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Ed Miliband and the "timidity Gestapo" | Video: doctor spoils Cameron’s visit | Gordon Brown: a plan to teach the world

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Weekly Online
16 June 2011

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Editor's Choice

Five must-read pieces from the magazine

  1. Ed Miliband and the "timidity Gestapo"
    Caution and a lack of debate at the top of the Labour are hampering the party's fightback. By Rafael Behr

  2. A plan to teach the world
    The epidemic of youth unemployment is betraying the promise of globalisation - but it doesn't need to be this way. The cure is education. By Gordon Brown.

  3. Boring for Bilderberg
    Mandelson and Osborne stalked the Suvretta House hotel. By Gideon Donald

  4. The Beaver (12A)
    Mel Gibson is an asset to this tale of redemption. By Ryan Gilbey

  5. Leader: Ed Miliband needs to share his vision with the country
    Miliband's thoughtful speech on responsibility offers a way forward for Labour

Most read blogs

  1. Dyfed Powys Police fail to justify the council meeting arrest and detention
    There is still no good explanation for the arrest and detention of Jacqui Thompson. By David Allen Green

  2. Video: "I'm not having it!" doctor tells Cameron and Clegg
    An outtake from Cameron, Clegg and Lansley's trip to Guy's Hospital today. By Samira Shackle

  3. Arrested for filming a public council meeting
    Have Carmarthenshire Council and Dyfed Powys Police acted illiberally? By David Allen Green

  4. Blair does Miliband no favours
    Former prime minister backs the coalition's NHS and education reforms. By George Eaton

  5. Gay Free Zone conviction is disturbing
    Why did a few anti-gay stickers in East London provoke an outcry by gay groups, while far worse homophobia passed without protest? By Peter Tatchell

The issue is on sale now, or you can subscribe through the website. Get a FREE copy of Owen Jones's Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class when you start your annual subscription today for just £87.

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Compass Conference 2011: Building the Good Society
25 June 2011, 09:45-5pm
Over 90 speakers including: Neal Lawson, Chair, Compass; Andrea Nahles MP, General Secretary, SPD; Jon Cruddas MP; Caroline Lucas MP; Chuka Umunna MP; Mehdi Hasan, New Statesman; Prof Richard Sennett; Baroness Prof Ruth Lister CBE; Prof Francesca Klug OBE; Polly Toynbee, The Guardian.

Venue: Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
Website: www.compassonline.org.uk
Email: gavin@compassonline.org.uk



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