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[Slashdot] Stories for 2010-08-30

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Slashdot Daily Newsletter

In this issue:
* Gecko Inspired Robot Climbs Walls at Stanford
* Researchers Cripple Pushdo Botnet
* Jet Packs, Finally On Sale
* Bill Gates Enrolls His Kids In Khan Academy
* China Plans To Mine the Yellow Sea Floor
* The iPad As a Shape-Recognition System
* Microsoft's Security Development Process Under CC License
* What 'IT' Stuff Should We Teach Ninth-Graders?
* Sony Continues To Lose Ground In Mobile Gaming
* Brazil Using Smartphones For Planning the Future
* Intel To Buy Smartphone Chipmaker Infineon For $2B
* 3 Prototypes From HP, In Outline
* Network Neutrality Is Law In Chile

| Gecko Inspired Robot Climbs Walls at Stanford |
| from the needs-to-be-at-thinkgeek dept. |
| posted by timothy on Saturday August 28, @22:43 (Robotics) |
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/0019240/Gecko-Inspired-Robot-Climbs-Walls-at-S|

telomerewhythere writes "Stanford mechanical engineer Mark Cutkosky is
using the biology of a gecko's sticky foot to create a robot that climbs.
In the same way the small reptile can scale a wall of slick glass, the
[0]Stickybot can climb smooth surfaces with feet modeled on the intricate
design of gecko toes. The team's new project involves scaling up the
material for humans. A technology called Z-Man, which would allow humans
to climb with gecko adhesive, is in the works."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://news.stanford.edu/news/2010/august/gecko-082410.html

| Researchers Cripple Pushdo Botnet |
| from the nothing-wrong-with-the-word-cripple dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @02:01 (Botnet) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/0055246/Researchers-Cripple-Pushdo-Botnet |

Trailrunner7 writes with this from ThreatPost: "Researchers have [0]made
a huge dent in the Pushdo botnet, virtually crippling the network, by
working with hosting providers to take down about two thirds of the
command-and-control servers involved in the botnet. Pushdo for years has
been one of the major producers of spam and other malicious activity, and
researchers have been monitoring the botnet and looking for ways to do
some damage to it since at least 2007. Now, researchers at Last Line of
Defense, a security intelligence firm, have made some serious progress in
crushing the botnet's spam operations. After doing an analysis of
Pushdo's command-and-control infrastructure, the researchers identified
about 30 servers that were serving as C&C machines for the botnet.
Working with the hosting providers who maintained the servers in
question, the LLOD researchers were able to get 20 of the C&C servers
taken offline, the company said."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/researchers-cripple-pushdo-botnet-082710

| Jet Packs, Finally On Sale |
| from the pretty-penny-pretty-fun dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @05:13 (Toys) |
| https://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/0643217/Jet-Packs-Finally-On-Sale |

Bad_CRC1945 writes "The good news: Not one, but [0]two companies are
selling jet packs. The bad news: The tech has a long way to go. In the
past, potential buyers have been stymied by two problems: Rocket belts
aren't for sale, and even prototypes run on modern-day fuel (as opposed
to whatever the Jetsons use) which means rocket belts can weigh upwards
of 100 pounds, with only enough fuel to stay aloft for under a minute."
That second problem's still with us, but the article hints that jet-fuel
options (for the brave) could considerably extend users' time aloft.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/aviation/diy-flying/4217989

| Bill Gates Enrolls His Kids In Khan Academy |
| from the open-course-ware dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @08:24 (Education) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/0456229/Bill-Gates-Enrolls-His-Kids-In-Khan-Academ|

theodp writes "At some schools, a [0]teaching load of five courses every
academic year is considered excessive. But Sal Khan, as an [1]earlier
Slashdot post noted, manages to deliver his mini-lectures an average of
70,000 times a day. BusinessWeek reports that [2]Khan Academy [3]has a
new fan in Bill Gates, who's been singing [4]and tweeting the praises of
the free-as-in-beer website. 'This guy is amazing,' Gates wrote. 'It is
awesome how much he has done with very little in the way of resources.'
Gates and his 11-year-old son have been soaking up videos, from algebra
to biology. And at the Aspen Ideas Festival in front of 2,000 people,
[5]Gates gave Khan a shout-out, touting the 'unbelievable' Khan Academy
tutorials that 'I've been using with my kids.'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://chronicle.com/article/Lightening-the-Teaching-Load/46221/
1. http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/06/27/2047233/Khan-Academy-Delivers-100000-Lectures-Daily
2. http://www.khanacademy.org/
3. http://money.cnn.com/2010/08/23/technology/sal_khan_academy.fortune/index.htm
4. http://twitter.com/BillGates/status/22062530776
5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A07Pj71TUA

| China Plans To Mine the Yellow Sea Floor |
| from the explosive-extraction dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @09:33 (Earth) |
| https://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/135221/China-Plans-To-Mine-the-Yellow-Sea-Floor |

eldavojohn writes "Details are limited but state media is reporting on
$75 million being put into a new research facility in Qingdao, Shandong
Province that [0]will conduct research into mining the sea floor. From
the article: 'Scientists believe sea beds at a depth of 4,000 to 6,000
meters hold abundant deposits of rare metals and methane hydrate, a
solidified form of natural gas bound into ice that can serve as a new
energy source.' The research center's first goal is to do surveying and
exploration with a new submersible named 'Jiaolong' ([1]a mythical
aquatic Chinese dragon). Hopefully these quests yield energy resources to
meet growing demand for resources like [2]liquefied coal in China."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.china.org.cn/environment/2010-08/27/content_20803758.htm
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiaolong
2. http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/26052/

| The iPad As a Shape-Recognition System |
| from the what-have-we-here dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @10:42 (Displays) |
| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/1443222/The-iPad-As-a-Shape-Recognition-System |

An anonymous reader writes with an interesting use for the iPad: "The
guys over at the Volumique blog have a different idea as to how to tackle
apps for Apple's devices. They aren't just thinking about a digital
activity on such devices, they are experimenting with [0]using physical
objects through Apple's multi-touch screens. Imagine being able to buy
the playing pieces for a board game, but then loading up an app on your
iPad for the actual board. The pieces would be recognized when placed on
the iPad's screen, it would even recognize which direction they were
facing. This may sound like an impossible feat unless you use a much more
expensive device like Microsoft Surface, but Bertrand Duplat and Etienne
Mineur at Volumique already have it working."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.geek.com/articles/mobile/ipad-iphone-tactile-object-recognition-system-bodes-well-for-board-games-20100827/

| Microsoft's Security Development Process Under CC License |
| from the share-nicely dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @11:50 (Microsoft) |
| https://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/1545216/Microsofts-Security-Development-Proc|

An anonymous reader writes "The H Online writes: 'Microsoft has placed
its process for secure software development [0]under a Creative Commons
License. The company hopes that this will lead to more developers
utilising its process for programming software more securely across the
entire product lifecycle ...'"

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Microsoft-s-Security-Development-Lifecycle-under-Creative-Commons-License-1068172.html

| What 'IT' Stuff Should We Teach Ninth-Graders? |
| from the illustrated-primer dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @13:11 (Education) |
| https://ask.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/1710203/What-IT-Stuff-Should-We-Teach-Ninth-Graders|

gphilip writes "I have been asked to contribute ideas for the preparation
of a textbook for ninth graders (ages circa 14 years) in the subject of
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Could you suggest
material to include in such a text? More details below." Quite a few
details, actually ��� how would you add to the curriculum plan outlined

This story continues at:

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| Sony Continues To Lose Ground In Mobile Gaming |
| from the but-marcus-is-so-hilarious dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Sunday August 29, @14:28 (PlayStation (Games)) |
| https://games.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/1813229/Sony-Continues-To-Lose-Ground-In-Mobile-G|

donniebaseball23 sends this quote from an opinion piece at Industry
Gamers: "On Monday, news came down the pipeline from SCEE president
Andrew House that Sony wants to [0]focus on a younger audience for the
PSP with future titles. My immediate reaction was one of shock and
confusion. After all, in an interview with IndustryGamers at E3, Nintendo
of America president Reggie Fils-Aime noted that, 'the way I would
describe the market for the Nintendo 3DS would be the launch market that
we had with the Nintendo DS [1]plus the launch market that maybe PSP had.'
When your primary competitor is looking to the exact market that you've
catered to, why would you abandon that market? There was a time when Sony
Computer Entertainment was a trailblazer, bringing things to the industry
ahead of everyone else. Nowadays, however, it seems that [2]Sony is
content to merely fall in step behind everyone else and simply try hard
to not fall too far behind."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/psp-to-focus-on-younger-audience-says-sony/
1. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/nintendos-reggie-talks-3ds-iphone-wii-hd-and-more/
2. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/opinion-sony-blazing-trails-or-following-the-herd/

| Brazil Using Smartphones For Planning the Future |
| from the emergent-order-too-unreliable dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @15:53 (Government) |
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/1950214/Brazil-Using-Smartphones-For-Planning-|

shafiur writes "Brazil has bought 150,000 LG smartphones and has embarked
on the [0]world's first fully digital national census. Can they succeed
when the US recently failed to go digital? The Brazilians say that the
digital census has several advantages over paper and pen methods. They
say that the data is more accurate since GPS data will pinpoint the exact
location of a household. The GPS data is cross-referenced with satellite
images to ensure that responses are correctly geo-tagged. The recently
begun census will underpin future publicy-making decisions."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://pbahra.com/2010/08/29/brazils-smartphone-census/

| Intel To Buy Smartphone Chipmaker Infineon For $2B |
| from the whatta-boggin dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @17:04 (Intel) |
| https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/2047240/Intel-To-Buy-Smartphone-Chipmaker-Infi|

sylverboss writes "Intel Corp., the world's largest chipmaker, is close
to an [0]agreement to buy Infineon Technologies AG's wireless business,
three people with direct knowledge of the discussions said. When it comes
to desktop, laptop and server chips, Intel's pretty much got a lock on
the market but everyone can see the writing on the wall: mobile chips and
architectures are the future of computing thanks to the popularity of
smartphones, but Intel doesn't have anything to offer in that regard.
Don't know Infineon? You should: they are the guys who have supplied
Apple with their iPhone baseband chips since 2007."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-08-26/intel-said-to-be-near-purchase-of-infineon-division.html

| 3 Prototypes From HP, In Outline |
| from the /_337-photoshop-sk1llz dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @18:17 (HP) |
| https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/2215207/3-Prototypes-From-HP-In-Outline |

tekgoblin writes "Since the recent HP buyout of PALM we have been waiting
for what HP may have in store for us. Well HP's CTO Phil McKinney has
tweeted some [0]pictures of 3 new devices that could be released in the
near future." Note: the pictures' most relevant bits are blacked out with
the subtlety of an expurgated FBI document, but they have me curious,
especially about the wrist-worn device.

Discuss this story at:

0. http://www.tekgoblin.com/2010/08/29/hp-teases-3-new-prototypes/

| Network Neutrality Is Law In Chile |
| from the muy-bien-tal-vez dept. |
| posted by timothy on Sunday August 29, @19:25 (The Internet) |
| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/08/29/2245246/Network-Neutrality-Is-Law-In-Chile |

An anonymous reader writes "Chile is the first country of the world [0]to
guarantee by law the principle of network neutrality, according to the
Teleccomunications Market Comission's Blog from Spain. The official
newspaper of the Chilean Republic published yesterday a Law that
guarantees that any Internet user will be able to use, send, receive or
offer any content, applications or legal services over the Internet,
without arbitrary or discriminatory blocking."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://archiver.mailfighter.net/nnsquad/2010/August/29/0002.html

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