|  | Reason.tv: How Obama Revived the Freedom Movement--John J. Pitney, Jr. on the Libertarian Electorate
"The greatest gift to the libertarian electorate was the Obama administration," says John J. Pitney, Jr., a professor of government at Claremont McKenna College and a Reason contributing editor. "At a time when you have massive expansion of government power and massive government spending, people start to see the downsides of that philosophy and the libertarian philosophy starts to become more appealing."
Pitney also tells Reason.tv why Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) energized so many voters during the 2008 election and whether America would ever elect a libertarian president.
Click here to watch.
Peak Everything: Forget peak oil. What about peak lithium, peak neodymium, and peak phosphorus? When you really need something, it's natural to worry about running out of it. Peak oil, the notion that global petroleum production will top out and then begin to decline permanently, has been a global preoccupation since the 1970s, and the warnings get louder with each passing year. Environmentalists want to put limits on the consumption of fossil fuels, but they haven't been very successful in encouraging people to consume less energy, even with the force of law at their backs. But as Science Correspondent Ronald Bailey reports, maybe they're going about it all wrong, looking for solutions in the wrong places.
Join Nick Gillespie, Matt Welch, Ron Bailey, and Jacob Sullum on Reason's weeklong Caribbean cruise in February 2011. Sign up today!
Hit & Run, Reason's Staff Blog Is the AARP Willing to Bargain on Social Security?
Today's Wall Street Journal reports what's been obvious to anyone following the deficit debate-that the deficit commission is likely to recommend Social Security cuts. But reporter Laura Meckler buries the lede: The AARP, the influential seniors' lobby that one might expect to be the biggest single interest-group barrier to any such cuts, is now saying that it may be open to a deal that reduces benefits....
Read the rest here.
Posted by Peter Suderman http://reason.com/blog/2010/08/20/is-the-aarp-willing-to-bargain
Daily Brickbat Look Before You Leap Cops from several local agencies in Sebastian County, Arkansas, entered the wrong house while trying to serve a warrant in a drug investigation. Officials admit they had gone into the home and handcuffed a man and woman before they actually checked the address on the mailbox. They say when they did look at the address they realized they were at the wrong house and released everyone.
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