$28-a-Gallon Gasoline? As the Debt Ceiling Fiasco Seems to End, What Is Next for America? 'Scared the Hell Out of Me! It Was a Wake-Up Call (Even Though I Wasn't Asleep)' — Russ H., Wichita, Kan. Dear Reader, If you thought we are out of the woods because our friends on Capitol Hill have finally decided to play nice with one another … think again. The seemingly annual debt ceiling argument is a symptom of a much greater problem. And one that is going to rear its ugly head again very soon. Let me state it bluntly, a respected economist who has been right time and again is warning of a MAJOR inflation risk ... even warning that 100% annual inflation for three consecutive years is possible. That seems like a situation best suited for a third world economy. But the truth is we are already witnessing price increases of core commodities, like oil, in excess of 100 percent! And remember, the latest downward revisions in GDP show that when we factor in official inflation rates, the U.S. economy is actually contracting! This means many things — including the fact that the government will see revenues decline. The Fed will be forced to even print more dollars to cover a ballooning deficit. The man who predicted this coming inflation storm is somebody whose analysis cannot be ignored. That man is Robert Wiedemer. He was one of the few voices of reason that attempted to warn our great nation of the four-bubble meltdown that shook the very pillars of America's economic foundation. Dow Jones quoted his work as "your bible." Standard & Poor's said his "track record demands our attention." In the mid-2000s he predicted with startling accuracy every stage of the recession that would strike, while the folks in Washington were celebrating the false prosperity their decades of mismanagement had caused. And then he foresaw the current debt and dollar crises we are all suffering through now. And now he predicts the worst is still to come. Starting as early as 2012, he says America could begin to witness 50% unemployment … a 90% drop in the stock market … and three consecutive years of 100% annual inflation. I had my doubts at first, but then I saw the evidence in the Aftershock Survival Summit. Click here to see for yourself. And if that occurs the high prices you are paying at the pump now will seem like a picnic compared to the $28-a-gallon gasoline you could be shelling out for in the years ahead. Recently, over one million Americans united to hear Robert Wiedemer's blunt assessment of what is about to transpire. But more importantly he laid out a step-by-step plan for safeguarding your investments, retirement savings, life insurance, personal finance, house, and even your job. If you have not had a chance yet to view the Aftershock Survival Summit, I suggest you do not wait another moment. Click here to launch a 100% FREE private airing of this critical broadcast. Stay Safe,
Aaron DeHoog Newsmax and Moneynews |
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