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[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-06-19

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In this issue:
* Galaxy Tab 10.1 Judged 'No Match For iPad'
* History of Software Forks Favors LibreOffice
* United Airlines Passengers Stranded By Computer Outage
* Iran Plans To Put a Monkey Into Space
* Teen Builds Nuclear Bomb Detector
* After 7 Years, MyDoom Worm Is Still Spreading
* Osage Oppose Wind Power At Tallgrass Prairie
* Huawei Calls Charge of Unfair Government Help 'Hogwash'
* US Pressing Its Crackdown Against Leaks
* Judges Berate Spammer For 'Incompetent' Litigation
* First Exploit On Quantum Cryptography Confirmed
* NanoNote Goes Wireless
* US Warns of Problems In Chinese SCADA Software
* New Imaging Technique Helps Explain Unconsciousness
* Kilobots — Cheap Swarm Robots Out of Harvard
* Weather Satellites Lose Funding
* Online Poker Legalization Bill Coming Next Week

| Galaxy Tab 10.1 Judged 'No Match For iPad'
| from the depends-if-you-want-android dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday June 17, @21:45 (Android)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/013242/Galaxy-Tab-101-Judged-No-Match-For-iPad?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

tripleevenfall writes "Clayton Morris reviews the Galaxy Tab 10.1, and
[0]finds it lacking, especially at the $400 price point, saying 'I can't
in good conscience tell you to go out and spend $400 on this half-baked
experience when the fully baked iPad experience can be had for just a few
dollars more.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/06/17/samsung-galaxy-tab-101-no-match-for-ipad/

| History of Software Forks Favors LibreOffice
| from the tine-for-a-change dept.
| posted by timothy on Friday June 17, @22:50 (Open Source)
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/0053252/History-of-Software-Forks-Favors-LibreOffice?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]jfruhlinger writes "The forking of LibreOffice from the OpenOffice.org
project, followed by Oracle's donation of OpenOffice.org to the Apache
Software Foundation, has [1]been something of a bumpy road. But if
history is any guide, it's the fork, LibreOffice, that [1]might have the
brighter future."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://joshreads.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/software/175225/fork-history-does-not-favor-openofficeorg

| United Airlines Passengers Stranded By Computer Outage
| from the because-empty-planes-save-fuel dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday June 18, @01:46 (Transportation)
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/0327241/United-Airlines-Passengers-Stranded-By-Computer-Outage?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

From reader Peter McDermott comes word of a computer outage with effects
to dwarf those of the one that [0]stranded thousands of US Airways
passengers last week. This time, it's United Airlines' systems that are
[1]out of commission and [2]unable to handle passenger reservations,
[3]leaving passengers stranded all over the U.S. According to Peter,
experiencing the resultant delays first-hand at Dulles Airport near
Washington, D.C., United planes are being sent on ��� along with their
passengers' luggage ��� to the cities from which they're to leave tomorrow
morning, in anticipation of the computer system being fixed in the

Discuss this story at:

0. http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/06/11/1625223/Computer-Glitch-Friday-Grounded-US-Airways-Flights
1. http://www.suntimes.com/6024132-417/computer-outage-delays-departures-of-united-airline-flights.html
2. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/ohare-united-airlines-flights-124114134.html
3. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2015353612_united18m.html

| Iran Plans To Put a Monkey Into Space
| from the why-can't-they-put-them-all? dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday June 18, @03:07 (Space)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/0422210/Iran-Plans-To-Put-a-Monkey-Into-Space?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

arisvega writes "Iran [0]plans to send a live monkey into space in the
summer, the country's top space official said after the launch of the
Rassad-1 satellite, state television reported on its website on Thursday.
'The Kavoshgar-5 rocket will be launched during the month of Mordad (July
23 to August 23) with a 285-kilogramme capsule carrying a monkey to an
altitude of 120 kilometres (74 miles),' said Hamid Fazeli, head of Iran's
Space Organisation. No mentioning on retrieving the monkey, though."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-iran-monkey-space.html

| Teen Builds Nuclear Bomb Detector
| from the and-for-my-next-trick dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday June 18, @04:30 (Science)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/032227/Teen-Builds-Nuclear-Bomb-Detector?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]DaneM writes "An enterprising teenage boy named [1]Taylor Wilson, 17,
has created a [2]homemade, hand-held nuclear bomb detector. It utilizes a
small fusion reactor that he made when he was 14, and detects nuclear
materials by shooting neutrons at closed containers and exciting any
nuclear materials inside ��� which, in turn, causes more radiation to be
produced, and is detected by the device. This may provide a simpler, more
effective alternative to searching containers visually, one-at-a-time. No
information is given about how safe such a practice is. Taylor also has
some choice things to say about how science is, in fact, very cool."

Discuss this story at:

0. mailto:dmutters@gmail.com
1. http://www.sciradioactive.com/Taylors_Nuke_Site/Current_Projects.html
2. http://gizmodo.com/5813207/teen-builds-nuke-detecting-device-saves-us-all-from-horrible-death

| After 7 Years, MyDoom Worm Is Still Spreading
| from the at-least-it-kills-clippy dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday June 18, @07:18 (Security)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/0451206/After-7-Years-MyDoom-Worm-Is-Still-Spreading?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader writes "Researchers at Sophos have revealed that the
MyDoom worm, which spread via email and launched denial-of-service
attacks against websites belonging to SCO and Microsoft, is [0]still
spreading on the internet after more than seven years in existence. The
firm suggests, tongue-in-cheek, that it would be nice if computer users
updated their anti-virus software at least once every 5 years to combat
the malware threat."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2011/06/17/please-update-your-anti-virus-at-least-once-every-five-years/

| Osage Oppose Wind Power At Tallgrass Prairie
| from the shooting-the-breeze-is-more-efficient dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday June 18, @08:31 (Earth)
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/043246/Osage-Oppose-Wind-Power-At-Tallgrass-Prairie?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]Hugh Pickens writes writes "The Tulsa World reports that Principal
Chief John D. Red Eagle of the Osage Nation says the tribe, although not
opposed to alternative energy development in general, has found
significant reasons to [1]oppose wind farms on the tallgrass prairie, 'a
true national treasure' whose last small fragments remain only in Osage
County and in Kansas. The Osage County wind farms would not be built in
the Nature Conservancy's Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, located northeast of
Ponca City, but would be visible from it and Preserve Director Bob
Hamilton has urged the county and the state to steer wind development to
areas of the county that are not ecologically sensitive. 'Not all areas
in the Osage are sensitive,' says Hamilton. 'What [2]makes the tallgrass
prairie so special is its big landscape. It's not just local ��� it has
global significance.' The Osage also fear that large wind farms will
interfere with extracting oil and gas, from which royalties are paid in
support of tribal members as the [3]Osage retain their tribal mineral
rights owned in common by members of the tribe. 'They weren't thinking
about the mineral estate ��� just about compensating landowners,' says
Galen Crum, chairman of the tribal Minerals Council. 'How are we supposed
to know the price of oil in 50 years?'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://poncacityweloveyou.com/
1. http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=11&articleid=20110614_12_A1_CUTLIN258728
2. http://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/regions/northamerica/unitedstates/oklahoma/placesweprotect/tallgrass-prairie-preserve.xml
3. http://www.historyandtheheadlines.abc-clio.com/ContentPages/ContentPage.aspx?entryId=1171758&currentSection=1161468&productid=5

| Huawei Calls Charge of Unfair Government Help 'Hogwash'
| from the let's-call-it-industrial-policy-fellas dept.
| posted by timothy on Saturday June 18, @09:03 (China)
| https://search.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/0518250/Huawei-Calls-Charge-of-Unfair-Government-Help-Hogwash?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]itwbennett writes "Huawei's $30 billion credit line from the Chinese
Development Bank gives it an [1]unfair advantage over rivals, said U.S.
Export-Import Bank Chairman and President Fred Hochberg in a speech
Wednesday at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. 'The
reality is [that] opaque state-directed capital allows foreign
governments to target their financing at specific sectors and companies,
while aggressively grabbing market share in an attempt to dominate a
market,' Hochberg said. Responding to the charges, a Huawei spokesman
called the charge 'hogwash.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.itworld.com/
1. http://www.itworld.com/government/175415/huawei-calls-charge-government-help-hogwash

| US Pressing Its Crackdown Against Leaks
| from the you-can't-handle-the-truth dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @09:41 (Government)
| https://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/1225217/US-Pressing-Its-Crackdown-Against-Leaks?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

NotSanguine writes with this quote from a NY Times article: "The Justice
Department shows no sign of rethinking its [0]campaign to punish
unauthorized disclosures to the news media, with five criminal cases so
far under President Obama, compared with three under all previous
presidents combined. This week, a grand jury in Virginia heard testimony
in a continuing investigation of WikiLeaks, the antisecrecy group, a rare
effort to prosecute those who publish secrets, rather than those who leak
them. The string of cases reflects a broad belief across two
administrations and in both parties in Congress that leaks have gotten
out of hand, endangering intelligence agents and exposing American spying

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/18/us/politics/18leak.html?_r=4&pagewanted=all

| Judges Berate Spammer For 'Incompetent' Litigation
| from the your-uppance-will-come dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @10:49 (Spam)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/1351255/Judges-Berate-Spammer-For-Incompetent-Litigation?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader writes "Joseph Kish, attorney for alleged serial
spamming firm e360, must have known he was in trouble when Judge Richard
A. Posner interrupted him seconds into his opening statement to [0]berate
both Kish and his client. Kish was appearing before the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit to explain why his client was
entitled to $27,000 from Spamhaus, a British anti-spam nonprofit. None of
the judges on the appeals court panel seemed sympathetic to e360's
argument, but Judge Posner did most of the talking. He spent fully
two-thirds of Kish's 15-minute presentation demanding that Kish explain
his client's methodology and lecturing him on its inadequacy. 'This is
just totally irresponsible litigation,' he said. 'You can't just come
into a court with a fly-by-night, nothing company and say "I've lost $130

Discuss this story at:

0. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/06/appeals-judges-berate-spammer-for-ridiculous-litigation.ars

| First Exploit On Quantum Cryptography Confirmed
| from the never-trust-the-photons dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @12:05 (Encryption)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/1532200/First-Exploit-On-Quantum-Cryptography-Confirmed?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]Vadim Makarov writes "Physics World reports on researchers
demonstrating a [1]full eavesdropper on a quantum key distribution link.
Unlike conventional exploits for security vulnerabilities that are often
just a piece of software, spying on quantum cryptography required a
[2]box full of optics and mixed-signal electronics. Details are published
in [3] Nature Communications, and as a [4]free preprint. The
vulnerability was [5]known before, but this is the first actual working
exploit with secret-key recording confirmed. Patching this loophole is
[6]in progress. Disclosure: I am one of the researchers who worked on

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.vad1.com/
1. http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/46305
2. http://www.iet.ntnu.no/groups/optics/qcr/full-eavesdropping-2011/#suitcase
3. http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v2/n6/full/ncomms1348.html
4. http://arxiv.org/abs/1011.0105
5. http://it.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/0647243/Hackers-Eavesdrop-On-Quantum-Crypto-With-Lasers
6. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/12/07/quantum_crypto_attack_dispute/

| NanoNote Goes Wireless
| from the better-late-than-never dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @13:16 (Handhelds)
| https://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/173257/NanoNote-Goes-Wireless?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

[0]dvdkhlng writes "Even though completely copyleft, the [1]NanoNote
hand-held platform failed to get the attention of many due to its low
specs and the lack of wireless connectivity. The objective to keep things
open had its price, and wireless technology is a mine-field of patents
and NDAs. Now, a few gifted hackers [2]designed an add-on card to bring
wireless to the NanoNote. It's not what you would expect; WLAN
compatibility was sacrificed, going for the less encumbered IPv6 over the
802.15.4 standard instead. The resulting dongles won't win a prize for
the highest bandwidth, but excel at simplicity, energy efficiency and
manufacturability. Want to see the ugly details? Designs, source code and
production documentation are [3]published under open source licenses."

Discuss this story at:

0. https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/dvdkhlng
1. http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Ben_NanoNote
2. http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/werner/wpan/web/
3. http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/ben-wpan/source/tree/master/

| US Warns of Problems In Chinese SCADA Software
| from the not-for-use-in-nuclear-reactors-at-home dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @14:30 (China)
| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/1758234/US-Warns-of-Problems-In-Chinese-SCADA-Software?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

alphadogg writes "Two vulnerabilities found in industrial control system
software made in China but used worldwide [0]could be remotely exploited
by attackers, according to [1]a warning issued on Thursday (PDF) by the
US Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team. The
vulnerabilities were found in two products from Sunway ForceControl
Technology, a Beijing-based company that develops SCADA software for a
wide variety of industries, including defense, petrochemical, energy,
water and manufacturing. Sunway's products are mostly used in China but
also in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa, according to the agency's
advisory. SCADA software has come under increasing attention from
security researchers, as the software has often not undergone rigorous
security audits despite its use to manage critical infrastructure or
manufacturing processes. SCADA systems are increasingly connected to the
Internet, which has opened up the possibility of hackers remotely
breaking into the systems. Last year, researchers discovered a highly
sophisticated worm called Stuxnet that was later found to target Siemens'
WinCC industrial control software."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/061711-us-warns-of-problems-in.html
1. http://www.us-cert.gov/control_systems/pdf/ICSA-11-167-01.pdf

| New Imaging Technique Helps Explain Unconsciousness
| from the beware-the-unexpected-nap-attack dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @15:39 (Medicine)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/182228/New-Imaging-Technique-Helps-Explain-Unconsciousness?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

smitty777 writes "A new imaging technique called fEITER (for functional
Electrical Impedance Tomography by Evoked Response) attempts to
[0]explain the process of slipping into unconsciousness. The fEITER is a
[1]portable device that creates 3D imagery based on evoked potentials
measured hundreds of times a second. The interesting finding from these
studies is that unconsciousness appears to result from a buildup of
inhibitor neurons. From the article: 'Our findings suggest that
unconsciousness may be the increase of inhibitory assemblies across the
brain's cortex. These findings lend support to Greenfield's hypothesis of
neural assemblies forming consciousness.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/news/display/?id=7143
1. http://images.gizmag.com/gallery_lrg/brain-3d-1.jpg

| Kilobots — Cheap Swarm Robots Out of Harvard
| from the keep-wil-wheaton-away-from-these dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @16:51 (Robotics)
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/1847251/Kilobots-mdash-Cheap-Swarm-Robots-Out-of-Harvard?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

An anonymous reader writes with news of a research project at Harvard
into [0]controlling large swarms of small robots. This article describes
what they call [1]Kilobots. (Which, for clarity's sake, have nothing to
do with killing. Yet.) Quoting: "They're fairly simple little robots
about the size of a quarter that can move around on vibrating legs, blink
their lights, and communicate with each other. On an individual basis,
this isn't particularly impressive, but Kilobots aren't designed to be
used on an individual basis. Costing a mere $14 each and buildable in
about five minutes, you don't just get yourself one single Kilobot. Or
ten. Or a hundred. They're designed to swarm in the thousands."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/artificial-intelligence/kilobots-are-cheap-enough-to-swarm-in-the-thousands
1. http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/ssr/projects/progSA/kilobot.html

| Weather Satellites Lose Funding
| from the time-to-get-a-job-you-lazy-satellites dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @18:04 (Earth)
| https://science.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/1915246/Weather-Satellites-Lose-Funding?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

ianare writes "Federal budget cuts are [0]threatening to leave the US
without some critical satellites, and that could mean less accurate
warnings about events like tornadoes and blizzards. In particular,
officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are
concerned about satellites that orbit over the earth's poles rather than
remaining over a fixed spot along the equator. These satellites are 'the
backbone' of any forecast beyond a couple of days, says Kathryn Sullivan,
assistant secretary of commerce for environmental observation and
prediction, and NOAA's deputy administrator. It was data from polar
satellites that alerted forecasters to the risk of tornadoes in Alabama
and Mississippi back in April, Sullivan says. 'With the polar satellites
currently in place we were able to give those communities five days'
heads up,' she says."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.npr.org/2011/06/17/137251742/blind-eye-in-the-sky-weather-satellites-lose-funding

| Online Poker Legalization Bill Coming Next Week
| from the expected-to-pass-the-full-house dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Saturday June 18, @19:13 (Crime)
| https://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/06/18/2145230/Online-Poker-Legalization-Bill-Coming-Next-Week?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

GovTechGuy writes "Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) could [0]introduce his bill
to legalize online poker as soon as next week. The bill would legalize
the game in all 50 states, but sites could only be set up in states where
gambling is already legal, so they can be licensed through existing
gaming commissions. States could choose to opt-out of the law and ban
online poker by referendum or a vote of the state legislature. The bill
would also create a federal regulatory body to oversee the game."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/167121-barton-could-drop-online-poker-bill-next-week

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