Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) faces a battle on two fronts: within his caucus and inside the ethics committee.
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Recent poll numbers taken collectively create a major potential political problem for a president who has, by and large, escaped considerable blame from the electorate for the state of the economy.
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This can't be a fun time to serve as a White House economist.
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Mitt Romney is working actively to expand his fundraising network from the 2008 campaign.
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Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty (R) offered what he called a dramatic alternative to President Obama's "big government and heavy-handed regulations" in an economic address at the University of Chicago on Tuesday morning.
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Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) responding to a reporter's question: "Senator Reid, what advice would you give him if he asked you?":
"Call somebody else."
Benson, on Jason Horowitz's "Weiner admits tweeting lewd photo" story:
His behavior was unacceptable for a Congress member, AND he lied to the public. These actions would be grounds for dismissal in most jobs.
Columnist Eugene Robinson was online at 1 p.m. ET to discuss :
Q: While Sarah Palin may be the worst practicioner of false truths, don't you think that much of the Republican party has similar problems? I mean the whole Tea Party movement often expresses radically incorrect thoughts on what the "Founding Fathers" meant and what the Constitution says.
his recent columns and the latest news:
I agree. We have a story up about how the Founders — and other luminaries — are constantly being quoted on things they didn't say.
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Video: Breitbart boosts cred with Weiner confession
CBS News correspondent Joel Brown reports on how right-wing commentator Andrew Breitbart breaks news and inserts himself in the center of it.
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