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Trump: I’d Pay $600 Million for White House

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Insider Report from Newsmax.com

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Highest in World
2. Trump: I'd Spend $600 Million on White House Run
3. Protesters Video License Plates at Gov. Walker Fundraiser
4. Al Gore Has New Publisher for New Book
5. Medicare/Medicaid: $70 Billion in 'Improper Payments'
6. Entitlement Programs Now One-Third of Wages

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1. U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Highest in World

We're No. 1!

But that's the bad news. After a reign as the nation with the second highest corporate income tax rate, the United States is set to move into first place when Japan lowers its rate next month.

The combined federal and state rate in the U.S. is 39.2 percent of corporate profits, a new analysis by the Tax Foundation disclosed. When Japan, which currently has a rate of 39.5 percent, enacts a planned cut of 4.5 percentage points in April, America will have the highest rate of all the economies in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the group of 34 advanced nations with economies most comparable to the U.S.

"United States companies are now in the position of trying to compete in the 21st-century world economy with a 20th-century tax system," said Scott A. Hodge, the Tax Foundation's president and author of the new study.

America has moved to the top of the corporate tax list not by raising taxes but through inaction. Between 2000 and 2010, nine OECD countries cut their corporate tax rates by double-digit figures, and almost every OECD nation has cut rates to some extent.

In the United States, on the other hand, the rate has remained essentially unchanged during that 10-year period.

Germany, which had the highest rate in 2000, 52 percent, has slashed its rate to 30.2 percent, and Canada, No. 2 in 2000, cut its rate from 42.57 to 29.52 percent.

The rate in Ireland is now just 12.5 percent, while in Iceland it is 15 percent and in Chile, 17 percent. Four other OECD nations have a rate lower than 20 percent.

Worldwide, about 75 countries have cut their rates since 2006, according to the Tax Foundation.

But 2011 marks the 20th year in which the U.S. statutory tax rate has been above the average of OECD nations.

For the United States to move to the OECD average and match China — which significantly lowered its rate in 2008 — the federal rate would have to be reduced to 20 percent.

"The scope of corporate tax reform so far endorsed by the White House would fall far short of this goal," the Tax Foundation stated.

Hodge said: "Dozens of countries around the world — including many of the United States' closest trading partners — have realized that sky-high corporate tax rates are an economic dead end.

"Now more than ever, Americans want to see policies that will help create increased growth, more jobs, and higher standards of living — exactly the things that a lower and more streamlined corporate tax system can help achieve."

And the National Center for Policy Analysis, commenting on the Foundation's report, observed: "As other nations enact reforms and rate cuts, the U.S. corporate rate will continue to stand out as a hindrance to economic growth and competitiveness unless lawmakers move to lower the tax burden for businesses."

Editor's Note:

2. Trump: I'd Spend $600 Million on White House Run

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump reveals he is prepared to spend $600 million on a campaign for the presidency — and says he's "never been as serious as I am now" about running.

In an interview with Ashleigh Banfield that aired Thursday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Trump was asked if would be willing to put up that sum to seek the White House.

"Absolutely," he declared. "Assuming I'm doing well."

Banfield asked: "Do you have $600 million?"

Trump replied: "I have much more than that. Part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich. So if I need $600 million, I can put up $600 million myself. That's a huge advantage over the other candidates."

Trump also discussed potential GOP presidential candidates and said of Sarah Palin: "I think she's more qualified than Barack Obama was when he became president."

Editor's Note:

3. Protesters Video License Plates at Gov. Walker Fundraiser

Opponents of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's move to curtail public employees unions protested outside a Republican fundraiser attended by the governor, chanting "recall Walker" and shouting "shame" at donors arriving for the event.

More than 2,000 demonstrators showed up at the March 12 fundraiser in Washburn, Wis., waving protest signs, banging pots and shaking tambourines at cars carrying donors.

One person videotaped the license plates of at least some of the vehicles, the Duluth (Minn.) News Tribune reported.

About 50 law enforcement officers were on hand to maintain peace in the town of 2,271.

The day before the fundraiser, Gov. Walker signed legislation curbing most collective-bargaining rights for Wisconsin's public employees.

Not all sign-holders in Washburn expressed opposition to the governor's action. One man stood on a corner near the event site with a large sign bearing the words, "God bless Gov. Walker."

Editor's Note:

4. Al Gore Has New Publisher for New Book

Former vice president and climate change crusader Al Gore has dumped his publishers, Rodale and Penguin, and is moving to Random House for his next book.

Gore published his first work on climate change, Rodale's "An Inconvenient Truth," in 2006 to accompany his documentary of the same title.

"At the time, having a companion book to a heavy, thought-provoking movie was considered something of a gamble," Keith J. Kelly writes in his Media Ink column for the New York Post.

"But it ended up as a best-seller, as did his follow-up for Penguin, 'The Assault on Reason,' which sold about 350,000 copies."

A subsequent book for Rodale, "Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis," was also a best-seller.

His next book, a yet untitled work due next year, could be an even bigger seller, according to Random House's new executive editor, former Newsweek editor in chief Jon Meacham.

He said: "This will have a wider reach."

Editor's Note:

5. Medicare/Medicaid: $70 Billion in 'Improper Payments'

Medicare and Medicaid combined dished out at least $70.5 billion in "improper payments" in 2010 alone — more than the combined budgets of Homeland Security and the State Department.

Medicare made at least $48 billion in improper payments in fiscal 2010, while Medicaid's improper payments totaled $22.5 billion, according to Senate testimony from Kathleen King, director of healthcare for the Government Accountability Office.

The GAO said: "An improper payment is any payment that should not have been made or that was made in an incorrect amount (including overpayments and underpayments) under statutory, contractual, administrative, or other legally applicable requirements."

The $70.5 billion constitutes 8.95 percent of the $781.6 billion in total federal expenditures for Medicare and Medicaid last year, CNS News observed.

The actual amount of improper payments may in fact be higher for Medicare because the $48 billion does not include the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' estimate of the improper payments made by Medicare Part D, the prescription drug-benefit program.

The Center, which is responsible for the improper payments, is a key bureaucracy in implementing Obamacare.

According to the White House Office of Management and Budget, the Department of Homeland Security spent $44.5 billion and the State Department spent $23.8 billion last year.

Editor's Note:

6. Entitlement Programs Now One-Third of Wages

Government entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and unemployment insurance now equal 35 percent of all wages — up from 26 percent as recently as 2002 — pushing the United States toward "European territory."

The recent increase in government assistance is due largely to the recession's high unemployment, according to Madeline Schnapp, director of macroeconomic research at the investment research firm TrimTabs.

But she believes that even when unemployment declines, the 35 percent mark is not likely to drop very much.

"What would it take to bring the ratio of social welfare benefits to wages and salaries back to its pre-recession level of 26 percent?" she writes.

"Either wages and salaries would have to increase $2.3 trillion, or 35 percent, to $8.8 trillion, or social welfare benefits would have to decline $500 billion, or 23 percent, to $1.7 trillion.

"Neither of these scenarios seems likely. The economy is not growing rapidly enough to generate extraordinary growth in wages and salaries, and the oldest of the 78 million Baby Boomers turn 65 this year and are eligible for Medicare."

Commenting on Schnapp's research, Daniel Indiviglio, associate editor of The Atlantic, notes that as baby boomers age they increasingly rely on government payments through programs like Social Security and Medicare. So even when the millions of jobless Americans do find work, the government unemployment insurance they no longer receive might go to increased benefits to seniors.

He writes: "At 35 percent, the U.S. is entering European territory. Schnapp says that transfer payments in the U.K. are currently around 44 percent of wages and salaries — but that's up from 36 percent in 2007, before the global recession hit.

"So if this ratio remains around 35 percent in the U.S. even after the unemployment rate declines, then the U.S. government's transfer payment burden will, indeed, begin to resemble that of a European welfare state."

Note: Newsmax magazine is now available on the iPad. Find us in the App Store.

Editor's Note:

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[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-03-20

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In this issue:
* Apple Disputes Browser Speed Findings, Says Mobile Safari's the True Contender
* Oracle Could Reap $1 Million For Sun.com Domain
* Dutch Court Rules WiFi Hacking Not a Criminal Offense
* Over Half a Decade, China Closed 130,000 Internet Cafes
* UK PC Users Hit By Huge Fake Antivirus Attack
* DirectX 'Getting In the Way' of PC Game Graphics, Says AMD
* Geologists Say California May Be Next
* Getting Past Censorship With Unorthodox Links To the Internet
* See The Supermoon Tonight
* Cognitive Scientist David Rumelhart Dies At 68
* 'Pruned' Microchips Twice As Fast and Efficient
* Ask Slashdot: How Prepared Are You For a Major Emergency?
* Former Goldman Programmer Sentenced To 97 Months
* Postal Sensor Fleet Idea Gets Tentative Nod From the USPS
* Open-Source Bach; Copyright-Free Goldbergs
* UN Intervention Begins In Libya
* Apple's App Store Accepts 'Gay Cure' App
* Japan Reluctant To Disclose Drone Footage of Fukushima Plant

| Apple Disputes Browser Speed Findings, Says Mobile Safari's the True Contender
| from the you-say-one's-better-I-say-one's-worse dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday March 18, @20:31 (Android)
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/0022210/Apple-Disputes-Browser-Speed-Findings-Says-Mobile-Safaris-the-True-Contender?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "[0]Apple has hit back over claims that the
browser shipped with its iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad devices is
[1]significantly slower than Android's equivalent, calling the
independent testing 'flawed.' 'They didn't actually test the Safari
browser on the iPhone,' Apple's Kerris argues. 'Instead they only tested
their own proprietary app, which uses an embedded Web viewer that doesn't
actually take advantage of Safari's Web performance optimisations.' This,
claims testing firm Blaze.io, is news to the world. 'Embedded browsers
are expected to behave, for the most part, the same as the regular
browser,' the company stated, defending its methodology. 'However, Apple
is now stating that their embedded browser, called UIWebView, does not
share the same optimisations MobileSafari does.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.thinq.co.uk/2011/3/18/apple-argues-mobile-browser-test-was-flawed/
1. http://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/03/17/1810253/Nexus-S-Beats-iPhone-4-In-Real-World-Web-Browsing-Tests

| Oracle Could Reap $1 Million For Sun.com Domain
| from the inherit-the-sun-reap-the-whirlwind dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday March 18, @21:25 (Oracle)
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/0122241/Oracle-Could-Reap-1-Million-For-Suncom-Domain?from=newsletter

joabj writes "Last week, Oracle announced that it is [0]decommissioning
the Sun.com site, which it acquired as part of the $7 billion purchase of
Sun Microsystems. So what will Oracle do with the domain name, which is
the [1]12th oldest .com site on the Internet? Domain brokers speculate
Oracle [2]could sell it for $1 million or more, if it chose to do so."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://blogs.sun.com/OTNGarage/entry/sun_com_will_disappear_after
1. http://www.whoisd.com/oldestcom.php
2. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/031811-suncom-name-could-fetch-oracle.html

| Dutch Court Rules WiFi Hacking Not a Criminal Offense
| from the firecrackers-drugs-wifi-cracking-oh-my dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @00:10 (Crime)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/0152226/Dutch-Court-Rules-WiFi-Hacking-Not-a-Criminal-Offense?from=newsletter

[0]loekessers writes "Breaking in to an encrypted router and [1]using the
WiFi connection is not an criminal offense, a Dutch court ruled. ([2]Original
article in Dutch; [3]English translation.) WiFi hackers can not be
prosecuted for breaching router security. The judge reasoned that the
student didn't gain access to the computer connected to the router, but
only used the router's internet connection. Under Dutch law, breaking
into a computer is forbidden. A computer in The Netherlands is defined as
a machine that is used for three things: the storage, processing and
transmission of data. A router can therefore not be described as a
computer because it is only used to transfer or process data and not for
storing bits and bytes. Hacking a device that is no computer by law is
not illegal, and can not be prosecuted, the court concluded. "

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.webwereld.nl/
1. http://www.pcworld.com/article/222589/dutch_court_rules_wifi_hacking_is_now_legal.html
2. http://webwereld.nl/nieuws/106024/rechter--wifi-netwerk-van-de-buren-hacken-mag.html
3. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwebwereld.nl%2Fnieuws%2F106024%2Frechter--wifi-netwerk-van-de-buren-hacken-mag.html

| Over Half a Decade, China Closed 130,000 Internet Cafes
| from the of-by-and-for-the-people's-assembly dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @03:01 (Businesses)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/0322209/Over-Half-a-Decade-China-Closed-130000-Internet-Cafes?from=newsletter

[0]angry tapir writes "China [1]shut down more than 130,000 illegal
Internet cafes in the country over a six year period, as part of
crackdown to control the market, according to a new Chinese government
report. Internet cafes in China are highly regulated by the government,
which can issue and revoke their licenses. Authorities have made it
illegal for Internet cafes to serve minors under the age of 18, stating
that the Web's content could endanger their well-being."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.computerworld.com.au/
1. http://www.cio.com.au/article/380268/china_closes_130_000_internet_cafes_it_seeks_more_control/

| UK PC Users Hit By Huge Fake Antivirus Attack
| from the first-you'll-need-this-fake-antidote dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @05:41 (Security)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/0342207/UK-PC-Users-Hit-By-Huge-Fake-Antivirus-Attack?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "UK Internet users were on the receiving end
of a large drive-by web attack at the end of February, which [0]attempted
to push fake antivirus at least 750,000 times on a single day alone,
security company AVG has said. According to a company analysis, on Sunday
27 February, detection levels for the previously obscure Russian
'Blackhole' exploit kit suddenly spiked to 900,000 globally from a few
tens of thousands that would be typical for such kits, before dropping
back again. Unusually, almost 750,000 of these detections were for UK
PCs, which offers a baseline for what must have been a sustained attack
several times that size against mainstream web servers frequented by
users in the country."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://news.techworld.com/security/3265970/uk-pc-users-hit-by-huge-fake-antivirus-attack/

| DirectX 'Getting In the Way' of PC Game Graphics, Says AMD
| from the stairs-in-the-way-of-getting-to-the-basement dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday March 19, @07:01 (AMD)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/0538208/DirectX-Getting-In-the-Way-of-PC-Game-Graphics-Says-AMD?from=newsletter

Bit-tech recently spoke with Richard Huddy, worldwide developer relations
manager of AMD's GPU division, about the lack of a great disparity
between PC game graphics and console game graphics, despite the hardware
gap. Quoting: "'We often have at least ten times as much horsepower as an
Xbox 360 or a PS3 in a high-end graphics card, yet it's very clear that
the games don't look ten times as good. To a significant extent, that's
because, one way or another, for good reasons and bad - mostly good,
[0]DirectX is getting in the way.' Huddy says that one of the most common
requests he gets from game developers is: 'Make the API go away.' 'I
certainly hear this in my conversations with games developers,' he says,
'and I guess it was actually the primary appeal of Larrabee to developers
��� not the hardware, which was hot and slow and unimpressive, but the
software ��� being able to have total control over the machine, which is
what the very best games developers want. By giving you access to the
hardware at the very low level, you give games developers a chance to
innovate, and that's going to put pressure on Microsoft ��� no doubt at

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2011/03/16/farewell-to-directx/1

| Geologists Say California May Be Next
| from the you-can-find-yourself-after-the-quake dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @08:28 (Earth)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/039209/Geologists-Say-California-May-Be-Next?from=newsletter

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Newsweek reports that first there was a violent
magnitude-8.8 event in Chile in 2010, then a horrifically destructive
Pacific earthquake in New Zealand on February 22, and now the recent
earthquake in Japan. Though there is still no hard scientific evidence to
explain why, there is little doubt now that [1]earthquakes do tend to
occur in clusters: a significant event on one side of a major tectonic
plate is often ��� not invariably, but often enough to be noticeable ���
followed some weeks or months later by another on the plate's far side.
'It is as though the earth becomes like a great brass bell, which when
struck by an enormous hammer blow on one side sets to vibrating and
ringing from all over. Now there have been catastrophic events at three
corners of the [2]Pacific Plate ��� one in the northwest, on Friday; one in
the southwest, last month; one in the southeast, last year.' That leaves
just one corner unaffected ��� the northeast. And the fault line in the
northeast of the Pacific Plate is the San Andreas Fault. Although
geologists believe a 9.0 quake is [3]virtually impossible along the San
Andreas, USGS studies put the probability of California being hit by a
quake measuring 7.5 or more in the next 30 years at 46 percent, and the
likelihood of a 6.7 quake, comparable in size to the temblors that rocked
San Francisco in 1989 and Los Angeles in 1994, at 99 percent statewide."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://hughpickens.com/
1. http://www.newsweek.com/2011/03/13/the-scariest-earthquake-is-yet-to-come.html
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Plate
3. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/16/us-japan-quake-california-idUSTRE72F5KG20110316

| Getting Past Censorship With Unorthodox Links To the Internet
| from the sneakier-net dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @09:32 (Networking)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/1329254/Getting-Past-Censorship-With-Unorthodox-Links-To-the-Internet?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader points out a short article at The Economist, which
says "Savvy techies are finding ways to circumvent politically motivated
shutdowns of the internet. Various groups around the world are using
[0]creative means like multi-directional mobile phone antennae and even
microwave ovens to transmit internet traffic accross international

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.economist.com/node/18386151

| See The Supermoon Tonight
| from the wear-no-kryptonite dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @10:40 (Moon)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/1438234/See-The-Supermoon-Tonight?from=newsletter

watermark writes "About every 28 years a 'supermoon' occurs. This is when
the moon's orbit is closest to earth at the same time as a full moon.
Saturday night will be the biggest, [0]brightest full moon you will see
in the next 28 years." The buzzkills at Space.com explain though that
(For North Americans at least) you'll actually only be seeing a "[1]waning
gibbous moon," but it should still be spectacular.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/03/18/134654970/super-moon-to-rise-saturday-night
1. http://www.space.com/11172-supermoon-full-moon-closest.html

| Cognitive Scientist David Rumelhart Dies At 68
| from the too-early-for-the-singularity dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @11:35 (AI)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/1451215/Cognitive-Scientist-David-Rumelhart-Dies-At-68?from=newsletter

[0]dzou writes "[1]David Rumelhart, a pioneer in building computer models
of cognition and behavior, [2]has died at the age of 68. Rumelhart
conducted early research on artificial neural networks and helped develop
the idea that cognition can be modeled [3]through the interaction of many
neuron-like units. In the 1980s, he was instrumental in developing neural
networks that could learn to process information. At the time, although
researchers understood how to train networks to solve linearly separable
problems (like an AND gate), those networks could not solve linearly
inseparable problems (like XOR), which would be crucial for modeling
human cognitive processes. Rumelhart and his colleagues demonstrated that
networks that solve these types of problems can be trained using the
[4]backpropagation learning algorithm. In turn, this has led to
breakthroughs in areas like speech recognition and image processing, as
well as models of human speech perception, language processing, vision,
and higher-level cognition. Rumelhart suffered from [5]Pick's disease in
the last years of his life. An annual award in cognitive science, the
[6]David E. Rumelhart Prize, is given in his honor by the
Glushko-Samuelson Foundation."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.psychology.uiowa.edu/students/toscano
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumelhart
2. http://www.nytimes.com/glogin?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/19/health/19rumelhart.html&OQ=_rQ3D4&OP=6baca61Q2FFQ3BQ3FQ51FP)_YS))KQ20FQ20tQ2FQ2FFtJFQ2FxFgQ3FQ7BWKgFQ2FxSBiQ3FWgQ7BSKLgKiW
3. http://news.stanford.edu/news/2011/march/david-rumelhart-obit-031711.html
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backpropagation
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pick's_disease
6. http://rumelhartprize.org/

| 'Pruned' Microchips Twice As Fast and Efficient
| from the use-the-tiny-tin-snips dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @12:32 (Power)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/169217/Pruned-Microchips-Twice-As-Fast-and-Efficient?from=newsletter

Zothecula writes "If you had to use a commuting bicycle in a race, you
would probably set about removing the kickstand, fenders, racks and
lights to make the thing as fast and efficient as possible. When
engineers at Houston's Rice University are developing small, fast,
energy-efficient chips for use in devices like hearing aids, it turns out
they do pretty much the same thing. The removal of portions of circuits
that aren't essential to the task at hand is known as '[0]probabilistic
pruning,' and it results in chips that are twice as fast, use half the
power, and are half the size of conventional chips."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.gizmag.com/pruned-chips-run-faster-and-more-efficiently/18166/

| Ask Slashdot: How Prepared Are You For a Major Emergency?
| from the supermoon-induced-volquakeno-blizzards-loom dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @13:30 (Earth)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/1625208/Ask-Slashdot-How-Prepared-Are-You-For-a-Major-Emergency?from=newsletter

The northern US has been buried under snow several times this winter, and
flooding has struck quite a few places in the southwest. Those pale,
though, beside the recent disasters in [0]Haiti, [1]New Zealand, and
[2]Japan, and the seemingly inevitable arrival of a serious earthquake on
the West Coast of the US. All of which has me thinking about my (meager)
preparedness for a major disaster. Despite plans to stock up in case of a
major storm or other emergency, right now I'd be down mostly to canned
beans, sardines and Nutella. How prepared are you to do deal with a
disaster affecting your region? Is your data safe? What about your
family? Do you have escape, regrouping, or survival plans in the event of
an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, industrial accident, or whatever
hazards are most relevant where you live? It would be helpful if in
comments you disclose your region and environment (urban? rural? exurbs?)
and the emergencies you consider worth preparing for, as well as talking
about any steps you've taken or plan to take.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/01/14/1538219/Disaster-Recovery-For-Haitis-Cell-Phone-Networks
1. http://idle.slashdot.org/story/11/03/08/1626249/Website-Devoted-to-Makeshift-Toilets-After-Earthquake
2. http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/03/11/0722228/88-Earthquake-Near-Japanese-Coast

| Former Goldman Programmer Sentenced To 97 Months
| from the hey-97-is-prime dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @14:33 (Crime)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/1812245/Former-Goldman-Programmer-Sentenced-To-97-Months?from=newsletter

stevegee58 writes "Former Goldman Sachs programmer Sergey Aleynikov was
[0]sentenced to 97 months in prison for [1]stealing source code used in
Goldman's high-frequency trading algorithms. Aleynikov was [2]convicted
late last year in Manhattan federal court."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/goldman-code-thief-gets-97-months-in-prison-2011-03-18
1. https://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/08/24/1754224/Goldman-Sachs-Code-Theft-Not-Quite-So-Cut-and-Dried
2. https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/12/10/2058210/Ex-Goldman-Sachs-Programmer-Found-Guilty

| Postal Sensor Fleet Idea Gets Tentative Nod From the USPS
| from the would-like-to-subscribe-to-your-newsletter dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @15:45 (Communications)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/1944210/Postal-Sensor-Fleet-Idea-Gets-Tentative-Nod-From-the-USPS?from=newsletter

Late last year, we mentioned the [0]idea floated by to Michael J.
Ravnitzky, a chief counsel at the Postal Regulatory Commission, that the
US Postal Service use its wide-ranging fleet [1]to gather and upload
useful data of all kinds ��� everything from weather conditions to RF
coverage. Now, an anonymous reader writes "A workshop on this topic is
[2]scheduled for April 12th in Washington, DC. This month, the Postmaster
General sent a letter to Senator Thomas Carper, Chairman of the US Senate
Subcommittee that oversees the Postal Service, expressing interest in
exploring this concept."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/12/19/2216202/A-Blue-Sky-Idea-For-the-USPS-mdash-Postal-Trucks-As-Sensors
1. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-03/postal-network-usps-trucks-could-monitor-air-quality-road-conditions-and-traffic
2. http://www.usmesnet.org/meeting.html

| Open-Source Bach; Copyright-Free Goldbergs
| from the good-brain-music dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @16:44 (Music)
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/202257/Open-Source-Bach-Copyright-Free-Goldbergs?from=newsletter

[0]rDouglass writes "An open source music notation software (MuseScore)
and an award winning pianist (Kimiko Ishizaka) are [1]raising money to
create a new score and a new recording of Bach's Goldberg Variations.
They will release both works to the public domain (copyright-free) using
the Creative Commons Zero tool. This bypasses usual copyright protections
that are given to each published edition of the score and each individual
recording of the piece, and addresses a gap in the availability of free
(gratis/libre) versions of the work. MuseScore scores are XML based and
are thus like the source code for music. They can also be embedded into
websites and linked with YouTube videos, creating rich multimedia
experiences. The Kickstarter project has begun recently and $4,000 has
been raised."

Discuss this story at:

0. mailto:robert@opengoldbergvariations.org
1. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/293573191/open-goldberg-variations-setting-bach-free

| UN Intervention Begins In Libya
| from the at-least-there's-no-war dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @17:50 (The Military)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/2132200/UN-Intervention-Begins-In-Libya?from=newsletter

maliamnon writes "[0]US, French, and British forces began enforcing a
[1]UN resolution (1973/2011) to defend civilians in Libya today. French
aircraft are attacking tanks, while the US and possibly UK are supporting
the operation with cruise missiles from sea." Update: 03/19 22:34 GMT by
[2]T : Adds reader [3]bloggerkg: "More than 110 Tomahawk missiles fired
from American and British ships and submarines [4]hit about 20 Libyan air
and missile defense targets in western portions of the country, US Vice
Adm. William Gortney said at a Pentagon briefing. The US will conduct a
damage assessment of the sites, which include SA-5 missiles and
communications facilities. A senior US military official, who was not
authorized to speak on the record, said the missiles landed near Misrata
and Tripoli, the capital and Gadhafi's stronghold."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/03/2011319175243968135.html
1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12782972
2. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/
3. http://www.biberhapimucizesi.com/
4. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/03/19/libya.civil.war/index.html?hpt=T1

| Apple's App Store Accepts 'Gay Cure' App
| from the gee-wally-guess-it-was-just-a-mistake dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @18:49 (Software)
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/2241226/Apples-App-Store-Accepts-Gay-Cure-App?from=newsletter

parallel_prankster writes "Apple is [0]under fire for approving a
controversial app created by a religious organization ��� Exodus
International. The app seeks to help gay individuals become heterosexual.
It received a '4' rating from Apple, which indicates the company
considered the app to contain 'no objectionable material.' The new
smartphone app was released last week and is now available through
iTunes. Exodus International claims to be 'the world's largest ministry
to individuals and families impacted by homosexuality.' A petition has
been launched by Truth Wins Out, which describes itself as a non-profit
organisation that fights anti-gay religious extremism on the change.org
website, asking Steve Jobs to intervene to remove the app."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/03/18/apple_christian_conundrum/

| Japan Reluctant To Disclose Drone Footage of Fukushima Plant
| from the gudjilla-in-high-res-at-least dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday March 19, @19:53 (Government)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/19/2348234/Japan-Reluctant-To-Disclose-Drone-Footage-of-Fukushima-Plant?from=newsletter

[0]garymortimer writes with word that "footage taken from an RQ-4 Global
Hawk drone was passed on to the Japanese government with permission for
public release from the US Air Force. US military sources said that the
decision to release the footage ��� or not ��� was up to the Japanese
government." The Japanese government, though, has thus far [1]chosen not
to release the high-resolution footage of the tsunami-damaged Fukushima
nuclear plant.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.suasnews.com/
1. http://www.suasnews.com/2011/03/4703/japan-reluctant-to-disclose-footage-of-power-plant-taken-by-u-s-drone/

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