An urgent message from our sponsor From the desk of Dick Morris Dear Newsmax Reader: Whew! The first 48 hours of our 72-hour campaign to raise an extra $1.5 million ($3 million altogether) have been wild. So far, we’re up to close to $2.4 million. We have just $600,000 more to go. I know what you and I are doing is extremely important. When I read The Wall Street Journal Friday, I was shocked to read that the big public employee unions had decided to pump $88 million (yes, $88 million) to save Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic team from an avalanche of defeats. Remember: The public employee unions owe Obama and Pelosi big time. We all know the $787 Billion Obama-Pelosi Stimulus was largely a giveaway to public employee unions. Millions of Americans lost their jobs in the private sector, but Obama and Pelosi put the nation into almost a trillion dollars worth of debt to take care of their friends! You may think our $3 million is a trifle compared with their $88 million. But you are wrong. We have TRUTH on our side. The big unions, Soros, and the big media can smear GOP candidates and pull every dirty trick in the book, but they can't change the truth. And we at Super PAC of America are telling the American people the raw truth. We can keep up our BIG MOMENTUM, but I need your help to do it. Make no mistake about it: Meeting our goal will put the fear of God into Obama, Pelosi, and George Soros. They want to control America and its institutions and ram more of their Big-Government Socialism down our throats. They need a wakeup call that the jig us up Donate Here Now Democratic donor George Soros gives millions to his Democratic pals and to the ultra-liberal groups he likes. By contrast, our average donor to Super PAC for America gives $109. I’m asking for your help because we need money to answer the Democrats’ Soros-funded election propaganda. Could you consider donating $109 the average gift we receive or possibly more, even if you’ve already given? I can’t thank you enough for your support. Your gift will help us saturate the airwaves with devastating ads in key districts where Democrats are vulnerable. Here’s how it works. Every $1 you donate allows us to send a hard-hitting, 30-second commercial to 34 people in a crucial district. Every $100 you donate allows us to reach approximately 3,400 people. Unlike the Democrats’ dirty campaign tactics, our ads will simply expose how Democrats are ruining our country with higher taxes, bigger government, and more Socialism. America can’t be hobbled with Obamacare. Obamacare must be repealed! You should have the freedom to choose your doctor, and your doctor should have the freedom to give you the treatment he deems appropriate. But under Obamacare, the government would call all of the shots. The government would tell you which doctor will see you, and it would also tell that doctor how to practice medicine. That’s intolerable. Healthcare rationing and government death panels are just plain un-American not to mention the tax hike to pay for Obama’s clumsy, hulking “healthcare” program! Your investment in Super PAC of America will help produce the sea change in Congress we need to repeal Obamacare, expose and defeat 100 Democrats, and stop Obama’s agenda COLD! Remember, this is the most crucial week of the campaign. If you’ve already given, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Could you consider sending another gift? Please donate here now Thanks for your help, Dick Morris P.S.: Please remember that Super PAC for America can receive unlimited donations from individuals and corporations. Please give generously Click Here to Donate |