| Fed Letter Day The federal government plans to grade cars based on their fuel efficiency. And that "C" for the Ford F-150 pickup will be prominently displayed on every F-150 in dealer showrooms. Needless to say, not everyone is happy. Plus, climate scientist Michael Mann vindicated -- again -- and poison ivy to grow bigger and faster with climate change. Read more. color inside the lanes In homage to those positive and creative forces pushing non-gas pedals across the nation, we invite you to strap on a helmet and steer yourself through these artistic examples of bike activism taken quite literally to the streets. Check out the photos! THE FLEXIBLE ENVIROSKEPTICIST Grant him this: Dude knows how to play the media. Who else could get such attention for adopting a position already held by millions of sensible people? Read more. little red righting the 'hood The roommates try to deal with an infestation of white flies in their new urban garden. Luckily, some little ladies-in-red take back their role as the original pesticide for these pests outside -- and not a moment too soon for these would-be organic gardeners. Read the comic! tap that The heat in the upper six miles of the Earth's crust contains 50,000 times as much energy as found in all the world's oil and gas reserves combined. Only 10,700 megawatts of geothermal electricity generating capacity have been harnessed worldwide. But the potential of geothermal energy to provide electricity, to heat homes, and to supply process heat for industry is vast. Find out more. Still charging The Golden State now boasts the nation's first energy storage bill. Thanks to AB 2514, California's publicly-owned utilities must now find ways to bank a portion of the electricity they generate. The measure promises to jump start the country's nascent but necessary market for energy storage, and cement Arnold Schwarzenegger's legacy as a green governor. Find out more. The Young and Not-So-Restless American teenagers simply don't drive as much as they used to. But should we really chalk it up to the internet, as one article argues? Find out more. | | | |
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