The Real Obama
 Get 4 Special Reports on Obama's War on Fox News, his secretive Czars, his attempts to quash the Tea Party Revolution, and White House Secrets Revealed. PLUS: A 5th Report: Reagan's 100th, Special Commemorative Edition A Value of $25 for Just $1! Click Here Now To Claim Your Special Reports Trillions in bailouts to Wall Street, an economy on the precipice with gas prices and other commodities spiking, a federal debt load surpassing $14.2 trillion, foreign crises brewing . . . can you trust President Obama and Congress? And, are you getting the news from sources you can trust, so critical for your decisions about your politics, your finances, your life, your health? Newsmax has become THE SOURCE on the web for millions of Americans who want to get the "other side of the news." So what does that mean for you? With investigative, uncompromising reporters and correspondents who uncover real news the mainstream media won't touch, Newsmax doesn't skirt the facts and refuses to tiptoe around tough political issues. What you see is what you get, and what you get is the hard truth. We expose what you need to know about how the government really operates and the real motives behind the major moves of our political leaders. Are you ready to know more? Then you need to turn to Newsmax magazine. It's the monthly print and digital magazine that tells the truth no matter how much it hurts — while offering positive actionable solutions for your country, for your life. Close to a million people already read Newsmax magazine each month. And it's making a big impact on some very big personalities . . . Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan and chairman and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation, says: "I guarantee that you'll love Newsmax magazine." The Wall Street Journal's John Fund explains the Newsmax phenomenon, saying it has become "an indispensible source of information for people who know critical stories are often ignored or underplayed by the 'lame-stream' media." Ben Stein says Newsmax reveals the "unafraid, uncomplicated, bare-knuckles truth about today's dangerous world." Fox Business Channel's John Stossel recently observed, "As other media die, Newsmax thrives." And top tier presidential hopefuls have praised it too. Sarah Palin says Newsmax is her number one source for news and Mike Huckabee says "When it comes to life in these United States, I turn to Newsmax magazine each month for news and insight that helps make me a better American." Even the mainstream media can't ignore Newsmax — which is continuously cited on Meet the Press, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and many other outlets. Incredible Offer — A Value of $25 For Just $1! Click Here Now To Claim Your Special Reports For a limited time, we're giving you the opportunity to preview the scope of our coverage with four of our most important, investigative cover stories of all time — FREE. Plus, a very special bonus 5th report. Newsmax Report #1 How Obama Tried to Silence Fox News In this shocking cover story, we reveal the true nature behind Obama's animosity toward Fox News, earning us the prestigious Gold Eddie award for editorial excellence. This exclusive Newsmax report explores: - The real reason Obama targeted Fox
- Team Obama's secret weapons against the press
- Glenn Beck vs. Obama: what really happened
- How Obama's anti-Fox crusade boosted its ratings
- Fox Chairman Roger Ailes' heroic role in defending a free press
- The secret, fiery exchange between Ailes and Obama
- The political sex scandal that ignited Fox's ratings boom
- How Fox scooped the media on the ACORN videos
- Why Obama agreed to a Bill O'Reilly interview
- The Obama campaign's blatant threat over an NRA ad
- Obama's campaign plane: "No room" for McCain backers
- The Fox host who's the "prince of fairness" toward Obama
- A litany of bipartisan slams on Obama's media policy
- How CNN cornered Obama aide Valerie Jarrett on media bias
- The Obama-Fox "peace talks" that failed
- What the future holds for the Obama-Fox war
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Newsmax Report #2 White House Secrets Investigative reporter and award-winning journalist Ronald Kessler goes off the record with the President's Secret Service detail to find out what really happens behind closed doors at the White House. Kessler is the first journalist to penetrate the wall of secrecy that surrounds the U.S. Secret Service. Kessler interviewed more than 100 current and former agents and reveals startling stories about presidents from Kennedy to Obama in his 18th book, In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect. As one former Secret Service agent told Kessler, if Americans knew the truth about their leaders, "they would scream." Included in this special Newsmax report: - The "least likeable" of the modern presidents — and the strangest
- The commander in chief who was "often inebriated"
- All the presidents' mistresses
- Inside the Secret Service's Washington headquarters
- Fiddle, Faddle, and Pamela Turnure — JFK's White House consorts
- The president known as an incurable tightwad
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- How Vice President Joe Biden sabotages his own security
- Why the White House is a "magnet for the psychotic"
- Are agents really supposed to take a bullet for the president?
- Despite denials, Obama is smoking in the White House
- Which presidents had these code names: Passkey, Rawhide, Timberwolf, Eagle
- George W. Bush's brush with a would-be assassin
- Ronald Reagan's humorous quip about Gary Hart
- The real Obama up close
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Newsmax Report #3 Obama's Czars Who are the people behind Barack Obama? They might just be the most influential people you've never heard of. Our special report "Obama's Czars" takes an in-depth look at Obama's army of advisers, who seem, to some critics, part of an audacious end-run around congressional authority. Do these appointed czars threaten our democracy? This exclusive Newsmax report explores: - The real reason Obama relies on czars
- Rep. John Boehner: Empowering czars is "a subversion of the Constitution"
- How the Van Jones debacle played out in Washington
- Glenn Beck's role in exposing czar power
- Dossiers of the czars: their official title — and salary
- The "czar wars" between Democrats and Republicans
- The diversity czar who threatens Rush Limbaugh and talk radio
- Why the administration eschews the term "czar"
- The appointee who has defended compulsory abortion
- Rep. Jack Kingston: Czars form a "shadow government"
- Science czar John Holdren's apocalyptic predictions
- The campaign quote that backfired on Obama
- Why czars are a "taxpayer-waste" problem
- The czar Glenn Beck calls "the most dangerous out there"
- Climate czar Carol Browner's link to Socialist International
- The Czar Accountability Act calls for Senate confirmation
- The adviser Obama "will never say no to"
- Six czars who muscle in on Hillary Clinton's territory
- The legal challenge to presidential czars
- Urban czar Adolfo Carrion's alleged pay-to-play politics
- Next up: A czar of czars?
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Newsmax Report #4 The Tea Party Revolution
Newsmax magazine's special report "The Revolution Begins" explores the phenomenon that has progressed from a ragtag protest movement 18 months ago to a political juggernaut that has shaken American politics to the core. What began as a simmer ended as a full boil. Now the tea party must find a way to translate electoral success into effective governance. Included in this special Newsmax report: - The two biggest factors fueling the tea party movement
- Why tea partyers face "immediate pressure" to produce
- The threatened backlash looming in 2012
- How Michele Bachmann and "Mama Grizzlies" are shaking up the GOP
- Rand Paul: the inside story on how he bucked the GOP establishment
- The compromise that could make the tea party movement "superfluous"
- The rising 2012 star from Florida: Marco Rubio
- The real John Boehner: we investigate his roots
- The first true tea party member in Congress
- Sen.-elect Mike Lee's shocking upset win in Utah
- The Obama vow that can make the movement grow stronger
- How YouTube helped elect Allen West to Congress
- Sen. Jim DeMint and the Contract with America
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BONUS: Newsmax Report #5 Reagan's 100th: A Transformational President Feb. 6, 2011 marked the 100th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's birth, and Newsmax magazine celebrated the occasion with a commemorative issue chronicling the life and legacy of one of America's greatest presidents. Newsmax magazine's special section, "Reagan's 100: A Transformational President," pays tribute to "The Gipper," the former Hollywood star, union leader, and conservative reformer who went on to change America — and then changed the world. Newsmax's main feature story on President Reagan is written by presidential historian and best-selling author Douglas Brinkley, editor of "The Reagan Diaries." In this special tribute, Brinkley explores the secrets of Reagan's success and why he became one of the 20th century's most historic presidents. The Reagan coverage includes Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy's exclusive interview with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow. Newsmax also includes reflections on Reagan and his place in history from major political figures, including Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, and Haley Barbour. Reagan's elder son Michael takes our readers on an exclusive pictorial tour of the Reagan ranch near Santa Barbara, Calif., and a nostalgic photo spread depicts Reagan through the years, from a 1940s Life magazine ad to his 1981 inauguration. "Reagan 100: The Transformational President" explores: - The centerpiece of Reagan's 1980 run: Reaganomics
- How Reagan became "The Great Communicator"
- Politician Reagan's 1980 master stroke
- Jeb Bush: If Reagan were president today
- Reagan's audacious 1981 tax plan — and its successes
- Newt Gingrich on "the greatest of Reagan's ideals"
- Why the U.S. turned conservative in the 1980s
- Reagan's great vow in his first inaugural address
- Reagan's "simple, direct" views on world affairs
- "Trust, but verify" — Reagan's diplomatic maxim
- Two administration insiders: How Reagan faced down the Soviets
- Reagan's "best line of the Cold War"
- How John Hinckley's assassination attempt led to a Reagan rebirth
- Ben Stein: Reagan was never "just an actor"
- Barack Obama's surprising views on Reagan
- And much more
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