Five must-read pieces from the magazine Three years since the crash and not a single "bankster" is in jail Where has all the anger over grotesque bank bonuses gone? Why has there been no accountability? By Mehdi Hasan A crisis has come, so it's time for Cameron to bang on about Europe The European crisis demands a fuller response than Cameron has given but he is cautious with good reason. By Rafael Behr Leader: In praise of the pugnaciously independent class of 2010 The new intake of MPs has a reassuring tendency to defy the whips. The NS has profiled some of the brightest and best. By New Statesman A very English revolution Middle England feels betrayed by the coalition's shake-up of planning rules - the biggest since the 1930s. Are the Tories ready to go to war with their own core vote? By William Cash The rise of dominionism How a religious movement is making US liberals nervous. By Alice Miles Five most-popular blogs Should society let uninsured people die? "YEAH!" Crowd at Monday night's Republican presidential debate cheer at suggestion that society should allow the uninsured to die. By Samira Shackle The coalition's woes with women For the Liberal Democrats there is both extreme risk and a glimmer of opportunity. By Gavin Kelly Forget about looking for "The One" and have fun with the many The idea that everyone has a soulmate whom they are destined to love for ever is both implausible and cruel. By Laurie Penny What do the unemployment figures actually show? There was no good news in today's figures -- and this is just the beginning. By David Blanchflower Whatever is decided on the 50p tax rate, it will cost Osborne dear The 50p tax rate is the first occasion Miliband has been properly ahead of the curve. By Dan Hodges The issue is on sale now, or you can subscribe through the website. Get a FREE copy of Here Comes Trouble: Stories From My Life by Michael Moore when you start your annual subscription today for just £87.  | Now recruiting New Statesman Jobs is the job site for intelligent and forward thinking job seekers. Click below to search jobs from our featured employers. Treasurer Arthritis Care is now seeking to recruit its new Treasurer; a role which will be pivotal to Arthritis Care's future success and which will be responsible for overseeing the financial matters of the charity and in helping us to grow and mature professionally.
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