Dear Education Reformer: This weekend, special interest groups will converge on our nation's capital for a protest against education reform in America. Yes, you read that right: a protest against education reform. It's a shocking concept...opposing education reform, even as American children are being outpaced by kids in 35 other countries, as big-city schools…called "dropout factories" even by the mainstream media…continue to fail a generation of children, and as three quarters of high school seniors can't identify the purpose of the U.S. House of Representatives! American education is in crisis. Meanwhile, 50 unions—led by the National Education Association—are lining up to celebrate this unacceptable status quo and to lay the groundwork for a full-scale repeal of the reforms we've championed for the last decade.  Furthermore, the NEA is planning to collect an additional $20—on top of their already-sky-high dues—from each and every public school teacher among their ranks, for the sole purpose of funding political campaigns and lobbying. They're doing this even as public opinion surveys show that a plurality of teachers support private school choice! Make no mistake: these special interest groups oppose school vouchers, oppose public charter schools, oppose giving parents more freedom to home school their children, oppose merit pay for teachers, and even oppose allowing state leaders to close schools that fail our children year after year. These special interests file lawsuits to remove children from the private schools of their parents' choice, and even to overturn vouchers for children with special needs. Now, they're taking to the streets and promising to say anything, do anything, and spend anything to prevent reform where it's needed and repeal it where it exists, like in Ohio and Wisconsin. Let's stand up to these special interests today.  These groups estimate 10,000 protesters at their rally. Let's get 20,000 Americans to sign our brand-new "Citizen's Pledge to Support School Choice," a declaration of parents, students, elected officials, education activists, and teachers who believe that we must put parents back in charge of their children's education. It's a pledge to support school vouchers, support education tax credits, support public charter schools and support protecting the rights of parents.  As a "thank you" for confidentially signing our "Citizen's Pledge to Support School Choice" today, we'll send you a "School Choice Works" bumper sticker. It's completely free. Stand with us and tell the truth about school choice and education reform. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, John Schilling Chief Operating Officer American Federation for Children PS: When you sign the "Citizen's Pledge to Support School Choice," and give us your full address, we'll send you a free bumper sticker. Click here to take action today. PPS: Please tell your friends about the pledge on Facebook and Twitter. Here's the direct link: The American Federation for Children is a 501(c) (4) issue advocacy organization and contributions or gifts to American Federation for Children are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes |
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