A federal grand jury has indicted two-time presidential candidate John Edwards over massive sums of money spent to keep his mistress in hiding during the peak of his 2008 campaign for the White House.
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The House on Friday rebuked President Obama for failing "to provide Congress with a compelling rationale" for the military campaign in Libya, but stopped short of demanding he withdraw U.S. forces from the fight.
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President Obama scheduled a trip to a Chrysler plant here to boast of the car maker's turnaround following the billions it received in 2009 as part of a broader "bailout" of the American auto industry.
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The National Republican Congressional Committee, which oversees House races for the GOP, has written a sharply-worded letter demanding that a New Hampshire TV station pull a Medicare add off the air.
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In a Fox News interview, Palin made one misstatement after another.
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Sarah Palin re-telling the story of Paul Revere's ride:
"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed."
vigee_lebrun23, on Jerry Markon's "Federal grand jury indicts John Edwards" story:
This kind of behavior is completely equal opportunity as far as politics is concerned. If anything, however, it is not as far as gender goes. Why is it that men are so much more likely to engage in this kind of awful behavior? If any aspect of this mess should be examined, it is that.
The Fix's Chris Cillizza was online at 11 a.m. ET to discuss the Friday Line, the Worst Week in Washington, Congress, the Obama administration and all the latest political news:
Q: We've heard all your arguments about her being a player, a factor in the race even though she hasn't declared her candidacy. But you know what? You. Are. Wrong! Her prominence is the result of overblown and undeserved media attention.
Chris Cillizza:
Look at any national poll. Palin is in either first, second or third place in a hypothetical 2012 GOP race. How then can we ignore her?
» View full Q&A session

Video: Obama: Still battling economic 'headwinds'
President Barack Obama sought to draw attention to the auto industry's rebound with a visit on Friday to a Chrysler plant in politically important Ohio, even as a dismal new jobs report clouded his upbeat economic message.
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