|  |  Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Compiled 2 AM E.T. |  | | |  |  | | TOP STORIES | Advertisement | Short of Repeal, G.O.P. Will Chip at Health Law By ROBERT PEAR Republicans say they will try to withhold money federal officials need to administer the health care overhaul.
In Afghanistan, Boys Are Prized and Girls Live the Part By JENNY NORDBERG Under pressure to have sons, some families dress their girls as boys.
As Rules Shift, Donor Names Stay Secret By MICHAEL LUO and STEPHANIE STROM Nonprofit groups, which are not supposed to be primarily political, are becoming big players in midterm elections, in part because of the anonymity they afford donors.
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| QUOTATION OF THE DAY | "When you don’t have a son in Afghanistan, it’s like a big missing in your life. Like you lost the most important point of your life. Everybody feels sad for you." AZITA RAFAAT, a member of Afghan’s Parliament, whose youngest daughter now lives as a “bacha posh,” a girl disguised as a boy. | 
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| WORLD | Mexico Paper, a Drug War Victim, Calls for a Voice By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD After the shooting death of an El Diario intern, a front-page editorial in the paper asked the leaders of organized crime to tell the publication what it should or should not publish.
Opposition Sees Gains After Afghan Voting By ROD NORDLAND and ALISSA J. RUBIN Candidates are optimistic that they may have improved their lot, despite charges of fraud and low voter turnout.
Jade From China’s West Surpasses Gold in Value By ANDREW JACOBS Jade has brought prosperity to Khotan, a city whose previous bout of affluence occurred a few thousand years ago, at the height of the Silk Road.
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| POLITICS | Bill Clinton Stumps for Obama By JIM RUTENBERG and KATE ZERNIKE In the final weeks of the 2010 midterm campaign, Mr. Clinton has emerged as one of the most important defenders of President Obama’s Congressional majorities.
ON POLLING The Voters: Men Are Fuming, Women Despairing By MEGAN THEE-BRENAN and JANET ELDER A recent poll suggests that women may stay home this year, giving more power to men by default.
Lady Gaga Goes Political in Maine By KATIE ZEZIMA The pop music sensation made an impassioned speech to the crowd of college students, parents with small children, teenagers and service members calling for the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”
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| ON THIS DAY | On Sept. 21, 1938, a hurricane struck parts of New York and New England, causing widespread damage and claiming more than 600 lives. | • See this front page • Buy this front page
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