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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Harvard Ditching Final Exams?
* Google Releases Chrome 6, Pays $4337 In Bounties
* Facebook To Add Remote Logout
* New Calculations May Lead To a Test For String Theory
* Wireless Power Group Has 'Qi' Prototypes
* HP Backs Memristor Mass Production
* <em>Hurt Locker</em> File-Sharing Subpoenas Begin
* Major Battle Brewing Between French Gov't and ISPs
* Northrop Grumman Says 'I'm Sorry' For Virginia IT Outage
* Flawed iTunes Stands Out Among Apple's Products
* New Malware Imitates Browser Warning Pages
* <em>Duke Nukem Forever</em> Back In Development
* The Push For Colbert's "Restoring Truthiness" Rally
* Anti-Google Video Runs In Times Square
* Where Does Dell Go After Losing 3Par?
* NVIDIA Announces New Line of Fermi-Based Mobile Chips
* New and Old Experiments Combine To Help the Search For Life On Mars
* VISA Pulls Plug On ePassporte, Porn Webmasters
* Winnie-the-Pooh Parodied In Wookie-the-Chew
* 2010 May Be the First Year YouTube Turns a Profit
* Game Publishers Using Stealth P2P Clients
* Brazil Considering Legalizing File Sharing
* Software (and Appropriate Input Device) For a Toddler?
| Harvard Ditching Final Exams? |
| from the love-the-kerning dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @20:37 (Education) |
| |
itwbennett writes "According to Harvard magazine, Harvard's Faculty of
Arts and Sciences voted at its meeting on May 11 to require instructors
to officially inform the Registrar 'at the first week of the term' of the
intention to end a course with a formal, seated exam, 'the assumption
shall be that the instructor [0]will not be giving a three-hour final
examination.' Dean of undergraduate education Jay M. Harris 'told the
faculty that of 1,137 undergraduate-level courses this spring term, 259
scheduled finals ��� the lowest number since 2002, when 200 fewer courses
were offered. For the more than 500 graduate-level courses offered, just
14 had finals, he reported.'"
Discuss this story at:
| Google Releases Chrome 6, Pays $4337 In Bounties |
| from the working-in-the-background dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 02, @23:26 (Google) |
Trailrunner7 writes "Google has released a new version of its Chrome
browser and has included more than a dozen security fixes in the update.
The new version, 6.0.472.53, was released two years to the day after the
company pushed out the first version of Chrome. Google [0]Chrome 6
includes patches for 14 total security vulnerabilities, including six
high-priority flaws, and the company paid out a total of $4,337 in bug
bounties to researchers who reported the vulnerabilities. A number of the
flaws that didn't qualify for bug bounties were discovered by members of
Google's internal security team." (Read on for more, below.)
This story continues at:
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| Facebook To Add Remote Logout |
| from the best-not-get-hacked dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 03, @02:30 (Security) |
| |
[0]angry tapir writes "Facebook users will soon have a new way of
knocking spammers out of legitimate accounts. The social-networking
company is rolling out a new security feature that lets users see which
computers and devices are logged into their Facebook accounts, and then
[1]removing the ones that they don't want to have access."
Discuss this story at:
| New Calculations May Lead To a Test For String Theory |
| from the string-washing-powder-what's-the-difference dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 03, @05:28 (Math) |
dexmachina writes "A team of theoreticians, led by a group from Imperial
College London, has released calculations that show string theory makes
[0]specific, testable predictions about the behaviour of quantum
entangled particles. Professor Mike Duff, lead author of the study from
the Department of Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London,
commented, 'This will not be proof that string theory is the right
"theory of everything" that is being sought by cosmologists and particle
physicists. However, it will be very important to theoreticians because
it will demonstrate whether or not string theory works, even if its
application is in an unexpected and unrelated area of physics.' In other
words, string theory may finally have shed its critics' most common
complaint: unfalsifiability. However, given the second most common
complaint, I can't help but wonder: which string theory?" Update: 09/03
23:34 GMT by [1]S : Columbia University's Peter Woit, author of the Not
Even Wrong blog, says [2]these claims are overblown, and adds that a
number of string theorists [3]said as much to Wired.
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1. mailto:soulskillatslashdotdotorg
| Wireless Power Group Has 'Qi' Prototypes |
| from the now-you-can-charge-in-the-bathtub dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 03, @08:18 (Cellphones) |
judgecorp writes "Steady progress on inductive wireless charging. There
are now [0]certified prototypes of chargers for Blackberry and iPhone
devices that meet the Qi specification of the Wireless Power Consortium,
which was [1]announced last year. The spec has advanced from version 0.95
to 1.0, too."
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| HP Backs Memristor Mass Production |
| from the can't-wait-for-the-next-round-of-patent-battles dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @09:05 (Businesses) |
| |
neo12 writes with news that Hewlett-Packard is teaming with Hynix
Semiconductor, the world's second-largest producer of memory chips, to
[0]mass produce memristors for the first time. Quoting the BBC: "HP says
the first memristors should be widely available in about three years. The
devices started as a theoretical prediction in 1971 but HP's
demonstration and publication of a real working device has put them on a
possible roadmap to replace memory chips or even hard drives. ... Steve
Furber, professor of computer engineering at the University of
Manchester, explained that the potential benefits lie in the fact that
memristors are 'much simpler in principle than transistors. Because they
are formed as a film between two wires, they don't have to be implanted
into the silicon surface ��� as do transistors, which form the storage
locations in Flash ��� so they could be built in layers in 3D,' he told BBC
News. 'Of course, the devil is in the detail, and I don't think the
manufacturing challenges have been fully exposed yet.'"
Discuss this story at:
| <em>Hurt Locker</em> File-Sharing Subpoenas Begin |
| from the how-not-to-generate-good-press dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @09:50 (Piracy) |
| |
In May we discussed news that producers of the film The Hurt Locker
[0]filed a lawsuit against 5,000 John Does, known only by their IP
addresses at the time, for sharing the movie over peer-to-peer sites.
Now, reader suraj.sun notes that [1]subpoenas for the lawsuit are finally
going out. "Qwest Communications on Monday notified a customer in Denver
that the Internet service provider has received a subpoena from lawyers
representing Voltage Pictures, the production company that made The Hurt
Locker. ... In legal documents, Voltage Pictures has blamed the movie's
relatively poor domestic performance on illegal file sharing. As of March
21, the movie had grossed $16 million domestically, but took in $40
million overall. According to reports, the film's production budget was
$15 million. The film leaked to the Web five months before the movie's US
debut. ... For allegedly downloading The Hurt Locker, DGW told the Qwest
customer from Denver that settling the case early would cost $2,900,
according to documents reviewed by CNET."
Discuss this story at:
| Major Battle Brewing Between French Gov't and ISPs |
| from the race-to-surrender dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @10:36 (Government) |
Dangerous_Minds writes "Drew Wilson has been following HADOPI (France's
three strikes law) a lot lately, and the latest developments are that the
French ISPs and the French government [0]are edging closer to a full-on
war over compensation. The French government apparently requested that
ISPs send an invoice of the bills after a certain period of time, but the
French ISPs don't feel this is good enough ��� probably because of worries
that the compensation the government will ultimately provide won't be
enough. The ISPs are demanding adequate compensation, and if the
government doesn't give it to them, they simply will not hand over
evidence required to enforce HADOPI law. While HADOPI demands that ISPs
cooperate, speculation suggests that if the government takes ISPs to
court, the ISPs will simply [1]rely on constitutional jurisprudence to
shield them from liability (translation)."
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| Northrop Grumman Says 'I'm Sorry' For Virginia IT Outage |
| from the wipe-the-tears-away-with-benjamins dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @11:22 (Networking) |
Lucas123 writes "After a storage area network in a data center run by
Northrop Grumman [0]went down last week, crippling 26 state agencies'
websites ��� some for more than a week ��� [1]Northrop Grumman has now
apologized to Virginia, saying it will learn from its mistakes in order
to recover systems faster in the future. Northrop's $2.6 billion service
contract with Virginia's government has come under harsh criticism in the
past for service outages, along with project delays and cost overruns."
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| Flawed iTunes Stands Out Among Apple's Products |
| from the maybe-if-it-only-had-one-button dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @12:05 (GUI) |
waderoush writes "On top of all the other features that it has crammed
into iTunes, Apple this week added Ping, a Facebook-like social network
for music discovery. It's all part of the company's plan to dominate the
world of consumer media, but Xconomy argues that this time, Apple may
have gone a bridge too far. iTunes, nearing its tenth birthday, started
out merely as a program for ripping CDs, and has [0]grown increasingly
creaky and impenetrable as Apple has added more and more cruft, the
article argues. The company won't have a stable base for its new media
empire until it rebuilds iTunes from scratch ��� perhaps along the lines
suggested by its other new product this week, the revamped Apple TV."
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| New Malware Imitates Browser Warning Pages |
| from the good-thing-nobody-ever-mindlessly-clicks-through-those dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @12:53 (Microsoft) |
Jake writes with this excerpt from Ars: "Microsoft is warning about a new
piece of malware, Rogue:MSIL/Zeven, that auto-detects a user's browser
and then [0]imitates the relevant malware warning pages from Internet
Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome. The fake warning pages are very similar to
the real thing; you have to look closely to realize they aren't the real
thing. The ploy is a basic social engineering scheme, but in this case
the malware authors are relying on the user's trust in their browser, a
tactic that hasn't been seen before. Beyond the warning pages, the actual
malware looks like the real deal: it allows you to scan files, tells you
when you're behind on your updates, and enables you to change your
security and privacy settings. Performing a scan results in the product
finding malicious files, but of course it cannot delete them unless you
update, which requires paying for the full version. Attempting to buy the
product will open an HTML window that provides a useless 'Safe Browsing
Mode' with high-strength encryption. To top it all off, the rogue
antivirus webpage [1]looks awfully similar to the Microsoft Security
Essentials webpage; even the awards received by MSE and a link to the
Microsoft Malware Protection Center have been copied."
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| <em>Duke Nukem Forever</em> Back In Development |
| from the yeah-this-again dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @13:38 (Classic Games (Games)) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "'Always bet on Duke.' It seems he was right
about himself, at least. The longest, most storied in-development game in
history [0]seems like it's finally going to be released by [1]Gearbox
Software sometime within the next year. 'According to Pitchford, Gearbox
began finishing Duke Nukem Forever in late 2009. "Clearly the game hadn't
been finished at 3D Realms but a lot of content had been created," he
says. "The approach and investment and process at 3D Realms didn't quite
make it, and it cracked at the end. With Gearbox Software we brought all
those pieces together. It's the game it was meant to be." The game is
currently expected to ship in 2010 although given its history Pitchford
is understandably reluctant to be more specific.'"
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| The Push For Colbert's "Restoring Truthiness" Rally |
| from the giving-truth-the-bump dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Friday September 03, @14:00 (It's funny. Laugh.) |
[0]jamie writes "A grassroots campaign has begun to get Stephen Colbert
to hold a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to counter Glenn
Beck's recent 'Restoring Honor' event. The would-be rally has been dubbed
'[1]Restoring Truthiness' and was inspired by a recent post on Reddit,
where a young woman wondered if the only way to point out the absurdity
of the Tea Party's rally would be if Colbert mirrored it with his own
Colbert Nation.'"
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| Anti-Google Video Runs In Times Square |
| from the what-kind-of-ice-cream dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @14:22 (Privacy) |
| |
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "The NY Times reports that Consumer Watchdog is
running a 540-square-foot video billboard advertisement in Times Square,
New York that shows Google CEO Eric Schmidt as [1]an ingratiating ice
cream truck driver who knows everything about everyone and happily offers
free ice cream in exchange for full body scans. The group says its goal
is to push Congress and the Federal Trade Commission to create a Do Not
Track Me list, similar to the Do Not Call list developed to prevent
telemarketers from aggressively calling consumers. 'Do you want Google or
any other online company looking over your shoulder and tracking your
every move online just so it can increase its profits?' writes the
group's president, Jamie Curtis, at the group's web site. 'Consumers have
a right to privacy. They should control how their information is gathered
and what it is used for.' The FTC's consumer affairs group had no comment
on whether the agency is considering creating a Do Not Track Me list."
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| Where Does Dell Go After Losing 3Par? |
| from the wherever-gateway-went dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @15:08 (Businesses) |
| |
crimeandpunishment writes "It was the big deal Dell wanted in a big way.
But now that it has [0]lost out to Hewlett-Packard in the bidding war it
started for 3Par, [1]where does Dell go in its effort to diversify its
business and move into the higher-profit area of selling technology to
other companies? [2]The company faces significant challenges, largely due
to its lower-end focus, and because many of its competitors beat Dell
into branching out. One analyst says, 'People see [Dell] as
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| NVIDIA Announces New Line of Fermi-Based Mobile Chips |
| from the double-your-solitaire-fps dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @15:39 (Graphics) |
MojoKid writes "NVIDIA has [0]announced an entire line-up of Fermi-based
GeForce GT and GTX 400M mobile GPUs, seven in total, and revealed a
number of notebook design wins from major OEMs. Like their
desktop-targeted counterparts, the mobile GeForce GT and GTX 400M series
GPUs make use of technology from NVIDIA's desktop architecture, which
debuted in the GF100 GPU at the heart of the company's flagship GeForce
GTX 480. GeForce GT and GTX 400M series GPUs are DirectX 11 compatible
and support all of NVIDIA's 'Graphics Plus' features, including PhysX, 3D
Vision, CUDA, Verde drivers, 3DTV Play and Optimus dynamic switching
technology. The GeForce GTX 470M and GTX 460M are the most powerful of
the group and target enthusiasts and gamers, while the GeForce GT 445M,
GT 435M, GT 425M, GT 420M and GT 415M target performance-conscious, but
more mainstream consumers."
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| New and Old Experiments Combine To Help the Search For Life On Mars |
| from the red-led-redemption dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @15:56 (Mars) |
[0]jamie sends in a story about an unexpected finding by the Phoenix Mars
Lander which has [1]shed new light on experiments done by the Viking
landers back in 1976. The Viking experiments found traces of chlorine
compounds that were interpreted to be the result of contamination from
cleaning fluids on Earth. In 2008, an experiment done by Phoenix found
percholates in the soil, which came as a surprise to researchers. After
doing tests on similar soil from Chile, a new study has found that those
percholates, paired with organic molecules, could very well be the source
of the chlorine compounds detected by Viking. While this is not direct
evidence for life on Mars, the fact that complex organic compounds can
apparently persist in the Martian soil [2]gives researchers a new avenue
to pursue while looking for that evidence.
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| VISA Pulls Plug On ePassporte, Porn Webmasters |
| from the in-related-news-apparently-people-pay-for-porn dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @16:40 (The Almighty Buck) |
tsu doh nimh writes "Credit card giant [0]VISA International has
suspended its business with ePassporte, an Internet payment system widely
used to pay adult Webmasters and a raft of other affiliate programs. A
number of adult Webmaster forums are up in arms over the move because
many of their funds are now stranded. Visa has been silent on the issue
so far, but points to an e-mail from ePassporte
founder Christopher Mallick saying the unexpected move by Visa wouldn't
strand customers indefinitely. Mallick co-directed [1]Middle Men, a
Paramount film released in August that tells the story of his experience
building one of the world's first porn site payment processing firms, as
well as the Russian mobsters, porn stars and FBI agents he ran into along
the way. Interestingly, the speculation so far is that Visa cut ties with
ePassporte due to new anti-money laundering restrictions in the Credit
Card Act of 2009, which affects prepaid cards and other payment card
instruments that can be reloaded with funds at places other than
financial institutions."
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| Winnie-the-Pooh Parodied In Wookie-the-Chew |
| from the oh-bother dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Friday September 03, @17:22 (Books) |
pickens writes "Erik Hayden writes in the Atlantic that children will see
endearing [0]portraits of Chewbacca rendered in the style of
"Winnie-the-Pooh" in the book of drawings "Wookie the Chew," a tribute to
the combined genius of George Lucas, A.A.Milne and E.H.Sheppard, by
artist James Hance released on September 1st. Samples from the book are
available at [1]Hance's web site. Hance bases his right to parody
Winnie-the-Pooh on [2]Fair Use as parody under which certain uses of
copyrighted works, which would otherwise be considered infringing, are
permissible. Interestingly enough, the rights to the original
Winnie-the-Pooh were the subject of an 18-year feud in which [3]Walt
Disney corporation fought off a challenge to its ownership of the rights
ending in 2009 when a judge in Los Angeles struck out a claim against
Disney lodged by the family of Stephen Slesinger, a comic book pioneer
who bought the copyright to Pooh in 1930 from the bear's British creator,
A.A. Milne. Stories of Pooh's adventures were originally created by Milne
in the 1920s, based on a toy bear owned by the author's son, Christopher
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| 2010 May Be the First Year YouTube Turns a Profit |
| from the keep-throwing-ads-in-there-we-love-it dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @17:27 (Advertising) |
eldavojohn writes "Analysts are saying that [0]this year will be the
first year YouTube turns a profit. From the New York Times article: 'In
the last year, the video site has become a significant contributor to the
family business at a time when Google, which makes more than 90 percent
of its revenue from text search ads, is seeking a second act. Though
Google does not report YouTube's earnings, it has hinted that it is
hovering near profitability. Analysts say YouTube will bring in around
$450 million in revenue this year and earn a profit. Revenue at YouTube
has more than doubled each year for the last three years, according to
the company.' Of course a little over a year ago we were being told that
YouTube was [1]losing around $1.65 million each day. Regardless, when you
[2]pay $1.65 billion for a business, you probably don't expect it to take
three to four years before you start making your money back."
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| Game Publishers Using Stealth P2P Clients |
| from the eula-doesn't-count dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 03, @18:10 (Networking) |
An anonymous reader writes "TorrentFreak has shed some light on the dark
practice of [0]installing stealth-mode P2P clients during game downloads
and using unsuspecting gamers' PCs as 'bandwidth slaves.' The clients
operate in the background and largely go unnoticed until problems arise
that are caused by overactive uploading/seeding. While the [1]Akamai
NetSession Interface and [2]Pando Media Booster are specifically called
out, there appear to be other offenders as indicated in the comments left
by TorrentFreak readers. A publisher called Solid State Networks is
putting out a call for [3]an industry-wide 'best practices' effort to
promote transparency, control and privacy on behalf of gamers who are
otherwise being abused for their bandwidth without their consent."
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| Brazil Considering Legalizing File Sharing |
| from the great-buffet-now-free dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 03, @18:56 (Government) |
| |
An anonymous reader writes "It looks like Brazil may be the country to
watch if you're interested in much more consumer-friendly copyright laws
(assuming US diplomatic pressure doesn't interfere). As that country goes
through a copyright reform process, among the proposals is one that would
create fines not just for infringing, but also for [0]hindering fair use
and the public domain. Also, there is a big push underway, with
widespread support ��� even from some artists groups ��� to [1]legalize file
sharing in exchange for a small levy (~$1.74/month) on your broadband
connection. Of course, one reason why Brazil may be doing it this way is
because of the massive success the Brazilian musical genre technobrega
has had by [2]embracing file sharing as a way to promote new works, and
making money (often lots of it) through other avenues, like live shows."
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| Software (and Appropriate Input Device) For a Toddler? |
| from the please-see-spoon-icon dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 03, @19:38 (Software) |
An anonymous reader writes "I have an 18-month-old who loves bright
screens (TV and computer), loves loud noises, and loves to mash buttons.
He targets my laptop with the button-mashing, and I sort of hate having
to tell him 'no' when he wants to explore a computer. I was wondering if
anyone knows of some fun (and maybe educational) age-specific PC software
that also comes with an age-appropriate input device. I've seen those
big-button devices in retail stores that seem to just hook up to the TV,
and I've also seen some PC software that requires keyboard/mouse input,
which does not seem like the right input device for a toddler."
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