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[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-05-21
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In this issue:
* Preliminary Benchmarks: Unity vs. Gnome-Shell
* Australian Government To Widen Spy Agency Powers, Again
* Verizon Customers: Say So Long To Unlimited Data
* Video Game Playing Increases Food Intake In Teens
* EU Demands Explicit Geo-Location Permissions
* Firmware Troubles For Old Xbox 360s, Possibly PS3s As Well
* TI vs. Calculator Hobbyists, the Next Round
* Judge Puts Righthaven Cases In Colorado On Hold
* Netflix Isn't Swamping the Internet
* Ebooks Now Outselling Print Books At Amazon
* Implant Restores Paralyzed Man's Leg Movement
* MeeGo 1.2 Released
* Saturn's Super Storm
* Bug Bounties: Outbidding the Black Hats
* <em>Neuromancer</em> Movie Deal Moving Forward
* Google Abandons Plan To Archive World's Newspapers
* Massive LinkedIn IPO Raises Dotcom Bubble Concerns
* Ask Slashdot: Android Security Practices?
* Nano-Viewing Record Broken
* Why Thunderbolt Is Dead In the Water
* Seduction Secrets In Video Game Design
* Space Station Becomes Dark Matter Hunter
* Apple: an 'App Store' Is Not a Store For Apps
* NASA Sets Final Space Shuttle Flight For July
* Signs of Ozone Layer Recovery Detected
* How Today's Tech Alienates the Elderly
* German Police Seize German Pirate Party Servers
* A New Approach To Reducing Spam: Go After Credit Processors
| Preliminary Benchmarks: Unity vs. Gnome-Shell
| from the modified-seldon-plan dept.
| posted by timothy on Thursday May 19, @20:18 (GNOME)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/007239/Preliminary-Benchmarks-Unity-vs-Gnome-Shell?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]fatalGlory writes "Despite some initial reservations about
Gnome-shell, it appears to be coming out very nicely. In some
[1]preliminary benchmarking tests I've been conducting, Ubuntu's Unity
desktop on 11.04 Natty uses roughly double the memory that Gnome-shell
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.resplect.com/
1. http://www.resplect.com/?q=node/30
| Australian Government To Widen Spy Agency Powers, Again
| from the we-know-what's-best-for-you dept.
| posted by timothy on Thursday May 19, @23:03 (Australia)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/0157218/Australian-Government-To-Widen-Spy-Agency-Powers-Again?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "It seems the Australian Government has a
fondness for expanding the powers of the domestic spy agency, ASIO, be it
for [0]hacking into servers or [1]tapping citizens' phones. Now the plan
is to make it easier to engage in [2]economic and industrial espionage,
as well as on groups such as WikiLeaks."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.slashdot.org/story/99/11/26/1051236/Australian-Government-Cracks-Down-on-Net-Users
1. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/02/09/16/0344221/Australia-Taps-More-Phones-Than-Entire-US
2. http://www.smh.com.au/national/new-laws-to-widen-asio-spy-powers-20110518-1et7z.html
| Verizon Customers: Say So Long To Unlimited Data
| from the can-you-ping-me-now dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday May 20, @01:58 (Cellphones)
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/0349244/Verizon-Customers-Say-So-Long-To-Unlimited-Data?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]BogenDorpher writes "Verizon will be [1]eliminating its unlimited
smartphone data plan this summer. No longer will one be able to pay $30 a
month to have unlimited data. This move is designed to 'force heavy data
users to pay more for mobile data.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.winbeta.org/
1. http://www.pcworld.com/article/228256/verizon_say_so_long_to_unlimited_data.html
| Video Game Playing Increases Food Intake In Teens
| from the om-nom-nom dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @03:18 (Medicine)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/065257/Video-Game-Playing-Increases-Food-Intake-In-Teens?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "There have been plenty of anecdotal
associations between gaming and obesity. Now Canadian and Danish
researchers have tested the hypothesis that video game playing leads to
increased spontaneous food intake; a true test of causation vs.
correlation. Their conclusion? 'A single session of video game play in
healthy male adolescents is [0]associated with an increased food intake,
regardless of appetite sensations ([1]abstract).'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://scienceblog.com/45389/rigorous-study-confirms-video-game-playing-increases-food-intake-in-teens/
1. http://www.ajcn.org/content/early/2011/04/12/ajcn.110.008680.abstract
| EU Demands Explicit Geo-Location Permissions
| from the ooh-baby-tell-me-exactly-where dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday May 20, @04:49 (Google)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/05/19/2251236/EU-Demands-Explicit-Geo-Location-Permissions?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]judgecorp writes "Apple, Google and employers are [1]already
contravening new European Union rules that will require companies to get
explicit permission from users before any geo-location data can be used
to track them, whether for the purposes of targeted advertising or
monitoring employee behavior. This could be the start of the next big
privacy argument. The hopes of companies planning to use geo-location
data to push products and services to mobile device users have taken a
beating in the European Union, following a pronouncement from the
European Data Protection Supervisor, Peter Hustinx."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.eweekeurope.co.uk/
1. http://www.eweekeurope.co.uk/news/eu-demands-explicit-geo-location-permissions-29614
| Firmware Troubles For Old Xbox 360s, Possibly PS3s As Well
| from the if-it-ain't-broke dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @06:15 (XBox (Games))
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/0556239/Firmware-Troubles-For-Old-Xbox-360s-Possibly-PS3s-As-Well?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Several readers have tipped news of firmware updates causing problems for
both Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3. The Xbox issue was
[0]caused by a recent update thought to be preparing the platform for a
new disc format that gives developers another 1GB or so of space to work
with. As it turns out, [1]the real purpose seems to be piracy
countermeasures. Microsoft [2]acknowledged the issue and promised that
affected users would receive a new 360S console and a free year of Xbox
Live to compensate. The PS3 problem was highlighted by [3]reports of
overheating consoles while playing L.A. Noire on the recently-released
3.61 firmware. Rockstar Games initially confirmed that the firmware was
causing the overheating, but later backtracked. They issued a joint
statement with Sony saying that [4]neither the game nor the firmware was
the culprit, leaving users [5]wondering what else it could be.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/34735/Xbox_Updated_Disc_Format_Firmware_Rolling_Out_Today.php
1. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-new-xbox-dash-doesnt-work-on-all-drives
2. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-05-18-how-to-get-your-replacement-xbox-360
3. http://www.thinq.co.uk/2011/5/19/sony-firmware-update-borks-older-ps3s/
4. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/16191/rockstar-games-and-sony-joint-statement-on-la-noire.html
5. http://www.shacknews.com/article/68514/la-noire-freezing-and-overheating
| TI vs. Calculator Hobbyists, the Next Round
| from the not-how-google-would-do-it dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday May 20, @07:27 (Handhelds)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/0545201/TI-vs-Calculator-Hobbyists-the-Next-Round?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "Texas Instruments has struck back against
Nspire gamers and hackers with [0]even stronger anti-downgrade protection
in OS 3.0.2, after the TI calculator hacking community broke the
anti-downgrade protection [1]found in OS 2.1 last summer and [2]the new
one in OS 3.0.1 a month ago. In addition to that, in OS 3.0.1 the hacker
community found Lua programming support and created games and software
using it. Immediately, TI retaliated by adding an encryption check to
make sure those third-party generated programs won't run on OS 3.0.2."
But if you want it, [3]you can get OS 3.0.2 here.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?topic=8501
1. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/07/18/0152245/TI-vs-Calculator-Hobbyists-Again
2. http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?topic=7550.0
3. http://education.ti.com/calculators/products/US/os-update/
| Judge Puts Righthaven Cases In Colorado On Hold
| from the just-a-minute-pardner dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday May 20, @08:18 (The Courts)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/0141259/Judge-Puts-Righthaven-Cases-In-Colorado-On-Hold?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Senior US District Judge John Kane says there are
[1]serious questions about the validity of Righthaven's copyright
infringement lawsuits in Colorado, and has put them all on hold. Kane
says the main case in which he'll rule on the jurisdiction issue is that
of Righthaven defendant Leland Wolf, who was sued over a Denver Post TSA
pat-down photo. Wolf's attorneys filed briefs saying that based on
Righthaven's lawsuit contract with Review-Journal owner Stephens Media
LLC, its lawsuit contract with the Post is likely similar, and that
[2]their contract doesn't give Righthaven standing to sue. 'Righthaven
very likely is neither the owner nor exclusive holder of any rights in
the copyrighted work underlying this lawsuit,' say attorneys for Wolf.
'As such, Righthaven has suffered no injury or other cognizable harm
required for it to have standing.' Judge Kane says he wants to resolve
that issue before proceeding. 'Because there are serious questions as to
whether my exercise of subject matter jurisdiction over Righthaven's
claim of copyright infringement is proper, I think it most prudent to
stay the proceedings in all pending cases in this district in which
Righthaven is the named plaintiff,' wrote Kane. 'Should I find that I
lack subject matter jurisdiction over Righthaven's claim of copyright
infringement, it is likely that I will be required to dismiss all pending
Discuss this story at:
0. http://poncacityweloveyou.com/
1. http://www.vegasinc.com/news/2011/may/19/denver-judge-stays-all-righthaven-cases-colorado/
2. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/17/0319255/Judge-Reveals-Secret-Righthaven-Copyright-Contract
| Netflix Isn't Swamping the Internet
| from the not-for-a-lack-of-effort dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @08:57 (The Internet)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1222227/Netflix-Isnt-Swamping-the-Internet?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]itwbennett writes "Remember the Sandvine report from [1]earlier this
week that said Netflix gobbles up 30% of Internet traffic during peak
hours? It needs [2]clarification on a couple of important points, says
blogger Kevin Fogarty. First, yes, Netflix traffic spikes during prime
time, but only across the last mile. Second, ISPs underestimate what a
'normal' level of Internet use really is. 'When AT&T announced its data
caps ��� 150GB per month for DSL users and 250GB for broadband ��� it called
the data levels generous and said limits would only affect 2 percent of
its customers. It turns out Netflix users take up an average of 40GB per
month just from streaming media, according to [3]a different Sandvine
report (PDF).'"
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:amy_bennett@itworld.com
1. http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/05/17/190233/Netflix-Dominates-North-American-Internet
2. http://www.itworld.com/networking/166777/netflix-isnt-swamping-internet-isps-are-overstating-their-congestion-problems
3. http://www.sandvine.com/downloads/documents/05-17-2011_phenomena/Sandvine%20Global%20Internet%20Phenomena%20Spotlight%20-%20Netflix%20Rising.pdf
| Ebooks Now Outselling Print Books At Amazon
| from the trees-everywhere-celebrate dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @09:37 (Books)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1256218/Ebooks-Now-Outselling-Print-Books-At-Amazon?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes with this excerpt from CNN: "As further proof
of how digital media dominate today's entertainment, Amazon announced
Thursday that its customers now [0]buy more e-books for its Kindle device
than all print books ��� hardcover and paperback ��� combined. Given that
people seem to spend more and more of their time peering at glowing
electronic screens, this was probably bound to happen. Still, the
swiftness of this sea change ��� three-and-a-half years after the Kindle
hit the market ��� appeared to catch even Amazon by surprise. 'Customers
are [1]now choosing Kindle books more often than print books. We had high
hopes that this would happen eventually, but we never imagined it would
happen this quickly ��� we've been selling print books for 15 years and
Kindle books for less than four years,' said Jeff Bezos, Amazon's CEO, in
a statement."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/TECH/gaming.gadgets/05/19/kindle.outsells.books/index.html?hpt=T2
1. http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=176060&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1565581&highlight=
| Implant Restores Paralyzed Man's Leg Movement
| from the we-have-the-technology dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @10:15 (Biotech)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1341217/Implant-Restores-Paralyzed-Mans-Leg-Movement?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
cylonlover writes "In a move that [0]gives cautious hope to the millions
of people suffering some form of paralysis, a team of researchers from
UCLA, Caltech and the University of Louisville has given a man rendered
paralyzed from the chest down after a hit-and-run accident in 2006 [1]the
ability to stand and take his first tentative steps in four years. The
team used a stimulating electrode array implanted into the man's body to
provide continual direct electrical stimulation to the lower part of the
spinal cord that controls movement of the hips, knees, ankles and toes,
to mimic the signals the brain usually sends to initiate movement ([2]abstract)."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/paraplegic-man-stands-steps-with-203634.aspx
1. http://www.gizmag.com/paralyzed-walk-electrode-array-implant/18681/
2. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(11)60547-3/abstract
| MeeGo 1.2 Released
| from the plowing-ahead dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @10:35 (Open Source)
| https://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1422250/MeeGo-12-Released?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]jrepin sends word that the Meego project has [1]announced the release
of version 1.2: "This release provides a solid baseline for device
vendors and developers to start creating software for various device
categories on Intel Atom and ARMv7 architectures. This release also
includes the following: Netbook UX, In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) UX,
Tablet Developer Preview and MeeGo SDK."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://slashdot.org/~jrepin
1. https://meego.com/community/blogs/imad/2011/meego-1.2-release
| Saturn's Super Storm
| from the jupiter's-had-it-too-good-for-too-long dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @10:53 (Space)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1410230/Saturns-Super-Storm?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader sends in a brief writeup about [0]a massive storm
that's been visible on Saturn's surface for a few months now. "As it
rapidly expanded, the storm's core developed into a giant, powerful
thunderstorm, producing a 3,000-mile-wide (5,000-kilometer-wide) dark
vortex possibly similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot." The storm has been
[1]photographed by the Cassini probe, [2]Hubble and [3]even amateur
astronomers here on Earth. (The Planetary Society Weblog also posted
[4]an 8,000-pixel-wide panorama a while back.) "The violence of the storm
��� the strongest disturbances ever detected in Saturn's stratosphere ���
took researchers by surprise. What started as an ordinary disturbance
deep in Saturn's atmosphere punched through the planet's serene cloud
cover to roil the high layer known as the stratosphere." A study on the
thermal structure of the storm ([5]abstract) was just published in the
journal Science.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/19may_saturnstorm/
1. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2010/12/28/a-saturnian-storm-larger-than-worlds/
2. http://www.planetary.org/blog/article/00002979/
3. http://www.universetoday.com/81774/bright-white-storm-raging-on-saturn/
4. http://www.planetary.org/blog/article/00002946/
5. http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2011/05/18/science.1204774
| Bug Bounties: Outbidding the Black Hats
| from the all-about-the-benjamins dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @11:35 (Bug)
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1447252/Bug-Bounties-Outbidding-the-Black-Hats?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]snydeq writes "Fatal Exception's Neil McAllister discusses whether
independent software developers should follow in the footsteps of Google
and Mozilla and begin offering bug bounties [1]before black hats pay up
for their undisclosed software flaws. 'Whichever side of the fence you
fall on, the fact is that bounties are being paid for undisclosed
software flaws. They're just not always being paid by the vendor who
developed the software. As ever more commercial data moves into the cloud
and the stakes for cyber crime rise, black hat hackers are offering real
money for exploitable bugs. In turn, when exploits happen, vendors may be
held legally liable for any customer data that was compromised. Maybe
it's time more software shops thought seriously about using their own
cash to turn the tide in their favor.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.infoworld.com/
1. http://www.infoworld.com/d/application-development/bug-bounties-outbidding-the-black-hats-513
| <em>Neuromancer</em> Movie Deal Moving Forward
| from the can-you-think-of-any-reason-not-to dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @12:14 (Movies)
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1519252/Neuromancer-Movie-Deal-Moving-Forward?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
chill writes "After years in development, [0]a film adaptation of William
Gibson's seminal cyberpunk novel Neuromancer is finally moving forward.
According to a press release, the film has secured sales from
distributors at Cannes and visual effects work has already begun. Filming
will begin in 2012 with locations in Canada, Istanbul, Tokyo, and
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.slashfilm.com/neuromancer-preproduction/
| Google Abandons Plan To Archive World's Newspapers
| from the can't-google-a-word-you-don't-know dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @12:51 (Google)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1613249/Google-Abandons-Plan-To-Archive-Worlds-Newspapers?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
An anonymous reader writes "Throughout the past few years, Google's
newspaper-scanning project has digitized [0]more than 60 million pages
from newspapers spanning 250 years, including such gems as [1]the moon
landing. But according to the Boston Phoenix, this ambitious effort [2]is
slated to soon be axed in favor of Google One Pass, a platform for
publishers to monetize content from their own sites."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://news.google.com/newspapers
1. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=wZJMF1LD7PcC&dat=19690721&printsec=frontpage&hl=en
2. http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20064593-264.html
| Massive LinkedIn IPO Raises Dotcom Bubble Concerns
| from the money-for-nothing dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @13:31 (Businesses)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/179212/Massive-LinkedIn-IPO-Raises-Dotcom-Bubble-Concerns?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
The Installer writes with news of [0]yesterday's stock offering from
LinkedIn, which shocked investors by closing at more than double the
initial price. "Buyers crowded the floor of the New York Stock Exchange,
and financial news networks flashed LinkedIn's stock price urgently all
day. By the closing bell, the company had a market value of $9 billion,
the highest for any Internet company since Google had its initial public
offering seven years ago. Millionaires and even one billionaire were
made, at least on paper. The stock, issued at $45, went as high as
$122.70 just before noon and closed at $94.25 on a trading volume of 30
million shares." That price values the company at [1]over 30 times its
2010 revenue, leading to speculation that this is either evidence of the
second dotcom bubble (a possibility [2]we discussed in February) or a "[3]watershed
moment for social media." Many experts are [4]questioning the value of
LinkedIn, while others are claiming [5]intentional market manipulation.
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.komonews.com/news/tech/122275044.html
1. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/05/20/valuing-linkedin-and-social-networking/
2. http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/02/22/0539210/Has-the-Second-Dotcom-Bubble-Started
3. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/TECH/social.media/05/20/linked.in.ostrow/
4. http://www.infoworld.com/t/social-networking/dont-see-the-value-in-linkedin-youre-not-alone-678
5. http://blogs.forbes.com/ericjackson/2011/05/20/jim-cramer-is-right-that-linkedins-underwriters-juiced-the-ipo/
| Ask Slashdot: Android Security Practices?
| from the avoid-installing-malicious-ai dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @14:12 (Android)
| https://ask.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/188228/Ask-Slashdot-Android-Security-Practices?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Soft writes "Smartphone security recommendations seem to boil down to
Windows-like practices: install an antivirus, run updates, and don't
execute apps from untrusted sources. On my own computers, running Linux,
I choose to only install (signed) packages from the distribution's or
well-known repositories, or programs I can check and compile myself, or
run them as a dedicated user ��� and I don't bother with an antivirus. What
rules should I adopt on my soon-to-be-bought Android device? Can I use it
purely with open-source apps and still make the most of it? Are Android's
fine-grained permissions (accessing the network, contacts...) reliable?
Can apps be trusted not to scan your files and keyboard for passwords and
emails? What precautions do security-conscious Slashdotters take to keep
control of their phones?"
Discuss this story at:
| Nano-Viewing Record Broken
| from the squint-really-hard dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @14:50 (Science)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1824257/Nano-Viewing-Record-Broken?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
smitty777 writes "Wired magazine reports on a new nanoviewing lens that
is capable of [0]viewing objects less than 100 nm across. Rather than
attempting to use a 'perfect' lens, this technology uses a porous surface
that actually scatters the light. By measuring how it is scattered and
setting up lasers to compensate, they're able to 'steer' the light back
to the right spot. The abstract from the [1] Physical Review Letters
reads: 'The smallest structures that conventional lenses are able to
optically resolve are of the order of 200 nm. We introduce a new type of
lens that exploits multiple scattering of light to generate a scanning
nanosized optical focus. With an experimental realization of this lens in
gallium phosphide we imaged gold nanoparticles at 97 nm optical
resolution. Our work is the first lens that provides a resolution better
than 100 nm at visible wavelengths.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/05/nanolens/
1. http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v106/i19/e193905?ft=1
| Why Thunderbolt Is Dead In the Water
| from the cables-can't-swim dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @15:27 (Technology)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1831204/Why-Thunderbolt-Is-Dead-In-the-Water?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
adeelarshad82 writes "In the same way that Apple championed FireWire for
the replacement of parallel SCSI, Thunderbolt is meant as the next big
thing in video and audio peripheral interfaces. Plus, it's Apple's move
to beat USB 3.0. However, [0]Thunderbolt is off to a slow start, for a
number of reasons ��� from cost to the technology's features in comparison
to USB 3.0 ��� which is why it may be dead in the water."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2385615,00.asp
| Seduction Secrets In Video Game Design
| from the install-that-dopamine-drip dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @15:45 (Games)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1911258/Seduction-Secrets-In-Video-Game-Design?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Drawing on cognitive science, an increasing
number of game theorists and designers say that our growing love of video
games has [1]important things to tell us about our intrinsic desires and
motivations. Central to it all is a simple theory ��� that games are fun
because they teach us interesting things and they do it in a way that our
brains prefer ��� through systems and puzzles. 'With games, learning is the
drug,' writes Raph Koster, the designer of seminal multiplayer fantasy
games such as Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies. 'In game theory, this
is often spoken of as the "[2]magic circle": you enter into a realm where
the rules of the real world don't apply ��� and typically being judged on
success and failure is part of the real world. People need to feel free
to try things and to learn without being judged or penalised.' Another
important element is autonomy as games tap into our need to have control.
This is very obvious in 'god games' such as The Sims, where we shape the
lives of virtual humans, but it's becoming a vital element of action
adventures and shooters, too. Finally another important game design facet
is 'disproportionate feedback,' in which players are hugely rewarded for
achieving very simple tasks. In highly successful shooters such as Call
of Duty and Bulletstorm, when an enemy is shot, they don't just collapse
to the floor, they explode into chunks. 'You're good, you're a success ���
you're powerful,' writes Stuart. '[3]Disproportionate feedback is an
endorphin come-on.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://poncacityweloveyou.com/
1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/may/15/video-game-design-psychology
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Circle_(virtual_worlds)
3. http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2010/mar/21/tom-bissell-video-game-cocaine-addiction
| Space Station Becomes Dark Matter Hunter
| from the stealthily-stalking-its-prey dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @16:07 (ISS)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/192236/Space-Station-Becomes-Dark-Matter-Hunter?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]CWmike writes "With [1]a new $2 billion device successfully installed
Thursday, the International Space Station [2]has become a dark matter
hunter. Two robotic arms worked in tandem to lift the 15,251-pound
instrument, [3]called the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2, out of space
shuttle Endeavour's payload bay and then attached it to the backbone of
the space station. The instrument will orbit the Earth, sifting through
cosmic particles and providing data that it is hoped will help find the
answers to fundamental questions of physics related to antimatter and
dark matter."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://twitter.com/mikeatcw
1. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/ams.html
2. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9216865/NASA_Space_station_becomes_dark_matter_hunter
3. http://www.ams02.org/timeline-2/
| Apple: an 'App Store' Is Not a Store For Apps
| from the do-you-read-the-words-you-write dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @16:48 (The Courts)
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/1947231/Apple-an-App-Store-Is-Not-a-Store-For-Apps?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
recoiledsnake writes "What would be your first guess about what an app
store sells? Don't be fooled, Apple warns, [0] the phrase 'app store' is
not generic and can only be used to describe Cupertino's... um, app
store? 'Apple denies that, based on their common meaning, the words "app
store" together denote a store for apps,' Apple [1]said in a Thursday
filing with a California district court. All this notwithstanding that
[2]Jobs himself used the phrase generically while referring to Android
app stores. We've [3]previously [4]discussed this ongoing legal battle."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2385657,00.asp
1. http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/candce/4:2011cv01327/238522/35/
2. http://www.macworld.com/article/154980/2010/10/jobs_transcript.html
3. http://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/03/22/0026249/Apple-Sues-Amazoncom-Over-App-Store-Trademark
4. http://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/04/27/1755246/Amazon-Responds-To-App-Store-Lawsuit-From-Apple
| NASA Sets Final Space Shuttle Flight For July
| from the make-your-reservations-for-a-week-later dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @17:09 (NASA)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/2051225/NASA-Sets-Final-Space-Shuttle-Flight-For-July?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]coondoggie writes "NASA today said the final space shuttle flight
should [1]take place July 8 at about 11:40 am EDT from the Kennedy Space
Center in Florida. It will be the [2]135th and final mission of NASA's
storied Space Shuttle Program. NASA said the July date is based on
current planning, and an official launch date will be announced following
the June 28 Flight Readiness Review. That review of course could delay
the flight, since there are a few technical issues to address."
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:mcooney@nww.com
1. http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/nasa-lines-final-space-shuttle-flight-july
2. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts135/index.html
| Signs of Ozone Layer Recovery Detected
| from the now-we-can-officially-stop-caring dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @17:31 (Earth)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/2038228/Signs-of-Ozone-Layer-Recovery-Detected?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
polar red writes "22 years of banning CFCs is [0]starting to pay off.
Researchers have finally been able to [1]measure a reduction in size of
the ozone layer hole, after finding the source of its fluctuations. '[2]Salby's
results reveal a fast decline in ozone levels until the late 1990s, then
a slow rebound that closely matches what theoretical calculations had
predicted, says David Karoly, a climate scientist at the University of
Melbourne, Australia. "It is the sort of result that was expected, but is
the first to provide detection of an increase in Antarctic ozone levels,"
he says.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=first-signs-of-ozone-hole-recovery-spotted
1. http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110516/full/news.2011.293.html
2. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2011/2011GL047266.shtml
| How Today's Tech Alienates the Elderly
| from the get-off-my-lawn dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 20, @18:12 (News)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/2057247/How-Todays-Tech-Alienates-the-Elderly?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
[0]Barence writes "A UK academic has [1]blamed unnecessarily complicated
user interfaces for putting older people off today's technology. Mike
Bradley, senior lecturer in product design and engineering at Middlesex
University, claims efforts to be more inclusive are being undermined by
software and hardware design that is exclusively targeted at younger
users. He cites the example of the seemingly simple iPhone alarm clock.
'They're faced with a screen with a clock face and a plus sign icon, and
they couldn't understand that you were "adding an alarm," so they didn't
click the plus sign to get through to that menu. Pressing the clock image
takes you through to choices about how the clock is displayed, and it's
not easy to get back again.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/
1. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/367522/q-a-how-todays-tech-alienates-the-elderly
| German Police Seize German Pirate Party Servers
| from the perhaps-they-got-the-names-backwards dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday May 20, @18:50 (Crime)
| https://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/2233255/German-Police-Seize-German-Pirate-Party-Servers?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
fph il quozientatore writes "The German police [0]have seized today the
servers from the [1]German Pirate Party after an attack on the French
company EDF. Apparently they are looking for evidence of allegiance with
the Anonymous group. In completely unrelated news, the website of the
German police was down this afternoon."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/05/german-police-seize-pirate-party-servers-looking-at-anons-toolkit.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss
1. http://www.piratenpartei.de/
| A New Approach To Reducing Spam: Go After Credit Processors
| from the now-drag-out-the-list-of-why-it'll-fail dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday May 20, @19:31 (Spam)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/05/20/2252225/A-New-Approach-To-Reducing-Spam-Go-After-Credit-Processors?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
WrongSizeGlass writes "A team of computer scientists at two University of
California campuses has been looking deeply into the nature of spam, and
they think [0]found a 'choke point' [PDF] that could greatly reduce the
flow of spam. It turned out that 95 percent of the credit card
transactions for the spam-advertised drugs and herbal remedies they
bought were [1]handled by just three financial companies ��� one based in
Azerbaijan, one in Denmark and one in Nevis, in the West Indies. If a
handful of companies like these refused to authorize online credit card
payments to the merchants, 'you'd cut off the money that supports the
entire spam enterprise,' said one of the scientists." Frequent Slashdot
contributor (and author of a book on [2]Digital Cash) Peter Wayner
wonders if "the way to get a business shut down is to send out a couple
billion spam messages in its name."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~savage/papers/Oakland11.pdf
1. http://www.nytimes.com/glogin?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/20/technology/20spam.html&OQ=_rQ3D4&OP=441a77a1Q2FQ25xDRQ254_A-k__XTQ25TQ5E))Q25Q5EQ60Q25TQ5EQ25XDArQ5D_Y_fzQ25TQ5E-Q3FQ5C1drX1Y
2. http://www.wayner.org/node/10
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