Is ‘Crazy’

While Keith Olbermann’s departure from his nightly cable news show “Countdown” appeared abrupt, it came in fact after “years of behind-the-scenes tensions” with MSNBC, according to a report.

Throughout his career Olbermann has been known as a “mercurial personality with a track record of attacking his superiors and making early exits,” Bill Carter and Brian Stelter wrote in The New York Times.

After Olbermann’s stint at Fox Sports Network ended in acrimony in 2001, Rupert Murdoch, head of the network’s parent News Corporation, said: “I fired him. He’s crazy.”

Many viewers were stunned when Olbermann — MSNBC’s top-rated host — suddenly announced his departure from the network at the end of his Friday, Jan. 21 show.

“But underlying the decision, which one executive involved said was not a termination but a ‘negotiated separation,’ were years of behind-the scenes-tension, conflicts and near terminations,” according to the Times.

That tension was so intense that Olbermann occasionally threatened not to come to work and producers had to notify a substitute anchor to be on standby.

He once complained that the topics he addressed on his show were “stories my producers force me to cover.”

After MSNBC suspended Olbermann in November for making donations to Democratic congressional candidates, he threatened to appear on ABC’s “Good Morning America” to protest the decision. Jeff Zucker, head of NBC Universal, was ready to fire Olbermann on the spot if he did so, an NBC executive told The Times.

Olbermann alluded to the discord in his departure announcement, saying that “there were many occasions, particularly in the last two and a half years, where all that surrounded the show, but never the show itself, was just too much for me.”

The New York Post reports that Olbermann — who began on “Countdown” in March 2003 — was trying to convince his bosses to let him out of his $7 million-a-year contract as early as last spring.

Olbermann was not looking forward to working for Comcast, which at the time was negotiating to purchase NBC Universal, according to the Post. Comcast Chairman Brian Roberts is a prominent Republican, and there were also whispers that Comcast was forcing Olbermann out.

Comcast has denied it was involved in Olbermann’s departure. And Eric Deggans writes in the St. Petersburg Times that “it would make no sense for [Comcast] to start a tenure running NBC by decapitating the cable channel’s biggest star.”

In leaving MSNBC, Olbermann reportedly agreed to stay away from television news for six to nine months. But he can still work in radio and on the Internet — and would be free to return to TV for the 2012 elections.

Editor's Note:

2. MSNBC Ratings Soar After Olbermann’s Exit

MSNBC’s ratings for its 8 p.m. show rose 50 percent on the first night Keith Olbermann did not host the hour.

With Lawrence O’Donnell hosting on Monday, the network had 1.5 million total viewers, up from Olbermann’s average of just over 1 million.

Rachel Maddow, the 9 p.m. host, also enjoyed about a 50 percent ratings bump on Monday, rising to 1.4 million viewers.

O’Donnell’s “Last Word” trounced CNN’s “Parker Spitzer” in the time slot — the latter drew just 483,000 viewers — but was trounced in turn by Bill O’Reilly’s show on Fox News, which had 3.5 million viewers.

O’Donnell was likely the beneficiary of curiosity over what he might say about Olbermann’s departure. O’Donnell, whose show previously aired at 10 p.m., did say he owed his introduction to the network to his predecessor.

O'Reilly also discussed Olbermann, although he did not mention him by name and instead referred to him as a "hateful commentator."

Editor's Note:

3. Sargent Shriver Steadfast Against Abortion

Throughout his long career in public service, Kennedy brother-in-law Sargent Shriver was associated with a number of liberal causes, but he sided with social conservatives on one key issue — abortion.

“Unlike his famous brothers-in-law, Shriver upheld and defended Church teachings in the public square,” George J. Marlin, author of “The American Catholic Voter,” writes on The Catholic Thing website.

“Although he was a liberal, when it came to abortion he was solidly pro-life.”

After law school and a stint in the Navy, Shriver met his future wife, Eunice Kennedy, JFK’s younger sister. He went to work for her father, Joseph P. Kennedy, in Chicago, where he served as president of the city’s Board of Education and the Catholic Interracial Council, fighting discrimination in housing and education.

From 1961 to 1966, he headed the Peace Corps, then accepted President Lyndon Johnson’s offer to oversee the “War on Poverty” as head of the Office of Economic Opportunity.

Even when he ran as the Democratic Party’s 1972 vice presidential candidate, with George McGovern heading the ticket, and campaigned for the presidency in 1976, “he refused to bend on abortion,” Marlin observes.

Shriver wrote in a 1976 position paper: “I am strongly opposed to abortion. I intend to work in and out of government, as I have for the past decade, for the day when abortion will no longer be looked upon by anyone as a desirable or necessary procedure.”

Sargent and Eunice Shriver funded the first international abortion conference and the Georgetown University Kennedy Institute of Ethics to study life issues, Marlin notes.

After Shriver’s death on Jan. 21 at age 95, Sean Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, said Shriver’s “commitment to preserving and protecting human life at every stage of existence, especially for the unborn, and working to lift people out of poverty were exceptional gifts of love and humanity.”

Editor's Note:

4. U.S. Giving Foreign Aid to — China!

What does economic superpower China have in common with many poor nations in the developing Third World? They all receive American foreign aid.

That’s right, the United States is among several industrial nations that still subsidize the world’s No. 2 economy, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Japan is the biggest donor, followed by Germany, France, Britain, and the U.S. — countries that are all in debt to China and running massive deficits.

American aid totals the modest sum of $65 million a year, but “why are we sending China any succor at all?” Investor’s Business Daily asked in an editorial.

“It’s hard to justify giving foreign aid to a communist state whose state-run organ, ‘The People’s Daily,’ wrote on the eve of [Chinese President Hu Jintao’s] visit to Washington: ‘China’s emergence is increasingly shifting to debate over how the world will treat China, which is the world’s No. 1 and has overtaken the U.S.’”

IBD points out that China spends at least $100 billion a year on its military, holds some $2.5 trillion in foreign reserves, and boasts more billionaires than any nation except the United States.

Hu recently pledged to double aid to Africa to gain access to its oil, and human rights groups say China is using that aid to prop up brutal regimes.

“So here we are giving charity to China (financing it by taking loans from China, our debt holder), which China uses to finance its wicked projects in Africa under the guise of charity,” IBD observes.

“Are we really this foolish? Apparently so.”

The editorial calls on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to investigate why America is still funding China.

Editor's Note:

5. Fox News Wins State of the Union

Fox News Channel easily beat rival cable news networks CNN and MSNBC in the ratings for its telecast of President Barack Obama’s Tuesday night State of the Union address.

About 43 million people tuned in to watch the speech on 11 television networks — 5 million fewer than watched last year’s State of the Union, The Washington Post reported.

In calculating viewership, Nielsen included ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo, Univision, and Centric.

Fox News Channel averaged 5 million of the 43 million. CNN lagged far behind at 3 million, and MSNBC averaged about 2.5 million.

Fox News had even higher viewership for its post-speech analysis, 5.4 million.

CBS was tops among the broadcast networks with 8.5 million during the 9-10 p.m. hour of the speech, narrowly beating out NBC’s 8.4 million. ABC had 6.7 million and Fox had 3.4 million.

Editor's Note:

6. Laura Ingraham Airs in Eight of Top 10 Markets

“The Laura Ingraham Show” has been steadily gaining new affiliate radio stations and now airs in eight of the top 10 metropolitan markets.

The show recently added stations in San Francisco, Pittsburgh, and Washington, D.C., and is now ranked the sixth largest syndicated show with more than 6 million weekly listeners, according to Talkers magazine.

In all, the show recently added 35 new affiliates, bringing the total to 328 stations — including 21 in the top 25 metro markets, its syndicator Talk Radio Network Enterprises reports.

“Laura Ingraham’s show is taking the nation’s capital by storm,” said Dave Houston, program director at WTNT in Washington. “All of our listeners are talking about this show.”

Phil Boyce, president of programming at Talk Radio, said Ingraham’s show “continues to drive listeners along with increasing affiliates in major markets. Her fan base is nationwide, loyal, and they want more of her.”

Ingraham, the most listened-to woman in political talk radio, said: “This is a critical time for our country both politically and culturally, and I feel like I’m just getting warmed up.

“Americans want and deserve smart, funny, and irreverent talk, and I intend to keep giving it to them.”

In addition to her radio show, which first aired in 2001, Ingraham has a weekly segment, “The Ingraham Angle,” on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” the top-rated cable TV news show. Her most recent New York Times best seller is “The Obama Diaries.”

Editor's Note:

7. We Heard…

THAT for many of the new members of Congress, the House of Representatives is truly a house — more than 20 percent will sleep in their offices rather than rent living quarters in Washington, D.C.

A CBS News survey found that 19 of the 87 freshman Republicans and two of the nine new Democrats in the House will spend nights in their office, using a storeroom as a closet and makeshift kitchen, and showering in the House gym.

One new Republican, Illinois tea party activist Joe Walsh, says he is on the job “to fix Washington, not to be seduced by it.”

THAT the Jewish community is mourning the death of Herbert Zweibon, founder and chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel and a member of the editorial board of the AFSI’s newsletter “Outpost.”

AFSI opposes any territorial withdrawals by Israel. In a 2007 interview with the Jerusalem Post, Zweibon said: “It makes little difference to us whether the government of the United States or the government of Israel believe that they can somehow compromise with the Muslim community. This just will not happen.”

The New York Sun said in an editorial that Zweibon, who died on Jan. 19 at age 84, “was against treating with or compromising with Israel’s enemies and made no apologies for the hard line he took.”

THAT liberal congressman and former Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has sued a House of Representatives cafeteria for selling him a sandwich wrap containing an unpitted olive he says caused dental damage when he bit into it.

According to the lawsuit filed on Jan. 3, the Ohio legislator seeks $150,000 in damages from companies that operate the Longworth House Office Building's cafeteria.

Kucinich says he bought the sandwich wrap "on or about April 17, 2008," and eating it caused "permanent dental and oral injuries requiring multiple surgical and dental procedures,” the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.

"Said sandwich wrap was unwholesome and unfit for human consumption in that it was presented to contain pitted olives, yet unknown to plaintiff, contained an unpitted olive or olives which plaintiff did not reasonably expect to be in the food prepared for him, and could not visually detect prior to consumption."

Editor's Note:

Editor's Notes:

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[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-01-30

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Slashdot Daily Newsletter

In this issue:
* Amazon Flaw Lets Password Variants Through
* New Critical Bug In All Current Windows Versions
* Ruby Dropped In Netbeans 7
* A Lego Replica of the Antikythera Mechanism
* UK ISPs Consider VPN To Avoid Piracy Crackdown
* Egypt Cuts the Net, Net Fights Back
* Who Unfriended You, and Why
* How Do You Protect Servers From a Rogue Admin?
* Golden Gate Bridge To Eliminate Tollbooths
* Apple Hints At Near-Field Payments System In Next-Gen iPhone, iPad
* EFL 1.0 Is Finally Released
* Using Search To Reconnect Refugees With Their Families
* New Android Exploit Discovered To Steal Data
* China Blocks 'Egypt' On Twitter-Like Site
* A Kinect Princess Leia Hologram In Realtime
* Model Says Religiosity Gene Will Dominate Society

| Amazon Flaw Lets Password Variants Through
| from the liberal-in-what-you-accept-but-not-here dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday January 28, @19:17 (Security)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/01/28/2333206/Amazon-Flaw-Lets-Password-Variants-Through?from=newsletter

Wired reports that it has confirmed a [0]password flaw affecting some
Amazon accounts. If your password hasn't been changed in a while ("the
past several years"), it may be less secure than you'd like. As Wired
explains, for these older accounts, "[...] if your password is
���Password,��� Amazon.com will also let you log in with 'PASSWORD,'
'password,' 'passwordpassword,' and 'password1234.'" The article suggests
that Amazon's use of the Unix crypt() tool may be at fault. (Hat tip to
E. Maureen Foley for pointing this out.)

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/01/amazon-password-problem/

| New Critical Bug In All Current Windows Versions
| from the innocent-whistling-sound dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday January 28, @20:02 (Bug)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/0050223/New-Critical-Bug-In-All-Current-Windows-Versions?from=newsletter

Trailrunner7 writes "Microsoft is warning its users about [0]a dangerous
flaw in the way that Windows handles certain MHTML operations, which
could allow an attacker to run code on vulnerable machines. The bug
affects all of the current versions of Windows, from XP up through
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. Microsoft issued an advisory about the
MHTML vulnerability, which has been discussed among security researchers
in recent days. There is some exploit code available for the bug, as
well. In addition to the advisory, Microsoft has released a FixIt tool,
which helps mitigate attacks against the vulnerability in Windows."

Discuss this story at:

0. https://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/microsoft-warns-mhtml-bug-windows-012811

| Ruby Dropped In Netbeans 7
| from the other-shoe-dropping dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday January 28, @23:02 (Programming)
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/0242253/Ruby-Dropped-In-Netbeans-7?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "Ruby/RoR in NetBeans made headlines three
years ago, but after Sun was acquired by Oracle there where fears that
support for dynamic languages would suffer, as this IDE would be
downsized. This has become a reality, since as of version 7, [0]NetBeans
will no longer support Ruby."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.infoq.com/news/2011/01/ruby-dropped-in-netbeans-7

| A Lego Replica of the Antikythera Mechanism
| from the hard-to-get-enough-antikythera dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @02:07 (Space)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/0336249/A-Lego-Replica-of-the-Antikythera-Mechanism?from=newsletter

vbraga writes "The [0]Antikythera Mechanism is the oldest known
scientific computer, built in Greece at around 100 BCE. Lost for 2000
years, it was recovered from a shipwreck in 1901. But not until a century
later was its purpose understood: an astronomical clock that determines
the positions of celestial bodies with extraordinary precision. In 2010,
a [1]fully-functional replica out of Lego (YouTube video) was built."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101124/full/468496a.html
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLPVCJjTNgk

| UK ISPs Consider VPN To Avoid Piracy Crackdown
| from the privacy-piracy-eh-what's-the-difference dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @04:58 (Privacy)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/0417208/UK-ISPs-Consider-VPN-To-Avoid-Piracy-Crackdown?from=newsletter

Mark.JUK writes "Broadband internet providers in the UK are
[0]considering whether or not to follow the [1]example of a Swedish ISP,
Bahnhof, which recently put all of its customers behind a secure Virtual
Private Network (VPN) in order to circumvent new European Data Retention
and Internet Copyright Infringement laws. By doing this is makes their
logs less useful to outside forces (e.g. rights holders) and allows
customers to use the internet anonymously. However several UK ISPs,
including business provider AAISP (Andrews and Arnold), have suggested
that there may be better solutions than sticking everybody behind a
costly VPN. AAISP's boss, Adrian Kennard, claims, 'something ISPs will be
doing anyway, carrier grade NAT, will create a similar anonymity as there
is no requirement to log NAT sessions.' Meanwhile, Timico's CTO, Trefor
Davies, warns, 'It would be a pretty costly project for all ISPs to
implement such a system. It would also bring with it risks ��� suddenly it
becomes a lot easier for governments to start monitoring all your traffic
because it all goes through a single point (or at least a few points) on
the network.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.ispreview.co.uk/story/2011/01/28/uk-isps-moot-anonymous-internet-solutions-to-circumvent-new-data-and-piracy-laws.html
1. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/01/27/0320209/Swedish-ISPs-To-Thwart-EU-Data-Retention-Law

| Egypt Cuts the Net, Net Fights Back
| from the let's-use-big-metaphors dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @08:01 (Censorship)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/0025210/Egypt-Cuts-the-Net-Net-Fights-Back?from=newsletter

GMGruman writes "Egypt's cutoff of the Net enrages the Netizenry, who are
finding a bunch of ways ��� high tech and low tech ��� to fight back, from
dial-up to ham radio, from mesh networks to Twitter. Robert X. Cringely
shows [0]how the Net war is being waged, and asks, Could it happen at
home, too?" [1]Sure, [2]it [3]could. On the same topic, reader dermiste
writes "In reaction to the Egyptian government crackdown on the Internet,
the French non-profit ISP French Data Network [4]set up a dial-up
Internet access. This way, anyone in Egypt who has access to a analog
phone line and can call France is able to connect to the network using
the following number: +33 1 72 89 01 50 (login: toto, password: toto)."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.infoworld.com/d/adventures-in-it/cairo-mania-egypt-cuts-the-net-807
1. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/01/1619225/Senate-Trying-To-Slip-Internet-Kill-Switch-Past-Us
2. http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/10/27/1849224/Most-Americans-Support-an-Internet-Kill-Switch?from=rss
3. http://politics.slashdot.org/story/10/06/27/1845255/Sen-Bond-Disses-Internet-Kill-Switch-Bill?from=rss
4. http://blog.fdn.fr/post/2011/01/28/Censure-de-l-internet-en-%C3%89gypte-%3A-une-humble-action-de-FDN

| Who Unfriended You, and Why
| from the look-to-your-left-look-to-your-right dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @09:03 (Facebook)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/1338223/Who-Unfriended-You-and-Why?from=newsletter

Barence writes "Given that social-networking sites like to put across a
happy-clappy image of friendship and joy, it's not surprising that
they're less keen to tell you when someone doesn't want to be as friendly
with you any more. PC Pro reveals how to find out [0]who really hates you
on social networks. It's possible to track who's quietly dropped you from
their Facebook friends list, for example, by installing Firefox's
Greasemonkey add-in and running a special script. Meanwhile, there are
sites that will reveal the exact tweet that turned people off your
Twitter account."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/features/364777/find-out-who-hates-you-on-facebook-twitter-and-linkedin

| How Do You Protect Servers From a Rogue Admin?
| from the you-don't-make-them-angry dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @10:05 (Data Storage)
| https://ask.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/1458240/How-Do-You-Protect-Servers-From-a-Rogue-Admin?from=newsletter

Treborto writes "I work with a non-profit that has an extensive
collection of photos and videos. These are used in publications and on
the web. We have several levels of privileges: read-only of small,
watermarked images; read-only of large, clean images; edit of the site;
and admins who can confer privileges. It has happened that people leave
the organization in anger. So far, no Admin has done so. Is there a
back-up, site mirroring, privilege, or other strategy you'd recommend so
we have protection from an Admin gone bad?"

Discuss this story at:

| Golden Gate Bridge To Eliminate Tollbooths
| from the your-check-is-in-the-email dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @11:01 (Businesses)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/1518255/Golden-Gate-Bridge-To-Eliminate-Tollbooths?from=newsletter

Hugh Pickens writes writes "The San Francisco Chronicle reports that
tollbooths and toll collectors, a fixture at the Golden Gate Bridge since
it opened in 1937, will be eliminated starting in 2012 as [0]the bridge
moves to an all-electronic system, cutting 34 jobs and saving $19.2
million over the first eight years. The bridge will move to a toll
collection strategy that combines the existing FasTrak system with one
that photographs the license plates of cars going through the toll plaza
and mails a bill to the registered owners. Other structures and bridges
have successfully gone to all-electronic tolls, including the Sydney
Harbor Bridge in Australia and the Leeville Bridge in Louisiana, but
[1]not everyone is happy with the change. 'This is a world-famous bridge,
and you need a human face,' says Philip Hynes. 'You need people in those
toll booths to greet people.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/01/28/BANV1HFE3N.DTL
1. http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_17227872?nclick_check=1

| Apple Hints At Near-Field Payments System In Next-Gen iPhone, iPad
| from the please-swipe-this-spot-on-your-screen dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @11:57 (Iphone)
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/1534259/Apple-Hints-At-Near-Field-Payments-System-In-Next-Gen-iPhone-iPad?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "The smartphone seems to be well on its way to
becoming the next wallet; and Apple could be pushing that movement along.
Reports from several outlets suggest the Cupertino, Calif.-based
electronics giant has plans to put a [0]near-field communications chip in
the next versions of the iPhone and iPad for contactless payments
technology. The latest report, from blog Apple Insider, says Apple's has
put up two job postings for two global payment platforms managers."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/106433/20110128/apple-hints-nfc-chips-might-come-to-iphones-ipads.htm

| EFL 1.0 Is Finally Released
| from the just-when-you-least-expect-it dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @13:02 (Enlightenment)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/1659253/EFL-10-Is-Finally-Released?from=newsletter

Lisandro writes "The [0]Enlightenment crew has [1]finally released the
[2]first version of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, which the E17
desktop is built on." Adds reader mu22le: "Among the Enlightenment
libraries hitting version 1.0 are Eina (core data structure), Eet (data
encode/decode and storage), Evas (canvas and scenegraph rendering ),
Ecore (core mainloop, display abstraction and utility), Embryo (small
virtual machine and compiler), Edie (GUI layout and animation), E_Dbus,
Efreet (handling of freedesktop.org standards), and Eeze (udev
wrapping)." Getting it right can take a while -- a preview of the EFL
libraries [3]first appeared in 2004. Enlightenment has never stopped
looking cool.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.enlightenment.org/
1. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTA1Nw
2. http://www.enlightenment.org/?p=news/show&l=en&news_id=28
3. http://tech.slashdot.org/story/04/07/31/117246/EFL-Preview-Release-Asparagus

| Using Search To Reconnect Refugees With Their Families
| from the we-haven't-located-us-yet dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @14:07 (Social Networks)
| https://search.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/183232/Using-Search-To-Reconnect-Refugees-With-Their-Families?from=newsletter

Lanxon writes "A lengthy and emotional feature on Wired this week goes
behind the scenes of Refugees United (RU) ��� a US-registered non-profit,
founded in 2006 by two Danish brothers, Christopher and David Mikkelsen,
that [0]aims to be a Google for refugee search: an easy, accessible
platform that enables the displaced to find their families. On a grey
July day in the RU office in Copenhagen ��� typical tech-company open-plan
��� Christopher and David, and Tomas Krag, chief technology officer,
explain how the project came about, and the impact it has had on the

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.wired.co.uk/magazine/archive/2011/02/features/refugees-united-christopher-and-david-mikkelsen?page=all

| New Android Exploit Discovered To Steal Data
| from the damn-androids-have-no-consciences dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @15:04 (Android)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/1946202/New-Android-Exploit-Discovered-To-Steal-Data?from=newsletter

mimd writes "A researcher at North Carolina State University has
discovered yet another [0]Android Browser exploit that affects the new
Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and previous versions. Slashdot recently
covered a [1]previous browser exploit that affected all versions of the
Android Browser, but was patched in 2.3. [2]Xuxian Jiang writes 'our
finding here is that the patch contained in Android 2.3 is not an
ultimate fix and can still be bypassed. We have a proof-of-concept
exploit with a stock Nexus S phone and are able to successfully exploit
the vulnerability to steal potentially personal information from the
phone.' The exploit is capable of reading and writing files from an
Android's sdcard or system partition as well as uploading user data over
the internet."

Discuss this story at:

0. https://login.techweb.com/cas/login?service=http://www.darkreading.com/insider-threat/167801100/security/vulnerabilities/229200006/data-leak-flaw-found-in-newest-version-of-google-android.html&gateway=true
1. http://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/11/27/213219/Security-Expert-Warns-of-Android-Browser-Flaw?from=rss
2. http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/faculty/jiang/nexuss.html

| China Blocks 'Egypt' On Twitter-Like Site
| from the jumping-the-gun-just-a-bit dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @16:11 (Censorship)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/2110227/China-Blocks-Egypt-On-Twitter-Like-Site?from=newsletter

Suki I writes with this excerpt from news.com.au: "China has [0]blocked
the word 'Egypt' from the country's wildly popular Twitter-like service,
while coverage of the political turmoil has been tightly restricted in
state media. China's ruling Communist Party is sensitive to any potential
source of social unrest. A search for 'Egypt'' on the Sina microblogging
service brings up a message saying, 'According to relevant laws,
regulations and policies, the search results are not shown.' The service
has more than 50 million users. News on the Egypt protests has been
limited to a few paragraphs and photos buried inside major news websites,
but China Central Television had a report on its midday broadcast.
China's Foreign Ministry did not respond to a request for comment on the
events in Egypt."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world/china-blocks-egypt-on-twitter-like-site/story-e6frfkui-1225996626566

| A Kinect Princess Leia Hologram In Realtime
| from the recreation-opportunities dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @17:24 (Input Devices)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/2222246/A-Kinect-Princess-Leia-Hologram-In-Realtime?from=newsletter

mikejuk writes with this snippet from I, Programer: "True 3D realtime
holography is not only possible ��� it makes use of a Kinect as its input
device. A team at MIT has [0]recreated the famous 3D Princess Leia scene
from the original Star Wars ��� but as a live video feed! It's a great
stunt but don't miss the importance ��� this is realtime 3D holography and
that means you can view it without any glasses or other gadgets and you
can move around and see behind objects in the scene. This is more than
the flat 3D you get in movies."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.i-programmer.info/news/144-graphics-and-games/1932-a-kinect-princess-leia-hologram-in-realtime.html

| Model Says Religiosity Gene Will Dominate Society
| from the getchyer-broad-brushes-n'-start-paintin' dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday January 29, @18:42 (Earth)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/01/29/2350217/Model-Says-Religiosity-Gene-Will-Dominate-Society?from=newsletter

Hugh Pickens writes writes "PhysOrg reports on a study by Robert
Rowthorn, emeritus professor at Cambridge University, that predicts that
the genetic components that predispose a person toward religion are
currently "hitchhiking" on the back of the religious cultural practice of
high fertility rates and that provided the fertility of religious people
remains on average higher than that of secular people, the [0]genes that
predispose people towards religion will spread. For example, in the past
20 years, the [1]Amish population in the US has doubled, increasing from
123,000 in 1991 to 249,000 in 2010. The huge growth stems almost entirely
from the religious culture's high fertility rate, which is about 6
children per woman, on average. Rowthorn says that while fertility is
determined by culture, an individual's predisposition toward religion is
likely to be influenced by genetics, in addition to their upbringing. In
the model, Rowthorn uses a "religiosity gene" to represent the various
genetic factors that combine to genetically predispose a person toward
religion, whether remaining religious from youth or converting to
religion from a secular upbringing. Rowthorn's model predicts that the
religious fraction of the population will eventually stabilize at less
than 100%, and there will remain a possibly large percentage of secular
individuals. But [2]nearly all of the secular population will still carry
the religious allele, since high defection rates will spread the
religious allele to secular society when defectors have children with a
secular partner."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-01-religiosity-gene-dominate-society.html
1. http://amishamerica.com/how-fast-are-the-amish-growing/
2. http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2011/01/07/rspb.2010.2504.full

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[GV Daily] Egypt: An Internet Black Hole

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Thursday and Friday, January 27-28, 2011
Egypt: An Internet Black Hole
 Over the past few days, as protesting Egyptians have utilized social media tools for organizing and disseminating information, they've also come across numerous obstacles to access. Tonight, the biggest barrier yet as the country's Internet access is cut off.  read>>
Special Coverage Protests 2011
 Inspired by the Tunisian uprising that overthrew longtime president Ben Ali, Egyptian citizens and activists organized mass protests on January 25 calling for economic reform and an end to President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule. Expectations ran high, and so did public tension as thousands demonstrated in Cairo and other cities, as well as in front of Egyptian embassies abroad. On January 25, Twitter was blocked and mobile phones were cut off, but news of arrests and police repression still circulated online (hashtag #Jan25).   read>>

28 Jan - Egypt: Citizen Videos Manage to Bypass Blockage
28 Jan - Egypt: Is the Army on the People's Side?
28 Jan - Iran: Egypt Uprising a Vivid Reminder of Iran's Green Movement
28 Jan - Egypt: Visualizing Topics Shared on Twitter
28 Jan - Egypt: Videos Are Worth a Million Words
28 Jan - Egypt: Information getting out despite information blackout
28 Jan - Egypt: Tweeting the Protests Continues
28 Jan - Egypt: "The People Will Bring the Regime Down!"
28 Jan - Internet Security Savvy Critical as Egypt Government Blocks Websites, Arrests Activists
28 Jan - Egypt: Countdown for Day of Rage Continues
28 Jan - Egypt: Netizens Rise for the Support of Egyptians on their Day of Rage
27 Jan - Israel: Bloggers Eye Gaza as Egypt Unrest Spreads through Sinai
27 Jan - Egypt: Reports of Police Brutality, Arrests and Live Ammunition
27 Jan - Syria: Internet Users Race to Support Egyptian Protestors
27 Jan - Egypt: Friday is the Day of Anger
27 Jan - Egypt: Twittering from the Rooftops
27 Jan - Egypt: What is Happening in Suez?

El Salvador: 19 Years Since Signing of Peace Agreements
 Peace accords ending a Salvadoran civil conflict were signed 19 years ago on January 16, 1992. Although Salvadorans consider the peace agreements were an accomplishment, they feel the country has not achieved the peace, stability and reconciliation that was expected. read>>
Arab World: New Media and the Egyptian Demonstrations
 The Arab World is looking in awe at the developments unfolding in Egypt. Today, mainstream media is taking a back seat, while citizen media triumphs. Arab bloggers share their reflections on the protests in Egypt, as witnessed from their computer screens.  read>>
Russia: Domodedovo Bombings Expose Imbalance Between Traditional and Social Media
 Social media played a significant role in the coverage of the terrorist attack in Domodedovo International Airport near Moscow. Russian bloggers and journalists discussed the consequences of increasing role of blogs and Twitter in emergency situations. Gregory Asmolov analyzes the roles of the government, traditional and new media in the coverage of the attack.  read>>
Uganda: Gay Rights Activist Found Murdered
 Ugandan gay rights activist David Kato was found murdered yesterday, just weeks after winning a court case against a local newspaper that had called for Ugandans to "hang" homosexuals.  read>>
More posts on Global Voices today...
Video: Sports of the World and Games People Play
Russia: 'Anonymous Bomb' and 'Random Scapegoats' of Domodedovo
Lebanon: 'Day of Rage' Shocks Bloggers
Yemen: Thousands Protesting Against Saleh Rule
Sudan: What will be the new name for Southern Sudan?
Ecuador: Netizens Discuss Referendum on Constitution
Ukraine: Police Treatment of Foreigners Raises Concerns Ahead of Euro 2012
Ukraine: YouTube Helps Discipline Traffic Police
Puerto Rico: Violence Continues as Students Engage in Civil Disobedience
Iran: Egypt Uprising a Vivid Reminder of Iran's Green Movement
Poland: Blogger Prosecuted for Criticizing Local Mayor

Thank you very much for reading Global Voices!


Deborah Dilley, Digest Editor
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