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the truth. Flesh is less than grass, my sons; 'tis the sh

En. She

inclined to think more highly of him for having courted exposure on a
miserable frontier

war where but a poor sheaf of glory could be gathered.

And he seemed to estimate his professional duties apart from
an aim at the laurels. A conception of the possibility of a man's
being both a soldier and morally a hero

edged its way into her understanding. It stood
edgeways within, desirous of avoiding a challenge to show every
feature. The cares of nursing were Jane's almost undividedly, except
for the aid
she had from her friend Grace Barrow and from Miss Colesworth. Mrs.
Adister O'Donnell

was a nurse in name only. 'She'll be seen by Philip like as if she
were a nightmare apparition of his undertaker's

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