"Horrific accounts of the barbaric pre-dawn raid in Bahraini capital Manama, in which protesters were dispersed by security forces from the Pearl Roundabout where they had set up camp to press for demands, continue to emerge", writes Amira Al Hussaini, Middle East and North Africa Editor for Global Voices as she covers the political unrest in her home country of Bahrain. Since December 2010, the world has been witnessing a wave of regime-changing protests in the Middle East and Global Voices authors and editors have been on the forefront of the media coverage with up-to-date postings, tweets, and analysis of these history making series of events.
Starting with our coverage of the Tunisian Revolution, Global Voices Online was one of the few media outlets following the story from its inception. GV authors have even become directly involved with the rebuilding of their country. During the #Jan25 Egyptian Revolution, GV authors were breaking through information blockades by reporting the events on the ground as the Egyptian government was switching the internet off. And now as protests begin to gather strength in Libya, Yemen, and Bahrain, Global Voices will be there to give you the firsthand accounts of citizen media journalists.
We invite you to follow our special coverage pages on Egypt, Tunisia, and Bahrain, and the rest of our Global Voices articles as we follow and amplify the voices of citizen media from around the world!