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Bachmann, Allen West Oppose $39 Billion Spending Deal

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Bachmann Slams GOP Spending Deal, Says Not Enough

Allen West: I Will Vote No to $30 Billion Deal

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Newser Daily Digest - Tea Party on Budget Deal: 'We Won' to 'Disappointed'

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Tea Party on Budget Deal: 'We Won' to 'Disappointed'

Tea Party on Budget Deal: 'We Won' to 'Disappointed'

(Newser) - John Boehner put a happy face on the grinding budget deal reached last night, but reactions varied among the GOP rank-and-file—specifically those with their eye on the Oval Office. Some reactions from around the Beltway, courtesy of Politico: Michele Bachman: “The deal is a disappointment for me and... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

No Shutdown: Last-Minute Deal Reached

No Shutdown: Last-Minute Deal Reached

(AP) - Perilously close to a government shutdown, President Obama and congressional leaders forged agreement late tonight on a deal to cut about $38 billion in federal spending and avert the first closure in 15 years. Obama hailed the deal, finalized about an hour before a midnight deadline, as "the biggest... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

California Democrats Warn Campuses Could Close

California Democrats Warn Campuses Could Close

(Newser) - California Democrats have floated the idea of closing some University of California campuses, shortening the school year, and laying off law enforcement officers as desperate means of dealing with the state’s mammoth budget deficit, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The proposals were voiced at a hearing examining ways to... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

New Jersey Feud: It's Springsteen vs. Chris Christie

New Jersey Feud: It's Springsteen vs. Chris Christie

(Newser) - A New Jersey feud is playing out between a man many consider to be a political rock star—Gov. Chris Christie—and a man everyone considers to be a real rock star—Bruce Springsteen. It began when Springsteen wrote a letter to his hometown Asbury Park Press praising a story... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

If This Guy Wants a Shutdown, It Must Be Dumb

If This Guy Wants a Shutdown, It Must Be Dumb

(Newser) - How do you know that shutting down the government is an absolutely terrible idea? Because David Stockman is for it, reasons Dee Dee Myers in Vanity Fair . “Bring it on!” declared Stockman, Ronald Reagan’s one-time budget guru, in a Daily Beast interview. “If the Republicans hold... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Now They Can't Agree on What They Disagree About

Now They Can't Agree on What They Disagree About

(Newser) - With the midnight deadline creeping closer, there's been plenty of partisan rhetoric today but still no budget deal. Harry Reid and John Boehner even disagree on the main sticking point, reports the Washington Post . Reid contends that the two sides have agreed on $38 billion in cuts and that the... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Paul Ryan's Plan Is 'Cruel' —or Maybe Brilliant

Paul Ryan's Plan Is 'Cruel' —or Maybe Brilliant

(Newser) - The battle lines around Paul Ryan's budget plan are pretty well laid today in columns from Paul Krugman, who calls it both "ludicrous" and "cruel," and Charles Krauthammer, who sees it as "brave and profoundly forward-looking." Excerpts: Krugman, New York Times : For starters, it relies... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

For Terror Alerts, Check Facebook

For Terror Alerts, Check Facebook

(Newser) - Details of the new terror alert system are out, and it looks like Twitter and Facebook are in. As previously reported , the government is replacing its color coding system: In its place will be a two-level system—"elevated" and "imminent"—and alerts might be sent to Americans... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Biden Daughter Blasts Trump

Biden Daughter Blasts Trump

(Newser) - As Donald Trump brings new media attention to the birther movement, the White House is keeping mum—but Joe Biden’s daughter isn't. Ashley Biden slammed Trump on Facebook last night, saying he "makes me ill...bring it on!" She added that “this discussion or debate over... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Hoyer on Budget Deal: '70% of the Way' There

Hoyer on Budget Deal: '70% of the Way' There

(Newser) - As the clock ticks down, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer says budget negotiators are "very close" to a deal. "I think we've come 70% of the way in terms of dollars," Hoyer tells Today . "That's a long way to go in trying to reach compromise."... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Planned Parenthood Fight Holding Up Budget Deal

Planned Parenthood Fight Holding Up Budget Deal

(Newser) - A battle over Planned Parenthood funding has emerged as one of the major sticking points in the stalled federal budget talks, reports the Huffington Post . House Speaker John Boehner said late last night that the party would not approve a budget if any money went to Planned Parenthood through Title... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.


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Christian Life and Character could very well be responsible for the rediscovering of the truth of America's foundation in Christianity. This book should be the cornerstone of any personal, professional, church or school library. As Chaplain Sunderland stated:

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Specifications: Smythe-Sewn Hardback, 1060 pages • Copyright: 2007 • 9th reprinting 2010

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  • Christian Women of the Revolution
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Who was Benjamin F. Morris?
Reverend Morris was a historian (1810-1867), son of the Honorable Thomas Morris, who was a pioneer opponent of slavery and United States Senator from Ohio. A minister of the Congregational Church, Morris pastored churches in Indiana and Ohio, retiring from ministry when his health began failing. After moving to Washington, DC, with his family where one of his sons became the Assistant Librarian of the Congressional Library, Morris worked as a clerk in one of the Federal Government departments and actively helped the establishment of the Congregational Church in the city. During this time, Morris undertook the epic task of compiling the facts to produce his magnum opus, The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States. For over a decade, he worked tirelessly on this project, out of a concern of the loss of our Christian heritage in civil government and the threat of de-Christianization he saw in our nation's civil government, law and public life — in 1864!
"This volume is committed to the American people, in the firm assurance that the invaluable facts which it records will be grateful to every patriotic and pious heart. In it, as from the richest mines, has been brought out the pure gold of our history. Its treasures have been gathered and placed in this casket for the instruction and benefit of the present and future. We have a noble historic life; for our ancestors were the worthies of the world. We have a noble nation, full of the evidences of the moulding presence of Christian truth, and of the power and goodness of Divine wisdom in rearing up a Christian republic for all time. That this was the spirit and aim of the early founders of our institutions, the facts in this volume fully testify." - Benjamin Franklin Morris

Specifications: Smythe-Sewn Hardback, 1060 pages • Copyright: 2007 • 9th reprinting 2010

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[GV Daily] Global Voices at the 7th Annual BOB Awards

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Thursday and Friday, April 7-8, 2011
Global Voices at the 7th Annual BOB Awards
 A number of Global Voices contributors from around the world are among the nominees for the prestigious Deutsche Welle Blog Awards - the BOBs. The annual event is organized by Deutche Welle, Germany's prime cultural export vehicle in the area of traditional media. Like the BBC, the other world-famous public broadcaster to have emerged from a rich and powerful Western European nation, Deutsche Welle has been at the cutting edge of development of online journalism.  read>>  
Rwanda: Remembering the Rwandan Genocide
 April 6, 2011, marked the beginning of the seventeenth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. It is a time to reflect on the unforgivable human errors that led to the despicable slaughter of close to a million Rwandans, mostly Tutsis. The horrors of the past are still visible in many layers of the Rwandan society today.  read>>  
China: Everybody Can Become Ai Weiwei
 A fellow filmmaker and activist, Ai Xiaoming, herself under heavy surveillance, tries to sum up the significance of detained Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's work: "Ai has managed to greatly legitimize the act of citizen filming, showing people that they have the right to film and record, as well as the right to scrutinize."  read>>  
Ukraine: "Stalin" Tea Sparks Controversy
 According to a recent poll [uk], up to 46 percent of Ukrainians feel nostalgic for the USSR, most of them being pensioners, as well as residents of Eastern and Southern regions of the country. At the same time, only 18% of Western Ukrainians and 19 percent of young people share this sentiment. Such blurred attitudes toward the recent communist past are being eagerly exploited by manufacturers, who have been using Soviet symbols to market their goods for years. read>>  
Malaysia: State Election Brings Another Sex Scandal
 The Sarawak state election this April will have a big impact on Malaysia's national politics. Will the opposition finally defeat Sarawak's longest serving chief minister? Meanwhile, an alleged sex video tape of an opposition leader has been exposed a few weeks before the election.  read>>  
More posts on Global Voices today...
Cote d'Ivoire: Gbagbo Resists, Africans Protest
Nigeria: Will Technology Impact 2011 Elections?
Mexico: News of US Clandestine Operation Draws 'Fast and Furious' Response
Video: Checking out the BOBs Video Channel Nominees
Russia: Distributed Denial of LiveJournal

Thank you very much for reading Global Voices!


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[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-04-09

Choosing an Enterprise Firewall for 2011 and Beyond
Firewalls are evolving. Enterprises now require a set of technologies that were previously unheard of. Perhaps most notably, application visibility and control has made its way to the forefront of the requirements list for enterprise firewalls. For an enterprise, the difficulty is understanding the different approaches and how they fulfill the organization's requirements. Understand how the enterprise firewall is evolving, the technology itself, how to deploy it, and ultimately how to select it. http://p.sf.net/sfu/palo-alto-sdnews

Slashdot Daily Newsletter

In this issue:
* Obama Administration Wants Your Old Email
* FCC Requires Data-Roaming Agreements
* Nokia Confirms Symbian Is No Longer Open Source
* Minecraft To Officially Launch 11/11/11
* Better Open Source Communities Through Data
* Google Ties Employee Bonuses To +1 Success
* Judge In Oracle-Google Case Given Crash Course in Java
* Editing Wikipedia Helps Professor Attain Tenure
* 92,000 LEGO Robots To Take Over Peruvian Schools Alongside OLPC
* Involuntary Geolocation To Within One Kilometer
* Tennessee Bill Helps Teachers Challenge Evolution
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* Scientists Create a "Worth Saving" Index For Endangered Animals
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* 30 Years To Clean Up Fukushima Dai-Ichi
* Appeals Court Affirms Warrantless Computer Searches
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* US May Issue Terror Alerts On Facebook, Twitter

| Obama Administration Wants Your Old Email
| from the good-people-have-nothing-to-hide dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Thursday April 07, @20:00 (Privacy)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/07/232224/Obama-Administration-Wants-Your-Old-Email?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]Nemesisghost wrote to us with a story about attempts to reform the
1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Under the act, messages left
on a server are considered abandoned after six months and are trivially
subpoenaed by law enforcement. A [1]group of ISPs is lobbying to extend
the protections afforded to locally stored messages to messages stored on
third party servers, but the Obama administration is [2]urging Congress
not to reform the law.

Discuss this story at:

0. mailto:nemesisghost@gmail.com
1. http://digitaldueprocess.org/index.cfm?objectid=37940370-2551-11DF-8E02000C296BA163
2. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/04/fourth-amendment-email-2/

| FCC Requires Data-Roaming Agreements
| from the intravenous-data-feed dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Thursday April 07, @21:18 (Cellphones)
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/008250/FCC-Requires-Data-Roaming-Agreements?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]itwbennett writes "The FCC has voted to [1]require data roaming
agreements between carriers in a move largely targeting AT&T and Verizon,
the two largest mobile carriers in the US. 'What good is [a] smartphone
if it can't be used when a subscriber is roaming across the country or
even across the county?' said Commissioner Michael Copps. 'Our
regulations must reflect today's reality and not make artificial
distinctions between voice and data telecommunications.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.itworld.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/mobile-wireless/153703/fcc-requires-data-roaming-agreements

| Nokia Confirms Symbian Is No Longer Open Source
| from the two-plus-two-equals-closed dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Thursday April 07, @22:55 (Open Source)
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/010235/Nokia-Confirms-Symbian-Is-No-Longer-Open-Source?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

theweatherelectric noted an article on the H. From the article "Nokia has
confirmed that it has closed the source code for the Symbian smartphone
operating system. It says that despite it describing its new model for
Symbian smartphone operating system development as 'open and direct' the
[0]'open' part did not refer to 'open source' but to being 'open for
business'. The 'open and direct' model is designed, according to Nokia,
to 'enable us to continue working with the remaining Japanese OEMs and
the relatively small community of platform development collaborators we
are already working with.''"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Nokia-confirms-Symbian-no-longer-open-source-1222637.html

| Minecraft To Officially Launch 11/11/11
| from the cia-plot-to-keep-the-nerds-down dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Thursday April 07, @23:11 (PC Games (Games))
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/0045254/Minecraft-To-Officially-Launch-111111?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]tekgoblin writes "Minecraft has currently sold about 2 million copies
and it's still only in beta. However, the developers have just announced
that the [1]game will officially launch on 11/11/11. The date 11/11/11
was actually chosen because it falls on the same date as other various
game releases, the most notable being [2] Skyrim."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.twitter.com/tekgoblin
1. http://notch.tumblr.com/post/4423138657/11-11-11
2. http://www.elderscrolls.com/

| Better Open Source Communities Through Data
| from the keeping-dinosaurs-relevant dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Friday April 08, @00:30 (Mozilla)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/0238240/Better-Open-Source-Communities-Through-Data?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader writes "Using exhaust data from Bugzilla, David Eaves
describes how the Mozilla Metrics team is creating dashboards to
[0]improve the contributor experience and give open source community
managers better situational awareness."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://eaves.ca/2011/04/07/developing-community-management-metrics-and-tools-for-mozilla/

| Google Ties Employee Bonuses To +1 Success
| from the negativity-is-impolite-mmkay dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Friday April 08, @03:15 (Businesses)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/039216/Google-Ties-Employee-Bonuses-To-1-Success?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]jfruhlinger writes "Last week [1]Google introduced the +1 button, its
attempt to tie its search offerings more closely with users' social
networks. Now, a leaked memo reveals that every Google employee will have
a stake in the outcome, with [2]bonuses tied to the success or failure of
the initiative."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://joshreads.com/
1. http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/31/1553258/Google-Is-Introducing-the-1-Button
2. http://www.itworld.com/internet/153735/google-links-employee-bonuses-success-social-strategy

| Judge In Oracle-Google Case Given Crash Course in Java
| from the learn-java-in-one-hour dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Friday April 08, @06:09 (Java)
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/0324236/Judge-In-Oracle-Google-Case-Given-Crash-Course-in-Java?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]itwbennett writes "Lawyers for Oracle and Google gave Judge William
Alsup of the U.S. District Court in San Francisco an [1]overview of Java
and why it was invented, and an explanation of terms such as bytecode,
compiler, class library and machine-readable code. The tutorial was to
prepare him for a claim construction conference in two weeks, where he'll
have to sort out disputes between the two sides about how language in
Oracle's Java patents should be interpreted. At one point an attorney for
Google, Scott Weingaertner, described how a typical computer is made up
of applications, an OS and the hardware underneath. 'I understand that
much,' Alsup said, asking him to move on. But he had to ask several
questions to grasp some aspects of Java, including the concept of Java
class libraries. 'Coming into today's hearing, I couldn't understand what
was meant by a class,' he admitted."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.itworld.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/153541/judge-oracle-google-case-gets-lesson-java

| Editing Wikipedia Helps Professor Attain Tenure
| from the an-internet-encyclopedia-will-never-work dept.
| posted by Unknown Lamer on Friday April 08, @08:01 (Wikipedia)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/0245241/Editing-Wikipedia-Helps-Professor-Attain-Tenure?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Lianna Davis writes in Watching the Watchers that
Michel Aaij has won tenure in the Department of English and Philosophy at
Auburn University Montgomery in Alabama in part because of the [1]more
than 60,000 edits ... he's written for Wikipedia. ... Aaij felt that his
contributions to Wikipedia merited mention in his tenure portfolio and a
few weeks before the portfolio was due two of his colleagues suggested,
after they had heard him talk once or twice about [2]the peer-review
process for a Good Article, that he should include it under 'research' as
well as 'service.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://hughpickens.com/slashdot/
1. http://watchingthewatchers.org/indepth/1388831/tenure-awarded-based-part-wikipedia
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Good_articles

| 92,000 LEGO Robots To Take Over Peruvian Schools Alongside OLPC
| from the resistance-is-futile dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @08:43 (Portables)
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/129247/92000-LEGO-Robots-To-Take-Over-Peruvian-Schools-Alongside-OLPC?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader writes "The president of Peru, Alan Garcia, decided
to celebrate the 500,000th One Laptop Per Child XO laptop in that country
in style, [0]announcing orders for half a million more and 20,000
additional Lego education WeDo robot kits for public schools, bringing
the total number of kits for distribution up to 92,000. The latest OLPC
laptop, the XO-1.75, has the lowest power draw ever thanks to a Marvell
Armada 600 ARM processor and runs Fedora GNU/Linux with dual desktops
[1]Sugar (in Spanish, Aymara, and Quechua) and GNOME. For the first time,
[2]the XOs will be manufactured locally; the [3]previous 2 million,
including the blue high school variant with grownup keyboard, were all
made by Quanta Computer. Meanwhile, parallel development continues on the
upcoming XO-3 tablet; OLPC's New Technologies director is [4]exploring
software paths including GTK3 for Sugar, Android and Chrome. I, for one,
salute our new plastic Peruvian overlords."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20110405006842/en/Government-Peru-Expands-Laptop-Child-Program-Local
1. http://www.sugarlabs.org/
2. http://www.olpcnews.com/countries/peru/breaking_news_from_peru_1_million_xos.html
3. http://one.laptop.org/map
4. http://blog.laptop.org/2011/04/04/exploring-new-technologies/

| Involuntary Geolocation To Within One Kilometer
| from the proxy-stock-rising dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @09:26 (Privacy)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1245244/Involuntary-Geolocation-To-Within-One-Kilometer?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]Schneier's blog tips an article about research into geolocation that
can track down a computer's location from its IP address to [1]within 690
meters on average without voluntary disclosure from the target. Quoting:
"The first stage measures the time it takes to send a data packet to the
target and converts it into a distance ��� a common geolocation technique
that narrows the target's possible location to a radius of around 200
kilometers. Wang and colleagues then send data packets to the known
Google Maps landmark servers in this large area to find which routers
they pass through. When a landmark machine and the target computer have
shared a router, the researchers can compare how long a packet takes to
reach each machine from the router; converted into an estimate of
distance, this time difference narrows the search down further. 'We
shrink the size of the area where the target potentially is,' explains
Wang. Finally, they repeat the landmark search at this more fine-grained
level: comparing delay times once more, they establish which landmark
server is closest to the target."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2011/04/pinpointing_a_c.html
1. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20336-internet-probe-can-track-you-down-to-within-690-metres.html

| Tennessee Bill Helps Teachers Challenge Evolution
| from the dueling-with-zombie-darwin dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @10:07 (Education)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1353249/Tennessee-Bill-Helps-Teachers-Challenge-Evolution?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

sciencehabit writes "In a 70-28 vote yesterday, the Tennessee House of
Representatives passed [0]HB 368 (PDF), a bill that encourages science
teachers to [1]explore controversial topics without fear of reprisal.
Critics say the measure will enable K-12 teachers to present intelligent
design and creationism as acceptable alternatives to evolution in the
classroom. If the bill passes, Tennessee would join Louisiana as the
second state to have specific 'protection' for the teaching of evolution
in the classroom."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/107/Bill/HB0368.pdf
1. http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2011/04/bill-allowing-teachers-to-challenge.html?ref=hp

| Quad-Core Mobile Chips Wasted On Mobiles?
| from the usefulness-versus-marketing dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @10:49 (Cellphones)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1410206/Quad-Core-Mobile-Chips-Wasted-On-Mobiles?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader writes "Dual-core smartphones have only just hit the
market, but mobile chipmakers Nvidia and Qualcomm are already turning
their attention to quad-core chips. While it looks certain that
[0]tablets will be the first quad-core mobile devices in the market,
chipmakers reckon they'll land in smartphones too. But do smartphones
need quad-core chips? There's surely only so much multitasking a
smartphone user can do. I'm interested to hear what smartphone
apps/features/functions ��� if any ��� Slashdot readers reckon quad-core
chips would enable"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.silicon.com/technology/hardware/2011/04/07/quad-core-mobile-chips-heading-for-tablets-first-39747263/

| Scientists Create a "Worth Saving" Index For Endangered Animals
| from the not-worth-the-effort dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Friday April 08, @10:58 (Idle)
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1418218/Scientists-Create-a-Worth-Saving-Index-For-Endangered-Animals?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

If you're one of the last hairy-nosed-wombats left in Australia things
got a little worse for you today. Thanks to a new mathematical tool
created by researchers from James Cook University and the University of
Adelaide, the wombat has been [0]classified as not worth saving.
Co-author of the safe index Professor Corey Bradshaw says he doesn't
think people should give up on saving extremely endangered animals but
adds, "...if you take a strictly empirical view, things that are well
below in numbering in the hundreds - white-footed rock rats, certain
types of hare wallabies, a lot of the smaller mammals that have been
really nailed by the feral predators like cats, and foxes - in some cases
it is probably not worthwhile putting a lot of effort because there's
just no chance."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/04/08/3185863.htm?section=justin

| The Nintendo 3DS, Headaches, and Bad Journalism
| from the adjust-the-sensationalism-slider dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @11:33 (Nintendo)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1513225/The-Nintendo-3DS-Headaches-and-Bad-Journalism?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]brumgrunt writes "A British paper is claiming that the Nintendo 3DS
poses some kind of [1]health risk. The claim sounds interesting, [2]until
you see how that conclusion was reached. 'On the 6th of April, the paper
conducted a scientific experiment in which a 22-year-old member of the
staff had his blood pressure and pulse taken after playing the 3DS in
different situations ��� at rest, while walking, or while taking a ride in
a car. The Sun came to the startling conclusion that the man���s pulse and
blood pressure were higher while walking than while sitting down, yet
concluded, apropos of nothing, ���Children should not be left to play on it
for hours.��� The article neglects to point out that a raised blood
pressure and pulse is perfectly normal, and you���re as likely to
experience such a physical response while walking and reading a book as
you are when playing the 3DS.'" Pocket Gamer posted [3]a humorous
follow-up, using the Sun's own methods against it.

Discuss this story at:

0. mailto:simonbrew@hotmail.com
1. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3499049/Nintendo-3DS-makes-gamers-dizzy-sick.html
2. http://www.denofgeek.com/games/842120/the_great_nintendo_3ds_headache_saga.html
3. http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/3DS/Nintendo+3DS/out_there.asp?c=28934

| 30 Years To Clean Up Fukushima Dai-Ichi
| from the blasting-it-into-the-sun-is-not-a-viable-option dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @12:15 (Japan)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1554241/30-Years-To-Clean-Up-Fukushima-Dai-Ichi?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

0WaitState writes "Damaged reactors at the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi
nuclear plant [0]may take three decades to decommission and cost operator
Tokyo Electric Power Co. more than 1 trillion yen ($12 billion),
engineers and analysts said. Relatedly, Japanese officials and power
plant operators are now working on the problems involved with
[1]disposing of 55,000 tons of radioactive water. '... international law
forbids Japan from dumping contaminated water into the ocean if there are
viable technical solutions available later. So the plant operator is
considering bringing in barges and tanks, including a so-called megafloat
that can hold about 9.5 megalitres. Yet even using barges and tanks to
handle the water temporarily creates a future problem of how to dispose
of the contaminated vessels.'" Yesterday's 7.1 aftershock caused [2]brief
power losses at three other nuclear facilities, and small volumes of
contaminated water spilled, but no significant radiation leakage occurred
before the problems were resolved.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-30/tokyo-electric-s-damaged-reactors-may-take-30-years-12-billion-to-scrap.html
1. http://www.smh.com.au/environment/containing-a-calamity-creates-another-nuclear-nightmare-20110408-1d7qn.html
2. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/132203/20110408/nuclear-plants-in-onagawa-higashidori-lose-power.htm

| Appeals Court Affirms Warrantless Computer Searches
| from the those-amendment-things-are-optional dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @12:58 (Government)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1628233/Appeals-Court-Affirms-Warrantless-Computer-Searches?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

suraj.sun writes with this excerpt from ComputerWorld: "Laptop computers
and other digital devices carried into the US may be [0]seized from
travelers without a warrant and sent to a secondary site for forensic
inspection, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled last
week. The ruling is the second in less than a year that allows the US
government to conduct warrantless, offsite searches of digital devices
seized at the country's borders. A federal court in Michigan last May
issued a similar ruling in a case challenging the constitutionality of
the warrantless seizure of a computer at the Detroit Metropolitan
Airport. Several other courts, including the Ninth Circuit itself, have
ruled that warrantless, suspicion-less searches of laptops and other
digital devices can take place at US border locations."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9215554/U.S._can_conduct_offsite_searches_of_computers_seized_at_borders_court_rules

| Magical Chinese Hard Drive
| from the finally-a-use-for-old-flash-drives dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @13:42 (Hardware Hacking)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/170235/Magical-Chinese-Hard-Drive?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

jamax writes "From TFA: 'A Russian friend .... works at a hard-drive
repair center in a Russian town, located near the Chinese border. A
couple of days ago a customer brought a broken 500GB USB-drive that he
had bought in a Chinese store across the river, for an insanely low
price. But the drive was not working: if you, say, save a movie onto the
drive, playing the saved movie back resulted in replaying just the last 5
minutes of the film.' Apparently, the contents of the external HDD box
included: two nuts, glued to the inner surface of the box [0]with a 128MB
flash drive wedged between them ([1]image). And it was a clever hack, too
��� if ever an attempt was made to write a file that's too large, it got
cycled ��� rewriting itself over and over from the beginning, while leaving
the existing files intact. And it reported everything correctly ��� file
sizes and all!"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://blog.jitbit.com/2011/04/chinese-magic-drive.html
1. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhlRTTP5ORWtPVjbMPrmL2-4tuEnDRZfDG3og1IAvMtpox6XWIo1_m3agpwPoXwxxff1WnoHtXwVDWfp7OtQ3sho3DN_jO8pFeG5Rb3uZ-Jc4QjYMHhBTlyFPyFlY8TWmA87z8nGD6OaeMr/s1600/00f63d6s.jpg

| Google Rolling Out Live Streaming For YouTube
| from the have-fun-watching-this-while-comcast-throttles-it dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @14:24 (Cloud)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1746247/Google-Rolling-Out-Live-Streaming-For-YouTube?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader writes "YouTube has already live-streamed a number of
popular concerts, sporting events, and interviews, but most were one-time
deals. Now Google wants to crank it up a notch, and [0]has announced
YouTube Live. [1]YouTube Live integrates [2]live streaming capabilities
and discovery tools directly into the YouTube platform. From the
announcement: 'Today, we'll also start gradually rolling out our live
streaming beta platform, which will allow certain YouTube partners with
accounts in good standing to stream live content on YouTube. The goal is
to provide thousands of partners with the capability to live stream from
their channels in the months ahead. In order to ensure a great live
stream viewing experience, we'll roll this offering out incrementally
over time.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://youtube-global.blogspot.com/2011/04/youtube-is-going-live.html
1. http://www.youtube.com/live
2. http://www.techspot.com/news/43214-google-entering-live-streaming-business-with-youtube-live.html

| Dropbox Authentication: Insecure By Design
| from the drag-and-drop-and-hey-stop-that dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @15:04 (Security)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1838220/Dropbox-Authentication-Insecure-By-Design?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader writes "Dropbox can be very useful, but you might be
a little surprised to learn that by copying one file from a computer
running the application, an attacker can [0]access and download all of
your files without any obvious signs of compromise. Normal remediation
steps after a compromise such as password rotation, system re-image, etc
will not prevent continued access to the compromised Dropbox. Derek
Newton, a security researcher that published this finding yesterday,
discusses the security implications of this by-design security
authentication method on his blog."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://dereknewton.com/2011/04/dropbox-authentication-static-host-ids/

| The Dying DVR Box and Woz Wisdom
| from the wozdom-should-totally-be-a-word dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @15:47 (Television)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/1927218/The-Dying-DVR-Box-and-Woz-Wisdom?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

Lucas123 writes "At SNW in Santa Clara this past week, [0]a diverse group
of techies shared insights into their industries, such as the DVR market.
TiVo's senior director of IT, Richard Rothschild, for instance, explained
how those set-top boxes track everything you watch for advertising and
marketing and then combine the information with supermarket membership
card data to determine how effective ad campaigns are. Oh, and TiVo's
planning to integrate its box with your flatscreen, so no more set-top
device. And Steve Wozniak attacked the American education system, saying
students should be graded on a single, long-term project rather than a
short learning/testing cycle. 'In school, intelligence is a measurement,'
he said. 'If you have the same answer as everyone else in math or
science, you're intelligent.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9215637/DVR_box_is_dying_Woz_wisdom_and_other_cool_things_learned_at_SNW

| KGB Wants Control of Email and VOIP
| from the proactive-protest-stomping dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @16:29 (Encryption)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/2016225/KGB-Wants-Control-of-Email-and-VOIP?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

blair1q writes "The FSB (really just a rebadged KGB) [0]is worried about
the abilities that internet communications services such as [1]Hotmail,
[2]Gmail, and [3]Skype give to people they consider black-hats. In
particular, they don't like the fact that these services allow
encryption. They say they aren't going to seize or block them, yet, but
are just 'studying' the situation, with an eye possibly toward
implementing controls like those in China. Their increased interest in
the tools may be related to [4]a DDoS attack on Russian President Dmitri
Medvedev's own LiveJournal account, which he termed 'revolting and

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/08/russia-internet-idUSLDE7371QW20110408
1. http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1895194/hotmail-users-ssl-encryption
2. http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/default-https-access-for-gmail.html
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skype_security
4. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/08/russian_ddos_assaults/

| Star Falls Into Black Hole
| from the fascinating-from-a-great-distance dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @17:12 (Space)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/2036209/Star-Falls-Into-Black-Hole?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

thodelu writes with news that astronomers recently got a look at what
they believe is [0]a star falling into a black hole. Phil Plait explains:
"As the star approached this bottomless pit, the side of the star facing
the black hole was pulled far harder than the other side of the star,
which may have been a million or more kilometers farther away from the
black hole. This change in pull stretched the star ��� this stretching is
called a 'tide,' and is essentially the same thing that causes tides on
the Earth from the Moon���s gravity and when the star wandered too close to
the black hole, the strength of that pull became irresistible, overcoming
the star���s own internal gravity. In a flash, [1]the star was torn apart,
and octillions of tons of ionized gas burst outward! This material
whipped around the black hole, forming a disk of plasma called an
accretion disk. Magnetic fields, friction, and turbulence superheated the
plasma, and also focused twin beams of matter and energy which blasted
out from the poles of the disk, away from the black hole itself. The
energy stored in these beams is incredible, crushing our imagination into
dust: for a time, they shone with the light of a trillion Suns!"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2011/04/05/astronomers-may-have-witnessed-a-star-torn-apart-by-a-black-hole/
1. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2011/04/07/followup-on-the-star-torn-apart-by-a-black-hole-hubble-picture/

| Holograms That Don't Change Color As You Move
| from the if-only-we-could-make-peace-with-the-plasmons dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @17:54 (Science)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/2111252/Holograms-That-Dont-Change-Color-As-You-Move?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader sends this quote from Wired: "By harnessing the power
of tiny waves dancing in an electron sea, Japanese physicists have
developed a novel way to project [0]holograms that don't change color
when you move your head. 'In a conventional hologram, if you change the
angle, the color changes,' said optical physicist Satoshi Kawata of Osaka
University in Japan. 'Our hologram shows natural color at any angle you
observe.' The researchers��� machine takes advantage of how beams of light
trigger waves of activity in free electrons, unattached to any atom,
arrayed on a metal surface. Called surface plasmons, these waves could be
used to blast cancer cells and build ultra-fast computer processors. They
also show up in medieval stained glass windows, where plasmons on flecks
of gold suspended in the glass make the window change color as the sun

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/04/plasmonic-holograph/

| In-Depth Look At the Xperia Play
| from the convergent-technology dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @18:17 (Handhelds)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/2146256/In-Depth-Look-At-the-Xperia-Play?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

Eurogamer has done [0]an extensive evaluation of Sony Ericsson's Xperia
Play device, a smartphone that's also a dedicated gaming platform
complete with controller-style buttons. Here's some of what they had to
say: "On the subject of internal parts, gadget fiends are certain to feel
aggrieved by the lack of a dual-core processor. Although the Xperia
Play's 1GHz CPU performs admirably in general tasks, it lacks the
future-proofing of a more advanced chip. ... The negativity quickly
dissipates once you slide open those glorious PlayStation-style controls,
however. Although we've seen gaming interfaces on mobiles before (on the
N-Gage and the under-appreciated Sagem MyG-5), they pale into
insignificance next to what's presented here. ... One aspect of the
Xperia Play's gaming portfolio that so far hasn't been bellowed from the
rooftops by Sony Ericsson's PR is emulation. Such reluctance is perfectly
understandable, given the shady nature of ROM-sharing and the like. ...
However, the fact remains that retro gaming emulators are freely
available on the Android Market, and they open up an entire world of
gaming brilliance."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-04-08-xperia-play-review

| Feds Approve Google's Purchase of ITA Software
| from the fare-deal dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Friday April 08, @18:35 (Google)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/2120226/Feds-Approve-Googles-Purchase-of-ITA-Software?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]itwbennett writes "The US Justice Department has approved Google's
$700 million [1]acquisition of online flight-data specialist ITA Software,
but with stringent conditions. From [2]a DOJ press release announcing its
approval of the purchase: '[I]n order for Google Inc. to proceed with its
proposed acquisition of ITA Software Inc., the department will require
Google to develop and license travel software, to establish internal
firewall procedures and to continue software research and development.
The department said that the proposed settlement will protect competition
for airfare comparison and booking websites and ensure those websites
using ITA's software will be able to power their websites to compete
against any airfare website Google may introduce.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.itworld.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/legal/154105/breaking-feds-approve-googles-purchase-ita-software-conditions
2. http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2011/April/11-at-445.html

| US May Issue Terror Alerts On Facebook, Twitter
| from the he-ain't-heavy-he's-my-big-brother dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday April 08, @19:23 (Facebook)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/08/2317236/US-May-Issue-Terror-Alerts-On-Facebook-Twitter?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]CWmike writes "The US government may [1]start issuing terror alerts
using Facebook and Twitter, which were thrust again in the spotlight
recently [2]as lifelines in Japan. An AP report Thursday, based on a
19-page draft of the plan that the news service obtained, said DHS is
working to overhaul the current color-coded terror alert system. 'The new
terror alerts would ... be published online using Facebook and Twitter
'when appropriate,' the AP reports, 'but only [3]after federal, state and
local government leaders have already been notified.' Zeus Kerravala, an
analyst at the Yankee Group, said the government entrusting something as
critical as terrorist alerts to Facebook and Twitter shows how important
social networking sites have become to people's lives. 'There are
hundreds of millions of people using Facebook and Twitter. For many of
them, it's their primary communication tool,' Kerravala said. 'That means
it's a great way to get information to a massive number of people. Maybe
the best.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://twitter.com/mikeatcw
1. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9215607/U.S._to_issue_terror_alerts_on_Facebook_Twitter
2. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9214213/Twitter_Facebook_become_lifelines_after_Japan_quake
3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42474206/ns/technology_and_science-security

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