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Harry Reid Backed 'Viagra' for Sex Offenders


Dear Newsmax Reader:

Sharron Angle is out with a powerful new TV ad exposing another one of Harry Reid's outrageous Senate acts.

During the health care debate, he actually OPPOSED an amendment prohibiting sex offenders from getting Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs at taxpayer expense!

Now that Angle has exposed Reed's vote, his liberal backers are crying foul.

But here's the AP report on the vote at the time it happened:

AP: "Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., proposed an amendment barring federal expenditures for supplying Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs to sex offenders and cracking down on fraudulent health spending. Coburn said it would save $650 million a year, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., called it 'a crass political stunt,' and Democrats turned it aside 57-42."

Help Sharron Angle expose Harry Reid's' "Viagra for Sex Addicts" vote with her powerful new ad -- Go Here Now.

Read Sharron's urgent message below and donate!


Sharron Angle - Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate, Nevada

Dear Friend,
It’s go time.
We’ve done all the planning, had all the interviews, survived all of Harry Reid’s dishonest attack ads, and here we are. The stakes could not be higher.

Let me give you a little background. I won the primary on June 8th. Two days later, Harry Reid went on TV with millions in attack ads, lying about my record and trashing me personally. He wanted to strangle our campaign in the cradle before we got off the ground.

We didn’t let him though. We fought back, and here we are now, just a few weeks away from Election Day, tied or even a little ahead of Harry Reid, depending on which polls you look at.
This race has been a marathon, but now it’s time for the sprint.

My campaign team and I have been meticulously planning our final month’s strategy and have determined that we need to raise $2 million dollars for the final month if we are going to defeat Reid. That will pay for the ads that we need to put on TV, the mail, the telephone calls, the yard signs, the literature, and our Get-Out-The-Vote organization. If we have that, we’ll win this race. It won’t be cheap or easy. Then again, nothing that’s worthwhile ever is.
Will you help me finish strong?
We know that Harry Reid will lie and cheat in order to win this election.  Here is just a sampling of the lies Reid has told about me to date:
He has said I:
Don’t believe that conditions like Autism exist.
Want women to be raped.
That I am calling for an armed revolution and will physically attack other Senators on the Senate floor.

As you can see, there is literally nothing that this guy and his special interest friends won't do to beat me. Let me just tell you, these people are absolutely vicious. Fortunately, the voters see through this junk. Lately, all the polls have me and Reid in a dead heat.  That's why I’ve got to raise $2 million online.  If I have that, I’ll be able to hit back at Harry and his attack machine.  I have to tell you, these small gifts from people across the country are what’s kept me in this race. $100, $75, $50, $35, it all helps, more than you know.
People like you are a big part of the reason I am ready to go to Washington and fight the Obama agenda.  Because I know that when I go there and fight for our values I am not alone, so I don’t need to be afraid.  That is my commitment to you.  I will not be seduced by the glitz and glamour of the town; I will not back down; I will not change.
I believe in my heart that we are going to win this race, but I know that Harry Reid and his buddies on the Radical Left are not going to go quietly. Make no mistake--they are coming after me with both barrels. We are going to win, but it is not going to be pretty.
That’s why I am asking you today to help me out with a gift of $35, $50, $75 or $100.  Trust me, it’s not because I like asking people for money. I can’t stand it. It’s actually the thing that I hate the most about being a candidate. But the fact is, if I don’t ask, we won’t have the money we need to fight back in October and Harry Reid will have six more years in the Senate. And so here I am.
I need your help to finish this campaign once and for all.  We know that our policies and values are right for Nevada and America.
We are so close to victory right now. Please, help me out, and let’s retire Harry Reid.
Thanks again.
For America,
Sharron Angle, Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate, Nevada

Sharron Angle
Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate, Nevada

P.S.  This is truly a sprint to the finish.  It’s been an incredible campaign but we must finish strong.  Harry Reid is powerful but he’s hanging on for his political life right now.  $100, $75, $50, or even $35 will go a long way in beating Harry Reid.  Please, help me defeat him today.

Paid for by Friends of Sharron Angle

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Today's Headlines: Public Jobs Drop Amid Slowdown in Private Hiring

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  Saturday, October 9, 2010
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