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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Touchless Gesture User Interfaces
* Viruses Tapped To Create Spray-On Batteries
* Grad Student Invents Cheap Laser Cutter
* Teacher Asks Students To Plan a Terrorist Attack
* Digg In the Future
* Facebook Says It Owns 'Book'
* Google Testing Instant Search Feature
* Fun To Be Had With a 10-Foot Satellite Dish?
* Drunken Employee Shoots Server
* 25% of Worms Spread Via USB
* Video Showing Half a Million Asteroid Discoveries
* UVB-76 Explained
* Fat Fingered Sumo Wrestlers Given iPads
* Air Force Uses Falcons To Protect Falcons
* How Star Wars Trumped Star Trek For Scientific Accuracy
* Follow Up On Solar Neutrinos and Radioactive Decay
* Legal Threat Demands Techdirt Shut Down
* Making Ubuntu Look Like Windows 7
* Fire and Explosion At Hydrogen Station Near Rochester Airport
* MPEG LA Announces Permanent Royalty Moratorium For H264
* Pentagon Confirms 2008 Computer Breach — 'Worst Ever'
* Sit Longer, Die Sooner
* How To Index and Search a Video By Emotion
* Glibc Is Finally Free Software
| Touchless Gesture User Interfaces |
| from the wave-of-your-hand dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday August 25, @20:07 (Displays) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "Elliptic Labs is set to debut their Touchless
Gesture User Interface technology which uses ultrasound to let the user
[0]navigate through a device's commands simply with the motion of their
hands. From the article: 'Elliptic plans to showcase their ���Mimesign���
technology at IFA in Berlin from the 3rd to 8th of September 2010.
Mimesign will bring intuitive ways for people to interact with devices.
The possibilities range from tablets, remote controls or in-car media
controls. The interface is based on ultrasound technology and allows the
user to remain in an unchanged state.'"
Discuss this story at:
| Viruses Tapped To Create Spray-On Batteries |
| from the viral-power dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday August 25, @22:33 (Power) |
disco_tracy writes "Two different viruses have been used to [0]create the
cathode and anode for a lithium-ion battery. If research pans out, the
parts could be grown in and harvested from tobacco plants and then woven
into or sprayed onto clothing to power a wide range of electronic
Discuss this story at:
| Grad Student Invents Cheap Laser Cutter |
| from the frugal-cutting dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Wednesday August 25, @22:53 (Hardware Hacking) |
An anonymous reader writes "Peter Jansen, a PhD student and member of the
RepRap community, has constructed [0]a working prototype of an
inexpensive table-top laser cutter built out of old CD/DVD drives as an
offshoot of his efforts to design an under $200 open-source [1]Selective
Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printer. Where traditional laser cutters use
powerful, fixed-focus beams, this new technique dynamically adjusts the
focal point of the laser using a reciprocating motion similar to a
reciprocating saw, allowing a far less powerful and inexpensive laser
diode to be used. The technique is currently limited to cutting black
materials to a depth of only a few millimeters, but should still be
useful and enabling for Makers and other crafters. The end-goal is to
create a hybrid inexpensive 3D printer that can be easily reconfigured
for 2D laser cutting, providing powerful making tools to the desktop."
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| Teacher Asks Students To Plan a Terrorist Attack |
| from the one-heck-of-a-take-home-test dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday August 26, @00:22 (Australia) |
Tired of looking at an endless parade of dioramas, [0]an Australian
teacher had her class plan a terrorist attack that would "kill as many
innocent Australians as possible." "The teacher, with every best
intention, was attempting to have the students think through someone
else's eyes about conflict. I think there are better ways to do that. ...
This is not what we expect of professional educators," said Sharyn
O'Neill, director-general of the state's Department of Education.
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| Digg In the Future |
| from the I-thought-there-would-be-more-sparkles dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday August 26, @03:29 (Idle) |
| |
[0]jamie writes "A new site called Digg In The Future - created by
17-year-old high-school student Raj Vir as a research project - says that
its algorithm can [1]predict with 63-percent accuracy what shared links
are going to make it to the front page of the Digg website. (Does it
allow for [2]brigades?)"
Discuss this story at:
| Facebook Says It Owns 'Book' |
| from the first-book dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday August 26, @05:01 (The Courts) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "The Chicago Tribune is reporting that
[0]Facebook has sued a tiny start-up called over the use of
'book' in its name. The start-up, which has two employees, aims to
provide tools for teachers to manage their classrooms and share lesson
plans and other resources. 'Effectively they're bombing a mosquito here,
and we're not sure why they want to do that,' co-director
Greg Shrader told the Tribune. Facebook said its use of 'book' in its
name is 'highly distinctive in the context of online communities and
networking websites.' Facebook apparently is alleging that no other
online 'network of people' can use the word 'book' in its name without
violating its trademark."
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| Google Testing Instant Search Feature |
| from the get-it-before-you-want-it dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday August 26, @07:57 (Google) |
| |
adeelarshad82 writes "According to a recently released video, Google is
currently testing an 'instant search' feature that [0]changes search
results as you type. The feature was first spotted over the weekend. At
the moment Instant Search seems to be implemented on very few accounts. A
Google spokesman could not confirm or deny the accuracy of the video
saying that at any given moment Google is running 50 to 200 experiments."
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| Fun To Be Had With a 10-Foot Satellite Dish? |
| from the build-a-death-star dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday August 26, @08:55 (Communications) |
An anonymous reader writes "I'm moving to a rural community in the
central United States. On the property is a satellite dish in excess of 3
meters in diameter that seems to still be in excellent condition. I
already enjoy shortwave radio and was wondering what interesting TV feeds
I might be able to catch with the dish. What kind of equipment would I
need and how much should I expect to spend? If it's not useful for that
purpose, what other fun projects might I use it for?"
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| Drunken Employee Shoots Server |
| from the pc-load-letter dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday August 26, @09:40 (Businesses) |
| |
Target Practice writes "A drunken mortgage worker at RANLife Home Loans
decided for unknown reasons to [0]take out the company's $100,000 server
with a .45-caliber automatic, blaming the damage on an imagined assailant
who: mugged him, assaulted him with his own weapon, drugged him, and then
broke into his office to shoot said server. According to acquaintances,
he had threatened earlier that day to shoot the server and maybe
Discuss this story at:
| 25% of Worms Spread Via USB |
| from the to-your-mom dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday August 26, @10:32 (Security) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "In 2010, 25 percent of new worms have been
specifically designed to spread through USB storage devices connected to
computers, according to PandaLabs. [0]This distribution technique is
highly effective. With survey responses from more than 10,470 companies
across 20 countries, it was revealed that approximately 48 percent of
SMBs (with up to 1,000 computers) admit to having been infected by some
type of malware over the last year. As further proof, 27 percent
confirmed that the source of the infection was a USB device connected to
a computer."
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| Video Showing Half a Million Asteroid Discoveries |
| from the final-frontier dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday August 26, @11:14 (Space) |
An anonymous reader writes "Since 1980 over a half million asteroids have
been discovered, mostly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, now
thanks to this video you can see this activity condensed into a few
minutes. At full resolution it's a mesmerizing experience as new
discoveries are added and the video makes it possible to see patterns in
the discovery positions, for example a large number appear in line
between Earth and Jupiter as astronomers started looking for smaller
jovian moons after Voyagers visit to the system."
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| UVB-76 Explained |
| from the i-don't-feel-better-about-this dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday August 26, @11:56 (Encryption) |
| |
Useful Wheat writes "Recently slashdot covered the [0]reappearance of
UVB-76. The function of the mysterious transmitter has been revealed:
[1]UVB-76 is used to transfer orders to military personnel, along with
the time at which they should be executed. 'Words for the radio messages
and code tables are selected mainly from the scientific terms of
chemistry (Brohman), Geology (ganomatit), philology (Izafat), geography
(Bong), Zoology (kariama), history (Scythian), cooking (drying), sports
(krolist) and others, as well as rare Russian words (glashatel).' The
page continues to list all 23 transmissions that have been made from the
station in the past, showing that UVB-76 may be more active than
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| Fat Fingered Sumo Wrestlers Given iPads |
| from the 100-finger-slap dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Thursday August 26, @12:04 (Cellphones) |
| |
The Japan Sumo Association is handing out about 60 iPads to training
stables to help the wrestlers communicate because [0]their fingers are
too fat to use a regular mobile phone. From the article: "The iPad was
chosen because the sumo association believed the device was big enough to
cater to wrestler's fat fingers, unlike the smaller keys on mobile
phones, according to reports."
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| Air Force Uses Falcons To Protect Falcons |
| from the april-already dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday August 26, @12:49 (The Military) |
| |
coondoggie writes "Birds and high-performance jet aircraft don't mix. So
at a base in Germany, the Air Force is fighting birds with birds ���
[0]specifically trained falcons that patrol the base and help eliminate
at least some of the feathered threat to the F-16 Fighting Falcons and
other aircraft."
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| How Star Wars Trumped Star Trek For Scientific Accuracy |
| from the set-phasers-to-awesome dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday August 26, @13:34 (Star Wars Prequels) |
An anonymous reader writes "When George Lucas added the 'ring around the
Death Star' effect to his 1997 re-release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New
Hope, the revision was almost as hated as Greedo shooting first, and to
boot was seen as a knock-off of the seminal 'Praxis effect' in Star Trek
VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991). But a debunking astronomer claims
that the Federation got it wrong and the fan-boys should thank Lucas for
[0]adding some scientific accuracy to his fictional universe."
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| Follow Up On Solar Neutrinos and Radioactive Decay |
| from the blaming-xenu-for-their-misperception dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @14:11 (Science) |
An anonymous reader writes "A few days ago, Slashdot carried a story that
was making the rounds: a team of physicists claimed to have detected a
[0]strange variation in radioactive decay rates, which they attributed to
[1]the mysterious influence of solar neutrinos. The findings attracted
immediate attention because they seemed to upend two tenets of physics:
that radioactive decay is constant, and that neutrinos very, very rarely
interact with matter (trillions of the particles are zinging through your
body right now). So Discover Magazine's news blog 80beats followed up on
the initial burst of news and interviewed several physicists who work on
neutrinos. [2]They are decidedly skeptical."
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| Legal Threat Demands Techdirt Shut Down |
| from the slapp-in-the-face dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @14:52 (Censorship) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "Earlier this month, the US [0]approved a new
law to fight against so-called 'libel tourism,' the practice of suing US
companies in foreign jurisdictions (quite frequently, the UK) which do
not have the same level of free speech protections. The new law, the
SPEECH Act, may now get put to the test, as lawyers for a guy named
Jeffrey Morris in the UK, who was upset about some comments on a 2004
blog post on Techdirt, have [1]demanded the entire site shut down due to
those unidentified comments."
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| Making Ubuntu Look Like Windows 7 |
| from the ok-fine-click-on-the-blue-e dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @15:31 (GNOME) |
| |
DeviceGuru writes "Although it won't help Linux run Windows-specific
software applications, this easy hack produces an Ubuntu desktop that
[0]looks and feels a lot like Windows 7. It's particularly suitable for
reviving older PCs or laptops on which the main activities will be
web-browsing, email, document writing, and streaming music and videos
from from the web. The process installs a [1]Windows 7-like GNOME theme
on an otherwise standard [2]Ubuntu 10.04 installation, although it might
work on other Linux distros with GNOME and appropriate other packages
installed. Naturally all this begs the question: why would anybody want
to do this? Why indeed!" People have been doing this sort of
look-and-feel swap-out for years; it seems best to me as a [3]practical
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| Fire and Explosion At Hydrogen Station Near Rochester Airport |
| from the nothing-can-go-wrong dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @16:13 (Earth) |
RossR writes "There was a hydrogen [0]fire and explosion at a renewable
fuel station used by government vehicles near Rochester's airport. The
nearby freeway and airport were closed resulting in diverted flights.
This may the first major incident at a hydrogen vehicle refueling
station. GM has their major fuel cell development center nearby, in the
town of Honeoye Falls. The fire occurred when the 18-wheeler tractor
truck was transferring hydrogen to the station. The airport press
conference reported that airport firefighters responded first and
initially waited on the scene deciding how to respond. No news yet if the
hard to see flames of hydrogen combustion contributed to this delay. The
fueling station is also adjacent to a NY State Trooper station, and a
firefighting training facility is a few blocks away." RossR also provides
a [1]Police/FD Radio transcript. Luckily, no one was killed, and only two
injured, including the driver.
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| MPEG LA Announces Permanent Royalty Moratorium For H264 |
| from the free-samples dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @17:02 (Media) |
vistapwns writes "MPEG LA has announced that free h264 content (vs. paid
h264 content which will still have royalties) will be [0]royalty free
forever. With ubiquitous h264 support on mobile devices, personal
computers and all other types of media devices, this assures that h264
will remain the de facto standard for video playback for the foreseeable
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| Pentagon Confirms 2008 Computer Breach — 'Worst Ever' |
| from the ok-ok-uncle-sam dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @17:44 (The Military) |
jowifi writes "The New York Times reports that the Pentagon has confirmed
that, in 2008, a foreign agent instigated 'the [0]most significant breach
of US military computers ever' using a USB flash drive. While the breach
was previously [1]reported on Wired [2]and the LA Times, this is the
first official confirmation of the attack that led to the banning of USB
drives on government computers."
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| Sit Longer, Die Sooner |
| from the hence-supine-on-couch dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @18:29 (Medicine) |
| |
mcgrew writes "Bad news for most of us here ��� The Chicago Tribune is
reporting that even if you get plenty of exercize, [0]sitting down all
day reduces your lifespan. From the article: 'Even after adjusting for
body mass index (BMI) and smoking, the researchers found that women who
sit more than 6 hours a day were 37 percent more likely to die than those
who sit less than 3 hours; for men, long-sitters were 17 percent more
likely to die. People who exercise regularly had a lower risk, but still
significant, risk of dying. Those who sat a lot and moved less than three
and a half hours per day are the most likely to die early: researchers
found a 94 percent increased risk for women and 48 percent increase for
men, they announced recently in the American Journal of Epidemiology.'"
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| How To Index and Search a Video By Emotion |
| from the black-beauty-special dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @19:11 (Input Devices) |
robotsrule writes "Here's a a [0]demonstration video of EmoRate, a
software program that uses the [1]Emotiv 14-electrode EEG headset to
record your emotions via your facial expressions. In the video you'll see
EmoRate record my emotions while I watch a YouTube video, then index that
video by emotion, and then navigate that video by simply by remembering a
feeling. The [2]web page for EmoRate explains how I used Emotiv's SDK to
build the software program, and how I trained the system by watching
emotionally evocative videos on YouTube while wearing the headset."
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| Glibc Is Finally Free Software |
| from the after-the-fact dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday August 26, @19:55 (GNU is Not Unix) |
| |
[0]WebMink writes "Despite the fervour of some, the dark secret of every
GNU/Linux distribution is that, until August 18 this year, it depended on
software that was under a non-Free license ��� incompatible with the Open
Source Definition and non-Free according to Debian and the FSF. A long
tale of tenacity and software archeology has finally led to that software
[1]appearing under the 3-clause BSD license ��� ironically, at the behest
of an Oracle VP. The result is that glibc, portmap and NFS are no longer
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