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Tech Update: Buyers Send iPhones on a Long Relay to China

If you have trouble reading this e-mail, go to: http://www.nytimes.com/indexes/2010/09/23/technology/techupdate/index.html
A store in Chinatown offers to buy and unlock the iPhone 4.

Buyers Send iPhones on a Long Relay to China

Demand for Apple gadgets has created a system for buying iPhones in New York and reselling them in China.

Facebook Credits gift cards at a Target store in Miami.

Facebook Hopes Credits Make Dollars

The currency, Credits, passed a milestone as the top developer of Facebook applications adopted it this month.


Facebook Founder to Donate $100 Million to Help Remake Newark's Schools

The gift from Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive of Facebook, to the notoriously troubled school system is part of his plan to start an educational foundation.

Show's Title, in Symbols, Defies DVRs

It turns out that the search tools on some DVRs cannot find the new show, "$#*! My Dad Says," because the symbols cannot be read.

Animation of a catheter used to implant the valve.

Promising Results in Trial of Heart Valve Procedure

Survival rates rose for those receiving the valve, though the incidence of strokes and other complications was higher for that group.

Room For Debate

The Buried Threats in That Tweet

Can Twitter and other social network sites do more to head off the hackers?

Personal Tech

State of the Art

Sony Raises Camera Feats to New Level

Move over, S.L.R.'s, here comes the Alpha A55 camera, an I.L.C. (interchangeable-lens compact) from Sony.

Loomtack, a roll of adhesive vinyl, can be fed into a printer to make decals.

Expanding the Creative Horizons of Your Printer

Home printers can be used to make custom textiles, as well as to produce board games, 3-D models and hardcover books.

CamCard's iPhone app, left, showing its card holder feature; and the WorldCard mobile app scanning a business card
App Smart

Bringing Order to the Chaos of a Business Card Collection

App developers are offering new ways to scan and organize business cards that make them easy to find.


Ways to Remove a Broken Plug

The headphone plug broke off in my laptop's sound jack. Is there anyway to fix this so I can listen to my music?


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