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audi a4 1996

audi a4 1996 Super Car

audi a4 1996

The mission is simple: get behind the wheel of the audi a4 1996 on the only snowy day in audi a4 1996 so far this year. Drive it enough to get a feel 1s3 for its raucous power, grippy handling and smoothly styled cockpit for the audi a4 1996 crowd.

Newser Daily Digest - Arizona's Newest Resident: Bristol Palin

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Arizona's Newest Resident: Bristol Palin

Arizona's Newest Resident: Bristol Palin

(Newser) - Maybe Sarah Palin's Alaska is getting a tad too brisk this December, because Bristol Palin is taking her dancing shoes and heading to snowbird central, reports the Arizona Republic. The ex-governor's eldest daughter has bought a 5-bedroom house in Maricopa, plunking down $172,000 in cash. The house mirrors the... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, December 25, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Joe Biden: Gay Marriage 'Inevitable'

Joe Biden: Gay Marriage 'Inevitable'

(Newser) - Joe Biden acknowledged today that gay marriage is probably going to be a fact of life in the United States—it's just a matter of when. Two days after President Obama used similarly gradual language to describe his position on the issue, Biden said “there’s an inevitability for... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, December 25, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

All Aboard the Right's Misleading 'Humbug Express'

All Aboard the Right's Misleading 'Humbug Express'

(Newser) - This Christmas, Ebenezer Scrooge would salute the American right wing: its “media infrastructure” has become a “humbug factory,” capable of spreading propaganda so widely that “it becomes part of what ‘everyone knows.’” Take the widespread idea that President Obama has presided over a... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, December 25, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Flying Off the Shelves: Bush's Memoir Hits 2M Mark

Flying Off the Shelves: Bush's Memoir Hits 2M Mark

(Newser) - For a guy who's not really known for his grasp of the English language, George W Bush has done a heckuva job hawking his memoir: Decision Points has sold 2 million copies since its release in early November, notes the Daily Mail. Bill Clinton's My Life, in comparison, has sold... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, December 25, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

Chicago, Honolulu Battle to Host Obama Library

Chicago, Honolulu Battle to Host Obama Library

(Newser) - President Obama is far more concerned about a second term than his legacy—but two cities are duking it out to host his presidential library, Politico reports. Four groups at the University of Hawaii, in the state where Obama was born, are already hard at work on the matter, hoping... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, December 25, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.

White House Begins Staff Overhaul

White House Begins Staff Overhaul

(Newser) - President Obama is readying a reorganization of his staff, altering his economic team and choosing new defense and press secretaries, among other changes. The aims: an executive branch operating at its full potential, progress with a Republican Congress, and an eye on reelection, the New York Times reports. “This... More  »
Newser located this story for you on Saturday, December 25, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.


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[GV Daily] Christmas Recipes in Global Food Blogs

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Thursday and Friday, December 23-24, 2010
Christmas Recipes in Global Food Blogs
 Christmas means 'coming home' to many people - but if this isn't possible, preparing a magic meal can be a consolation. Bloggers of many continents have shared their favorite holiday recipes. With these you can dream yourself back home or even visit a place, you've never been to before. Where are you celebrating Christmas this year and what are you serving? >>Read more
South Africa: Corrective rape is a hate crime
 Corrective rape is a criminal practice, whereby men rape lesbian women, purportedly as a means of "curing" the woman of her sexual orientation. Despite South Africa being the first nation on earth to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, the first African country to legalize same-sex marriage and the world's first republic to guarantee LGBT citizens equal rights in all realms of life (including adoption and military service), cases of corrective rape have been on the rise. >>Read more
Tunisia: Unemployed Man's Suicide Attempt Sparks Riots
 An unemployed Tunisian set himself on fire in protest against his joblessness, sparking a wave of riots on the ground and solidarity and support on social networking platforms. While the fate of Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, remains unclear, Tunisian netizens ceased the incident to complain about the lack of jobs, corruption and deteriorating human rights conditions in their country. >>Read more
"In the beginning was the Word": Blogs by Bible translators
This week Christians (apart from those following the Julian calendar) will celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christianity appears in many forms around the world and has around 2.2 billion adherents. In this post we take a look at the blogs of the people trying to make sure Christian scripture can be understood in as many languages as possible - Bible translators. >>Read more

Cyber Scout: Thailand's internet police?
The government of Thailand is recruiting young people to join the 'cyber scout' program which is tasked to defend the royal institution in the internet. Is it an initiative to bridge the digital divide as the government claims or is it a censorship tool? >>Read more

More posts on Global Voices today...
Michael Anti: Blogging the gap between China and Japan
Zambia: 1964 Independence Agreement Threatens to Split Nation
Caucasus: The Year in Review
Caribbean: Defining Moments of 2010
Dominican Republic: Demanding 4% of National Budget for Education
Iran: Subsidies Cutback Causes Drastic Rise in Prices
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The Jesus Question: Will He Ever Return?

Jesus — Will He Ever Return?

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White House Warns of Christmas Terror Attack

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White House Warns of Christmas Terror Attack

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Biden Says Gay Marriage 'Inevitable'

Grover: Bipartisanship Ends in 2011

The Tea Party Revolution Will Tear Down Washington

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Blood Pressure Can Be Cured without Drugs

Author Warns of End of 'American Empire', U.S. Stocks to Suffer

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