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The War in Afghanistan Is Over

Newser: Off the Grid
A newser column by Stephen Spain
Oct 19, 10 | 9:28 AM

The War in Afghanistan Is Over

In simpler times, our wars had clearly defined endings. WWII ended with a bang—two, really, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There were obvious winners and losers, too. The winners redrew world maps, while the losers tried to find creative uses for rubble. It doesn’t work that way anymore. The war in Afghanistan is over. The Taliban know it, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai does, too. Pakistan knows. With their endorsement of talks with the Taliban, even President Obama and his generals have acknowledged it. Don’t expect any ticker-tape parades for returning soldiers, though....
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Beat Barney Frank and You Beat the Democratic Leadership

An Urgent Message From Our Sponsor

Dear Newsmax Reader:

Things are moving fast and we now have a solid chance to defeat some high value targets: House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank and the other Democratic leaders.

Defeating these top Democrats would send a huge signal to the nation and would deprive the Democrats of some of their top leadership. It would truly be a command and control strike!

To the chess fans among us, I say: "Enough of the pawns. Lets go for some rooks, castles, and bishops. That way we can bring down their queen and, in two years, checkmate the king."

Apart from the sheer joy of beating these Congressmen, it will make clear that we do not like what they have done to us.

Frank, more than anyone else except possibly Senator Chris Dodd, is responsible for our financial mess.

For a decade, he blocked Bush's efforts to rein in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

My co-author Eileen McGann and I wrote about this in our 2007 book "Outrage" and predicted that it would lead to a financial collapse.

But Frank didn't listen and now he seeks to evade responsibility. We at the Super Pac for America want to run an ad explaining the facts to his district.

We will use your donations for these high value targets and to pursue Project 100, our effort to win one hundred seats in the House.

We are currently using your past donations to target seven Congressman and are about to hit nine more.

Your donations will help us go after Barney Frank and a bunch of other Democrats who we can defeat!

Please Donate Here Now

Thanks for your help,

Dick Morris

An Urgent Message
From the Desk of Dick Morris

We Are Approaching a Defining Moment in Our Nation's History . . .

The Decisions Made in the Days Ahead May Determine Whether Our Country Triumphantly Returns to Greatness or Staggers Closer to Collapse. . .

Your Help and Your Voice are Needed to . . .

Reclaim, Rebuild,
and Restore
Our America!

Join Your Fellow Americans to Usher in a
Brighter Future for Our Nation!

Dear Fellow American:

Over the last couple of years, America has been bruised and battered.

Our $13.5 trillion federal deficit has pushed our nation to the verge of bankruptcy.

Obamacare has threatened our right to live a long and healthy life.

And the end of the Bush tax cuts, combined with drastic federal and state tax hikes, have put your wealth and retirement savings at risk.

Barack Obama's liberal agenda and "Big Government" initiatives are directly attacking the freedom, safety, and prosperity of every American.

But now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to stand up.

In these moments I'd like to remind you of the immortal words of President Ronald Reagan from his now famous 1980 Republican Convention acceptance speech:

For those who have abandoned hope, we'll restore hope and we'll welcome them into a great national crusade to make America great again!

You see, the bell hasn't rung. A knockout punch was not delivered.

We are the nation of Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan. We stand for freedom, prosperity, and independence.

And it's time we take America back.

With your help we can stand up with pride . . . dust ourselves off . . . and rebuild our nation into one that our Founding Fathers would be proud of.

America is at a Historic Crossroads.

The decisions made by not only you, but your friends, family, and neighbors on November 2 will determine the path of our nation and its future 10, 20 — even 100 years from today.

We cannot be silent. We cannot rest on our laurels.

And we certainly cannot assume that we will reclaim our nation at the voting booths — without taking necessary measures to make it a reality.

The Democrats have been launching unprecedented smear attacks against Republican and Tea Party candidates. They are drumming up their base.

And many races are becoming too close for inaction.

This is why I have joined with other national leaders in supporting the "Super PAC for America."

This is a powerful and formidable grassroots organization that will unite the citizens of this great nation.

The goal is simple — on November 2 we will stand up and change America's path for the better.

And powering this movement is a very ambitious goal.

I am calling it "Project 100."

Our plan is for the Republicans to win 100 seats in this year's congressional elections.

This is admittedly a bold goal. But with enough support very attainable.

I have studied the numbers very carefully, and we believe this can be done.

And when it happens a shockwave will resonate not only through Washington, but also around the world.

Right now the Democrats control the House of Representatives by 39 votes.

Republicans need to simply win 39 seats to gain control.

Now while the GOP gaining control of the House is positive change, it's far from an overwhelming mandate.

To fix America we need to win a very large majority to send a powerful message to the establishment.

A message that will be impossible to ignore in the White House and on Capitol Hill.

With Project 100 we will win with a very large majority.

And the positive effects will be immediate:

  • With this mandate we can repeal Obamacare.
  • We can enact successful economic reform initiatives that will put our country back on a proper financial footing and deal with the staggering debt our nation faces.
  • We can fix the immigration epidemic and secure our borders.
  • We can enhance national security and win the war on terror.
  • We can restore family values.
  • We can demand our elected officials be held accountable for their actions . . . or inactions.

That's why I am teaming up with the Super PAC for America's "Project 100."

But we need your help to realize these goals.

Here's our strategy.

As you know, there are 50 likely seats that Republicans will win this year.

Right now, the national committees and other donors are contributing heavily to these 50 Republicans in key races across the country.

These 50 races are, for the moment, the most likely winners.

Super PAC for America's approach will be even more aggressive.

We are going to select the 50 races we believe are "second-tier" races. Ones that are not on the priority list for the national committees.

Ones the Democrats thought were "safe seats."

With a relatively small amount of money spent by Super PAC for America in these districts we could win an additional 50 seats.

And this will give Republicans 100 new seats for this Congress!

Imagine how Americans will vote in these additional 50 swing districts if we clearly spell out to them how Obamacare is going to reduce their Medicare benefits.

Left in place, Obamacare will target seniors with massive cuts of over $500 billion in benefits.

And Obama will add 30 million new people to the national healthcare system. This will undoubtedly cause long waits and endanger access to doctors and hospitals.

As you know, private insurance rates are ballooning. Children and seniors are being dropped from their coverage despite what President Obama sold the public about the end of "pre-existing conditions."

And our brave men and women in the military have been left out in the cold for much of the benefit of this so-called "reform."

But besides excluding Americans, this controversial legislation is also not economically viable.

The cost of federal outlays are set to skyrocket over a trillion dollars thanks to Obamacare.

But repealing Obamacare is just one issue that will be focused on to push Congress in the Republicans' favor.

How will independent voters in swing districts feel when it is clearly explained to them that the Bush tax cuts are expiring, and they are set to get hit with the largest tax hike in history?

President Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised to vote on the Bush tax cuts before they recessed.

But there has been no vote because it's been delayed until after the elections.

Typical of them, they lied.

This is because they are trying to avoid the public outcry of their true intentions until it's too late for you to do anything about it.

They hope Americans have short memories. That they will forget about the coming assault on their wealth.

But the "Project 100" will not let the citizens of this great nation forget.

I believe when independent voters hear the message we are going to send them, we are going to win 100 new Republican seats, giving Republicans a majority of over 60 votes in the new Congress!

This will not only send a powerful message to the establishment in Washington, it will also create a powerful force for change and the restoration of the Reagan agenda in Washington . . .

Less Government, Less Taxes, and
Strong National Security.

These are the ideals of the Tea Party movement as well as all Reagan conservatives like you and me.

And they can become real.

The more we spend on these "safe Democratic seats" the more we put these incumbents in danger.

The Democrats will have to tie up incredible amounts of resources to defend these second-tier 50 seats that they once thought were safe.

They will not be able to help other Democrats in trouble in the first 50 seats now at risk.

In football we would call this strategy "prevent offense."

The Super PAC for America is in a
Unique Position.

Because we are fighting for the issues and candidates who support the Founding Fathers' view of America there is no limit to the amount you can donate.

We are not driven by individual candidates, but a vision of how America should and can be.

The America you believe in.

The Super PAC for America is powered by average Americans who can only spare $5, $25, or $100, as well as those who can afford much more.

As I said, there is no limit to how much you can donate. And you are legally allowed to donate as an individual or as a corporation.

Click Here to Donate

Our Goal Is Very Simple.
In The Next Three Weeks We Are Seeking
To Raise $20 Million For "Project 100."

If we divide $20 million over 50 districts it would be an expenditure of approximately $400,000 per district.

But we believe many of these districts are in small media markets where that money can go very, very far.

You can have a powerful impact in a short time. You can change the direction of our country by donating to us.

A $400,000 donation from a donor will give us one more Republican in Congress.

$100,000 will make a huge difference in our media efforts, even $50,000.

Most Americans can't afford such large donations.

Even $1,000 or $500 will help.

A donation of $250 can buy a TV ad in many districts reaching hundreds of thousands. Anything you can give will help.

Click Here to Donate

With your help we can act as the guardian angel for this second-tier of 50 congressional seats that are up for grabs.

You can provide the much-needed support to these candidates by helping us flood the TV and radio airwaves.

Your donation can fortify our direct-mail and online efforts.

And by lending your financial support we can set up phone banks across America.

We can get the message out. Your message.

We can reclaim the America we know and love.

The one that has been taken from us by those who do not share our views.

President Reagan Used To Say
At The End Of His Speeches:,
"If Not Us, Who?
If Not Now, When?"

I can't add anything more to his statement.

This was his call to arms. And today it's mine to you as well.

Now is the time for us to act — Go Here Now.


Dick Morris

Paid for by Super PAC for America. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.superPACforAmerica.com.

Super PAC for America does not make contributions to candidates. Funds raised by Super PAC for America will only be used for independent expenditures in support of or opposition to candidates. Super PAC for America is permitted to accept contributions from individuals and corporations in any amount, provided that contributions from foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status and contributions from federal contractors may not be accepted.

Contributions to Super PAC for America are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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U.S. Top News Early Edition: Geithner vows U.S. will not devalue dollar

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Good Morning Omss, TUE 19 Oct 2010 
Geithner vows U.S. will not devalue dollar
Four in New York bomb plot trial found guilty
Housing starts at 5-month high
Judge tentatively upholds gays-in-military order
French strikers and marchers test Sarkozy on pensions
Cuomo and Paladino spar in debate for NY governor race
Rebels stage suicide attack on Chechen parliament
Dubai says hit team suspect arrested in Canada
U.S. shoppers seen spending more at Christmas
Internet users to exceed 2 billion this year

Geithner vows U.S. will not devalue dollar
October 19, 2010 04:27 AM ET
PALO ALTO, Calif./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner vowed on Monday that the United States would not devalue the dollar for export advantage, saying no country could weaken its currency to gain economic health.

Full Article
Four in New York bomb plot trial found guilty
October 19, 2010 03:05 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal jury found four men guilty on Monday of placing explosives outside New York synagogues and plotting to shoot down military aircraft.

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Housing starts at 5-month high
October 19, 2010 09:27 AM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Housing starts hit a five-month high in September, a tentative sign of healing in the housing market, though permits for future home building fell as approvals in the volatile multi-family segment tumbled.

Full Article
Judge tentatively upholds gays-in-military order
October 18, 2010 11:39 PM ET
RIVERSIDE, California (Reuters) - A federal judge tentatively refused Monday to let the Pentagon reinstate its ban on openly gay men and women in the U.S. military while the government appeals her decision declaring the policy unconstitutional.

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French strikers and marchers test Sarkozy on pensions
October 19, 2010 09:07 AM ET
PARIS (Reuters) - Striking public sector workers disrupted travel across France on Tuesday and troublemakers piggybacked on protest marches to burn cars as opponents of the government's pension reform made a last-ditch bid to stop it.

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Cuomo and Paladino spar in debate for NY governor race
October 19, 2010 08:48 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Andrew Cuomo and Tea Party-backed Republican Carl Paladino, vying to become the next New York governor, debated on Monday who would best control spending and repair state government but kept their cool amid expectations that tempers might flare.

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Rebels stage suicide attack on Chechen parliament
October 19, 2010 09:33 AM ET
GROZNY, Russia (Reuters) - Islamist rebels killed at least four people on Tuesday as they tried to seize Chechnya's parliament in a brazen suicide attack that showed Russia has failed to quell insurgency on its southern flank.

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Dubai says hit team suspect arrested in Canada
October 19, 2010 08:57 AM ET
DUBAI (Reuters) - Canadian police have arrested a suspect in the assassination of a Hamas militant in Dubai but offered Dubai police no information on the matter, the Gulf emirate's police chief said on Tuesday.

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U.S. shoppers seen spending more at Christmas
October 19, 2010 09:07 AM ET
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Shoppers plan to spend more during the Christmas holiday season for the first time since a recession hit three years ago, according to a survey released on Monday.

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Internet users to exceed 2 billion this year
October 19, 2010 09:21 AM ET
GENEVA (Reuters) - The number of Internet users will surpass two billion this year, approaching a third of the world population, but developing countries need to step up access to the vital tool for economic growth, a United Nations agency said on Tuesday.

Full Article

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