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Tech Update: Google Is Determined to Crack the Social Code

If you have trouble reading this e-mail, go to: http://www.nytimes.com/indexes/2010/10/18/technology/techupdate/index.html

Google Is Determined to Crack the Social Code

Google likes to have its finger on the pulse of the Web, and that's becoming harder to do as users increasingly use closed networks like Facebook.

Will Apple's Culture Hurt the iPhone?

Apple's PC-versus-Mac battle almost put it out of business. Is it creating a similar one in the smartphone field?

Bits Blog

Applications Misused Data, Facebook Acknowledges

A Facebook engineer said that some applications were passing along personal data in a violation of policy.

Carol Bartz, chief of Yahoo. Despite rumblings, Yahoo has a huge audience and is profitable.

Even Under New Captain, Yahoo Seems Adrift

The good will that Carol Bartz had when she took over Yahoo two years ago is wearing thin. Her turnaround plan has yet to produce significant results.

A screenshot from the Facebook game

At Facebook, Hollywood Stardom as a Game

In FameTown, a new game modeled after the popular FarmVille and Mafia Wars, users play aspiring actors trying to make it big.

Germany Is the Last Holdout in YouTube's European Music Quest

Google, using a carrot-and-stick approach of negotiation and music blackouts, is beginning to root out the legal hurdles to YouTube's growth in Europe.

'It's a Book'

In Lane Smith's new picture book, three friends discover something that doesn't text, tweet or toot.

Microsoft Moves to Help Nonprofits Avoid Piracy-Linked Crackdowns

Microsoft is expanding its efforts to prevent governments from using software piracy inquiries to silence people.

The Many Faces of You

What you tell your best friend may not be what you would tell your boss. Online social networks are finally realizing that.

The United States is far behind Europe in adopting so-called smart credit cards - those with embedded chips - but maybe that isn't a problem.
Digital Domain

Maybe Your Old Credit Card Is Smart Enough

They may not be "smart," but ordinary magnetic-stripe credit cards don't need a brain of their own. Their network provides it.

From the Magazine

The Medium

E-Readers' Collective

What's the use of reading in a crowd?

Little Brother is Watching

In the Web era, we are eroding our privacy all by ourselves.

Personal Tech

Gadgetwise Blog

CardStar's Vision Problem

Cardstar's app replaces your shopping loyalty cards with an on-screen barcode-but some new smartphone screens can't be scanned at the checkout counter.


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