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[Slashdot] Stories for 2010-09-11

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In this issue:
* Australia's National Broadband Network To Go Ahead
* EU Surveillance Studies Disclosed By Pirate Party
* ARM Unveils Next-Gen Processor, Claims 5x Speedup
* Wikipedia Entry Turned Into Actual Encyclopedia
* Oracle, NetApp Drop ZFS Patent Suit
* WikiLeaks Set To Release Unpublished Iraq War Docs
* Nokia Names Microsoft's Elop As New CEO
* Sony Breathes New Life Into Library Books
* Arms Regulations Damaging US Space Industry
* Apple's Developer Tools Turnaround 'Great News' For Adobe
* World's First Transcontinental Anesthesia
* King's <em>Dark Tower</em> Series To Be Adapted For Film, TV
* PayPal Withholding Indie Game Dev's &euro;600,000 Account
* Archbishop Bans Pop Music At Funerals
* Mega-Volcanoes Might Be Detectable On Exoplanets
* Airline Wants Flight Attendants To Land Planes In an Emergency
* Facebook Surpasses Google For Users' Online Time
* How the Web Rallied To Review the P != NP Claim
* Foxconn's Founder Opens Up About Making iPhones
* Court Says First Sale Doctrine Doesn't Apply To Licensed Software
* Spaceflight Formation Flying Test Bed Takes Off
* Tap Tech Brings Touch To Dumb Phones
* Why Google Isn't Pushing Android For Tablets

| Australia's National Broadband Network To Go Ahead |
| from the beware-coriolis-effect dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 09, @22:38 (Australia) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/010234/Australias-National-Broadband-Network-To-Go|

[0]angry tapir writes "After weeks of a hung parliament following the
Australian federal election, the incumbent Labor Party has garnered
enough support among independent MPs to form a minority government.
Broadband was central to clinching the independents' support. Labor's
victory means the [1]$43 billion National Broadband Network will push
ahead. The policy has [2]generally been popular among ISPs and telcos ���
though some [3]rebel operators preferred a policy that emphasized
wireless technologies, similar to the proposals [4]put forward by Labor's
opponents. The primarily fiber-based NBN is set to offer Australians
[5]1Gbps broadband."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.goodgearguide.com.au/
1. http://www.goodgearguide.com.au/article/359745/nbn_go_ahead_after_labor_victory/
2. http://www.goodgearguide.com.au/article/359862/telcos_it_industry_react_nbn_go_ahead/
3. http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/article/359075/rebel_telcos_call_nbn_3_0_/
4. http://www.goodgearguide.com.au/article/356625/coalition_broadband_plan_causing_concern/
5. http://www.goodgearguide.com.au/article/356757/conroy_promises_1gbps_nbn_speeds/

| EU Surveillance Studies Disclosed By Pirate Party |
| from the vee-simply-vish-ztu-observe-you dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 10, @01:44 (Government) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/0159259/EU-Surveillance-Studies-Disclosed-By-Pirate|

Spliffster writes "The German Pirate Party has disclosed some secret
documents on how the EU is planning to monitor citizens. The so called
INDECT Documents describe how a seamless surveillance could (or should)
be implemented across Europe. The use of CCTV cameras, the internet
(social networks) and even the use of UAVs are mentioned as data sources.
Two of the nine documents [0]can be downloaded from the German Pirate
Party's website (PDFs in English)."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://files.piratenpartei.de/indect/

| ARM Unveils Next-Gen Processor, Claims 5x Speedup |
| from the and-hammer dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 10, @04:55 (Upgrades) |
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/0312224/ARM-Unveils-Next-Gen-Processor-Claims-|

unts writes "UK chip designer ARM [Note: check out this short [0]history
of ARM chips in mobile devices contributed by an anonymous reader] today
released the first details of its latest project, codenamed 'Eagle.' It
has branded the new design [1]Cortex-A15, which ARM reckons demonstrates
the jump in performance from its predecessors, the A8 and A9. ARM's new
chip design can scale to 16 cores, clock up to 2.5GHz, and, the company
claims, deliver a 5x performance increase over the A8: 'It's like taking
a desktop and putting it in your pocket,' said [VP of processor marketing
��� Eric Schorn], and it was clear that he considers this new design to be
a pretty major shot across the bows of Intel and AMD. In case we were in
any doubt, he turned the knife further: 'The exciting place for software
developer graduates to go and hunt for work is no longer the desktop.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/231536,understanding-smartphone-processors.aspx
1. http://channel.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=26372

| Wikipedia Entry Turned Into Actual Encyclopedia |
| from the now-how-much-would-you-pay? dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 10, @08:03 (Wikipedia) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/034201/Wikipedia-Entry-Turned-Into-Actual-Encyclop|

[0]Ponca City, We love you writes "If [1]journalism is the first rough
draft of history, what does that make Wikipedia? Time Magazine reports
that technology writer James Bridle has created a 12-volume compendium of
[2]every edit made to the Wikipedia entry for the Iraq War between
December 2004 and November 2009. 'It contains arguments over numbers,
differences of opinion on relevance and political standpoints, and
frequent moments when someone erases the whole thing and just writes
"Saddam Hussein was a dickhead.,"' writes Bridle. 'This is
historiography. This is what culture actually looks like: a process of
argument, of dissenting and accreting opinion, of gradual and not always
correct codification.' The books presumably only exist in one copy, so
they are not for sale."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://poncacityweloveyou.com/
1. http://www.slate.com/id/2265540/
2. http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/09/07/wikipedia-entry-on-iraq-war-turned-into-actual-encyclopedia/

| Oracle, NetApp Drop ZFS Patent Suit |
| from the there-will-be-peace-in-our-time dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @08:46 (Patents) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1157240/Oracle-NetApp-Drop-ZFS-Patent-Suit |

An anonymous reader writes "It seems Oracle and NetApp have [0]kissed and
made up over the ZFS patent lawsuit. Before Oracle acquired Sun
Microsystems, NetApp sued Sun [1]claiming ZFS infringed on its patents.
Sun later sued NetApp back. From today, [2]all is forgotten and Oracle
and NetApp are friends. NetApp CEO Tom Georgens even said the two
companies have shared a 'common vision' focused on providing solutions
that reduce IT cost and complexity. Both companies now want collaboration
between them to continue."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.techworld.com.au/article/360107/oracle_netapp_agree_settle_zfs_patent_litigation
1. http://yro.slashdot.org/story/07/09/05/2220228/NetApp-Hits-Sun-With-Patent-Infringement-Lawsuit
2. http://www.enterprisestorageforum.com/industrynews/article.php/3902746

| WikiLeaks Set To Release Unpublished Iraq War Docs |
| from the round-two-about-to-begin dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @09:28 (The Military) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/136239/WikiLeaks-Set-To-Release-Unpublished-Iraq-W|

Tootech writes with this snippet from Wired: "A massive cache of
previously unpublished classified US military documents from the Iraq War
is [0]being readied for publication by WikiLeaks, a new report has
confirmed. The documents constitute the 'biggest leak of military
intelligence' that has ever occurred, according to Iain Overton, editor
of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a nonprofit British
organization that is [1]working with WikiLeaks on the documents. The
documents are expected to be published in several weeks. Overton, who
discussed the project with Newsweek, didn't say how many documents were
involved or disclose their origin, but they may be among the leaks that
an imprisoned Army intelligence analyst claimed to have sent to WikiLeaks
earlier this year."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/09/iraq-war-docs/
1. http://www.newsweek.com/blogs/declassified/2010/09/09/exclusive-wikileaks-collaborating-with-media-outlets-on-release-of-iraq-documents.html

| Nokia Names Microsoft's Elop As New CEO |
| from the embracing-and-extending dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @10:09 (Microsoft) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1353256/Nokia-Names-Microsofts-Elop-As-New-CEO |

itwbennett writes "Nokia has tapped Stephen Elop, former president of
Microsoft's business software group, to become its new CEO effective
Sept. 21. [0]Elop will replace Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, who loses his board
seat immediately and will step down from the CEO position on Sept. 20.
Microsoft said Elop will leave immediately, but the company doesn't seem
to be rushing to fill the [1]vacancy at the top of one of its largest
divisions. 'I am writing to let you know that Stephen Elop has been
offered and has accepted the job as CEO of Nokia and will be leaving
Microsoft, effective immediately,' Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer wrote in a
letter to employees late Thursday."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.itworld.com/business/120236/nokia-names-microsofts-elop-new-ceo
1. http://www.itworld.com/business/120241/elop-departure-leaves-executive-vacancy-microsoft

| Sony Breathes New Life Into Library Books |
| from the about-bloody-time dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @10:49 (Sony) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1358229/Sony-Breathes-New-Life-Into-Library-Book|

Barence writes "Sony has launched a new range of touchscreen eBook
readers ��� and is [0]breathing new life into the concept of public library
books. The readers offer support for free eBook loans from local
authority libraries. If you're lucky enough to be a member of a local
library supporting the service (50 have signed up so far in the UK)
you'll be able to visit its website, tap your library card number in and
borrow any book in the eBook catalog, for free, for a period of 14 or 21
days. The odd thing about this is it works in a very similar way to the
good old bricks-and-mortar library. While a title is out on loan, it's
unavailable to others to borrow (unless the library has purchased
multiple copies); it only becomes available again once the loan period
expires and the book removes itself from your reader."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/2010/09/09/sonys-new-ebook-readers-first-look-review/

| Arms Regulations Damaging US Space Industry |
| from the law-of-unintended-consequences dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @11:32 (Space) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1430204/Arms-Regulations-Damaging-US-Space-Industr|

athe!st writes "International Traffic in Arms Regulations ([0]ITAR) are a
[1]major headache for companies trying to put their satellites into space,
so much so that some companies are [2]using 'ITAR-free' (aka free of US
technology) as a selling point. The European Space Agency is trying to
reduce its dependence on ITAR components, and the regulations are also
[3]threatening the nascent space tourism industry."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITAR
1. http://kn.theiet.org/magazine/issues/1013/itar-regulations-1013.cfm
2. http://telecom.esa.int/telecom/www/object/index.cfm?fobjectid=28086
3. http://works.bepress.com/mark_sundahl/1/

| Apple's Developer Tools Turnaround 'Great News' For Adobe |
| from the line-must-be-drawn-he-ah dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @12:13 (Iphone) |
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1546229/Apples-Developer-Tools-Turnaround-Great-N|

cgriffin21 writes "Apple is [0]being praised for loosening of some of the
restrictions in its Application Developer Program license agreement that
open the door for app developers to work in Flash for the Apple iPhone,
iPad and other devices. And [1]no one is happier about the change than
Flash-maker Adobe itself. They wrote, 'This is great news for developers
and we're hearing from our developer community that Packager apps are
already being approved for the App Store. We do want to point out that
Apple's restriction on Flash content running in the browser on iOS
devices remains in place.'" Apple also received [2]praise from Google
over their reversal, which may have been [3]prompted by an FTC probe.
Reader Stoubalou adds that [4]Apple shed more light on the app review
process by publishing a [5]list of guidelines (PDF) the violation of
which may get an app rejected from the App Store.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.crn.com/news/client-devices/227400109/apples-flash-turnaround-great-news-for-developers-adobe.htm;jsessionid=AxZniNN5tgAhigbdIaUuBQ**.ecappj01
1. http://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2010/09/great-news-for-developers.html
2. http://googlemobileads.blogspot.com/2010/09/update-on-apples-terms-of-service.html
3. http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/09/ftc-apple/comment-page-1/
4. http://www.thinq.co.uk/2010/9/10/apple-app-store-developer-guidelines-pdf-outed/
5. http://files.netcommunities.com/newsletter/thinq/asg.pdf

| World's First Transcontinental Anesthesia |
| from the ping-me-when-the-patient-is-asleep dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Friday September 10, @12:51 (Canada) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/166215/Worlds-First-Transcontinental-Anesthesia |

An anonymous reader writes "Medical Daily reports: 'Video conferences may
be known for putting people to sleep, but never like this. Dr. Thomas
Hemmerling and his team of McGill's Department of Anesthesia achieved a
world first on August 30, 2010, when they treated patients undergoing
thyroid gland surgery in Italy remotely from Montreal. The approach is
part of new technological advancements, known as 'Teleanesthesia', and it
involves a team of engineers, researchers and anesthesiologists who will
ultimately apply the drugs intravenously which are then [0]controlled
remotely through an automated system.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.medicaldaily.com/news/20100910/1865/worlds-first-transcontinental-anesthesia.htm

| King's <em>Dark Tower</em> Series To Be Adapted For Film, TV |
| from the as-long-as-there-are-no-creepy-clowns dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @12:57 (Movies) |
| https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1638245/Kings-Dark-Tower-Series-To-Be-Ada|

Kozz writes "Universal Pictures and NBC Universal Television
Entertainment have closed a deal to turn Stephen King's mammoth novel
series The Dark Tower into [0]a feature film trilogy and a network TV
series, both of which will be creatively steered by the Oscar-winning
team behind A Beautiful Mind and The Da Vinci Code. 'The plan is to start
with the feature film, and then create a bridge to the second feature
with a season of TV episodes. That means the feature cast ��� and the big
star who���ll play Deschain ��� also has to appear in the TV series before
returning to the second film. After that sequel is done, the TV series
picks up again, this time focusing on Deschain as a young gunslinger.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.deadline.com/2010/09/universal-lands-stephen-kings-the-dark-tower-and-plans-unprecedented-featurenetwork-tv-adaptation/

| PayPal Withholding Indie Game Dev's &euro;600,000 Account |
| from the money-for-nothin' dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @13:39 (Businesses) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1713217/PayPal-Withholding-Indie-Game-Devs-euro60|

epee1221 writes "Markus Persson, a.k.a. Notch, the developer of [0]
Minecraft, posted on his development blog today that [1]PayPal limited
his account with unspecified cause on August 25th. Since then, payments
for the alpha version of Minecraft have continued accumulating while
Notch has been unable to withdraw them, and the account now contains over
���600,000. PayPal recently told him it may take up to two more weeks for
things to get sorted out and that if they conclude that there is funny
business involved, they will keep the money." This unfortunate news
followed an announcement a few days ago that he and a friend would be
[2]starting a studio of their own to continue development on Minecraft
and start working on a new project.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.minecraft.net/
1. http://notch.tumblr.com/post/1096322756/working-on-a-friday-update-crying-over-paypal
2. http://notch.tumblr.com/post/1075326804/hiring-some-people-getting-an-office-and-all-that

| Archbishop Bans Pop Music At Funerals |
| from the a-little-decorum-please dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Friday September 10, @14:19 (Australia) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1733247/Archbishop-Bans-Pop-Music-At-Funerals |

pickens writes "The NY Times reports that the Roman Catholic Archbishop
of Melbourne has announced [0]a ban on the playing of pop music at
funerals, which, he said, are not to be described as 'a celebration of
the life of' the deceased. According to new guidelines published on
Archbishop Denis Hart's Web site: 'Secular items are never to be sung or
played at a Catholic funeral, such as romantic ballads, pop or rock
music, political songs, football club songs.' According to a cemetery
contacted by Melbourne's Herald Sun, a list of more unusual songs played
at Australian funerals includes: 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life'
by Monty Python, 'Another One Bites the Dust' by Queen, 'Highway to
Hell,' by AC/DC and 'Ding Dong the Witch is Dead' from The Wizard of Oz."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/10/archbishop-bans-pop-music-at-funerals/

| Mega-Volcanoes Might Be Detectable On Exoplanets |
| from the already-planning-a-discovery-channel-series dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @14:22 (NASA) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1734207/Mega-Volcanoes-Might-Be-Detectable-On-E|

[0]astroengine writes "Could we [1]detect a huge volcanic eruption on an
exoplanet 30 light-years from Earth? Possibly, say scientists from the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. What's more, there may be an
opportunity for us to spot the ashy pollution ejected into the
exoplanetary atmosphere when NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is
launched in 2014. According to Discovery News, this would be a huge
discovery if an Earth-like world was found to have active volcanoes: 'A
geologically active terrestrial planet may be more suitable for life. It
recycles crust, unleashes greenhouse gasses, opens new environmental
niches, and generally provides a dynamic environment for advantageous
life forms.'" According to a related story at the BBC, we should soon be
able to [2]detect the presence of oceans on distant worlds as well. The
JWST will be able to resolve the reflection of light off an ocean's
surface from 20-30 light-years away.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.astroengine.com/
1. http://news.discovery.com/space/mega-volcanoes-might-be-detectable-on-alien-earths.html
2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11218802

| Airline Wants Flight Attendants To Land Planes In an Emergency |
| from the I-am-serious-and-don't-call-me-shirley dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Friday September 10, @14:58 (Transportation) |
| https://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1619207/Airline-Wants-Flight-Attendants-To-Land-Pl|

An anonymous reader writes "A low-cost airline wants [0]flight attendants
to fly airplanes in case of emergency because it says having two pilots
is too expensive. From the article: 'This is not crazy. These companies
argue that, nowadays, airplanes could be easily flown by only one pilot.
The only reason for having a co-pilot, they say, is in case the pilot
becomes incapacitated, which is a strange circumstance. Civil aviation
authorities are already considering the idea. In the UK, officials say
that, if a one pilot plus high technology solution can offer "equivalent
safety" to a two-pilot solution, it could be admitted.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://gizmodo.com/5634864/airline-wants-flight-attendants-to-land-planes-in-case-of-emergency

| Facebook Surpasses Google For Users' Online Time |
| from the guess-they-should-make-their-searches-take-longer dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @15:07 (The Internet) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1839202/Facebook-Surpasses-Google-For-Users-Online|

crimeandpunishment writes "When it comes to our time online, socializing
beats searching. According to new data from researchers at comScore Inc.,
Facebook has moved ahead of Google for the first time in Web users'
minutes. In August, [0]people spent more than 41 million minutes on
Facebook, compared to just under 40 million for all of Google's sites
combined. Yahoo came in third, with 37.7 million minutes."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=3155

| How the Web Rallied To Review the P != NP Claim |
| from the peer-to-peer-review dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @15:50 (Math) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/1847245/How-the-Web-Rallied-To-Review-the-P--NP|

An anonymous reader writes "Remember, about a month ago, when a
researcher [0]claimed he had a proof that P != NP? Well, the proof
[1]hasn't held up. But blogs and news sites helped [2]spur a massive,
open, collaborative effort on the Internet to understand the paper and to
see if its ideas could be extended. This article explains what happened,
how the proof was supposed to work, and why it failed."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/08/08/226227/Claimed-Proof-That-P--NP
1. http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/08/11/0239209/Possible-Issues-With-the-P--NP-Proof
2. http://www.sciencenews.org/index/generic/activity/view/id/63252/title/Crowdsourcing_peer_review

| Foxconn's Founder Opens Up About Making iPhones |
| from the piece-of-the-apple-pie dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @16:35 (Businesses) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/207259/Foxconns-Founder-Opens-Up-About-Making-iPho|

eldavojohn writes "Bloomberg Businessweek has an article of interest
resulting from [0]a three-hour interview with Foxconn founder Terry Gou ([1]single
page), whose company manufactures 137,000 iPhones a day. The article
profiles Gou's rise to Foxconn but also [2]offers some interesting
tidbits you might not know. On why he is not opening factories in the
United States, Gou frankly states, 'If I can automate in the US and ship
to China, cost-wise it can still be competitive. But I worry America has
too many lawyers. I don't want to spend time having people sue me every
day.' If you're interested in how a modern day Henry Ford thinks, you can
read the rest about the man steering the ship of the world's largest
producer of electronics components and China's largest exporter. This
unprecedented transparency was part of an agreement Gou made with his
customers during his delayed response to an [3]increasing number of
Foxconn suicides."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/10_38/b4195058423479.htm
1. http://www.businessweek.com/print/magazine/content/10_38/b4195058423479.htm
2. http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2010/09/10/this-man-makes-137000-iphones-a-day/
3. http://apple.slashdot.org/story/10/05/21/205203/Ninth-Suicide-At-iPhone-Factory

| Court Says First Sale Doctrine Doesn't Apply To Licensed Software |
| from the make-up-your-mind dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @17:21 (Software) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/210243/Court-Says-First-Sale-Doctrine-Doesnt-Apply-|

An anonymous reader wrote to tell us a federal appeals court ruled today
that the first sale doctrine is "[0]unavailable to those who are only
licensed to use their copies of copyrighted works." This reverses a 2008
decision from [1]the Autodesk case, in which a man was selling used
copies of AutoCAD that were not currently installed on any computers.
Autodesk objected to the sales because their license agreement did not
permit the transfer of ownership. [2]Today's ruling (PDF) upholds
Autodesk's claims: "We hold today that a software user is a licensee
rather than an owner of a copy where the copyright owner (1) specifies
that the user is granted a license; (2) significantly restricts the
user���s ability to transfer the software; and (3) imposes notable use
restrictions. Applying our holding to Autodesk���s [software license
agreement], we conclude that CTA was a licensee rather than an owner of
copies of Release 14 and thus was not entitled to invoke the first sale
doctrine or the essential step defense. "

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/09/first-sale-doctrine/
1. http://news.slashdot.org/story/08/05/22/195233/Federal-Court-Says-First-Sale-Doctrine-Covers-Software-Too
2. http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2010/09/10/09-35969.pdf

| Spaceflight Formation Flying Test Bed Takes Off |
| from the enemy's-gate-is-down dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 10, @18:08 (Communications) |
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/2116212/Spaceflight-Formation-Flying-Test-Bed-T|

coondoggie writes "Getting complicated systems onboard a single
spacecraft to operate as one integrated unit can be hard enough, but some
space agencies are trying to address the challenges of [0]getting
multiple spacecraft to fly in formation and operate together as one unit.
Such challenges are exactly what a new European Space Agency lab in the
Netherlands is set to address. The test bed addresses crucial operational
factors for formation flying, including mission and vehicle management,
guidance navigation, dealing with faults and communicating between

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/66112

| Tap Tech Brings Touch To Dumb Phones |
| from the now-that's-clever dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 10, @18:54 (Input Devices) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/2247216/Tap-Tech-Brings-Touch-To-Dumb-Phones |

nk497 writes "A Cambridge-based firm has come up with a way to bring
[0]touch interfaces to phones without touchscreens. According to
TouchDevice, the system uses the microphone to turn any surface on a
handset into a touch-sensitive input panel by analysing sound signatures.
'For example, where icons are displayed on a non-touch screen display,
you could tap on there and it would activate the application,' said
founder Mike Bradley. TouchDevice believes there are two markets for the
technology: firstly to augment input potential in touchcreen smartphones,
and secondly as a way of adding touch to 'dumb' displays. The system
should be making its way into devices by early next year."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/361051/tap-tech-brings-touch-to-dumb-phones

| Why Google Isn't Pushing Android For Tablets |
| from the but-I-want-to-buy-an-nopad dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 10, @19:41 (Businesses) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/09/10/2337249/Why-Google-Isnt-Pushing-Android-For-Tabl|

Brad Linder of Liliputing posted an interesting analysis today about
[0]Google's reluctance to endorse Android for tablets. Linder argues that
while there may be legitimate concern that Android just isn't polished
enough for devices without phone access (because some apps need it), it
would be smart for Google to segregate the apps themselves, so users can
simply know which apps will work on Wi-Fi-only tablets. But from Google's
perspective, he observes, "pushing a version of Android that isn't
exclusively for phones could be all it takes for Chrome OS to be dead on

Discuss this story at:

0. http://liliputing.com/2010/09/google-android-isnt-designed-for-tablets-yet.html

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