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[GV Daily] West Africa: Drug Traffickers and Politico-Military Dictators

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Saturday and Sunday, August 28-29, 2010
West Africa: Drug Traffickers and Politico-Military Dictators
The UN assistant representative in Africa against drug trafficking Cyriaque Sobtafo recently stated that west Africa is now the hub for cocaine trafficking. Many countries are affected and the sudden death of the son of Dadis Camara generated many speculations about the possible involvement of drug dealers in the event.>>Read more
Southeast Asia: Durian, the "King of Fruits"
Durian is the 'king of fruits' in Southeast Asia. It is known for its strong smell and taste which are appreciated and detested at the same time by many people. In this post, bloggers from the region share their 'durian stories.' >>Read more
Egypt: Ramadan Television and the Muslim Brotherhood
This year in Ramadan the Egyptian TV decided to produce a series about the opposition party Al-Ikhwan (The Muslim Brotherhood). The TV series, which is called El Gamaa, tries to shed light on the history of group and it's founder Hassan El Banna, bringing criticism from many bloggers that it reflects nothing but the regime's point of view. >>Read more
South Asia: Bloggers On The 'Ground Zero Mosque'
The recent debate on the planned Islamic Center/Mosque near the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, USA has been reverberated in many blogospheres around the world. In this post we will look at snippets of some interesting conversations on this issue by a number of South Asian bloggers. >>Read more

Angola: "Alambamento" and Marriage Practices
In Angola, there is quite strong cultural tradition of the asking of the hand of bride in marriage, called alambamento. Considered by some more important that the civil or christian marriage, the alambamento consists of a series of rituals, like the delivery of a letter, material goods and money. >>Read more
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Deborah Dilley, Digest Editor
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