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Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* EVs In the Spotlight At West Coast Green Conference
* Twitter To Start Selling Followers
* Software Theft a Problem For Actual Thieves, Too
* The Science of Truthiness
* IBM High School To Churn Out IT Pros
* 66% of All Windows Users Still Use Windows XP
* Rube Goldberg and the Electrification of America
* Neurosurgeons Use MRI-Guided Lasers To Destroy Tumors
* The New Data Center Capital of America
* US Says Plane Finder App Threatens Security
* Brooklyn Father And Son Launch Homemade Spacecraft
* Anti-Piracy Lawyers Caught Pirating Each Other
| EVs In the Spotlight At West Coast Green Conference |
| from the can-only-burn-brown-rice dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday October 02, @22:46 (Transportation) |
DeviceGuru writes "Electric vehicles were prominent among the 'hot
products' showcased at [0]West Coast Green in San Francisco this week.
The event's product expo featured an assortment of [1]preproduction
units, prototypes, and concept models based on two-, three-, and
four-wheel designs, along with several of the vehicles' creators.
Specifically, the EVs and plug-in hybrids that participated in the show
included Wheego's Whip, Saba's Carbon Zero Roadster, Green Lite's
three-wheeled plug-in hybrid, Brammo's all-electric Enertia motorcycle,
and Mitsubishi's i-MiEV EV, which PG&E is evaluating for some unstated
purpose. Notably absent were Nissan's LEAF, Chevy's Volt, Toyota's Prius
Plug-in, and Tesla's sexy Roadster, though in fairness the conference
wasn't an actual auto show. So how many Slashdot readers plan to switch
over to a plug-in EV in the next few years?"
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| Twitter To Start Selling Followers |
| from the supply-would-seem-to-far-outstrip-demand dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday October 03, @02:01 (Advertising) |
| |
[0]Ellie K writes "While not quite as bad as it sounds, Twitter will soon
be identifying followers with certain interests based on the content of
their Twitter usage, and then [1]providing this info to advertisers.
Twitter is already [2]selling sponsored Tweets for $100K or more. These
reader comments captured the disquieting feeling I have: 'Twitter selling
followers? Will that be the same as Google selling top position in SERP?'
and 'I wonder when Facebook will start to sell friends.' Advertisers will
be allowed to purchase placement in lists of 'who to follow'
recommendations targeted to users with particular interests on Twitter."
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| Software Theft a Problem For Actual Thieves, Too |
| from the i'm-sure-it's-ubisoft's-fault-somehow dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday October 03, @05:07 (Crime) |
Velcroman1 writes "Pity the criminal mastermind. After all, he's a victim
too, reports Despite the sophisticated DRM baked into the
ZeuS bot to protect it from theft, that's exactly what has happened. '[0]ZeuS
is actually being pirated, so you can get all the versions for free,'
said Roel Schouwenberg, senior anti-virus researcher with security
software firm Kaspersky Labs. 'They introduced a hardware-based
activation process similar to Windows activation, to make sure only one
purchased copy of the ZeuS kit ��� the kit that produces malware ��� can run
on one computer,' said Sergei Shevchenko, senior malware analyst for
security software company PC Tools."
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| The Science of Truthiness |
| from the look-it-up-in-your-gut dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday October 03, @08:17 (The Internet) |
| |
E IS mC(Square) writes "Researchers at Indiana University have [0]just
launched, which they humbly declare 'a sophisticated
new Twitter-based research tool that combines data mining, social network
analysis and crowdsourcing to [1]uncover deceptive tactics and
misinformation leading up to the Nov. 2 elections.' According to [2]their
FAQ, they define 'truthy' thus: 'A truthy meme relies on deceptive
tactics to represent misinformation as fact. The Truthy system uses
Truthy to refer to activities such as political smear campaigns,
astroturfing, and other social pollution."
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| IBM High School To Churn Out IT Pros |
| from the these-grades-brought-to-you-by-Pepsi dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @09:38 (Education) |
| |
theodp writes "This week, NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that
[0]the City University of New York and IBM are creating a computer
science-focused school in the city that will span grades 9-14 (students
leave with an associate's degree). Graduates who pass muster will
reportedly be first in line for jobs at IBM. 'The idea is to create a new
[educational] model for science, technology, engineering, and math -areas
where companies are aggressively hiring,' explained IBM's Stanley Litow.'
If you look at hiring requirements, you won't see a huge amount of
difference in a lot of entry-level IT jobs.' No word yet on the school
colors or whether [1]a uniform will be required. IBM is [2]giving the
city $250,000 to create the school, which might have looked pretty
generous if that Zuckerberg kid hadn't upped the ante with [3]his
$100,000,000 donation."
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| 66% of All Windows Users Still Use Windows XP |
| from the if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @10:48 (Microsoft) |
An anonymous reader writes "Almost one year after the introduction of
Windows 7 it appears that the hype surrounding it has faded. The overall
market share of Windows has turned into a slight decline again. Windows 7
is gaining share, but cannot keep pace with the loss of Windows XP and
Vista. Especially [0]Windows XP users seem to be happy with what they
have and appear to be rather resistant to Microsoft's pitches that it is
time to upgrade to Windows 7."
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| Rube Goldberg and the Electrification of America |
| from the start-of-something-great dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @12:11 (United States) |
[0]Hugh Pickens writes "Alexis Madrigal has an interesting essay in the
Atlantic about [1]the popular response of people in the 19th century to
the development of the electric power industry in America. Before
electricity, basically every factory had to run a bit like a [2]Rube
Goldberg machine, transmitting power from a water wheel or a steam engine
to the machines of a manufactory but with the development of electric
turbines and motors the public believed engineers were tapping
mysterious, invisible forces with almost supernatural powers for
mischief. 'Think about it,' writes Madrigal. 'You've got a wire and
you've got a magnet. Switch on the current - which you can't see and have
no intuitive way to know exists - and suddenly the wire begins to rotate
around the magnet. You can reverse the process, too. Rotate the magnet
around the wire and it generates a current that can be turned into light,
heat, or power.' And that brings us back to Rube Goldberg, a
[3]cartoonist who was was shockingly popular in his heyday and whose
popularity closely parallels the rise of electrification in America. 'I
think Goldberg's drawings reminded his contemporaries of a time when they
could understand the world's industrial processes just by looking. No
matter how absurd his work was, anyone could trace the reactions
involved,' writes Madrigal. 'People like to complain that they can't
understand modern cars because of all the fancy parts and electronic
doo-dads in them now, but we lost that ability for most things long
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| Neurosurgeons Use MRI-Guided Lasers To Destroy Tumors |
| from the laser-brained dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @13:31 (Medicine) |
breadboy21 writes "In the seemingly perpetual battle to rid this planet
of cancer, a team of neurosurgeons from Washington University are using
[0]a new MRI-guided high-intensity laser probe to 'cook' brain tumors
that would otherwise be completely inoperable. According to Dr. Eric C.
Leuthardt, this procedure 'offers hope to certain patients who had few or
no options before,' with the laser baking the cancer cells deep within
the brain while leaving the good tissue around it unmarred. The best
part, however, is that this is already moving beyond the laboratory, with
a pair of doctors at Barnes-Jewish Hospital using it successfully on a
patient last month. Regrettably, just three hospitals at the moment are
equipped with the Monteris AutoLITT device, but if we know anything about
anything related to lasers, it'll be everywhere in no time flat."
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| The New Data Center Capital of America |
| from the new-look dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @14:49 (Yahoo!) |
| |
crimeandpunishment writes "Move over Silicon Valley,[0] here
comes.....Buffalo. Where the weather might actually be a big advantage.
The recent opening of Yahoo's state of the art data center, which uses
the region's cooler climate and a high-tech 'chicken coop' design to
dramatically lower energy getting a lot of attention in the
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| US Says Plane Finder App Threatens Security |
| from the dial-D-for-danger dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @16:04 (Iphone) |
ProgramErgoSum writes "The Plane Finder AR application, developed by a
British firm for the Apple iPhone and Google's Android, allows users to
point their phone at the sky and [0]see the position, height and speed of
nearby aircraft. It also shows the airline, flight number, departure
point, destination and even the likely course-the features which could be
used to target an aircraft with a surface-to-air missile, or to direct
another plane on to a collision course, the 'Daily Mail' reported. The
program, sold for just 1.79 pounds in the online Apple store, has now
been labelled an 'aid to terrorists' by security experts and the US
Department of Homeland Security is also examining how to protect
airliners. The new application works by intercepting the so-called
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcasts (ADS-B) transmitted by most
passenger aircraft to a new satellite tracking system that supplements
or, in some countries, replaces radar."
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| Brooklyn Father And Son Launch Homemade Spacecraft |
| from the treehouse-not-so-cool-now dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @17:30 (Earth) |
Adair writes "A father and son team from Brooklyn [0]successfully
launched a homemade spacecraft nearly 19 miles (around 100,000 feet)
above the Earth's surface. The craft was a 19-inch helium-filled weather
balloon attached to a Styrofoam capsule that housed an HD video camera
and an iPhone. [1]The camera recorded video of its ascent into the
stratosphere, its apogee where the balloon reached its breaking point,
and its descent back to earth. They rigged a parachute to the capsule to
aid in its return to Earth, and the iPhone broadcast its GPS coordinates
so they could track it down. The craft landed a mere 30 miles from its
launch point in Newburgh, NY, due to a quick ascent and two differing
wind patterns. The pair spent eight months researching and test-flying
the craft before launching it in August. Columbia University Professor of
Astronomy Marcel Aguera said, 'They were very good but also very lucky.'"
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| Anti-Piracy Lawyers Caught Pirating Each Other |
| from the dog-eat-dog dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @18:53 (Music) |
An anonymous reader writes "We would like to think that the lawyers that
are prosecuting alleged copyright infringers are [0]practicing what they
preach, but it looks like one of the most high profile firms involved in
such cases are just as guilty of stealing others' work as those who are
downloading illegal media."
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