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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Scott Adams On the Difficulty of Building a 'Green' Home
* The Strange Case of Solar Flares and Radioactive Decay Rates
* <em>Halo Reach</em> Leaked To Filesharing Sites
* 'Leap Seconds' May Be Eliminated From UTC
* Co-op <em>Neverwinter</em> RPG Announced For 2011
* Nokia Siemens Sued For Providing Monitoring Equipment To Iran
* Windows DLL Vulnerability Exploit In the Wild
* Skeletal Identification
* Windows 95 Turns 15
* Canadian Cannabis Car
* Apple Patent Points To iMac Touch Running OS X and iOS
* The Misleading World of Atari 2600 Box Art
* Does the GOP Pay Friendly Bloggers?
* Girls Bugged Teachers' Staff Room
* AMD Details Upcoming Bulldozer Architecture
* Canon Unveils 120-Megapixel Camera Sensor
* RIAA President Says Copyright Law "Isn't Working"
* Samsung Galaxy Tablet Coming In September
* Toyota Adds External Speakers To Warn Pedestrians
* Richest Planetary System Discovered With 7 Planets
* Searching For Backdoors From Rogue IT Staff
* Touchscreen Voting Machine Hacked To Play Pac Man
* UVB-76 Broadcasts New Voice Message
* Lexmark Sues 24 Companies Over Toner-Cartridge Patents
| Scott Adams On the Difficulty of Building a 'Green' Home |
| from the it's-not-easy-being-green dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 23, @21:51 (Earth) |
An anonymous reader writes "Scott Adams built himself a new house with
the goal of making it as 'green' as possible, and [0]detailed his
experience for those interested in following in his missteps. Quoting:
'... So the architect ��� and later your building engineer, too ��� each asks
you to sign a document saying you won't sue them when beavers eat a
load-bearing wall and your entire family is crushed by forest debris. You
make the mistake of mentioning this arrangement to your family, and they
leave you. But you are not deterred because you're saving the planet,
damn it. You'll get a new family. A greener one. Your next hurdle is the
local planning commission. They like to approve things that are similar
to things they've approved before. To do otherwise is to risk
unemployment. And the neighbors don't want to live next to a house that
looks like a compost pile. But let's say, for the sake of this
fascinating story, that everyone in the planning commission is heavily
medicated with medical marijuana and they approve your project over the
objections of all of your neighbors, except for the beavers, who are
suspiciously flexible. Now you need a contractor who is willing to risk
his career to build this cutting-edge structure. Good luck with that.'"
Discuss this story at:
| The Strange Case of Solar Flares and Radioactive Decay Rates |
| from the cool-science dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 23, @23:55 (Science) |
[0]DarkKnightRadick writes "Current models for radioactive decay have
been challenged by, of all sources, the sun. According to the article,
'On Dec 13, 2006, the sun itself provided a crucial clue, when a solar
flare sent a stream of particles and radiation toward Earth. Purdue
nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins, while measuring the decay rate of
manganese-54, a short-lived isotope used in medical diagnostics,
[1]noticed that the rate dropped slightly during the flare, a decrease
that started about a day and a half before the flare.' This is important
because the rate of decay is very important not just for antique dating,
but also for cancer treatment, time keeping, and the generation of random
numbers. This isn't a one time measurement, either. 'Checking data
collected at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island and the
Federal Physical and Technical Institute in Germany, they came across
something even more surprising: long-term observation of the decay rate
of silicon-32 and radium-226 seemed to show a small seasonal variation.
The decay rate was ever so slightly faster in winter than in summer.'"
Discuss this story at:
| <em>Halo Reach</em> Leaked To Filesharing Sites |
| from the somebody's-getting-sued dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday August 24, @01:04 (Microsoft) |
| |
Stoobalou writes "What appears to be the full version of Bungie's Halo
Reach game has [0]turned up on a number of file sharing sites. The
hotly-anticipated multi-player shooter had been hosted on a private area
of the Microsoft Live site in order for journalists to preview the
release, but Microsoft has admitted that a security breach has meant that
pirates have been able to bypass personal download codes given to
writers. Disk images of the game are now appearing on a number of public
torrent and P2P sites as well as on popular NZB aggregators and Usenet
binaries newsgroups." The game isn't due to be released until September
14th. Microsoft is said to be "[1]aggressively pursuing" whoever grabbed
the files without their permission.
Discuss this story at:
| 'Leap Seconds' May Be Eliminated From UTC |
| from the time-and-time-again dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday August 24, @02:01 (News) |
| |
[0]angry tapir writes "Sparking a fresh round of debate over an ongoing
issue in time-keeping circles, the International Telecommunications Union
is [1]considering eliminating leap seconds from the time scale used by
most computer systems, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Since their
introduction in 1971, leap seconds have proved problematic for at least a
few software programs. The leap second added on to [2]the end of 2008,
for instance, caused Oracle cluster software to [3]reboot unexpectedly in
some cases."
Discuss this story at:
| Co-op <em>Neverwinter</em> RPG Announced For 2011 |
| from the taking-the-first-m-out-of-mmorpg dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday August 24, @03:39 (Role Playing (Games)) |
| |
Atari and Cryptic Studios are teaming up to [0]make a new Dungeons &
Dragons-based RPG called [1] Neverwinter, planned for Q4 2011. Gameplay
will center on five-person groups that can include other players and/or
AI allies, and there will be an extensive content generation system.
Gamespot [2]spoke with Cryptic CEO Jack Emmert, who explained parts of
the game in more depth: "I think there are two very unique gameplay
elements in 4th Edition that we've done something interesting with:
action points and healing surges. In the tabletop game, an action point
lets a player perform a reroll or add an additional die to a roll. In our
game, action points are earned through combat and spent to power special
abilities called 'boons.' These boons give players special boosts, but
only in certain circumstances. Healing surges represent the amount of
times a player can heal himself before resting. In D&D and Neverwinter,
various abilities let players use a surge immediately or perhaps
replenish the number of surges available. It's a precious resource that
players will need to husband as they adventure in the brave new world.
Positioning, flanking, tactics, and using powers with your teammates are
also all things that come from the 4th Edition that are interesting. Of
course, we're using power names and trying to keep power behavior
consistent with the pen-and-paper counterparts. Neverwinter will
definitely feel familiar to anyone who has played the 4th Edition."
Discuss this story at:
| Nokia Siemens Sued For Providing Monitoring Equipment To Iran |
| from the some-sales-aren't-worth-it dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday August 24, @05:08 (Privacy) |
Just over a year ago, we found out that Nokia Siemens [0]provided
internet monitoring equipment to Iran. Now, reader Tootech sends in news
that [1]the company is being sued by an Iranian journalist who was
captured with the help of that equipment. From El Reg: "Isa Saharkhiz
went into hiding following Iran's 2009 presidential elections, after
publishing an article branding the Grand Ayatollah as a hypocrite who was
primarily responsible for vote tallies widely regarded as being
fraudulent. According to a complaint filed in federal court in Virginia,
officials with the Ministry of Intelligence and Security in Iran tracked
him down with the help of cellphone-monitoring devices and other
eavesdropping gear provided by Nokia Siemens. 'Defendants knowingly and
willingly delivered very capable and sophisticated equipment for unlawful
intercepting, monitoring, and filtering of electronic communications
("Intelligence Solutions") to Iranian officials,' the complaint alleged.
... According to the document, Saharkhiz has been severely tortured since
his arrest. He was held in solitary confinement for more than 80 days,
and his ribs were broken in a struggle during his arrest. The complaint
said it may be amended to add as many as 1,500 other political prisoners
who are being held under similar circumstances. Additional defendants may
also be added."
Discuss this story at:
| Windows DLL Vulnerability Exploit In the Wild |
| from the is-it-tuesday-again-already dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Tuesday August 24, @08:12 (Bug) |
WrongSizeGlass writes "Exploit code for the DLL loading issue that
reportedly affects hundreds of Windows applications [0]made its
appearance on Monday. HD Moore, the creator of the Metasploit open-source
hacking toolkit, released the exploit code along with an [1]auditing tool
that records which applications are vulnerable. 'Once it makes it into
Metasploit, it doesn't take much more to execute an attack,' said Andrew
Storms, director of security operations for nCircle Security. 'The hard
part has already been done for [hackers].'"
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| Skeletal Identification |
| from the what-about-uriah's-shoulder dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @08:58 (Biotech) |
| |
[0]Bruce Schneier noted a story today over at his blog about a new
[1]Skeletal Identification System being developed at Wright State. Of
course this is just another biometric detection system, but one that
would be pretty tough to disguise.
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| Windows 95 Turns 15 |
| from the i-remember-when dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @09:43 (GUI) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "15 years ago on this day, Microsoft's then
new Windows 95 was released. Among other things it moved users away from
the archaic file manager and program manager to Windows explorer and the
start menu. Compared to today's 'social desktop,' I'd much rather have
the simpler and more sparse (pre-Internet Explorer integrated) Windows
Explorer, though I do not like the (lack of) stability that Windows 95
offers. Of course if you were alive then, you've [0]probably seen the
commercials." I fondly recall downloading build after build and
installing them. But within months of the official release, I switched to
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| Canadian Cannabis Car |
| from the Cheech-and-Chong-already-did-it dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Tuesday August 24, @10:35 (Canada) |
| |
sykobabul writes "The CBC is reporting: '[0]An electric car made of hemp
is being developed by a group of Canadian companies in collaboration with
an Alberta Crown corporation. The Kestrel will be prototyped and tested
later in August by Calgary-based Motive Industries Inc., a vehicle
development firm focused on advanced materials and technologies, the
company announced.' Leave it to us Canadians to come up with all sorts of
uses for cannabis."
Discuss this story at:
| Apple Patent Points To iMac Touch Running OS X and iOS |
| from the because-they-can dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @10:37 (Desktops (Apple)) |
siliconbits noted an interesting little tale of a recently surfaced
[0]Apple Patent covering an iMac Touch with a flex base that switches
from iOS to OS X based on orientation. There's some interesting food for
thought in there ... I can't decide if I like the idea or not.
Discuss this story at:
| The Misleading World of Atari 2600 Box Art |
| from the all-hail-marketing dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @11:25 (Games) |
Buffalo55 writes "These days, you don't have to worry about misleading
box art, thanks to sophisticated video game graphics. In the 70s and 80s,
though, companies tried to grab a consumer's attention with fancy artwork
that bore [0]no resemblance to the actual game. Atari, in particular, was
one of the biggest offenders, particularly with its 2600 console."
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| Does the GOP Pay Friendly Bloggers? |
| from the speculation-and-innuendo dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @12:17 (Republicans) |
| |
[0]jamie writes "According to the conservative political journalism site
Daily Caller: '"It's standard operating procedure" to pay [1]bloggers for
favorable coverage, says one Republican campaign operative. A GOP
blogger-for-hire estimates that "at least half the bloggers that are out
there" on the Republican side "are getting remuneration in some way
beyond ad sales." Or in some cases, it's the ads themselves: ads at ten
times the going rate are one of the ways conservative bloggers apparently
get paid by the politicians they write about. In usual he-said she-said
fashion, Daily Caller finds a couple of obscure liberal bloggers to
mention too, but they fully disclosed payment and one of them even shut
down his blog while doing consulting work, unlike Robert Stacy McCain and
Dan Riehl."
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| Girls Bugged Teachers' Staff Room |
| from the making-the-grade dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Tuesday August 24, @12:48 (Crime) |
| |
A pair of enterprising Swedish schoolgirls ended up in court after they
were caught [0]bugging their teachers break room. The duo hoped they
would hear discussions about upcoming tests and school work, allowing
them to get better grades. It worked until one of them decided to brag
about it on Facebook, and the authorities were called in. The girls were
charged with trespassing and fined 2,000 kronor ($270) each in Stockholm
District Court.
Discuss this story at:
| AMD Details Upcoming Bulldozer Architecture |
| from the summon-bob-the-builder dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @13:10 (AMD) |
Vigile writes "AMD is taking the lid off quite a bit of information on
its [0]upcoming CPU architecture known as Bulldozer that is the first
complete redesign over current processors. AMD's lineup has been
relatively stagnant while Intel continued to innovate with Nehalem and
Sandy Bridge (due late this year) and the Bulldozer refresh is badly
needed to keep in step. The integrated north bridge, on-die memory
controller and large shared L3 cache remain key components from the
Athlon/Phenom generation to Bulldozer but AMD is adding features like
dual-thread support per core (but with a unique implementation utilizing
separate execution units for each thread), support for 256-bit SIMD
operations (for upcoming AVX support) all running on GlobalFoundries 32nm
SOI process technology."
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| Canon Unveils 120-Megapixel Camera Sensor |
| from the that's-a-lotta-bits dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @14:00 (Science) |
Barence writes "Canon claims to have developed a [0]digital camera sensor
with a staggering 120-megapixel resolution. The APS-H sensor ��� which is
the same type that is used in Canon's professional EOS-1D cameras ���
boasts a ridiculous resolution of 13,280 x 9,184 pixels. The CMOS sensor
is so densely packed with pixels that it can capture full HD video on
just one-sixtieth of the total surface area. However, don't hold your
breath waiting for this baby to arrive in a camera. Canon unveiled a
50-megapixel sensor in 2007, but that's not made it any further than the
labs to date." It's probably not going too far out on a limb to say that
the any-day-now rumored announcement of an update to the 1D won't include
this chip, but such insane resolution opens up a lot of amazing
possibilities, from cropping to cheap telephoto to medium and large
format substitution. Maybe I should stop fantasizing about owning a
full-frame 1D or 5D and redirect my lust towards 120 megapixels.
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| RIAA President Says Copyright Law "Isn't Working" |
| from the you-mean-it-could-be-worse? dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @14:48 (Media) |
Kilrah_il writes "Apperantly not satisfied with the current scope of the
DMCA, RIAA President Cary Sherman wants to [0]broaden the scope of the
law to have content providers such as YouTube and Rapidshare liable for
illegal content found on their sites. 'The RIAA would strongly prefer
informal agreements inked with intermediaries ... We're working on
[discussions with broadband providers], and we'd like to extend that kind
of relationship ��� not just to ISPs, but [also to] search engines, payment
processors, advertisers ... [But], if legislation is an appropriate way
to facilitate that kind of cooperation, fine.' Notice the update at the
end of the article pointing out that Sherman is seeking for voluntary
agreements with said partners and not to enact broader laws without their
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| Samsung Galaxy Tablet Coming In September |
| from the size-matters dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @15:30 (Handhelds) |
| |
adeelarshad82 writes "The rumors are now reality, Samsung showed the
world its [0]first glimpse of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the company's new
7-inch tablet. Samsung Mobile will release more information about the
Galaxy Tab on September 2 in advance of IFA Berlin 2010. Tab will run on
Android 2.2 and feature full Web-browsing and video calling. The
information given by the company implied that the Galaxy Tab will sport
an HD screen for video, Flash support, support for e-books, possible GPS
navigation, and PC linking."
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| Toyota Adds External Speakers To Warn Pedestrians |
| from the noise-pollution dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @16:20 (Transportation) |
HockeyPuck writes "When I was a kid, playing with my matchbox cars, I
used to say 'VROOOM VROOOM' to pretend my toy cars had big engines in
them. Well it seems that Toyota has [0]decided to do the same thing with
the Prius by optionally installing, in Japan, external speakers to alert
pedestrians of oncoming Priuses."
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| Richest Planetary System Discovered With 7 Planets |
| from the hope-they-have-roddenberries dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @16:59 (Space) |
[0]eldavojohn writes "The European Southern Observatory has announced
that with the aid of their 190 HARPS measurements they have found [1]the
solar system with the most planets yet. Furthermore they claim 'This
remarkable discovery also highlights the fact that we are now entering a
new era in exoplanet research: the study of complex planetary systems and
not just of individual planets. Studies of planetary motions in the new
system reveal complex gravitational interactions between the planets and
give us insights into the long-term evolution of the system.' The star is
HD 10180, located 127 light-years away in the southern constellation of
Hydrus, that boasts at least five planets (with two more expected) that
have the equivalent of our own [2]Titius���Bode law (their orbits follow a
regular pattern). Their survey of stars also helped reinforce the
correlation between 'between the mass of a planetary system and the mass
and chemical content of its host star. All very massive planetary systems
are found around massive and metal-rich stars, while the four lowest-mass
systems are found around lower-mass and metal-poor stars.' While we won't
be making a 127 light-year journey anytime soon, the list of candidates
for systems of interest grows longer."
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| Searching For Backdoors From Rogue IT Staff |
| from the i-left-you-a-present dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @17:43 (Security) |
| |
WHiTe VaMPiRe writes "When IT staff are terminated under duress, there is
often justification for a complete infrastructure audit to reduce future
risk to a company. Here is an [0]exploration of the steps necessary to
maintain security." Of course the first piece of advice is to basically
assume you've been rooted. Ouch.
Discuss this story at:
| Touchscreen Voting Machine Hacked To Play Pac Man |
| from the touch-me-there dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @18:50 (Politics) |
droopus writes "It turns out paperless touch-screen voting machines are
actually good for something after all. Two computer security researchers
recently hacked this Sequoia AVC Edge to play the classic arcade video
game PacMan. They picked up the machine after it was decommissioned in
Virginia in a statewide purge of paperless voting machines. J. Alex
Halderman, of the University of Michigan, and Ariel J. Feldman from
Princeton University simply [0] swapped out the PCMCIA card in the
machine where the voting software is stored and replaced it with one
loaded with PacMan. They pulled this off [1]without disturbing the
tamper-evident seals on the machine; they simply unscrewed the
compartment where the card is housed, and slipped in their home-brewed
version. Of course, [2] ES&S and [3]Dominion still insist the machines
are "totally foolproof.""
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| UVB-76 Broadcasts New Voice Message |
| from the you-can't-handle-the-truth dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday August 24, @18:54 (Security) |
| |
Doug52392 writes "Following days of increased activity, the Russian
numbers station UVB-76 has sent out a [0]new voice transmission. The
transmission, sent out on August 23, 2010 at 9:35AM PST, recited the
following in Russian: 'UVB-76, UVB-76 ��� 93 882 naimina 74 14 35 74 ��� 9 3
8 8 2 nikolai, anna, ivan, michail, ivan, nikolai, anna, 7, 4, 1, 4, 3,
5, 7, 4' The station, believed to be a part of the former Soviet Union's
dead man's switch system, has been continually broadcasting for over
twenty years, and its purpose has never been fully explained."
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| Lexmark Sues 24 Companies Over Toner-Cartridge Patents |
| from the nothing-like-a-little-rent-seeking dept. |
| posted by timothy on Tuesday August 24, @19:40 (Patents) |
eldavojohn writes "Remember back in 2003, when Lexmark tried to use the
DMCA [0]to stop after market toner cartridges from being produced? Well,
they're now [1]suing 24 companies for infringing on 15 patents they have
on toner cartridges. The article also notes that Lexmark has been filing
lawsuits over patent infringement on formulas for their inks."
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