Dear Reader: Did you know that nearly half of all Americans who die from heart attacks each year NEVER show prior symptoms? Hi, my name is Dr. Chauncey Crandall. I'm a heart specialist. Being in the trenches daily, I see the triumphs of helping people just like you recover from heart-related illness. I also see the tragedies of a disease that can rob you of your vitality, even your life. Heart disease is still America's No.1 killer of both men and women. What's worse? Millions of Americans could be suffering from it right now and not even know it! That's why I developed a quick online test to help you determine your own risk for heart disease. Get Your Heart Health I.Q. FREE Take the next two minutes to complete my FREE Simple Heart Test, because what you don't know CAN hurt you. Get your results instantly! That's important, because knowing your risk for heart disease gives you a powerful starting point to prevent — even reverse — this life-threatening condition. Take the Test Now! Your ally in saving lives from America's No.1 killer,  Chauncey W. Crandall M.D., F.A.C.C.
P.S. I can't tell you how much your participation means to me. If 50,000 people take the Simple Heart Test, I know in my own heart lives will be saved. What if that life was yours — or someone you love?
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