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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* HarperCollins Wants Library EBooks to Self-Destruct After 26 Loans
* Firefox 4 Beta 12 Released; Fixes Over 650 Bugs
* Zimbabwe Professor Arrested and Tortured For Watching Online News Videos
* Over 40,000 John Doe Copyright Troll Cases Dismissed
* Smart Phone Gets Driver Out of a Speeding Ticket
* Music Execs Stressed Over Free Streaming
* Programmer Arrested For Logic Bombing 'Whac-A-Mole'
* Got (Buffer) Bloat?
* AMD Open Sources Their Linux Video API
* Boxee Box Matures; Another Look At the Platform
* RIM Does Not Want PlayBook Devs, Complains One Potential Developer
* How Sun Bought Apple Computer (Almost)
* Microsoft Shows Off Radical New UI, Could Be Used In Windows 8
* Ask Slashdot: Is the Recycle Bin a Good GUI Metaphor?
* NASA Wants Spacecraft For Mars Return Trip
* Atomic Antennae Transmit Quantum Information
* Shuttle Discovery Docks With Space Station
* Support Center Served Over 2,000 Identity Thieves
* US Justice Department Dug Up Reporter's Phone, Bank Records
| HarperCollins Wants Library EBooks to Self-Destruct After 26 Loans
| from the it-sounded-good-on-paper dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Friday February 25, @19:34 (DRM)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/005219/HarperCollins-Wants-Library-EBooks-to-Self-Destruct-After-26-Loans?from=newsletter
An anonymous reader writes: "HarperCollins has decided to change their
agreement with e-book distributor OverDrive [and other distributors,
too]. They forced OverDrive, which is a main e-book distributor for
libraries, to agree to terms so that [0]HarperCollins e-books will only
be licensed for checkout 26 times. Librarians have blown up over this,
calling for a boycott of HarperCollins, breaking the DRM on e-books --
basically doing anything to let HarperCollins and other publishers know
they consider this abuse." Cory Doctorow, who wrote TFA, says: "For the
record, all of my HarperCollins ebooks are also available as DRM-free
Creative Commons downloads. And as bad as HarperCollins' terms are,
they're still better than Macmillan's, my US/Canadian publisher, who
don't allow any library circulation of their ebook titles."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.boingboing.net/2011/02/25/harpercollins-to-lib.html
| Firefox 4 Beta 12 Released; Fixes Over 650 Bugs
| from the less-memory-leakage-makes-a-big-difference dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Friday February 25, @20:17 (Firefox)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/0031254/Firefox-4-Beta-12-Released-Fixes-Over-650-Bugs?from=newsletter
darthcamaro writes "At last! [0]Firefox 4 Beta 12 is now available. There
are [1]over 650 bug fixes in this massive update including a fix for a
memory leak that kept Firefox consuming RAM even without opening new
tabs. The other big thing that many users have asked for is that FINALLY,
when you hover over a link, the URL is displayed in the status bar,
instead of the location bar."
Discuss this story at:
0. https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/4.0b12/whatsnew/
1. http://blog.internetnews.com/skerner/2011/02/mozilla-firefox-4-beta-12-fixe.html
| Zimbabwe Professor Arrested and Tortured For Watching Online News Videos
| from the let's-not-go-there-on-vacation-this-year dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Friday February 25, @21:08 (Censorship)
| https://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/0131247/Zimbabwe-Professor-Arrested-and-Tortured-For-Watching-Online-News-Videos?from=newsletter
An anonymous submitter wrote: "Disturbing reports have come out of
Zimbabwe about how a professor who regularly held gatherings to discuss
different news topics and social issues, was [0]arrested, charged with
treason and tortured for having the audacity to gather the regular group
of about 45 people who discuss these things, and showing them some BBC
and Al Jazeera news clips about the uprising in Egypt and Tunisia." Quote
from the article: "Under dictator Robert Mugabe, watching internet videos
in Zimbabwe can be a capital offense, it would seem. The videos included
BBC World News and Al-Jazeera clips, which Gwisai had downloaded from
Kubatana, a web-based activist group in Zimbabwe."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/02/prof-arrested-tortured-for-watching-viral-vids/
| Over 40,000 John Doe Copyright Troll Cases Dismissed
| from the sometimes-the-good-guys-win dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Friday February 25, @21:50 (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/0213202/Over-40000-John-Doe-Copyright-Troll-Cases-Dismissed?from=newsletter
Requiem18th writes "From the EFF site: Thousands of unnamed 'John Does'
in P2P file sharing lawsuits filed in California, Washington DC, Texas,
and West Virginia have been severed, [0]effectively dismissing over
40,000 defendants. The plaintiffs in these cases must now re-file against
almost all of the Does individually rather than suing them en masse."
Despite the dismissal, EFF has received reports that some Does are still
receiving notices from their ISPs informing them that their identities
are being sought in relation to these cases. If you get one, contact the
EFF immediately.
Discuss this story at:
0. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/02/over-40-000-does-dismissed-copyright-troll-cases
| Smart Phone Gets Driver Out of a Speeding Ticket
| from the buckle-your-seatbelt-and-turn-on-your-GPS dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Friday February 25, @22:28 (Crime)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/021218/Smart-Phone-Gets-Driver-Out-of-a-Speeding-Ticket?from=newsletter
[0]Hugh Pickens writes writes "Sahas Katta writes in Skattertech that a
traffic cop pulled him over while driving home and gave him a speeding
ticket but [1]thanks to his Android, he ended up walking out of traffic
court without having to pay a fine or adding a single point to his
record. "I fortunately happened to have [2]Google Tracks running when an
officer cited me for speeding while heading back home from a friend's
place," writes Katta. "The speed limit in the area was a mere 25 miles
per hour and the cop's radar gun shockingly clocked me driving over 40
miles per hour." Once in court Katta asked the officer the last time he
attended radar gun training, when the device was last calibrated, or the
unit's model number ��� none of which the officer could answer. "I then
presented my time stamped GPS data with details about my average moving
speed and maximum speed during my short drive home. Both numbers were
well within the posted speed limits," says Katta. "The judge took a
moment and declared that I was not guilty, but he had an unusual
statement that followed. To avoid any misinterpretations about his
ruling, he chose to clarify his decision by citing the lack of evidence
on the officer's part. He mentioned that he was not familiar enough with
GPS technology to make a decision based on my evidence, but I can't help
but imagine that it was an important factor.""
Discuss this story at:
0. http://poncacityweloveyou.com/
1. http://skattertech.com/2011/02/how-my-smart-phone-got-me-out-of-a-speeding-ticket-in-traffic-court/
2. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.android.maps.mytracks&feature=search_result
| Music Execs Stressed Over Free Streaming
| from the buying-less-but-listening-more dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Friday February 25, @23:20 (Businesses)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/0221242/Music-Execs-Stressed-Over-Free-Streaming?from=newsletter
[0]itwbennett writes "At the Digital Music Forum East conference, held
Thursday in New York, music industry watchers gathered to puzzle anew
over the [1]continuing decline in music sales. 'We have lost 20 million
buyers in just five years,' said Russ Crupnick, a president at the
analyst firm NPD Group who spoke at the conference. Moreover, only about
14 percent of buyers account for 56 percent of revenue for the recording
industry. In years past, the blame was put on digital music piracy. At
this year's conference, however, the focus was on free streaming Internet
services, such as Pandora, MySpace, Spotify and even YouTube."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.itworld.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/%5Bprimary-term%5D/138187/music-execs-stressed-over-free-streaming
| Programmer Arrested For Logic Bombing 'Whac-A-Mole'
| from the up-to-15-years-in-prison-for-sabotaging-Whac-A-Mole dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Saturday February 26, @02:34 (Crime)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/0153214/Programmer-Arrested-For-Logic-Bombing-Whac-A-Mole?from=newsletter
McGruber writes "WFTV.com has the curious story of programmer Marvin
Wimberly, who was arrested for having [0]installed a logic bomb on
Whac-A-Mole arcade games made by [1]Bob's Space Racers in Holly Hill,
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.wftv.com/news/26986709/detail.html?cxntlid=cmg_cntnt_rss
1. http://www.bobsspaceracers.com/nonframes/Home.html
| Got (Buffer) Bloat?
| from the good-buffering-is-better-than-licking-a-cake-batter-bowl dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Saturday February 26, @05:18 (Networking)
| https://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/038249/Got-Buffer-Bloat?from=newsletter
mtaht writes, "After a very intense month of development, the
[0]Bufferbloat project has announced the [1]debloat-testing git kernel
tree, featuring (via suggestion of Van Jacobson) a [2]wireless network
latency smashing algorithm, (called eBDP), the SFB and CHOKe packet
schedulers, and a slew of driver level fixes that reduce network latency
across the Linux kernel by over 2 orders of magnitude. Got Bloat?"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/bloat/
1. git:gitinfradeadorgdebloat-testinggit
2. https://lists.bufferbloat.net/pipermail/bloat-devel/2011-February/000021.html
| AMD Open Sources Their Linux Video API
| from the every-little-open-source-bit-helps dept.
| posted by Roblimo on Saturday February 26, @07:42 (AMD)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/0340241/AMD-Open-Sources-Their-Linux-Video-API?from=newsletter
An anonymous reader writes "AMD has [0]open sourced X-Video Bitstream
Acceleration, their API by which they expose the Universal Video Decoder
2 GPU under Linux." They may be a little late with this move, and not
everything you could wish is now open source, but it's better than
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTEzNg
| Boxee Box Matures; Another Look At the Platform
| from the still-tee-vee dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @08:46 (Television)
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/1244226/Boxee-Box-Matures-Another-Look-At-the-Platform?from=newsletter
[0]MojoKid writes "Though D-Link actually started shipping the [1]Boxee
Box media player back in Q4 of last year, it was obvious that it needed a
bit more polish to offer a reasonably satisfying experience. Since that
time, Boxee has released a number of firmware and platform updates that
enhance the device and bring new services, like full 1080p movie content
from Vudu and what could be considered critical mass in mainstream movie
rentals, Netflix. The Boxee Box has had time to mature and [2]this full
walk-through of the system shows it's actually an interesting alternative
to competitive products in this class of device, like Apple TV, Google TV
and Roku. There's still lots of work to be done in fleshing out services
and content but the Boxee platform has a bit more polish behind it now."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hothardware.com/
1. http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/09/13/166211/Boxee-Box-Pre-Orders-Start-At-229
2. http://hothardware.com/Reviews/Boxee-Box-HD-Media-Player-Updated-and-Netflix-Ready/
| RIM Does Not Want PlayBook Devs, Complains One Potential Developer
| from the you-don't-want-a-rim-job? dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @09:45 (Programming)
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/1249209/RIM-Does-Not-Want-PlayBook-Devs-Complains-One-Potential-Developer?from=newsletter
fidget42 writes "It appears as if Research In Motion is trying to
discourage people from developing for the PlayBook by making the process
[0]too darn complicated." This is a pretty serious rant; has anyone had a
better experience with RIM's system? Sometimes the gap between developers
and users (even when those users are other developers) can be more of a
Discuss this story at:
0. http://blog.jamiemurai.com/2011/02/you-win-rim/
| How Sun Bought Apple Computer (Almost)
| from the alternate-history dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @10:49 (Businesses)
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/158211/How-Sun-Bought-Apple-Computer-Almost?from=newsletter
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "There was a time in the 1990s when Sun, at its
wealthiest, was poised to buy Apple when it was at the lowest point in
its storied history and now eWeek reports on [1]how the deal for Sun to
buy Apple fell through. 'Back in late 1995 early '96, when we were at our
peak, we were literally hours away from buying Apple for about $5 to $6 a
share,' says former Sun CEO Ed Zander. 'I don't know what we were going
to do with it, but we were going to buy it.' Sun co-founder Scott McNealy
adds that there was an investment banker on the Apple side who basically
blocked it. 'He put so many terms into the deal that we couldn't afford
to go do it.' Would there be iPhones, iPads and iPods on the market today
if Sun Microsystems had been able to close a deal to buy out Apple in the
mid-1990s? No, says McNealy. 'If we had bought Apple, there wouldn't have
been iPods or iPads ... I'd have screwed that up.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://hughpickens.com/
1. http://www.eweek.com/c/a/IT-Infrastructure/How-Apple-Dodged-a-Sun-Buyout-Former-CEOs-McNealy-Zander-Tell-All-251679/
| Microsoft Shows Off Radical New UI, Could Be Used In Windows 8
| from the trial-balloon dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @12:03 (GUI)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/1653250/Microsoft-Shows-Off-Radical-New-UI-Could-Be-Used-In-Windows-8?from=newsletter
[0]autospa writes "In a three and a half minute video, Microsoft may have
shown the world what it has in store for the eagerly awaited Windows 8.
In the video Microsoft showed a [1]radically different interface from
past versions of Windows ��� even Windows 7. Running on Surface 2, the
touch-screen successor to the original Microsoft Surface, the device
accepts input from a Windows Phone 7 handset (HTC HD7). Gone are the
icons that drive Windows, OS X, and Linux operating systems of past and
present. In their place are 'bubbles' that interact with files and post
streaming information off the internet."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.ispyce.com/
1. http://www.ispyce.com/2011/02/microsoft-shows-off-radical-new-ui.html
| Ask Slashdot: Is the Recycle Bin a Good GUI Metaphor?
| from the why-call-it-a-recycle-bin-when-it's-trash? dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @13:00 (GUI)
| https://ask.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/177218/Ask-Slashdot-Is-the-Recycle-Bin-a-Good-GUI-Metaphor?from=newsletter
dsginter writes "During a recent Windows 7 upgrade, I disabled the
'Recycle Bin' from appearing on the user desktop. Why? Because this
allows the users to retrieve errant deletions. While this was the goal of
the 'Recycle Bin' in the first place, most people (including myself) are
in the good habit of keeping a tidy workspace and 'taking out the trash'
when they see that it is full. For some people, their OCD meant that
deleting a file was a two step process: delete the file and then empty
the recycle bin. By disabling it from view, I have found that the
original function is restored for the smattering of times that it is
actually needed. Why are we wasting pixels on such a poor metaphor?"
Going further, is there some combination of metaphor and method of use
that you'd find more useful or natural?
Discuss this story at:
| NASA Wants Spacecraft For Mars Return Trip
| from the oh-a-mockup's-fine-actually dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @14:04 (Mars)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/192232/NASA-Wants-Spacecraft-For-Mars-Return-Trip?from=newsletter
coondoggie writes "If we ever do get to Mars, getting home might prove to
be as difficult. NASA today selected three companies ��� Alliant
Techsystems, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman ��� to being the task of
[0]defining the spacecraft that will leave Mars, presumably at first
loaded with red planet rock samples, then later possibly humans ��� for a
safe trip back to Earth. The engineering challenges those three companies
face are immense."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/nasa-wants-spacecraft-designed-mars-return-tr
| Atomic Antennae Transmit Quantum Information
| from the quantumnal-equinox dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @15:02 (Science)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/1937231/Atomic-Antennae-Transmit-Quantum-Information?from=newsletter
intellitech writes "The Austrian research group led by physicist Rainer
Blatt suggests a fundamentally novel architecture for quantum
computation. They have [0]experimentally demonstrated quantum antennae,
which enable the exchange of quantum information between two separate
memory cells located on a computer chip. This offers new opportunities to
build practical quantum computers."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110223133444.htm
| Shuttle Discovery Docks With Space Station
| from the hey-buds-let's-party dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @16:03 (ISS)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/2039224/Shuttle-Discovery-Docks-With-Space-Station?from=newsletter
Velcroman1 writes "The space shuttle [0]Discovery has docked with the
International Space Station for the final time at 2:15 p.m. EST, where it
will make a last delivery to the orbiting space lab ��� before parking
ultimately at a museum. With Discovery's presence, the ISS becomes a
truly 'international' space station. This is the first time spacecraft
from the United States, Russia, Europe and Japan have all docked
simultaneously, NASA said. The station also hosts the Leonardo
Multipurpose Module built by the Italian Space Agency and recently gained
Dextre, the Canadian Space Agency's robotic handyman."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/02/26/shuttle-discovery-closing-space-station-saturday-arrival/
| Support Center Served Over 2,000 Identity Thieves
| from the please-hold-for-next-representative dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @17:13 (Crime)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/2213207/Support-Center-Served-Over-2000-Identity-Thieves?from=newsletter
wiredmikey writes "The operator of an online business that assisted over
[0]2,000 identity thieves in over 5,000 instances of fraud pleaded guilty
to charges of conspiracy to commit wire and credit card fraud this week.
The Belarus man operated a service that helped fellow online thieves use
stolen information by providing English language calling services to
trick banks in the United States. The service helped counteract security
measures put in place by financial institutions to prevent fraud when
account holders try to make transfers or withdrawals from their accounts.
In exchange for a fee, the two men provided the services of English- and
German-speaking individuals to persons who had stolen account and
biographical information to defeat the security screening processes."
Discuss this story at:
0. http://www.securityweek.com/operator-support-center-assisting-over-2000-identity-thieves-pleads-guilty
| US Justice Department Dug Up Reporter's Phone, Bank Records
| from the speak-loudly-into-the-wiretap-please dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday February 26, @18:16 (Democrats)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/26/2312238/US-Justice-Department-Dug-Up-Reporters-Phone-Bank-Records?from=newsletter
[0]tripleevenfall writes "A court filing provides new details about the
extraordinary measures Justice Department prosecutors are using to
identify government leakers. Prosecutors [1]obtained a suspect's
telephone, credit and bank records. Lucy Dalglish, of the Reporters
Committee for Freedom of the Press said, 'This tells us the Obama
administration will do almost anything to figure out who is leaking
government information.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:mark72005@gmail.com
1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41787944/ns/us_news-security/
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