Dear Concerned American,
They snickered when I said I came to the U.S. Senate to change Congress.
But their laughter stopped when I sponsored the National Right to Work Act to free U.S. workers from forced unionization and break Big Labor's multi-billion dollar political machine forever.
President Barack Obama and Big Labor allies in the Senate are now feverishly scheming to bury the National Right to Work Act without a vote.
So I have a question for you.
Will you be the sledgehammer?
Your signature on the petition to your Congressman and Senators is what is needed to bust through the opposition and force a vote on the National Right to Work Act.
This is an opportunity you and I cannot afford to miss.
As you know, the right to decide freely whether or not to join a union was taken away from American workers by Congress almost 75 years ago.
A result of back-room deals between union bosses and their tax-and-spend Congressional puppets, compulsory unionism provisions in federal law currently empower union officials to: >>>Force nearly 11 million Americans to pay tribute to a union boss to get or keep a job ...
>>>Brazenly loot union treasuries to fund the election of their hand-picked political puppet candidates like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ...
>>>Terrorize workers and communities with violent strikes -- where they get away with beatings, arson -- even murder.
The National Right to Work Act strikes at the foundations of the union bosses' power.
And here's the thing -- the National Right to Work Act is wildly popular with American voters.
In fact, for years polls have shown nearly 80% of Americans think it should be against the law to force workers to pay money to union bosses just to get or keep a job.
All you and I have to do is force an up-or-down roll call vote on the National Right to Work Act ... And the American people will do the rest.
Many Democrats and more than a few Republicans elected with Big Labor's over $1 billion in forced-dues political cash cower in fear of casting a vote against the National Right to Work Act.
What will they do when forced to vote?
It's a win-win situation -- either they pass the National Right to Work Act and free American workers or they pay in 2012.
It will be a marathon battle.
But I will not flinch in the face of opposition and insider attacks.
I believe, with your help, this is a fight we will win.
And I know it's a fight worth fighting.

You see, the union bosses fear a vote on the National Right to Work Act more than just about anything else.
They know it's a losing proposition for them whether the bill passes or not.
The fact is for decades union officials have schemed to seize billions of dollars from their "members" and then used it to elect their candidates to protect these privileges.
This is how Washington -- from Jimmy Carter to Ted Kennedy to Bill Clinton to Nancy Pelosi to Barack Obama -- got to be what it is today.
The National Right to Work Act will turn this entrenched, corrupt Washington order on its head.
Every year Big Labor siphons over $8 BILLION from workers' paychecks; mostly from workers who, if they refused to pay, would be fired from their jobs.
Union bosses take this eye-popping heap of dough to feed a lifestyle of limousines, penthouses and raw political power.
And, my friend, Big Labor's political corruption costs all of us: *Hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts and bloated government spending suck the life out of our economy, rewarding failed businesses like GM and letting union-boss featherbedding and rigged contracts rocket the cost of schools, hospitals and roads through the roof.
*Millions more good-paying jobs destroyed or driven overseas as union czars cripple America's bedrock industries with wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda and violent strikes.
*You and all Americans robbed of your wealth as the economy stays in recession and the price of cars, gasoline and groceries climbs upwards.
*Small businesses strangled with red tape and bureaucracy designed by greedy union flunkies to kill companies too small for so-called union "organizing."
That's why it's crucial you sign the petitions today and, if possible, make a generous contribution to the National Right to Work Committee.
It's clear that if the Committee is to rally the 80% of Americans who support this bill they will need your financial support.
The National Right to Work Committee isn't some Johnny-come-lately organization. They've been on the front lines opposing Big Labor for over fifty years.
The National Right to Work Committee is spearheading the effort to rally the American people, just as I am leading the fight here in the Senate.
Without your support for the National Right to Work Committee, they have little chance against Big Labor's money and power in Congress.
That's why I ask you to submit your signed petition, along with the most generous contribution you can afford to the National Right to Work Committee.
In order to pass the National Right to Work Act, the National Right to Work Committee has drawn up an aggressive plan of action:
***Mobilize up to 14 million Americans to stand up for freedom by signing petitions like the one I link to in this email. Only when politicians feel the heat of the people, will they see the light of truth. That's what I meant when I asked you to be my sledgehammer.
***Place full-page newspaper ads and launch intense internet campaigns coast to coast, reminding the American people what Big Labor's power costs all of us in out-of-control government spending, sky-high taxes, a seemingly endless recession, lost jobs and rising prices.
***Inform favorable columnists, talk show hosts and editorial writers nationwide to help mobilize public opinion.
***Run TV and radio ads targeting, if funding permits, wavering Congressmen and Senators in the days leading up to key committee and floor votes.
Without your financial support, this program will not be possible.
And without this program Big Labor will stop the National Right to Work Act in Congress.
It's that simple.
Every dollar the National Right to Work Committee receives comes from Americans like you -- working folks, shopkeepers, business owners, retirees, farmers, engineers, delivery drivers, homemakers, grandmothers and grandfathers. Not one penny of their funding comes from government.
Some friends have already given as much as $1000 or $500 to help this campaign get going. A special few have given even more.
Many others have sacrificially given $100, $50 or even just $25 -- whatever they could afford.
I do not know what you can afford to give today, but this is too important not to ask ... and I hope too important for you not to contribute.
After you sign your petition, will you please chip in with a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or even $500 or more to the National Right to Work Committee?
I know the Committee can never hope to match Big Labor dollar-for-dollar. But they don't need to.
The American people overwhelmingly stand with you and me.
But the National Right to Work Committee must have the finances to reach out to the people and mobilize them in support of the National Right to Work Act. That's what it will take to beat Big Labor.
Your contribution of $50, $100 or $500 (or at least $25 or $35) along with your signed petition are key to this campaign.

Please do not delay signing the petition or think someone else will carry the load. I count on your support.

Rand Paul, M.D.
U.S. Senator
PS.Tea Party revolts and the election of real outsiders ready to shake up Congress means you and I have an historic opportunity to break the cycle of tax-and-spend, political corruption and out of control budgets caused by Big Labor's compulsory union power.
But you must strike now to make Congressmen and Senators choose between standing with the 80% of Americans who oppose forced unionism and Big Labor's multi-billion dollar political machine. It will be an epic, historic battle and your support is critical.
Please sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators and make your most generous contribution of $500 or $100 -- or at least $50 or $25 -- whatever you can afford today.
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