|  |  Sunday, September 19, 2010 Compiled 2 AM E.T. |  | | |  |  | | TOP STORIES | Advertisement | Bloomberg Pushes Moderates in National Races By MICHAEL BARBARO Michael R. Bloomberg is crisscrossing the country to endorse candidates he believes will promote a centrist agenda.
G.O.P. Insider Fuels Tea Party and Suspicion By JANIE LORBER and ERIC LIPTON In becoming one of the movement’s most successful players, the strategist Sal Russo is also fast becoming among the most divisive.
Missouri Tells Judges Cost of Sentences By MONICA DAVEY Judges in Missouri, in a hotly debated practice, are now told how much each type of sentence costs.
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| QUOTATION OF THE DAY | "Even without a survival benefit, we can show that it helps people. If you can get Aunt Sadie to the wedding and off of oxygen, that’s great." DR. PAUL B. CHAPMAN, an oncologist leading a trial of of promising treatment for a lethal form of skin cancer. | 
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| WORLD | Afghan Vote Marked by Light Turnout and Violence By ELISABETH BUMILLER and ROD NORDLAND At least 10 people were killed, scores of polling stations were attacked and hundreds of them apparently never opened.
Regulators Ignored Warnings About Afghan Bank By ALISSA J. RUBIN, CHARLIE SAVAGE and ROD NORDLAND Repeated warnings from Afghan lawmakers and American advisers make it clear that Kabul Bank’s problems were well known before the crisis burst into public view with a run on the bank this month.
Toiling Far From Home for Philippine Dreams By NORIMITSU ONISHI Money sent home by Filipinos working abroad accounts for more than 10 percent of the gross domestic product.
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| POLITICS | POLITICAL MEMO In Iowa, Palin Skips Candidate Routine By JEFF ZELENY Sarah Palin declined to do any extra appearances when she accepted a speech invitation at the Ronald Reagan Dinner in Iowa.
MAN IN THE NEWS VINCENT C. GRAY A Consensus Builder Wins Over the Capital By IAN URBINA Vincent C. Gray, known as a master of consensus and a patient conciliator as City Council chairman, will be confronted with the need to make hard and sometimes speedy decisions.
QUESTIONS FOR ARNE DUNCAN The School of Hard Drives Interview by DEBORAH SOLOMON The secretary of education talks about the need for computers in the classroom.
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| ON THIS DAY | On Sept. 19, 1881, the 20th president of the United States, James A. Garfield, died of wounds inflicted by an assassin. | • See this front page • Buy this front page
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