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Who Will Beat Obama in 2012? You Decide...


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Who Will Beat Obama In 2012?

2012 Dream TicketTake just one minute to vote AND let your voice be heard! The results of this nationwide poll will certainly affect the outcome of the 2012 election!

Tell all of your friends and family to vote too!

VOTE NOW at www.2012DreamTicket.com
US Chief Justice Converts After
Reading This 150-year-old Book...

Evidence of the Truth
of the Christian Religion

WAS: $29.95 • ORDER NOW FOR ONLY $19.95!

Evidence of the Truth of Christian ReligionThere are many evidences to prove that God is real and the Bible is true. One of those remarkable evidences is predictive prophecy.

Specific prophecies in the Bible, written hundreds of years before their predicted events occur, have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy. These prophecies can only be given by inspiration from our all-knowing and all-powerful Creator God.

Written more than 150 years ago, Alexander Keith's Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion uses historical record to prove to even the most doubtful skeptic that God's Word took place exactly as his prophets foretold it.

Complete with textual scholarship, accounts from ancient history, and detailed chronologies—Keith deals a heavy blow to the modern skepticism infecting our seminaries and universities.

But unlike many of today's self-ordained prophecy experts, Keith doesn't merely present facts in a vacuum. He faithfully ties in the prophecies, as well as the historical and textual scholarship informing his work, with the revealed plan of God for his people.

This book helped convert Chief Justice John Marshall to the Christian faith just months before his death.

WAS: $29.95 • ORDER NOW FOR ONLY $19.95!
The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran
What the President and Mainstream Media Aren't Telling You!

Complete Infedels Guide to the KoranA decade ago families and nations witnessed the frightening destruction of the World Trade Center. As we watched these monolithic icons crash to the ground our hearts broke for the many thousands of innocent lives lost. Families broken; relationships severed. Men, women, and children perished. And for what?

For the last ten years Americans have been told that Islam is the "religion of peace," and that we have nothing to fear as it creeps upon our shores, erects mosques near our homes, and spreads like wild-fire across the globe. It's time we took off the blinders; it's time we identify Islam for what it really is.

In The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran, Robert Spencer brings to light the facts and details Muslims and mainstream media wish to keep out of sight. The Koran instructs Muslims to kill non-muslims, but the news won't tell you that. The Koran permits a man to beat his wife (and even tells him how!), but the media won't tell you that. The Koran demands that Christians, Jews, and all non-muslims pay a tax to Muslim leaders to show subjection - but the media won't share that with you either.

Did you know that much of the growth of Islam is the result of people not understanding the religion? Let's change that. This year, remembering the tragedy of 9/11, let us open the eyes of our great nation. Let us expose Islam for what it is, and protect the innocent lives it wishes to take.

Get your copy of The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran today, and help us begin to make the change our children and grandchildren need in order to survive the plague of Islam.

Was: $19.95 ORDER NOW FOR $16.95!

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