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[Slashdot] Stories for 2010-08-31

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In this issue:
* Sorting Algorithm Breaks Giga-Sort Barrier, With GPUs
* iPhone App In App Store Limbo Open Sourced
* Hackers Eavesdrop On Quantum Crypto With Lasers
* It's Official — AMD Will Retire the ATI Brand
* Rails 3.0 Released
* Retargeting Ads Stalk You For Weeks After You Shop
* Shakespeare In Klingon?
* Freetype Lands In... Microsoft Office?
* Prosecutor Loses Case For Citing Wikipedia
* Tech's Dark Secret, It's All About Age
* Library of Congress Opens Records of Anti-Comic Book Shrink
* How To Make Authentic Lightsabers
* Apertus, the Open Source HD Movie Camera
* RIM Reaches Temporary Agreement With India
* NIH Orders Halt To Embryonic Stem Cell Research
* HP Snaps Up 3PAR For $2 Billion
* Oxford Dictionary Considers Going Online Only
* Xbox Live Pricing To Go Up To $60 Per Year
* Burning Man Goes Open Source For Cell Phones
* Judge Quashes Subpoena of UVA Research Records
* CTRC Orders Big ISPs To Provide Matching Speeds For Resellers

| Sorting Algorithm Breaks Giga-Sort Barrier, With GPUs |
| from the quick-like-double-time dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @22:22 (Graphics) |
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/0133203/Sorting-Algorithm-Breaks-Giga-Sort-B|

An anonymous reader writes "Researchers at the University of Virginia
have recently open sourced an algorithm capable of sorting at a rate of
[0]one billion (integer) keys per second using a GPU. Although GPUs are
often assumed to be poorly suited for algorithms like sorting, their
results are several times faster than the best known CPU-based sorting

Discuss this story at:

0. http://code.google.com/p/back40computing/wiki/RadixSorting

| iPhone App In App Store Limbo Open Sourced |
| from the richarded-over dept. |
| posted by timothy on Monday August 30, @01:33 (Iphone) |
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/0027210/iPhone-App-In-App-Store-Limbo-Open-Source|

recoiledsnake writes "The author of iPhone prototyping tool [0]Briefs has
decided to [1]open source it after the App store submission has been in
limbo for over three months. The app had got into trouble for what
[2]Apple believes is being able to run interpreted code, though the
author denies it, saying all the compiling happens on the Mac. While Rob
stays civil, his [3] co-worker blasts Apple for not even rejecting the
app. Three months is nothing compared to Google Voice for the iPhone
though, which is still being [4]studied further by Apple after more than
a year."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://giveabrief.com/
1. http://blog.robrhyne.com/post/1015614125/google-voice-says-hi
2. http://blog.robrhyne.com/post/659211315/almost-on-the-app-store
3. http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2010/08/briefsapp.html
4. http://mashable.com/2010/08/25/no-google-voice-iphone-app/

| Hackers Eavesdrop On Quantum Crypto With Lasers |
| from the wool-over-your-own-eyes dept. |
| posted by timothy on Monday August 30, @04:52 (Encryption) |
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/0647243/Hackers-Eavesdrop-On-Quantum-Crypto-With-Las|

Martin Hellman writes "According to an article in Nature magazine,
quantum hackers have performed the first [0]'invisible' attack on two
commercial quantum cryptographic systems. By using lasers on the systems
��� which use quantum states of light to encrypt information for
transmission ���' they have fully cracked their encryption keys, yet left
no trace of the hack.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100829/full/news.2010.436.html

| It's Official — AMD Will Retire the ATI Brand |
| from the rose-by-any-other-name dept. |
| posted by timothy on Monday August 30, @08:00 (AMD) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/0744259/Its-Official-mdash-AMD-Will-Retire-the-ATI|

J. Dzhugashvili writes "A little over four years have passed since AMD
purchased ATI. In May of last year, AMD took the remains of the Canadian
graphics company and [0]melded them into a monolithic products group,
which combined processors, graphics, and platforms. Now, AMD is about to
take the next step: kill the ATI brand altogether. The company [1]has
officially announced the move, saying it plans to label its next
generation of graphics cards 'AMD Radeon' and 'AMD FirePro,' with new
logos to match. The move has a lot to do with the incoming arrival of
products like Ontario and Llano, which will combine AMD processing and
graphics in single slabs of silicon."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://techreport.com/discussions.x/16877
1. http://techreport.com/discussions.x/19547

| Rails 3.0 Released |
| from the really-right-rails dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday August 30, @08:47 (Programming) |
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1229215/Rails-30-Released |

An anonymous reader writes "After two years of gestation, 4 betas, 2
release candidates and thousands of commits by 1600+ contributors, the
result of the succesful merge of the Merb and Rails frameworks (and
teams) is [0]now out and ready to transport your web applications on all
new shiny tracks."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2010/8/29/rails-3-0-it-s-done

| Retargeting Ads Stalk You For Weeks After You Shop |
| from the oh-no-that's-not-creapy dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday August 30, @09:37 (Advertising) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1258257/Retargeting-Ads-Stalk-You-For-Weeks-After-Y|

eldavojohn writes "The New York Times is reporting on a new kind of web
ad that takes products you were looking at purchasing on one site and
continually [0]advertising them in front of you at subsequent sites.
After looking at shoes at Zappos, a mother in Montreal noticed the shoes
followed her: 'For days or weeks, every site I went to seemed to be
showing me ads for those shoes. It is a pretty clever marketing tool. But
it's [1]a little creepy, especially if you don't know what's going on.'
The spreading ploy is called 'retargeting ads' and really are just a good
demonstration of how an old technology (all they use are leftover browser
cookies) are truly invasive and privacy violating. Opponents are
clamoring for government regulation to protect the consumer and one
writer mentioned a consumer 'do not track' list ��� adding that retailers
really show little fear of turning off customers with their invasion."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.nytimes.com/glogin?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/30/technology/30adstalk.html&OQ=_rQ3D4&OP=e5d7e6fQ2FQ22Q25krQ220n6Q60Enn9Q3AQ22Q3AQ264Q26Q22Q26aQ22tQ26Q229k6Z,nUnQ5DvQ22tQ26o0Q609oUyFZ9JU
1. http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/06/14/1237248/Study-Says-Targeted-Ads-Gettin-a-Lil-Creepy

| Shakespeare In Klingon? |
| from the you-have-not-experienced-Shakespeare-until-you-have-read-him-in-the-original-Kling|
| posted by samzenpus on Monday August 30, @10:15 (Sci-Fi) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1328253/Shakespeare-In-Klingon |

stevegee58 writes "As if the [0]Klingon opera described recently here at
Slashdot weren't enough, here's an interesting offering for Shakespeare
buffs. The Washington Shakespeare Company (based in Arlington VA) will
soon be [1]performing selections from Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing
in Klingon."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/08/12/1325216/u-mdash-the-First-Authentic-Klingon-Opera-On-Earth
1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/27/AR2010082702649.html

| Freetype Lands In... Microsoft Office? |
| from the share-well-everyone dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday August 30, @10:28 (Microsoft) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1419227/Freetype-Lands-In-Microsoft-Office |

phy_si_kal writes "Now Microsoft must love free software. Indeed, Office
2011 for Mac (beta 5 at least) [0]uses Freetype! Somehow they figured out
the free software 'clean room implementation' of their own (patented)
TrueType technology must better suit their needs."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://i35.tinypic.com/jazx2t.jpg

| Prosecutor Loses Case For Citing Wikipedia |
| from the citation-needed dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday August 30, @11:19 (The Courts) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1439239/Prosecutor-Loses-Case-For-Citing-Wikipedia|

[0]Hugh Pickens writes "The Philippine Daily Inquirer reports on a recent
case where the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) [1]lost an appeal
after seeking to impeach the testimony of a defendant's expert witness by
citing an article from Wikipedia. In her brief, the defendant said 'the
authority, alluded to by oppositor-appellant, the "Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders DSM-IV-TR," was taken from
an Internet website commonly known as Wikipedia,' and argued that
Wikipedia itself contains a disclaimer saying it 'makes no guarantee of
validity.' The court in finding for the defendant said in its decision
that it found 'incredible ... if not a haphazard attempt, on the part of
the (OSG) to impeach an expert witness, with, as pointed out by (the
defendant) unreliable information. This is certainly unacceptable
evidence, nothing short of a mere allegation totally unsupported by

Discuss this story at:

0. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Reservoirhill
1. http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/inquirerheadlines/nation/view/20100829-289336/Govt-loses-case-for-citing-Wikipedia

| Tech's Dark Secret, It's All About Age |
| from the just-like-supermodels dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday August 30, @12:10 (Businesses) |
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1522235/Techs-Dark-Secret-Its-All-About-Age |

theodp writes "Universities really should tell engineering students what
to expect in the long term and how to manage their technical careers.
Citing ex-Microsoft CTO David Vaskevitch's belief that younger workers
have more energy and are sometimes more creative, Wadwha warns that
[0]reports of ageism's death have been greatly exaggerated. While
encouraging managers to consider the value of the experience older
techies bring, Wadwha also offers some get-real advice to those whose
hair is beginning to grey: 1) Move up the ladder into management,
architecture, or design; switch to sales or product management; jump ship
and become an entrepreneur. 2) If you're going to stay in programming,
realize that the deck is stacked against you, so be prepared to earn less
as you gain experience. 3) Keep your skills current ��� to be coding for a
living when you're 50, you'll need to be able to out-code the new kids on
the block. Wadwha's piece [1]strikes a chord with 50-something Dave Winer,
who calls the rampant ageism 'really f***ed up,' adding that, 'It's
probably the reason why we keep going around in the same loops over and
over, because we chuck our experience, wholesale, every ten years or

Discuss this story at:

0. http://techcrunch.com/2010/08/28/silicon-valley%E2%80%99s-dark-secret-it%E2%80%99s-all-about-age/
1. http://scripting.com/stories/2010/08/28/whatTheySayAboutAgeIsTrue.html

| Library of Congress Opens Records of Anti-Comic Book Shrink |
| from the sum-of-old-fears dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday August 30, @13:00 (Books) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1624221/Library-of-Congress-Opens-Records-of-Anti-|

eldavojohn writes "Some light is being shone on comic book history today
as the Library of Congress opens up the [0]222 boxes of a German
psychiatrist's evidence and papers against comic books. [1]Dr. Fredric
Wertham is well known by comic book fans as the author of Seduction of
the Innocent, a bestselling book linking comic books and juvenile
delinquency ��� leading to a full blown [2]congressional investigation
(some say witch hunt) of the comic book industry. Wertham was long
involved with criminal trials before campaigning against comic books and
promoting industry and government censorship for children. Ars adds [3]a
little more context for the younger crowd and notes that he later tried
to move against television violence but couldn't find the publisher
backing he had against comic books."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://blogs.loc.gov/loc/2010/08/papers-of-comic-book-villain-open-at-library/
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredric_Wertham
2. http://www.seductionoftheinnocent.org/SenateReport.htm
3. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/08/papers-of-the-dr-evil-of-comics-now-open.ars

| How To Make Authentic Lightsabers |
| from the now-that's-a-hobby dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday August 30, @13:39 (Star Wars Prequels) |
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1630249/How-To-Make-Authentic-Lightsabers|

IQpierce writes "My good friend Bradley W. Lewis has set up a site for
his hobby: [0]building replica lightsabers at home. These aren't your
average cheap pieces of plastic, in fact they're more authentic than the
Master Replica sabers: Brad tracks down the pieces of equipment actually
used to build the original props ��� or, when they're unavailable, very
close replicas, that he further customizes with a metal lathe in his
garage ��� and puts them together with loving attention. My favorite part
is the embellishments he does add, on the inside of the saber ��� his
replica of Luke's saber from ANH can be opened to see authentic-looking
internals such as a glowing crystal (as well as another surprise ��� an
autograph from Luke himself, Mark Hamill). Each project is documented
step-by-step with hundreds of photos ��� whether you're a hobbyist, or just
a big Star Wars geek like me, you'll find it interesting."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.slothfurnace.com/

| Apertus, the Open Source HD Movie Camera |
| from the now-that's-a-project dept. |
| posted by CmdrTaco on Monday August 30, @14:18 (Media) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1639248/Apertus-the-Open-Source-HD-Movie-Camera |

osliving writes "This article takes a tour of the [0]hardware and
software behind the innovative Apertus, a real world open source project.
Led by Oscar Spierenburg and a team of international developers, the
project aims to produce 'an affordable community driven free software and
open hardware cinematic HD camera for a professional production

Discuss this story at:

0. http://osliving.com/sourced/real-world-open-source/meet-apertus-the-open-source-hd-cinema-camera/

| RIM Reaches Temporary Agreement With India |
| from the white-flag dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 30, @15:01 (Businesses) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1815231/RIM-Reaches-Temporary-Agreement-With-India |

Canadian_Daemon writes with news that India has [0]granted a 60-day
reprieve for their threat to ban BlackBerry devices while the government
evaluates RIM's proposal for "lawful access" to users' encrypted data.
"The Ministry of Home Affairs said in a statement it would review the
situation in 60 days after the Department of Telecommunications studies
the feasibility of routing BlackBerry services through a server in India.
India wants greater access to encrypted corporate e-mails and instant
messaging, though it remains unclear precisely what concessions Research
In Motion agreed to in order to avert the ban. About one million
BlackBerry users would have been affected in India. 'RIM have made
certain proposals for lawful access by law enforcement agencies and these
would be operationalized immediately. The feasibility of the solutions
offered would be assessed thereafter,' the ministry said."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/india-grants-rim-reprieve/article1689709/

| NIH Orders Halt To Embryonic Stem Cell Research |
| from the time-for-this-debate-again dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 30, @15:43 (Government) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1922246/NIH-Orders-Halt-To-Embryonic-Stem-Cell-|

sciencehabit writes "Responding to a court order [0]issued a week ago,
the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on Friday ordered intramural
researchers studying human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to [1]shut down
their experiments. NIH's action ��� probably unprecedented in its history ���
is a response to a preliminary injunction on 23 August from US District
Judge Royce Lamberth. The judge ruled that the Obama policy allowing NIH
funding to be used to study hESC lines violates a law prohibiting the use
of federal funds to destroy embryos."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/08/23/2240243/Court-Rules-Against-Stem-Cell-Policy
1. http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2010/08/nih-orders-immediate-shutdown.html

| HP Snaps Up 3PAR For $2 Billion |
| from the only-knows-it-must-feed dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 30, @16:24 (HP) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1943205/HP-Snaps-Up-3PAR-For-2-Billion |

adeelarshad82 writes "The bidding war between HP and Dell has [0]reached
a swift and dramatic conclusion. One could even say HP sniped the auction
at the last minute ��� to the tune of $2 billion for the acquisition of
data storage provider 3PAR. HP's not-so-subtle efforts to pull the
company away from a preliminary merger agreement with Dell ��� a
$1.15-billion arrangement announced August 16 ��� took three successive
bids to reach an ultimate conclusion. The final acquisition cost of $2
billion, confirmed by 3PAR late Friday, represents a price of $30 per
share of 3PAR stock. That's triple the closing price of the company's
stock before Dell's initial offer was made public, and more than double

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2368435,00.asp

| Oxford Dictionary Considers Going Online Only |
| from the wonder-if-they'll-blame-google dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 30, @17:08 (Books) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/2022221/Oxford-Dictionary-Considers-Going-Online-O|

Kilrah_il writes "Oxford University Press has confirmed that they are
considering offering their next version of the Oxford English Dictionary
[0]as an online version only, with no option for a hardcopy. The
20-volume set, whose last edition (2nd) was published in 1989, weighs 145
pounds (65kg) and costs about $1,165. It is considered the 'accepted
authority on the meaning and history of words.' In 2000, the dictionary
was offered online for $295 a year and has been getting 2 million hits a
month from subscribers. The printed version, on the other hand, has sales
of only 30,000. Work is now progressing on the 3rd edition, but it's
still a decade or more away from completion. Oxford University Press is
considering going online-only with the next edition of their flagship
product, but not for other products such as their best-selling Advanced
Learner's Dictionary. At least for now."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/30/oxford-english-dictionary_1_n_698588.html

| Xbox Live Pricing To Go Up To $60 Per Year |
| from the nickles-and-dimes dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 30, @17:30 (Microsoft) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/2028251/Xbox-Live-Pricing-To-Go-Up-To-60-Per-Year|

donniebaseball23 writes "Microsoft has [0]raised the annual price of Xbox
Live Gold to $60, which is a price hike of $10. The new price goes into
effect on November 1, but gamers can lock in the current Xbox Live price
by renewing now. [1]EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich is not surprised by the
move, nor does he think it will really have much impact on the Xbox

Discuss this story at:

0. http://majornelson.com/archive/2010/08/30/price-change-for-xbox-live-gold-subscription.aspx
1. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/xbox-live-pricing-goes-up-to-60-per-year-likely-wont-impact-momentum---eedar/

| Burning Man Goes Open Source For Cell Phones |
| from the new-meaning-to-the-term-hot-spot dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 30, @17:50 (Cellphones) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/2133247/Burning-Man-Goes-Open-Source-For-Cell-Ph|

coondoggie passes along this excerpt from Network World: "Today I bring
you a story that has it all: [0]a solar-powered, low-cost, open source
cellular network that's revolutionizing coverage in underprivileged and
off-grid spots. It uses VoIP yet works with existing cell phones. It has
pedigreed founders. Best of all, it is part of the sex, drugs and art
collectively known as Burning Man. ... The technology starts with the
'they-said-it-couldn't-be-done' open source software, [1]OpenBTS. OpenBTS
is built on Linux and distributed via the AGPLv3 license. When used with
a software-defined radio such as the Universal Software Radio Peripheral
(USRP), it presents a GSM air interface ("Um") to any standard GSM cell
phone, with no modification whatsoever required of the phone. It uses
open source Asterisk VoIP software as the PBX to connect calls, though it
can be used with other soft switches, too. ... This is the third year its
founders have decided to trial-by-fire the system by offering free cell
phone service to the 50,000-ish attendees at Burning Man, which begins
today in Black Rock City, Nevada. "

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/083010-open-source-voip-cell-phones-at-burning-man.html?hpg1=bn
1. http://openbts.sourceforge.net/

| Judge Quashes Subpoena of UVA Research Records |
| from the closing-the-climategate dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 30, @18:35 (Earth) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/2143210/Judge-Quashes-Subpoena-of-UVA-Research-|

esocid writes "An Albemarle County Circuit Court judge has [0]set aside a
subpoena issued by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to the
University of Virginia [1]seeking documents related to the work of
climate scientist and former university professor Michael Mann. Judge
Paul M. Peatross Jr. ruled that Cuccinelli can investigate whether fraud
has occurred in university grants, as the attorney general had contended,
but ruled that Cuccinelli's subpoena failed to state a 'reason to
believe' that Mann had committed fraud. He also set aside the subpoena
without prejudice, meaning Cuccinelli can rewrite it to better explain
why he wants to investigate, but seemed skeptical about the underlying
claim of fraud. The ruling is a major blow for Cuccinelli, a global
warming skeptic who had maintained he was investigating whether Mann
committed fraud in seeking government money for research that showed the
earth has experienced a rapid, recent warming. Mann, now at Penn State
University, worked at U-Va. until 2005. 'The Court has read with care
those pages and understands the controversy regarding Dr. Mann's work on
the issue of global warming. However, it is not clear what he did was
misleading, false or fraudulent in obtaining funds from the Commonwealth
of Virginia,' Peatross wrote. The ruling also limited Cuccinelli to
asking about only one of the five grants issued, which was the only one
using state funds."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/virginiapolitics/2010/08/judge_quashes_cuccinelli_subpo.html
1. http://politics.slashdot.org/story/10/05/02/2027242/Virginia-AG-Probing-Michael-Mann-For-Fraud

| CTRC Orders Big ISPs To Provide Matching Speeds For Resellers |
| from the streaming-hockey-is-a-serious-business dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Monday August 30, @19:22 (Businesses) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/232234/CTRC-Orders-Big-ISPs-To-Provide-Matching-Spe|

Meshach writes "In Canada there has been a regulatory decision rendered
by the CRTC ordering ISPs to [0]provide the same speed to resellers as
they do for their own customers. 'Smaller internet providers such as
Teksavvy and Execulink had argued that without requirements to offer
matching speeds, the big companies would put them out of business. Bell
and Telus are selling internet connections of up to 25 and 15 megabits
per second respectively over newer fibre-based networks, but smaller
providers can typically offer speeds of no more than five megabits per
second over older copper-based infrastructure. After holding a public
hearing earlier this year, the CRTC now says it will allow phone
companies to charge smaller providers an extra 10-per-cent mark-up to use
their newer infrastructure in order to recoup the costs of their
investments. The regulator also said it would require cable companies to
modify their existing internet access services to make it easier for
smaller, "alternative" providers to connect to them.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2010/08/30/matching-speeds-internet-crtc.html

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