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Politics: Groups Push Legal Limits in Advertising

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Groups Push Legal Limits in Advertising

In the aftermath of a landmark Supreme Court ruling, third-party groups in growing numbers have been flocking to a sharper form of messaging in the closing weeks of the campaign.

President Obama, who was joined on the campaign trail by his wife for the first time this year, at a rally at Ohio State on Sunday.

Obamas Rally for Democrats in Final Push

President Obama is seeking to rally anxious Democrats for the final two weeks of the midterm election campaign, and urged them not to be discouraged.


The Caucus

Wielding Two-by-Fours Instead of Talking Points

An elections season that will hardly be remembered for its subtlety.

N.R.A. Starts Get-Out-the-Vote Effort

The National Rifle Association begins a political ad blitz to subscribers of its magazine.

Rubio to Appear With Palin and Steele

Unlike California's top-of-the-ticket candidates, Marco Rubio will join Sarah Palin and Michael Steele at a rally Saturday.

More Election News

Amid Anger at Albany, Poll Shows Support for Cuomo

Despite the strength of insurgent candidates around the country, Andrew M. Cuomo is leading Carl P. Paladino in the race for governor.

Maryland Foes Face Off in Changed Landscape

Former Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. of Maryland is back, asking voters to take another look after they rejected his bid for a second term and elected Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat.

Democrats Hold Out Some Hope

With little more than two weeks left before the midterm elections, the White House on Sunday predicted that Democrats would hold onto their majorities in the House and the Senate.

Senator Patty Murray, with President Obama in August, is a Democrat seeking her fourth term.

A Washington Senator Fights to Keep Her Seat

If you are among those obsessed with America's most elusive elected position, Senate Seat No. 51, head to Washington state, where Patty Murray faces Dino Rossi.

Five Candidates, Colorful to Crusading

Their names may be obscure and their tactics unconventional, but five lesser-known candidates for governor are hoping to win over voters with a message of disgust with Albany and career politicians.

Black Turnout Will Be Crucial for Democrats

Vulnerable Democrats, mostly in the rural south, want to revive the spirit of 2008 for black voters without alienating right-leaning white majorities.

Sarah Palin and Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, at a rally Saturday in Anaheim.

2 Top Candidates Skip G.O.P. Rally

Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, the two Republicans at the top of the California ticket, did not attend a voter turnout rally that featured Michael Steele and Sarah Palin.

The Caucus

Unions Try to Counter G.O.P. Push

Democrats are relying more than ever this year on organized labor to help even the playing field.

In 1972, the Nixon campaign sought secret donations from corporations and individuals. The list of donors was kept by Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's secretary, bottom left.
Week in Review

Return of the Secret Donors

The fund-raising practices that earned people convictions in Watergate are back in a different, legal form in 2010.


Alaska Race May Make for Long Election Night

Polls suggest a drop in support for the Republican nominee, Joe Miller.


FiveThirtyEight: Close House Polls

A closer look at some of the polls suggesting surprisingly competitive races where the Democratic incumbent was long believed to be safe.


Video: Will Black Voters Turn Out This Year?

In North Carolina's Eighth Congressional district, Representative Larry Kissell, a Democrat, is having trouble with African-American voters, especially after his vote against the health care bill.

Video: John Boehner's Ohio Roots

We traveled to the hometown of the Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner to get a sense of how growing up near Cincinnati may have shaped him.

Interactive Feature: Milestones: John A. Boehner

The life and political career of Representative John A. Boehner, an Ohio Republican and the House minority leader.

Interactive Feature: Faces of the Tea Party Movement

A survey of groups within the universe of Tea Party candidates.


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