|  | Holding Justice Kennedy to His Word: Why the Supreme Court must put a stop to Columbia University's eminent domain abuse
When he cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court's notorious 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of New London , Justice Anthony Kennedy made it clear that the power of eminent domain was not a blank check. "Transfers intended to confer benefits on particular, favored private entities, and with only incidental or pretextual public benefits, are forbidden by the Public Use Clause," Kennedy wrote. Associate Editor Damon Root explains why New York's controversial land grab on behalf of Columbia University is exactly the sort of eminent domain abuse forbidden by Kennedy and the Kelo majority.
Reason.tv: Progress Party Leader Siv Jensen on Norway's Myths and Realities
In a country of exceptionally high rates of personal taxation and home to one of the world's most generous welfare states, Norway's Progress Party, which describes itself as a "classical liberal" organization committed to "personal freedom," is something of an anomaly. But it is an increasingly powerful anomaly, now ranking as the country's second biggest political party. In August, Progress Party leader Siv Jensen sat down with Reason senior editor Michael C. Moynihan and explained that Norwegians are growing tired of "regulation, bureaucracy, and high taxes" and why the Scandinavian health care model is bad for America-and Scandinavia.
Click here to watch.
Coming Soon: Reason in 3D! Subscribe now to get our special November issue in 3D along with your FREE pair of Reason 3D glasses! You'll need them to watch Reason.tv's soon-to-be-released video series on spending, deficits, and public sector compensation so terrifyingly true they can only be viewed in 3D!
Waiting for the Man: The long road to marijuana legalization It's true that California may pass Proposition 19 and become the first state to legalize marijuana. But as David Harsanyi writes, it's also true that marijuana prohibition isn't going anywhere.
Faking the Pledge: Republican promises of fiscal sobriety ring hollow.
In the "Pledge to America" they unveiled last week, House Republicans promise they will "launch a sustained effort to stem the relentless growth in government that has occurred over the past decade." Who better for the job than the folks who ran the government for most of that time? If the GOP's record of fiscal fecklessness were not enough reason to doubt its newfound commitment to curbing "Washington's irresponsible spending habits," says Senior Editor Jacob Sullum, the pledge's failure to address entitlement and defense programs would be.
Hit & Run, Reason's Staff Blog Cheap Booze, Cheaper Congressmen A bill that could wind up severly restricting interstate booze trade-thus raising prices, limiting selection, and generally making the world a dryer place, all while giving the Commerce Clause the heave-ho when it comes to trade in beer, wine, and liquor-managed to win a hearing today from the ready-to-get-outta-Dodge House Judiciary Committee. The legislation in question is the cheesily-acronymed Comprehensive Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness (CARE) Act, which would make it easier for state alcohol wholesalers to protect their monopolies....
Read the rest here. Posted by Katherine Mangu-Ward http://reason.com/blog/2010/09/29/cheap-booze-cheaper-congressme
Daily Brickbat She Can't Get There from Here
In Lincolnshire, England, the county council has threatened to report Mark McCullough to family services if he doesn't stop allowing his 7-year-old daughter to walk to the bus stop alone. Council officials say the girl is too young to walk 20 meters and cross the street to the bus stop.
http://reason.com/brickbat |
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