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Insider Report from Newsmax.com

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Obama to Launch Re-election With Video
2. Medicaid Wastes $329 Million a Year on Brand Drugs
3. Gallup: Americans Least Worried About Global Warming
4. Soviets Lied About Yuri Gagarin's 1961 First Space Flight
5. U.S. Ninth Worst for High School Dropouts
6. We Heard: Joyce Kaufman, Donald Trump, Bill Moyers

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1. Obama to Launch Re-election With Video

President Barack Obama will formally announce his re-election campaign with an online video that aides will post on his new campaign website, Democratic insiders tell National Journal.

The exact date and time of the announcement will be kept under wraps until Obama's team alerts supporters with text messages and email. By that time, Obama will have opened his campaign account with the Federal Election Commission.

But Democratic donors are being told that the announcement will coincide with a Democratic National Committee fundraiser set for April 14 in Chicago, which Obama will attend.

The campaign could use the video to begin soliciting donations, according to National Journal.

President George W. Bush didn't announce his re-election campaign until May of 2003. But Democrats close to the president are concerned that independent opposition groups will soon begin airing their television ads.

One of those groups, American Crossroads — with former Bush staffer Karl Rove as an adviser — is seeking to raise at least $130 million for the election cycle, on top of money allocated by the Chamber of Commerce and other Republican-leaning groups.

Editor's Note:

2. Medicaid Wastes $329 Million a Year on Brand Drugs

Medicaid squandered $329 million in a single year by paying for costly brand-name drugs when much cheaper generic versions were available.

That's the troubling disclosure from Alex Brill of the American Enterprise Institute, who compiled an extensive study of Medicaid spending in 2009.

Given the huge federal and state budget deficits "and the added burden of recent healthcare reform legislation that will add 16 million new enrollees to Medicaid rolls by 2019, there is a clear and obvious need to identify potential savings opportunities to address budget pressures, particularly as they relate to healthcare spending," Brill observes.

Brill looked at 20 medications that are available as both a brand-name product and a "therapeutically equivalent" generic one. Total Medicaid spending on these medications was about $1.5 billion in 2009.

"The analysis identifies $329 million of overspending as a result of underutilization of the less costly (generic) and overutilization of the more costly (brand) versions of these multi‐source products," Brill discloses in his report, released on March 28.

"Because Medicaid is a joint federal‐state program, savings from addressing this problem would accrue to both states and the federal government."

The average price for a generic-filled prescription among private payers that year was $39.73, while brand-name drugs averaged $155.45.

Brill estimates that the overspending for just one drug, the antipsychotic Risperdal, was more than $60 million that year, while the average waste per prescription for the antipsychotic Clorazil was $232.

On the state level, the greatest amount of unnecessary spending was in California, $102 million, followed by Texas at $31 million. Per enrollee, the most wasteful states were Vermont and Iowa, which unnecessarily spent $31.43 per enrollee.

In contrast, Hawaii overspent just 12 cents per enrollee.

Brill points out that reining in unnecessary spending is particularly important now because many widely used brand-name drugs will lose patent protection in 2011 and 2012 and face competition from cheaper generic products. "Future overspending in this program [will likely be] even greater if new policies are not promptly adopted," he states.

His analysis looks at 10 such patented drugs, including the popular cholesterol drug Lipitor, and projects that overspending for the branded versions will range from $289 million to $433 million.

Brill's conclusion: "Continued wasteful spending in the Medicaid drug program is a problem requiring policymakers' prompt attention."

P.S.: Factoring in Medicare as well, Brill cites a 2010 report by the Congressional Budget Office estimating that Medicare's overspending on brand-name drugs was $900 million in 2007.

Editor's Note:

3. Gallup: Americans Least Worried About Global Warming

Climate change alarmists are not likely to tout the results of a new Gallup poll, which found that nearly half of Americans are now "not at all" or "not much" concerned about global warming.

Among nine environmental concerns poll respondents were asked about, global warming finished dead last in terms of the "personal worry" the issue generates.

Topping the list was "contamination of soil and water by toxic waste" — 79 percent said they are worried a "great deal" or "a fair amount," and just 20 percent are "not at all" or "not much" concerned.

Also of considerable concern to at least 75 percent of respondents are "pollution of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs," "pollution of drinking water," and "maintenance of the nation's supply of fresh water for household needs."

"Air pollution" personally worries 72 percent of respondents a great deal or a fair amount, "extinction of plant and animal species" troubles 64 percent, "the loss of tropical rain forests" seriously concerns 63 percent, and "urban sprawl and loss of open spaces" worries 57 percent, according to the poll of more than 1,000 adults.

Only a bare majority of respondents, 51 percent, say they are a great deal or a fair amount worried about global warming. That is down 12 percentage points from a poll in March 2001. And 48 percent feel little or no anxiety about it.

"Although the United States has experienced nothing like the mass drinking-water scare that is gripping Japan during its current nuclear crisis, Americans largely recognize the importance of clean water to their lives," Gallup states.

"All four environmental issues referring to 'water' in this year's Gallup Environment poll rank in the upper tier of environmental concerns.

"What may surprise some, given the broad exposure the issue has received in recent years, is that global warming ranks lowest — consistent with other Gallup polling — with barely half of Americans concerned and 48 percent only a little or not at all concerned."

Gallup poll results released earlier in March showed that 43 percent of respondents believe the seriousness of global warming is generally exaggerated in the news media.

Editor's Note:

4. Soviets Lied About Yuri Gagarin's 1961 First Space Flight

Officials in the Soviet Union lied about the success of Yuri Gagarin's historic 1961 space flight and covered up the fact he landed more than 200 miles away from where he was supposed to.

The Soviets touted his mission, the first manned flight into space, as a "major Cold War propaganda coup, portraying it as a glitch-free triumph of Communist ideology," The Telegraph in Britain observed.

But a new book published on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Gagarin's flight discloses that Soviet scientists miscalculated where he would land after his one orbit of the earth, and there was no one on the ground to meet him when he arrived some 500 miles south of Moscow.

"For many years, Soviet literature claimed that Yuri Gagarin and his Vostok landing capsule had come down in the area it was supposed to," according to the book, "108 Minutes That Changed the World" by Russian journalist Anton Pervushin.

But this was "far from the truth," he writes, explaining that Soviet scientists had expected him to land nearly 250 miles farther south.

"So it turned out that nobody was waiting or looking for Yuri Gagarin. Therefore the first thing he had to do after landing was set off to look for people and communications so he could tell the leadership where he was."

The Soviets also lied when they claimed Gagarin had touched down inside the capsule, when in fact he landed separately via a parachute, the author adds.

The book also reveals that before his flight, Gagarin wrote a letter to be given to his family if his mission proved fatal, telling his wife not to "die of grief" if he did not return alive.

Gagarin's wife did not get to read the letter until 1968, after Gagarin's death at the age of 34 in a plane crash whose cause has never been positively determined.

Editor's Note:

5. U.S. Ninth Worst for High School Dropouts

The United States now ranks near the bottom of the list of advanced economies for its high school dropout rate — 23.3 percent of American students do not receive a high school diploma.

Of the roughly 4 million students who enter high school each year, about 1 million will drop out before graduation. That's 7,000 every school day.

The problem is even greater in large cities. Nearly half of all students in the nation's 50 largest school districts drop out before graduation, CBS News reported.

In fact, just 25 of America's 11,000 school districts with high schools accounted for one out of every five dropouts in one recent year, according to the Washington Post.

The U.S. rate compares poorly to the dropout rate in most of the countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the group of 34 advanced nations with economies most comparable to the U.S.

For example, in the U.K. the rate is 8.9 percent; in South Korea, 7 percent; in Japan, 5.3 percent; Ireland, 4 percent; Germany, 2.8 percent, according to OECD figures reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Among the countries with a higher rate than the United States, Canada has a rate of 23.7; Portugal, 37.1 percent; Mexico, 56 percent; and Turkey, 73.8 percent.

The OECD average is 20 percent.

Dropouts cost American taxpayers more than $8 billion a year in public assistance programs such as food stamps. They earn about $10,000 a year less than workers with high school diplomas, CBS reported.

They are also more likely to be unemployed. And nearly 60 percent of federal prison inmates are high school dropouts.

Editor's Note:

6. We Heard: Joyce Kaufman, Donald Trump, Bill Moyers

THAT radio talk show host Joyce Kaufman, a favorite of conservative Republicans and tea party supporters, said she is "seriously considering" running for Congress in South Florida.

During the 2010 campaign cycle, Kaufman "was intimately involved in U.S. Rep. Allen West's successful campaign, frequently introducing him on the campaign trail," the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported.

After the election West named her his chief of staff. But she withdrew amid controversy over an Internet video that showed her trying to excite a tea party rally with the line, "If ballots don't work, bullets will."

Her supporters said the comment was taken out of context.

The congressional district where Kaufman currently resides is represented by Ted Deutch, a Democrat.

THAT Donald Trump is getting his own spot on the Fox News Channel. He'll appear once a week on "Fox & Friends" with a segment called "Monday Mornings with Trump."

"Bold, brash and never bashful, The Donald now makes his voice loud and clear every Monday on Fox," a network promo announces.

THAT liberal newsman Bill Moyers could be headed back to PBS with a new program just one year after he announced his retirement.

Moyers, who ended his PBS public affairs show in April 2010, has received preliminary approval for a major grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, which would fund a 29-month run for a half-hour show tentatively titled "Something Different With Bill Moyers," according to The New York Times.

Moyers said in an email that his company has "no idea about a possible airdate, if in fact we proceed."

Note: Newsmax magazine is now available on the iPad. Find us in the App Store.

Editor's Note:

Editor's Notes:

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Newser Daily Digest - Obama's 5-Ton Limo Exempt From Green Car Policy

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Obama's 5-Ton Limo Exempt From Green Car Policy

Obama's 5-Ton Limo Exempt From Green Car Policy

(Newser) - President Obama this week rolled out some ambitious goals toward making the federal government's fleet of cars more fuel-efficient, but his critics are likely to have fun with one thing in particular: His big limo is exempt. (Drudge has been highlighting the exemption with an upside photo of the president.... More  »
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Obama to Launch 2012 Campaign: Could Be First $1B Run

Obama to Launch 2012 Campaign: Could Be First $1B Run

(Newser) - President Obama will make it official next week, reports Lynn Sweet at the Chicago Sun-Times : He's running for re-election. The president is expected to file his papers with the Federal Election Commission as early as Monday to be a 2012 candidate, a move that will allow his camp to start... More  »
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Trump Is Getting Loopier

Trump Is Getting Loopier

(Newser) - Donald Trump is now playing the part of a conservative Republican—and birther extraordinaire—but the attention-loving tycoon has previously flirted with the Democrats and might well be declaring his support "for the Alaskan Independence Party or the Whigs" in 2016, writes Gail Collins at the New York Times... More  »
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[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-04-03

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In this issue:
* Facebook, Zuckerberg Sued For $1 Billion Over Intifada Page
* Nuclear Risk Expert: Fukushima Fuel May Be Leaking
* The 30th Anniversary of Osborne Computer
* RSA Says SecurID Hack Based On Phishing With Flash 0-Day
* Students Create Thought-Controlled Prosthetic Arm
* FBI Overwhelmed With 'Solutions' To Encrypted Note
* USC Researchers Demonstrate Real-Life Gmail Motion
* Hackers Steal Kroger's Customer List
* Google's Driverless Car and the Logic of Safety
* Burt Rutan Retires From Scaled Composites
* CD Ripper 'Incites Law Breaking,' Says British Regulator
* Sony CEO Lets Slip That iPhone 5 Will Have 8MP Camera
* Drug Runners Perfect Long-Range Subs
* Viral Scareware Infects Four Million Websites
* Android Passes BlackBerry In US Market Share
* Google Pulls PSX4Droid For Sony's Xperia Play

| Facebook, Zuckerberg Sued For $1 Billion Over Intifada Page
| from the no-seriously-he-really-did dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday April 01, @20:35 (Facebook)
| https://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/0022222/Facebook-Zuckerberg-Sued-For-1-Billion-Over-Intifada-Page?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes with this excerpt from ZDNet: "Larry Klayman,
the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, has filed a lawsuit
against Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg for their role in furthering
a 'radical' Facebook Page called 'Third Palestinian Intifada,' which
openly advocated another uprising against the citizens of Israel. The
complaint reserves the right to be amended into a class action suit and
prays for compensatory and punitive damages [0]in excess of $1 billion.
... As a quick refresher, Facebook originally said it [1]would not remove
the page but would monitor it instead. The company later [2]pulled the
page after discussions degraded into violence and hatred."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/facebook/facebook-zuckerberg-sued-for-1-billion/1088
1. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/facebook/facebook-won-8217t-remove-the-third-intifada-page-against-israel/1016
2. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/facebook/facebook-backpedals-removes-third-palestinian-intifada-page-against-israel/1049

| Nuclear Risk Expert: Fukushima Fuel May Be Leaking
| from the so-step-lively dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday April 01, @21:40 (Japan)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/0116252/Nuclear-Risk-Expert-Fukushima-Fuel-May-Be-Leaking?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "Three weeks after the nuclear crisis began at
Japan's Fukushima Dai-1 power plant, there's still a real danger of
[0]melted nuclear fuel escaping the reactor buildings and releasing a
large dose of radiation. So says Theo Theofanous, an engineer who spent
15 years studying the risks of nuclear reactors. Theofanous believes that
melted nuclear fuel has already leaked through the reactor vessels and
accumulated at the bottoms of the primary containment structures. All
attempts to keep the reactor buildings cool may not be enough to prevent
the overheated fuel from eating through the concrete floors, he says."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/energy/nuclear/nuclear-risk-expert-fukushimas-fuel-could-still-seep-out

| The 30th Anniversary of Osborne Computer
| from the not-the-reality-tv-star-no dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @00:28 (Portables)
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/023238/The-30th-Anniversary-of-Osborne-Computer?from=newsletter

[0]harrymcc writes "This Sunday is the thirtieth anniversary of the
announcement of the Osborne 1 ��� the first mass-produced mobile computer.
For years, Osborne has been most famous for its failure, traditionally
blamed on the company having preannounced new products before they were
available. But that's not the whole story ��� and Adam Osborne, its
founder, was a [1]fascinating figure who deserves to be remembered."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.technologizer.com/
1. http://technologizer.com/2011/04/01/osborne-computer/

| RSA Says SecurID Hack Based On Phishing With Flash 0-Day
| from the not-straight-but-chaser dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @03:16 (Security)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/0332252/RSA-Says-SecurID-Hack-Based-On-Phishing-With-Flash-0-Day?from=newsletter

Trailrunner7 writes "RSA confirmed on Friday that the [0]attack that
compromised the company's high-value SecurID product was essentially a
[1]small, targeted phishing campaign that included a payload of a
malicious Flash object embedded in an Excel file."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://it.slashdot.org/story/11/03/17/2321226/RSAs-Servers-Hacked
1. https://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/rsa-securid-attack-was-phishing-excel-spreadsheet-040111

| Students Create Thought-Controlled Prosthetic Arm
| from the only-the-good-thoughts-I-hope dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @06:08 (Canada)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/0457221/Students-Create-Thought-Controlled-Prosthetic-Arm?from=newsletter

Zothecula writes "Two undergraduate students from Toronto's Ryerson
University have created a prosthetic arm that is controlled by its
wearer's brain signals, and powered by compressed air. Not only is the
[0]Artificial Muscle-Operated (AMO) Arm said to offer a greater range of
movement than traditional prostheses, but it also doesn't require the
amputee to undergo invasive surgery, is easy to learn to use, and it is
relatively inexpensive to make."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.gizmag.com/pneumatic-thought-controlled-prosthetic-arm/18289/

| FBI Overwhelmed With 'Solutions' To Encrypted Note
| from the hey-bub-you-asked-for-it dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @08:27 (Crime)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/0311210/FBI-Overwhelmed-With-Solutions-To-Encrypted-Note?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "Recently the FBI asked for [0]the public's
help in solving the encryption in a note linked to a man's murder. Well,
they got so much 'help,' it has [1]overwhelmed the agency's phone and
email systems . Dan Olson, chief of the FBI's Cryptanalysis and
Racketeering Records Unit (CRRU), urged potential code-breakers to send
their tips via mail rather than sending emails or flooding phone lines.
'We don't have the bandwidth to handle the emails we're getting,' Olson
told FoxNews.com on Thursday. 'We're getting a bunch [of responses].'
Suggested solutions range from a list of the dead man's medication
schedule to instructions from a computer repair technician: 'He is
speaking to a computer tech on how to fix his computer,' one message

Discuss this story at:

0. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/03/29/209238/FBI-Wants-You-To-Solve-Encrypted-Notes-From-Murder
1. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/03/31/fbi-inundated-tips-encrypted-notes-1-murder-mystery/?test=latestnews

| USC Researchers Demonstrate Real-Life Gmail Motion
| from the when-reality-trumps dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @09:33 (Input Devices)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/1311245/USC-Researchers-Demonstrate-Real-Life-Gmail-Motion?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "In this tongue-in-cheek video, researchers at
the USC Institute for Creative Technologies take playful jabs at Google
as they demonstrate their software [0]controlling Gmail with a Microsoft
Kinect sensor. The gesture controls are strikingly similar to those
jokingly suggested by Google in their fictional [1]Gmail Motion
application, posted as an April Fools' day prank. The researchers have
made their software [2]available for free on their website."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfso7_i9Ko8
1. http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html
2. http://projects.ict.usc.edu/mxr/faast/

| Hackers Steal Kroger's Customer List
| from the now-they-know-who-buys-food dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @10:30 (Privacy)
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/1337202/Hackers-Steal-Krogers-Customer-List?from=newsletter

wiredmikey writes "Kroger, the nation's largest traditional grocery
retailer with more than 338,000 associates, notified customers today of a
breach of the database that stores its customers' names and email
addresses. The company said [0]the incident occurred at Epsilon, the
third-party vendor Kroger uses to manage its customer email database."
Reader SatanClauz SatanClauz quotes the email that went out to Kroger
customers ("We were notified and became aware of unauthorized access to
our email list by someone outside our company. We want to assure you that
the only information that was obtained were names and email addresses."),
writing "At least they were smart enough to separate the email db from
the rest of customer information! ��� or so they say..."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.securityweek.com/kroger-notifies-customers-data-breach-stemming-third-party-email-vendor

| Google's Driverless Car and the Logic of Safety
| from the professor-I-have-the-solution dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @11:37 (AI)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/1529237/Googles-Driverless-Car-and-the-Logic-of-Safety?from=newsletter

mikejuk writes "Google's driverless car could save more than 1 million
deaths per year and tens of millions of injuries. It is an impressive
achievement, but will we allow it to take over the wheel? Sebastian Thrun
puts the case for it in a persuasive TED Talk video. However it may be OK
for human drivers to kill millions of people each year but [0]one human
fatality might be enough to finish the driverless car project ��� in fact
it might not even take a death as an injury might cause the same
backlash. Robot drivers might kill far fewer people than a human driver
but it remains to be seen if we can be logical enough to accept the
occasional failure of algorithm or hardware. Put simply we might have all
seen too many 'evil robot' movies."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.i-programmer.info/news/105-artificial-intelligence/2217-sebasitian-thrun-on-googles-driverless-car.html

| Burt Rutan Retires From Scaled Composites
| from the forged-his-own-wings dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @12:40 (Transportation)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/1544245/Burt-Rutan-Retires-From-Scaled-Composites?from=newsletter

hondo77 writes "Lost in all of the April Fool's Day fun was the news that
[0]Burt Rutan [1]retired on April 1. 'Five of his planes now hang in the
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, including the Voyager, which
in 1986 became the first airplane to fly around the world without
refueling, and SpaceShipOne, which in 2004 became the first private
rocket plane ever to put a man into space.' Enjoy your retirement, Burt.
You've earned it." [2]Watching SpaceShipOne fly in 2004 is one of the
happiest memories of my life. Thanks, Mr. Rutan.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burt_Rutan
1. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-rutan-retirement-20110401,0,1938565.story
2. http://science.slashdot.org/story/04/10/04/1525256/SpaceShipOne-Captures-the-X-Prize

| CD Ripper 'Incites Law Breaking,' Says British Regulator
| from the that-cd-was-askin'-for-it dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @13:44 (Music)
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/1625241/CD-Ripper-Incites-Law-Breaking-Says-British-Regulator?from=newsletter

[0]Barence writes "A [1]British firm has been banned from advertising a
CD ripping device because it 'incites law breaking.' The Brennan JB7 is
'a CD player with a hard disk that stores up to 5,000 CDs.' The adverts
for the Brennan highlight the convenience of ripping your entire CD
collection to the device ��� much like we've all been doing for years on
our PCs, iPods and other MP3 players. The Advertising Standards Authority
has banned the ads after concluding 'that the ad misleadingly implied it
was acceptable to copy CDs, vinyl and cassettes without the permission of
the copyright owner.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/
1. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/2011/03/30/asa-cd-burner-%E2%80%9Cincites%E2%80%9D-law-breaking/

| Sony CEO Lets Slip That iPhone 5 Will Have 8MP Camera
| from the no-such-thing-as-a-true-leak-anymore dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @14:51 (Input Devices)
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/1843231/Sony-CEO-Lets-Slip-That-iPhone-5-Will-Have-8MP-Camera?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "During a recent interview with Walt Mossberg,
Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer may have inadvertently let it slip that Sony
plans to supply Apple with [0]8 megapixel cameras for the next-gen iPhone.
While discussing the Japanese earthquake, Stringer noted that Sony's
camera sensor plant in Sendai had been affected and that shipments of 8
megapixel camera sensors to Apple were subsequently delayed."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.edibleapple.com/iphone-5-will-reportedly-sport-8-megapixel-camera-from-sony/

| Drug Runners Perfect Long-Range Subs
| from the only-outlaws-will-have-submarines dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @15:49 (Crime)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/190235/Drug-Runners-Perfect-Long-Range-Subs?from=newsletter

[0]Hugh Pickens writes writes "Authorities have [1]captured a 74-foot
camouflaged submarine ��� nearly twice as long as a city bus ��� with twin
propellers and a 5-foot conning tower that, with a crew of four to six,
has a maximum operational range of 6,800 nautical miles on the surface,
can go 10 days without refueling and was probably designed to ferry
cocaine underwater to Mexico. The vessel carries a payload of 9 tons of
cocaine with a street value of about $250 million and uses a GPS chart
plotter with side-scan capabilities, a high-frequency radio, an
electro-optical periscope and an infrared camera mounted on the conning
tower���visual aids that supplement two miniature windows in the makeshift
cockpit. "This is the most sophisticated sub we've seen to date," says
Jon Wallace who has headed the [2]Personal Submersibles Organization, or
Psubs, for 15 years. "It's a very good design in terms of shape and
controls." In the meantime [3]jungle shipbuilders continue to perfect
their craft."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://hughpickens.com/
1. http://www.wired.com/magazine/2011/03/ff_drugsub/all/1
2. http://www.psubs.org/
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narco_submarine

| Viral Scareware Infects Four Million Websites
| from the warning-your-computer-may-be-at-risk dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @16:55 (Security)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/2040253/Viral-Scareware-Infects-Four-Million-Websites?from=newsletter

oxide7 writes "A fast-spreading SQL injection attack that illegally
peddles a bogus scareware has been breaking anti-virus barriers and
[0]compromising millions of websites, besides defrauding unsuspecting
victims. The news of this attack was brought out by Websense Security
Labs in its blog last week. Websense said its Threatseeker Network
identified a new malicious mass-injection campaign which it named

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/129843/20110402/lizamoon-websense-apple-itunes-security-trojan-malware-scareware-script-sql-injection-four-million-w.htm

| Android Passes BlackBerry In US Market Share
| from the king-for-a-day-but-that-damn-sword-above dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @18:04 (Android)
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/2159217/Android-Passes-BlackBerry-In-US-Market-Share?from=newsletter

An anonymous reader writes "69.5 million people in the US owned
smartphones during the three months ending in February 2011, up 13
percent from the preceding three-month period. For the first time,
[0]more Americans are using phones running Google's Android operating
system than Research In Motion's BlackBerry, according to comScore.
Having [1]passed the iPhone in the preceding three-month period, this now
means that Android has been crowned king in the US."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.techspot.com/news/43105-android-passes-blackberry-in-the-us.html
1. http://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/01/09/0039211/Android-Passes-iPhone-In-US-Market-Share

| Google Pulls PSX4Droid For Sony's Xperia Play
| from the you-must-go-through-these-hoops dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday April 02, @19:08 (Android)
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/230212/Google-Pulls-PSX4Droid-For-Sonys-Xperia-Play?from=newsletter

[0]tlhIngan writes "Google has apparently pulled an Apple and [1]pulled
PSX4Droid (a PlayStation emulator) from the Marketplace, citing 'policy
violations' for it reason. It's believed that [2]Sony's Xperia Play (aka
Playstation Phone) release was behind the move. Strangely, [3]FPSE is
still on the Marketplace."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://slashdotatworfdotnet/
1. http://www.engadget.com/2011/03/30/android-playstation-emulator-psx4droid-pulled-from-market-finge/
2. http://www.blog.moby1.co.uk/2011/03/android-playstation-emulator-psx4droid-pulled-from-market.html
3. http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/Android/psx4droid/news.asp?c=28789

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