Obama Hails End of Iraq Combat Ops
(AP) - President Obama today hailed the end of combat operations in Iraq, reports the AP, lauding Tuesday's milestone as a campaign promise fulfilled and another step toward Iraqi sovereignty. "As a candidate for this office, I pledged I would end this war. As president, that is what I am doing,... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
Miller: I Hope Murkowski Doesn't 'Pull an Al Franken'
(Newser) - Still no winner in the Alaska Senate race, but Joe Miller retains his slim lead and incumbent Lisa Murkowski continues to deflect (but not deny) speculation that she's considering a third-party run. Also, still no love lost between candidates, notes the Hill : Upon hearing that the GOP Senate campaign committee... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
Fixing the Economy Is a Lot Like Parenting
(Newser) - Americans debated the merits of fiscal stimulus a lot—in particular how big it should be. But it's important not to lose the forest for the trees when engineering an economic recovery, David Brooks writes for the New York Times . Consider Germany, which had a much smaller stimulus and is... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
Gay Marriage Foes Vow to Oust Iowa Judges
(Newser) - Opponents of same-sex marriage have launched a full-scale campaign to vote out the Iowa Supreme Court justices whose ruling legalized the practice. “We need to vote them off the bench to send a message across Iowa that we, the people, still have the power,” Bob Vander Plaats, the... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
MLK's Niece: Why I Stand With Glenn Beck
(Newser) - One King will be at Glenn Beck’s rally on the Washington Mall tomorrow—pro-life activist Alveda King, niece of the civil rights pioneer. “Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty,” she writes in the Christian Science Monitor . “Glen Beck’s rally … will... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
Bernanke: Fed Still Has Tricks Up Its Sleeves
(Newser) - Ben Bernanke admitted that economic growth was “less vigorous than expected,” in his speech at Jackson Hole today, but said the Federal Reserve wasn’t going to act just yet. The Fed Funds Rate is near zero, but Bernanke said the central bank still had some “unconventional... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
Jimmy Carter Frees American
(Newser) - Jimmy Carter's mission to Pyongyang has been a success. The former president flew out of North Korea today with Aijalon Mahil Gomes after securing the American citizen's release yesterday, the AP reports. Kim Jong Il released Gomes at the request of Carter, who was traveling as a private citizen, said... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
Jon Stewart Takes Down 'Beckapalooza'
(Newser) - The Daily Show is going on vacation for the next 10 days, so Jon Stewart took the opportunity last night to take down Glenn Beck and his “Restoring Honor” rally —or, as Stewart called it, “Beckapalooza, Beckstock, Beckchella, Becketh Fair, Becking Man.” The epic 10-minute rant... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
Poll: 29% Support Tea Party
(Newser) - The Tea Party has gained ground with the public since April, with almost 3 out of every 10 Americans now supporting it, according to a new CBS News poll. Of course, that still leaves the other 7 in 10 Americans unconvinced—54% said they do not support the movement, while... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
Levi Ashamed He Apologized to Palin
(Newser) - Babydaddy Levi Johnston is ashamed he apologized to his almost-mother-in-law Sarah Palin. Johnston says he "never lied about anything" ... even though he apologized to the Palins early this summer for telling lies about the former Alaska guv. Now he wishes he had kept his mouth shut. "The only... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
GOP Itching to Investigate Obama
(Newser) - Republicans are already preparing to launch a host of congressional investigations against the White House if they prevail in November, handing out subpoenas at a rate not seen since the Clinton administration, Republican staffers tell Politico . A group of would-be committee chairmen, led by Darrell Issa and Lamar Smith, are... More » Newser located this story for you on Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:01 AM. The story matched your section(s) Politics.
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